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Everything posted by Rob1885

  1. Well this is different. Didn't mind Connolly, wasn't arsed when he got released. Should do well for a team looking to challenge for the title in league 1. Seen you linked with Andy Stirling. Both predominantly left wingers I'd say. Would prefer Stirling out the 2.
  2. All you'll need now is to prize Michael Moffat away from Ayr and you'll have completed the grand trio of Dunfermline signings summer 2014. 7th place finish incoming.
  3. Throwback to a centre midfield pairing of Nat Wedderburn and Mick Paton absolutely strolling Hearts away.
  4. Aye had 2 bids knocked back apparently. Can't work out if we've not got a pot to piss in or if that statement we put out a couple of weeks ago was a curve and we're actually absolutely caked in cash.
  5. He is class, hope you appreciate his talents unlike the wee team.
  6. Still no further forward in ascertaining what on earth you were on about.
  7. Oliver just the quintessential championship merry go round signing.
  8. Although we finished 7th the season GB was with us, I rated him highly and was disappointed he didn't get kept on. Great signing for this league.
  9. "Biggest Club in the Championship last season" Think questions need to be asked if Buchanan sat a medical prior to signing, clearly isn't all there.
  10. All salt of the earth guys as far as I'm concerned.
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