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Posts posted by deadasdillinger

  1. I think Boyd is good enough to play at least another season in the Prem, but agree with a few that he is definately past his prime. Although it is remembered by everyone that his goals kept us up before he departed to rangers again, I still remember having £10 on him to score a hat trick against hearts away in that season and after scoring 2 fairly difficult chances he then put 3 chances -2 of them in the 6 yarder one just outside over the bar before being subbed with 20 to go.

    If Boyd can get us 15 goals for the season that would be an amazing contribution since we do have some other potentual goal scorers. I think we could be the leagues dark horse this season. 7/1 for a top 6 finish is worth a punt.

    I was in exact same boat as you, had a tenner on myself. Only game I remember him being subbed off in that season too, meaning he never did get another chance after his fluffed efforts!

  2. I've got a good car sex related story.

    About 10 years ago I got myself into a stupid relationship as a teenager and ended up living with a girl a few years older than me. It started off great but after 6 months it turned out she was a nutter and our relationship was shite.

    Now that Ive got the disclaimer out the way for my behaviour........

    I asked a female friend of mine if she would have any friends who were up for a good time to relieve my boredom. I expected to get told to bolt but to my amazement she had a friend who fitted the bill, who knew me and seemed quite keen. So she hooked us up and I picked the girl up one night and had my wicked way with her in the car.

    I'd preplanned this adultery and I had spare clothes in a bag in the car, boxers etc included. After dropping the girl off I headed back to the scene of the crime (behind a factory) to get changed into my fresh clothes.

    Literally as I pulled on the fresh boxers the Fucking cops pulled up!!!! They asked me why I didn't have trousers on and, fearing a stint on the register, I had to think fast.

    I then told the cops that I had just finished work and, at this time of night, this was the safest place to go for a jog and I was simply changing from work clothes into running gear.

    They bought this and said their goodbyes and left. Sadly though they only drove about 50 yards away and parked.

    So I had to go a jog for about half an hour (to make it look realistic) lapping this factory as they just sat there, clearly not believing a word I had said.

    Looking back I should've just told them the truth about the girl.

    That's brilliant :D

    You should have thought of it as a wee lap of victory.

  3. McBain: But, captain, I can't avenge my partner's death with the pea shooter. Captain: I don't wanna hear it, McBain tha-that cannon of yours is against regulations! In this department, we go by the book. [McBain fires part of the book through the wall] McBain: Bye, book.


  4. Plenty worth watching. Great series. But after everything, what'll you remember most is the tits! ;)

    Is it sad that the thing I remember most is the stunning continuous shot from episode 4?

  5. Kurt Cobain Montage of Heck

    I really enjoyed it, but it wasn't without its problems. Overlong, glossed over certain things, gets caught up in being too stylised rather than giving insight at times.

    Some of the new footage was brilliant, some felt unnecessary.

    The rotoscope style animations and the use of loud, live, alternate versions of their music were fucking brilliant.

  6. The theory of everything

    Better than I thought it was going to be. I thought Gylenhaal had deserved the Oscar and he wasn't even nominated, but having now seen this I have no problem with Redmayne winning it. It is an incredible performance all things considered.

    Big Hero 6

    Was good. Brought some original ideas to what is such a formulaic genre. Still felt a bit like a million other kids films but it was enjoyable and got a few really big laughs.

    Watching it with the commentary of a four year old nephew on his third viewing adds extra hilarity.

  7. I'm a series 2 man meself. Not seen it in a while either, but I'd put them as...

    1. 2.

    2. 5

    3. 3

    4. 1

    5. 4

    Crazy talk! 4 is easily, easily the best. The child actors are magnificent. Final Grades is my favourite TV episode ever.

  8. Really enjoyed the whole season. Thought the finale was different to expectation - quite slow paced and thoughtful, with long scenes. I liked it.

    Sets us up nicely for a second.

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