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Posts posted by deadasdillinger

  1. The tracking six-minute long shot at the end of episode four is as good as any scene I've ever seen on TV. Mindblowingly good.

    I thought the way they wrapped up the case itself was very generic, the two cops tracking the serial killer down to his lair, having a fight, getting injured but pulling through. Felt like I'd seen it a million times. I really liked the final conversation with Rust opening his mind up to a bit more positivity and them exiting stage right. I'm glad the characters got a good ending, even if the case didn't get a particularly strong one, as for a detective show it was always more about the detectives themselves than the case, which was rare.

    Great show, and really interesting reading up about this virtually unknown guy who demanded complete creative control and got it in an unprecedented move. Trust HBO to be the ones to take the chance!

    McConaughey and Harrelson were both brilliant in it, keen to see where season 2 goes but it's a shame that they're not back for more

  2. Saw Rory McCann who plays The Hound at a GOT event in Glasgow a while back. It was a screening of the Blackwater episode at the GFT, with a Q&A with McCann afterwards. He was funny as f**k :)

  3. Pinocchio

    Had forgotten just how fucking insanely weird this film is. Watched it with my youngest nephew and couldn't take my eyes off it, bizarre. No one of the better Disney films.

    Road to Perdition

    Finally watched this after meaning to for years, good film with Tom Hanks playing more of a c**t than usual.

    The Grand Budapest Hotel

    What can I say? What an absolutely brilliant film. Stunning. Hadn't even fancied it that much from the adverts, just had a wee notion for it coupled with the rave reviews. Film of the year so far for me. Brilliantly written, directed, shot, acted, beautiful and funny from start to finish with a quirky and original feel all of its own - although if I had to make a comparison then I suppose Amelie wouod be the obvious one.

    Awesome. Go see it.

  4. With the greatest respect, comparing polls conducted on various football fora and those taken at student debates with the ones done by the likes of Gallup etc is not really valid.

    Professional polling companies attempt (or, they should at least), ensure that they try to conduct a poll with a sample which is as representative of the population as a whole as possible. When you have self-selecting surveys like those on here, then it's going to be those with the strongest motivation and interest who look to reply. As far as I'm aware, in the case of most referenda like this it is usually the side looking to break from the status quo who have more of this type of supporter.

    I could take a survey of the Edinburgh investment community (where I work), and I'd reckon that a no vote would carry the day by a proportion of around 4 to 1. But then, this also wouldn't be representative of the wider community either.

    The point of the article isn't to be representative of the whole country, merely showing how hard it is to find polls - online, from debates or otherwise - that don't back yes.

    These polls of 1000 or so people claim to be representative of the nation as a whole but are often complete bollocks, as 2011 showed.

    I find it more interesting that out of some 20,000 odd PCS members, 18000 opted to stay neutral, 5000 said yes and not a soul said no - or that out of 19,000(!) canvassed voters in the Donside by election, Yes won. That to me is more interesting than the results of 1000 folk being surveyed, whether its weighted or whatever other measure they've taken to make it representative.

    The article is meant as an alternate flavour of popular opinion, not to be totally representative.

  5. Inside Llewellyn Davis

    Good film.

    I enjoyed the writing, the acting, the way it was shot/directed, and I especially enjoyed the music, I just thought it was lacking in story. Perhaps if I had known in advance that it was a film in which basically f**k all happens, I'd have enjoyed it more. As it was, I was expecting a bit more from a film garnering as much praise.

    Enjoyable though, and I knew a film about a musician from the guys who brought us O Brother had to deliver on the music front. f**k it was stunning. The boy Oscar Isaac is an incredible talent - his voice is amazing. Definitely going to grab the soundtrack.

    Not sure what I'm onto next, perhaps The Wolf of Wall Street.

  6. 12 Years A Slave

    Blew me away. One of the best films I've seen in years.

    Just absolutely horrific though, almost from start to finish :( I guess I've never really thought about slavery, far less kidnapped slavery before, but to spend more than two hours reflecting on the absolute horror of what people went through at the hands of other people is really grim. I mean, some of the stuff that we as a species have done to each other just defies logic or explanation in the cold light of day.

    Give the boy Chiwetel Ejiofor aw the Oscars. Still to see a lot of stuff nominated but I expect this will grab a few, for sure.


    The awful scenes are almost too numerous to list, but ones that really stuck in my throat and in my mind were Solomon's hanging (a very uncomfortable watch), the girl Patsy getting struck suddenly by the glass, her getting whipped after sneaking off to get a bar of soap, and the way Epps talked of Solomon as his 'property' as he's being lead away with his free papers. Ooft.

    On a slight side note, I can't help but wonder what Hans Zimmer's thinking is when he sits down to compose. I mean, I was sitting watching Pirates of the Caribbean once and got so distracted trying to place the score, which I eventually realised was a carbon copy of Gladiator. I was convinced someone had been ripped off before realising they were both Zimmer efforts. Exact same thing happened with this, as I was totally taken out of the moment as I tried to place the score. I knew it was one of my favourite pieces of music, and eventually realised that it was just a total copy of his piece 'Time' from Inception. I mean, the guy is fantastic and has composed some cracking scores in his time, it's just baffling the way he makes stuff that so blatantly sounds the same :?

  7. I've just started on The Wire boxset which I purchased due to it's positive reviews a few months ago , only watched the 1st episode mind you but have to say I was totally underwhelmed by it and I'm hoping that it picks up alot in the episodes that follow. I found some of the leading characters quite annoying, The script also annoyed me. I curse as much as the next person but it was if the writers were trying too hard to fit as many swear words into each line that they could get away with. Going to stick with it though as it's unfair to judge a show based on one episode.

