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Posts posted by deadasdillinger

  1. As someone who has read the books, all I can say is there's so, so much goodness to come - and definitely a few shocks along the way! Can't wait for the new season.

  2. As someone who has read the books, all I can say is there's so, so much goodness to come - and definitely a few shocks along the way! Can't wait for the new season.

  3. I've stuck a post in the bargain basement ticket thread but worth repeating here. I've got standing tickets for the SECC gig available at face value if anyone's interested.

    I'll take them mate, never got round to sorting tickets at the time

    I'll PM you

  4. One of the questions is about countries in the Rugby World cup final tournaments, and Argentina is not a correct answer. Made me distrust the other answers to the other questions.

    Yep we found a missing answer, Somethin stupid in the Robbie Williams question.

  5. Catching up on this just now, not had a chance to watch it in 2013 so far.

    Anybody else get the Pointless board game? I got it a couple of months back for my birthday, been good fun over Christmas.

  6. Good finale.

    I was absolutely convinced that Debs had engineered the whole drugging / car crash. Dexter turns in Hannah and then later finds out that he's been betrayed by his sister in her attempts to catch Hannah. Apparently not though!

    Was good this season to finally see La Guerta catching onto Dexter, Debs learning about Dexter, how she reacted to that, all culminating at the ship yard. Sets us up pretty well for next season.

    It was a pretty odd season. Some of the worst episodes they've ever done and some really bad missteps - setting up Louis for a pretty big part and then casually offing him a few episodes in, the fucking bull and his torture maze, Quinn offing the club owner with no repercussions as yet, the arson storyline being built up really well and then tumbling down really weakly as they use it for Dexter to have one of his 'breakthroughs' - but some plot developments that fans have wanted to see for a long time and Dexter up to his knees in shit a number of times.

    I get a bit fed up of Dexter acting like he's "finally" learned to love. So far he's only had Rita, followed by one-season appearances for Lyla, Lumen and Hannah. Each time he acts like he's finally found "the one", which is pretty ridiculous.

    Will be a shame if that's Hannah off for good as I thought she was a pretty decent character and she seemed to have no end of see-through tops, which was absolutely wonderful.

  7. Said almost two months ago that this season was absolute jobby and haven't changed my mind. There have been some saving graces though; some, if not all, of the stuff with Hannah's character has been pretty good, although that may only be because she's absolutely fucking incredible looking.

    Quite enjoying Laguerta closing in on Dexter, not before time. The rest is pish.

    Decent last episode though so if they can avoid some of the sillier stuff (no more men in bull masks) we could be set up for a good finale.

  8. Every time Biffy go into the live lounge they tend to be amazing. This is no different.

    Both of these are stunning.

    Speaking as a man with two Biffy tattoos, that cover of 'We Built This City' is awful!!

  9. Finished my rewatch of this. Quite a few bits that are interesting to watch second time round; one example being the train episode, where Tod shoots that wee boy. Earlier in the episode, I noticed Walt and Jesse really went to great lengths to stress to him that noone could find out!

  10. My mates are filming for this today and tomorrow. They put up a picture last night on Facebook of their revision; them tanning a couple of bottles of Buckfast on the train to London.

    Should be good...

  11. Here's one for you regular gig goers. Any of you wear earplugs to gigs? I started having tinnitus and ear pain for days after gigs and I am terrified of damaging my hearing. I went to see Opeth on Tuesday and wore earplugs for the first time. I was amazed at how good it sounded. And of course, my ears weren't ringing after it.

    Think I'm going to start wearing them from now on.

    Didn't as a teenager or in early 20s but got fed up with days of ringing after. Now don't go without them. No ringing or ear damage, and a far better sound.

    Tend to think anyone who goes regularly and doesn't wear them is a bit of an idiot. Just asking for ear damage.

  12. My mate got me a ticket to see weezer doing full blue album in January, they are doing Pinkerton the day after which ill try to get to as well. Morrissey is on in December as is Omar Rodriguez-Lopez and hot snakes.

    Eh??? Where and when are Weezer playing?!

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