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Everything posted by LargsTON

  1. We've been linked with Kevin Nisbet. Any good? What kind of player is he?
  2. Hope its Albuferia when I'm there so I can get a kickabout with Dylan Dykes and break his ankle.
  3. Yep. My favourite British fighter of all time. Probably why I've been desperate for Junior to emulate his Father's success but he's not in the same class.
  4. On that note, Eubank v Watson 2. Round 11.
  5. You've misunderstood. I meant the state they're in is a thing of beauty, hence they haven't made a monumental mess of things.
  6. Strangely enough was just about to post this. Wants to fight Ricky Burns before he retires and also wants a pop at Conor Benn.
  7. Aye I don't understand the whining of the Bairns here. I'm sure fans of every other club in the Championship would love a board that financed three new teams in as many years. Ungrateful wretches. They weren't greeting and moaning when the "Rayvolution" began last year. Sort yourselves out.
  8. This is the one I read. It's all very confusing now. Will be interesting to see what comes out in the coming days. I'm not sure about what Hearn said. If Joshua wasn't right before the fight and Hearn basically told him to crack on it paints him in a dreadful light so its not something I can see him admitting to. This may well be one of these incidents where we dont get the truth for years down the line.
  9. I'd seen that defeat coming like many did but I didn't like how it transpired. Where was the Fury tweet confirmed as fake news? I just took it at face value.
  10. So what's your view on why Joshua Snr went for Hearn? Peter Fury tweeted that Joshua wanted to pull out the fight and Hearn said no which would explain both his unusual behaviour before the first bell and the carry on post fight.
  11. I don't really see how that's relevant. I'm not a fan of Joshua btw so I'm not trying to look for excuses for him.
  12. I was referring more to the ringwalk and the fighters being introduced. He looked miles away. Even his standard bowing to four sides of the arena was absent, he instead opted to slouch against the ropes. All of the above might sound a bit hysterical but that's my take on it anyway. Mentally he was gone before a punch was even thrown.
  13. Only way the truth will come out is if we find out why AJs father went for Hearn in the ring. Anyone that watched that fight could see he wasn't right from the start. You dont have to be an expert in anything to deduce that. More will come out in the days to come, I'm sure of it.
  14. Exactly what I was thinking. Even from the ringwalks he didn't look right. Dunno if it was just because he was out of his comfort zone or fighting in an alien environment but he just wasnt himself.
  15. Until the whole thing collapses. Tbf that's all we heard before the first fight.
  16. Fury v Wilder signed and sealed for early next year apparently.
  17. I'm not sure Taylor will stop him in, if he does itll be late in the fight. Inoue looks a safe bet for an early stoppage though. Gutted I cant be at the hydro tonight.
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