    Everyone struggles with the start of The Wire. Everyone.

    Best show ever though.

  8. Today at work, the young folk and I sat drinking cups of tea, listening to music and carving pumpkins. As Ice Cube would say, today was a good day.

    Here's my Breaking Bad effort.



  9. Just started watching this, four or five eps in. Great so far.

    Loved Mitchell's line "Cameron isnt too dramatic..." as the lights dim and he brings Lily in to the Lion King soundtrack :D

  10. Just a thought - the last episode was the only one of the latest batch actually written by Vince Gilligan himself... Maybe he's just not as good a writer as he is an ideas guy? Not as many plot holes and the like in the previous episodes, perhaps he was given 'Creator's honour' on the last episode, despite his perhaps lack of top-drawer talent in the writing department?

    Don't know what other episodes he's written etc, just a thought as I said.

    Vince Gilligan basically wrote all the best episodes. Go back and look at what he wrote, some truly exceptional episodes.

    Other favourite writers of mine on the show were Moira Wallet-Beckey and Peter Gould.

  11. I like how folk are going about how things should have ended.

    That might be the way you personally wished for things to go, but that's not the story that Vince Gilligan wrote for those characters. Saying there shouldn't have been any redemption for Walt is pointless. There's no onus on Gilligan or any other writer to service justice upon their characters. All he's charged with is writing an enjoyable story, which Breaking Bad most certainly was. It can't always be a case of good guys winning and bad guys losing - Breaking Bad was never that black and white with its characters or storylines.

  12. Well I woke up at 8.00am and couldn't sleep any more for thinking about it, so snuck downstairs like it was Christmas, downloaded it and watched it. Fucking amazing.

    Pretty much couldn't have dreamt of a better finale.

    The beginning scene with the very apt Marty Robbins song - the scene with Elliot and Gretchen was just perfect, especially the comment about the knife :D - the wooden box scene was a fantastic inclusion and contrasted brilliantly with what followed - I thought the Lydia / ricin scene was a bit predictable, but I suppose it can't all be shocks and revelations and it was a good idea to show us that early in the season so we kept guessing who it was for - the Skylar scene was brilliantly done, and even though it was totally cheeky framing the shot with that wooden post in the way, it was still class - gutting to see his final scenes with his kids, too - everything from then on at the Nazi clubhouse was just perfection. That parting shot, as we leave a penniless, familyless, dying Walt, who almost seems at peace with all his business concluded and the cops surrounding him in a meth lab, was just about as good an ending as I can recall ever seeing.

    One thing I wasn't sure of was the significance of him removing the watch that Jesse gave him for his birthday and leaving it on the phone box?

    Fucking dynamite. Going to watch that again when I get in from work.

  13. Ironically, the ending of Dexter is enough to make you go on a murderous rampage.

    How the hell did they write that, with the manatees from South Park picking idea balls?!


    Fucking hell, that was just so tragic. In the penultimate episode, Elway going to Debs' house and confirming that Hannah was there, but not thinking to sit on the house for when they inevitably moved her just a short time later. The plot with Masouka's daughter wrapping up with, if I recall correctly, her last scene being Debs and Quinn telling her that it was 'weird' that she was Masouka's daughter, then the plot never being concluded beyond that. Angie Miller was promoted to sergeant then literally never seen again. The bus full of people who didn't see Elway being injected with some horse tranquiliser. Saxon, the most wanted man in Miami, more or less strolling into the hospital. Dexter turning off the machine and walking a dead body out a hospital, power cut and storm or not, is one of the most laughable things I've seen in years. Hannah's reaction to finding news of Dexter's probable death on the iPad, "How's about some ice cream?". Dexter ditching his son then riding off into a storm. The writers thinking that a quick scene revealing that Dexter is now living alone as a logger is any sort of ending.

    And if Dexter had said one more time that he couldn't leave Miami until he had dealt with Saxon, I was going to smash my laptop into tiny bits. It seemed those two episodes revolved solely around him and Hannah making and breaking plans to deal with Saxon and leave Miami.

    All anyone wanted to see was Dexter getting caught in dramatic fashion, or riding off into the sunset, and instead he avoids all legal repercussions for his actions while giving the viewer no satisfaction whatsoever on the relationships front.

    Read a great review on AV Club, giving it an F, with this a particular highlight

    Some folks would say “This show is as shitty as it can possibly be, so now we can rest on our laurels.” But not Scott Buck and his team. They never stop striving to create the most offensively stupid show on television. And look, if that was the objective here, a slow clap is in order.

    Genuinely, that was the worst hour of television I've seen in a long time, possibly ever. The ride into the thunderstorm is the most I've laughed at a drama show.

    Thank f**k that sorry excuse for a show is over. How can that possibly be the same series as the show that gave birth to season 4 and the Trinity Killer??

  14. Finally, what was with Marie arriving at her home with papers all over the place in the street?


    I thought it was very very obvious that her home had been broken into and ripped apart as the Nazis looked for the Jesse video...

  15. Been thinking about the ricin. It seems so obvious that it will be used that its hard to imagine how it would add any shock. I wouldn't be surprised to see that plan of action ditched completely and not mentioned.

    In the same vein that any other show which ended on that shootout cliffhanger would have kept Hank and Gomez alive - but BB didnt, killing them just 2 minutes into next ep - they might try to shun convention and predictability by throwing the retrieving of the capsule in as a red herring.

    Be impossible to properly predict whats coming though!

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