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Everything posted by Rob1885

  1. The Courier have us and Queens Park in for Chris Kane, I'd imagine he'll go there
  2. He's not been sufficiently backed to bring in his targets, hardly a mad conspiracy is it?
  3. Don't know what u expect when you're constantly coming at me wee man.
  4. For how attractive a proposition we'd be I'd probably go for somebody like Gary Naysmith. I can see Mcpake walking after what I heard last night.
  5. With Raith signing Rudden and James Brown, they're even signing players in our limited pool who have played for Dundee or St Johnstone
  6. Do you disagree? Off the park yes we do owe them. On it, the continous bad decision making has hampered the football club. Undoubtably.
  7. Mccarthur welcomed these Germans in as felt we'd hit our ceiling. We'd only hit our ceiling because the board consistently fucked up on the footballing decisions whilst smaller clubs such as Livingston left us in the dust.
  8. Course I'd not, least I'd be getting something out it if we were near top of the league rather than getting horsed near enough everytime I see them play.
  9. It's due publishing soon, wouldn't be correct business practice for me to mention specifics.
  10. 7 figure losses and a terrible product on the park, sounds about right.
  11. Thistle and Rovers also decent away days, proper grounds
  12. Ayr for me, great ground and ive never seen us lose there in nearly 10 trips.
  13. Consistently punching below our weight for the past 10 years and its started grating.
  14. Nae danger is this model the best chance to get us to the premiership.
  15. I think the accounts will show we were hardly sustainable in league 1 last season. These guys don't know what they're doing.
  16. Almost hoping we go down, the board piss off and we can rip it up from scratch. Not arsed about your youth academy or strange ideas one bit, let us run a proper football club.
  17. skint and got no money for anymore deals would be my guess. talking to a few boys at 7s the night and all just scunnered with the pars.
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