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Everything posted by Rob1885

  1. Played Hearts off the park in the league cup in 2018 and lost the winner 10 minutes before the end. Mind it being a bit of a tough one to take considering how well we'd played.
  2. Aye that was a dull yin. Absolutely chucked that game away.
  3. the winning goal from this cup final. they were 100% for the taking and doumbe absolutely sclaffs one in. sickener.
  4. Boris saying in the daily telegraph hes no more likely to use a national lockdown again than he is to use the nuclear deterrent. Some boy.
  5. It's a great idea. The execution seems to have ruined it.
  6. Beat them 3 times at Somerset though. In the words of Brad Bobley: so sweet.
  7. Macdonald is a great signing. He would be number 1 at every Championside side outwith Hearts.
  8. Disgusting way to speak about a club legend. Reported.
  9. I mind him being a complete fanny when on loan at Falkirk. Would take.
  10. He's got as good a resume as you'll get at this level and was solid enough. Darren Jamieson signed for Kelty through the week, one I hoped we would have been looking at.
  11. Every club has morons in their support. It's a reflection of wider society.
  12. I'm hoping more will be made of the fact that Dece McManus was in talks with Falkirk and sacked them off for the mighty pars. You really do love to see it.
  13. Any other ex Falkirk or Raith jobber. Seems to be our market for the last 5 years.
  14. It's a very valid point to raise though. Baffling you have an issue with it.
  15. Aird was class. Miss him. Some journo on Twitter reporting McManus is done gonna 2 year deal and o'hara is done on a 3 year deal.
  16. Be a kick in the teeth to every disabled fan Dunfermline has.
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