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Everything posted by Rob1885

  1. His comments in the interview suggest that he had a few offers.
  2. f**k knows why they made the Athens like that.
  3. Waiting on Arbroath & Newcastle to win their leagues for £1,750, pleaseeeeee don't let me down
  4. There is surely money for a striker considering we were holding back X amount for Faisal.
  5. Looks like it's Dunfermline fans subsidizing Skacel's extortionate wage.
  6. Bought both of these recently. The all white ones are fucked already though.
  7. Murdoch not involved tonight or on Saturday. Rumour has it he's picked up an injury.
  8. It's on spotify. My personal favourite is 'scum'. Still need two strikers, won't be overly impressed if one of them is Beck. Would take Nade and the Fais tbh. Todd looked good on Wednesday, think he'd be a decent enough option. Haven't been that impressed with recruitment this year. Would be pleased with 7th/6th next season on the face of things at the moment.
  9. Moffat looked as useless as always. Strikers 100% needed.
  10. Liked the look of Todd, Beck took his goal well but wasn't involved that much apart.
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