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Posts posted by Milo

  1. I don't speak Ork, sorry lad. :( but if I was to have a guess, its probs some sort of reference to Celtic. ;) most of his inane ramblings tend to be.

    "go to poster child " - meaning he's on his own, dreaming.

    "sporting wing" - Celtic fc, described as the sporting wing of the IRA .

    Thanks to you both for trying but my poor, befuddled brain just can't take much more of this.

    I seem to remamber a Star Trek episode where the aliens' language was completely based on cryptic metaphors, which made the ship's computer useless for translation purposes.

  2. PM?


    The Dhensest solution to the shameful debate he would simply rather not have to address at all - let alone in public.

    But, who wouldn't understand with his very lonely role as the go-to poster child for the sporting wing/soldier bhoy dichotomy? Can you not square this circle, Dhense?

    God knows, I do make an effort to read through this thread, I really do.

    But sometimes it's just made so difficult.

    For example, I've read the phrase highlighted above several times now, but I've still no idea as to what it might mean.

    It's like very bad 1950s beatnik poetry; or someone trying to be Jack Kerouac - and failing miserably. My old English teacher used to tell us to always, "avoid the ramifications of using an over-elaborate metaphor". I think this illustrates what he was on about.

    Can someone translate?

    English preferably.

  3. Agree, I read that from this piece of news as well. :lol:

    Run that club into the ground with every means available and not available and don't spare the has-been experienced pros or the young players that in reality will be playing for the likes of Pollok or Arthurlie in a year or two, nor the easy money from the gullible zealot supporters (cash cow/mugs/fuckwits). Buy into the dream like football fans did with Gretna, they set the standards to surpass. SPFL or bust??

    The fear of failure in not reaching the SPFL in just 3 season is huge at Rangers football club. So much fear. :blink::lol:

    Clearly McCoist has no idea of Rangers current plight and I fully expect him to emerge from next months AGM with a face on him like he had back after he had that meeting with Craig Whyte who told him he wasn't getting any more money to spend despite the transfer of Jelavic to Everton. :lol:

    Btw, how come Rangers are not playing tonight?

    …to be fair, both Arthurlie and Pollok are honourable clubs with proud traditions. I believe that both clubs operate a "Nae Riffraff" signing policy.

  4. Dear Sevco,

    Please, please, please stop it, my aching sides have been punished enough. This circus has been going on Forfar too long and all this dignity new club is showing is really getting to me.

    Would it be too much to ask for you to stop fighting like cats soaked in piss and thrown in a bag, just long enough for me to savour the fact that Ally blamed the loss to opposition, whose whole team is paid less than any single one of yours, on Charlie saying nasty things and the signing ban (which lets be frank has been utterly ineffective).

    If your board do decide to fight like pissed quines, scratching each others eyes out over a dropped chips n cheese on the same day the team get pumped out of a cup again, the giggle complex in my brain (or Shatners bassoon), might burst.

    Thanks in advance



    I think I will nominate this post for this year's Nobel Prize for Literature.

    Dickens, Gogol, Graeme Greene, Albert Camus; eat your hearts out!

  5. That's some statement. The Rangers surrounded on all sides, a cynical media, deliberate campaign of misinformation being waged against them, a repetition of the possibility of sinister forces at play. He even mentions a schism within the Rangers' supporters!

    I predict that in his next statement, Herr Traynor will officially reveal details of the Revenge Weapons which will be unleashed against Rangers' enemies and will utterly destroy them.

    Chuckle, Chuckie über alles!

  6. What if they are right and a massive re-suss happens and Rangers are brought back to life and are not liquidated? :o

    You mean like in "Frankenstein" where the reanimated monster realises that, because of its brutish behaviour, it can never be accepted as an equal in any civilised society and so decides to hunt down and destroy the evil man who created it?

    A sort of, "four men had a scream"!

    Where's that coat?

  7. Probably up already but this is the STV article which came out over an hour ago

    In full: Rangers statement on SPL investigation into use of EBTs

    STV 10 September 2012 17:26 BST 127273-charles-green-enters-ibrox-stadium.jpg

    Charles Green: Rangers chief executive released statement on Monday.SNS Group

    Rangers stated that they are refusing to take part in the Scottish Premier League's investigation into the club's use of offshore employee benefit trusts (EBTs) to pay players.

