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Posts posted by deadasdillinger

  1. So a few supporters were pissed and made arses of themself...I take it you have never been to a Scotland away game? You actually mentioned Rangers fans invading the pitch in 1977..I can remember another set of supporters doing far worse in 1977. I take it you were supporting Slovenia last night then if you find drunken football supporters so offensive

    "A few supporters"... Funny how everyone in this thread will have similar stories involving these supporters...

    They must really get about, these few guys.

  2. Incidentally, I've seen Mastodon at their own shows, supporting bands like Tool and on festivals, and I've always found them a bit boring live and not very tight - quite sloppy on a number of occasions.

    Great band on record though.

  3. Really? I mean really?

    Their music is really bad (Bands with screamed vocals on the whole are shit), all they do is jump around like bunch a fannies and the guy vocalist jumps into the crowd from time to time. And this constitutes the best live band in the world?

    Some clown in the daily mail when reviewing the Mastodon gig said the same thing, that Mastodon were overshadowed by DEP and really can't get my head round how anybody can come to that conclusion. Mastodon came on and blew everyone the f**k away with loud, brilliant, heavy music and thats why i go to concerts. They dont have to act like wanks to try and cover up the fact the musics really really bad.

    Dillinger are probably my favourite metal band. Their live shows are some of the most intense around - you can't deny that there's a good level of crowd interaction, stage diving, coming into the crowd, absolutely MENTAL mosh pits that I've never really seen any other band compete with, just total carnage.

    Musically they're very technical and incredibly tight. They've got a strong and varied back catalogue - Calculating Infinity, the EP with Patton, and the albums with Greg have been fantastic.

    I can see why they wouldn't be to everyone's taste but the first time I saw them was Gig On The Green 2002 - they blew every other band off the stage. It was just carnage. That's what I want from my metal shows!

  4. I went the year Kreator played, 07 maybe? It was jammin'.

    Good fucking effort organising that. Consistently solid line ups.

    Good to hear! 2007 was indeed the year of Kreator, when we moved across from Manchester to Leeds, before moving a short walk up the road from the Met Uni that we used in 2007 to the Leeds University Union in 08 onwards (the venue where The Who recorded their famous Live in Leeds)

    I've not been involved in the day-to-day running since 2010 as I had to take a step back due to work. Just pitch in running a stage on the day and so on now.

    It's been an absolute pleasure though, starting something from the ground up and then blowing up to a size I never even considered we could reach, putting on Carcass, The Dillinger Escape Plan, Life of Agony - great fun. Also some of my own personal favourite across the smaller stages like This Will Destroy You, Shels, Maybeshewill and Devil Sold His Soul.

    When they get their act together and have a 2012 lineup taking shape, I'll fire a poster up in here!

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