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Everything posted by Rob1885

  1. The guy who started the McManus thread a few weeks ago called the signings of Faisal and Nisbet about a month out so he's probably in the know.
  2. Nearly signed Brown last Summer but it never came off for whatever reason.
  3. 2 goals against the mob from Grangemouth. Legend in my eyes tbh.
  4. For every Andy Ryan and El Bakhtaoui, you've a Lawrence Shankland and a Nicky Clark.
  5. Aye sounds it. Salt of the earth, couldn't do more for you. Very good.
  6. The Friday night when it all came to an end was great tele.
  7. Joe Cardle and a bridie is all I'm wanting next season.
  8. How not? Nostalgia is exactly what we want from Dunfermline!
  9. If we cant get Thomas back on loan, it would he wise to put Dow back on the right. Much better there than the left.
  10. Absolutely. When we rejected the bid(s) on deadline day we were 4 points ahead of relegation play off. Hardly home and dry. The timing of the his was everything. Had we been offered the same halfway through the month, I reckon we'd have seen Nisbet leave. That said, were the bids better due to a standout performance against Dundee live on the tele in late january? f**k knows.
  11. Wow, who knew a dunfermline signing would get so much coverage. Rent free.
  12. An assumption based on a conversation my employer had with HMRC with fixed term contracts being the subject.
  13. Clubs wont be pursued for "cheating" furlough, by extending contracts on a month by month basis. 100%.
  14. It doesnt matter who the source is if the advice is incorrect. Wrong advice is wrong advice.
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