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Posts posted by Milo

  1. Honestly, you leave this thread be for a day or two and then, when you eventually come back to it, it's changed so much you can't recognise it. I've seen "Carry On" films with a more logical storyline than this, (I'm thinking specifically of Khyber and Cleo).

    So - the Blue Knights, who don't do walking away, have done just that. What wacky, zany, golly-gee-whilikers development can possibly come next?

    My money's on a joint bid from that nice Amanda Barrie and Asian millionaire playboy, the Khazi of Khalibar!

  2. Rangers" administration saga is truly odd.

    Deadlines are announced and are then slowly pass with nothing happening. News conferences come and go with no-one the wiser as to what is really happening.

    I'm sure I saw an old episode of the "Twilight Zone" that was a bit like this - a strange, otherwordly experience where time and logic lose all meaning..........and nothing is as it first appears.

    I'll close now as I'm making myself scared and it's not easy typing this from behind the sofa with a cushion over my face.

  3. St Mirren have a teapot, St Johnstone have a teapot, Celtic have a teapot... everyone has a teapot, including Rangers. The difference is that everyone else bought their tea bags, while for over a decade, Rangers stole them out of Tesco without paying.

    Now, if I went into Tesco and stole tea bags for ten years - here's what would happen. Tesco would ban me from their stores - they would not simply re-admit me if all I did was change my name from pozbaird to pozbaird fae' Paisley 2013. Secondly, they'd say 'you owe us ten year's worth of teabag money, ya' thievin' gypsy'. They would not shake my hand and accept my offer of 10p in the packet. They'd take away my Tesco Clubcard membership - and if I tried to transfer it to Asda for three years, before popping back up in my local Tesco, I'd be chased.


    Now, if I'm missing something, I apologise. Two sugars and milk please.

    All of a sudden I feel thirsty - have a green tea, sir.


    the story so far......................

    1) Whyte buys Rangers for £1

    2) Whyte voluntarily puts Rangers into administration so that he can appoint his choice of Administrators, (Duff & Phelps).

    3) Eighteen days pass without any major cost-cutting by the Administrators.

    4) The Administrators then begin legal action against Whyte, ( the man who chose them in the first place) for £9 Million he owes Rangers.

    5) The Administrators issue a press statement saying that Rangers cannot last out the rest of the season unless it starts immediate savings of £1 Million per month.

    Confused? Well, I certainly am.

    If you were to read this in a novel, you just wouldn't believe it - too far-fetched.

  5. Of course they are, I'm not trying to undermine your reasons for supporting your club at all, whatever those reasons may be. But you're wrong to say that there's no difference between supporting an Old Firm side and supporting a non-Old Firm side.

    You'll never know what it feels like to watch your team get scudded 4/5/6/ nil, and then the following week be faced with a 3 hour drive to Aberdeen, knowing that there's a fair chance your going to get humped again (not recently mind you ;)) and have to drive those 3 hours back knowing that even if you had won, it wouldn't matter because you're never going to win the league anyway. You may wonder why anyone would do that, you may think you'd have to be wrong in the head to get any kind of enjoyment from it. But the fact of the matter is that the feeling you have when you get to Hampden, or get any bit of relative success doesn't come from the thought of winning...it comes from the emotional journey you've had to go through over the years to get there. If you haven't made that journey...and as an Old Firm fan you won't...you'll never get to the level of sheer joy and excitement of those of us who have. And that's the bond that exists between fans of all other clubs...that's why we stick together when it comes to things like this, because we've all travelled that journey in one way or another.

    We might get into the Champions League next year. In fact it's looking increasingly likely with each passing day. And if we do, the feelings and emotions won't come from hoping to do well in it, or even being in it. They will come from sitting in my seat, watching the teams come out and remembering standing on the away terracing an Boghead as we scrape a draw against a team at the bottom of the 3rd, and not being surprised by it. Remembering what seemed like our annual pumping out the cup by Ayr United. Thinking of watching guys play for us who you were sure should be behind your mum in the pecking order for getting a game. All the while....the Champions League music plays over the tannoy. The feelings don't come from being in the champions league, they come from the journey you've travelled on the way there, and the acknowledgement and acceptance that you'll be travelling back along the same road in the other direction before you know it.

    It doesn't matter whether you're Rangers, or Celtic. Current club, or new incarnation. You'll never know what things like that feel like, and that's the difference. That's why we all band together, and why we will always see you both as one. Because you're the only ones that just don't get it.


    What an excellent post! An accurate description of how it feels to follow a non-Old Firm club.

    I would award you a red-and-yellow-hooped award of some kind, but all I can find is this green thingy. Well deserved!

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