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Everything posted by JohnJohn

  1. http://www.falkirkherald.co.uk/news/crime/teen-facing-trial-over-easter-egg-assault-on-girlfriend-1-4263079 Food fight goes to far in Falkirk
  2. My wee Pupster about to go all danny dyer on the Mrs for dressing him in a facking raincoat
  3. I drove a train once That is all
  4. Straight outta Compton - 8/10 clearly a favourable slant towards Dre, Ice Cube and Easy-E if you read up on their history but I enjoyed the film
  5. Its time like this you realise why people compare their team to their family, you can't change either but by **** you can be utterly baffled and embarrassed by them.
  6. Finished nightshift the other night headed to the gym, ended up cutting about collecting pokemon at 5am
  7. I've signed up to the worlds largest obstacle course which covers 20 miles, now considering the furthest I've ran is about 10 miles I could be doing with some pointers as to how to get the distance up, I play football with training twice a week and done the mens health survival this year in Edinburgh with no training, I'm not the quickest but I would rather get round going steady haha
  8. ratrace.co.uk are doing a london to edinburgh cycle over 4 days (or two if you are up to speed on EPO Doping ) looks pretty decent, Me and a couple of mates are considering it only draw back is getting the bike to the start line, not sure whether to plane or train it down
  9. seen a 50 shades of Falkirk page on my newsfeed, the mind judders at stories of nights at storm or the martel
  10. seen a 50 shades of Falkirk page on my newsfeed, the mind judders at stories of nights at storm or the martel
  11. is it me or does Bradley Wiggins come across as a bit of chug piece during interviews or with fans when he's not drawing raffles at the tour de france. I'm not a team sky or team GB basher and think what they have managed is fantastic. I really was in awe of his achievements but seeing him on the tele during this Olympiad I think he's a bit of a chunt
  12. my girlfriends dad has tried on many occasions (that is to turn me over to the dark side of football and not slip me a length)
  13. My Blue nose supervisor at work and another member of the shift (who isn't to interested in football but will back Rangers to the hilt) just tried to justify Fat Sally's statement, honestly it wasn't worth the argument the blue tinted spec's are unbelievable, "The Rangers are in this position because of 1 man - Craig White!" "They deserve the prize money from last year because it was Craig White's fault" I could go on but you get the picture, they all sing from the same orange walk song sheet! the reply when I asked about all the prize money won when they were playing superstars on dual contracts, Ohh everybody does it and if we get found guilty (cause we haven't yet) then all the SPL clubs are next So basically they have done no wrong - ohh and i'm a closet left footed arse cheek
  14. big break at the start of the race, the commentators have no clue what to make of it, 210km to go and they are panicking about a 4 min break away, the GB team are hardly putting the hammer down, i'll check back in about 2 hours to see what other insightful things I can learn from the bbc
  15. Daily P&B EXCLUSIVE "Div Womble Suggests Forum Reconstruction" Forum Won't Survive without Banner Sponsorship Deal which Demands Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread in SPL Forum!
  16. these classic looking Italian cleats just now but my favorite ever were these blue preds under 13 was probably the peak of my career
  17. Jesus. I've been trying to catch up with this all day! every time I read a page another one appears! I can't get to the deadline before another deadline has appeared! A bout a novel ago there was talk about losing the gate(s) from rangers during a season, one st.mirren fan said that they bring 1500 so say that's an extra 3000 tickets a season lost without rangers, if each of the rebel 10 brought an extra 300 fans to the away games this would fill the void. I think this could be feasible if there is a more competitive league. Then there is also lower policing costs as most fans out with the old firm are civilised and don't try to eat the seats and feel obliged to write there names on doors as they curl one out! But But But TV money I hear you say, so there is not as much TV money in a new deal but the rebel ten see next to he haw of it anyway, a re negotiated deal I reckon would see the diddy clubs getting a more even crust. The Diddy clubs should do what any loving family member would do to a brain dead relative with no quality of life and pull the plug. It gives them a chance to fight it out and strengthen to compete against the next super- villain ETA - Feel free to make this a montage
  18. Choking on the cards with the £5 notes coming through the big hoose letterbox
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