    Here is the statement from Rangers chief executive Charles Green in full:

    "The Rangers Football Club Limited will not attend tomorrow's hearing (Tuesday, September 11) of the SPL-appointed commission investigating the circumstances surrounding the use of employee benefit trusts by previous owners of the club. The club cannot continue to participate in an SPL process that we believe is fundamentally misconceived……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..

    "Once again I would thank our supporters for their patience and tolerance. They have been asked to take it on the chin time and again and we stand united in saying: no more. As far as I am concerned, Rangers Football Club has won a world record 54 league titles, and, whatever the decision of the SPL commission, these titles cannot and will not be taken away from us and our manager Ally McCoist is in total agreement."

    Is it just me?

    When I read the statement (in full) it was almost as if I could hear Craig Whyte's voice speaking the words.

    Has he been secretly in charge at Ibrox all the time? Hidden away in a secret high-tech command room, manipulating everyone while laughing quietly to himself as he strokes the unfeasibly large, white, shaggy cat on his lap? Oh, where is James Bond when you need him?

    "Yesh, Mish Moneypenny - if it'sh a big shaggy pussy I'm shertainly the man for the job!"

  8. What Green will next say is that he gave the money over to the powers that be at Hampden and that they were going to hand it over to the clubs, and therefore it's not his fault that the clubs haven't got their money it's the SFA/SPL.

    They in turn will say they have no idea what Green is on about as they haven't been in contact with him for ages.

    But it doesn't matter what Green says anymore. He has whipped up a distrust of everything SFA/SPL with the SevCo fans and whilst they may not trust him, they certainly trust the SFA/SPL even less.

    The guy is begging for the fans to buy season tickets, and you now have clowns like Sandaza coming out and saying that they can do the quadruple this season and that the reason he signed for the club was because of it's season ticket sales!!! blink.gif

    SevCo and it's fans are like the very fat guy that goes to the doctor's complaining of shortness of breath. The doc tells him he is obese and needs to lose weight. The guy, says he is more worried that he can't breath. Doc, again states that this is due to him being fat and MUST lose weight. Fatty then leaves doctor's still puzzled about how his breathing can be affected by his weight, and feels a bit down that the doc couldn't couldn't help. So he goes to McDs to cheer himself up. He then tries another doctor, and is told the same thing, and another, another. All tell him it is because he is fat. Eventually he ends up in hospital critically ill, but when his equally fat mates turn up they bring him a McDs to cheer him up!!!

    The point is no one at SevCo or it's fans actually wants to hear the truth. They fear if they hear the truth then it will be come true only because they heard it. Yet it would still have happened anyway.

    Green needs to show written proof of these debts having been paid. He needs to show proof of where the fans money is going.

    The fans are under the illusion that if they do all they can, and give every last penny they have to the club, then it will rise up "again". But yet none of them have any idea where their money is going.

    Some SevCo fans on here are too busy slagging off everyone for their grammar or comments, because they would rather return to type than question if their loyalty to the club is warranted. There comes a point sometimes when no matter how loyal you are to a friend, you just can't defend them anymore.

    SevCo are relying on the fans to remain "Rangers 'til I die."

    Is it loyalty or blind faith?

    Great post! It hits the nail right on the head. Rangers' fans continue to be conned something rotten but can't bring themselves to believe it's still happening.

  9. It's well known that Boutros Boutros Galli wasn't appointed as UN general secretary until they got a rubber-stamping nod behind the scenes from Souness. Gorbachev, Major, George Bush snr? Pah. Mere details compared with the moustachioed midfield hardnut-turned global political fixer. A mere shiver of disapproval from his perm was enough to end the political career of presidents and prime ministers across the world.

    It's funny that you would never see Souness and Barry Chuckle, (the smaller and, if I may venture, more talented of the glorious Brothers Chuckle) in the same room at the same time.

    Hmmmmm! Makes you think, though.

  10. How about this for a cunning plan?...

    SPL member club goes into administration.

    SPL member club is liquidated.

    New owner attempts to re-start them.

    New owner applies to join the SFL in Div 3.

    Fcuk me. Surprised no-one else has thought of this.

    Honestly, how naive can you get? That kind of, head in the clouds, thinking might be okay for intellectuals and philosophers, but this is the real world.

    Those kind of thoughts could get you into trouble.

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