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Posts posted by deadasdillinger

  1. Genuinely feel a bit light headed after that. My baws have practically retracted inside at the thought.

    Why the f**k did I see it through for all 9 pages?

    Still planning to have at least one more kid, but nice to know what I've got to look forward to. Woohoo.

  2. Inherent Vice

    Total bollocks. One of the worst films I've seen in a long time. Mega irritating, impenetrable, impossible to follow. It's not fair to describe this as a film - it's an endurance test.

    I somehow managed an hour and fifteen minutes of its baffling two and a half hour runtime. I have no idea why anyone would want to sit through it that long.

  3. Yeah, looking forward to it. Always a massive fan of shows I follow deciding to call it a day - much, much better to go out when it feels right than string it on and on and on just because it's popular.

  4. Whiplash

    Poor Birdman - it was supposed to be the film I couldn't imagine getting toppled, and it lasted a mere three days at the summit :lol:

    That someone managed to make a film about jazz drumming and make it so fucking tense and interesting deserves an awful lot of plaudits! Main actor was great but J K Simmons steals the show as chief c**t. Fantastic performance.

    Absolutely loved it.

  5. Foxcatcher

    About brother wrestlers who are taken under the wing of a mental billionaire who fancies himself as a coach. I won't say any more than that, as I thankfully managed to avoid the rest of the story so there were a few surprises for me. Unbelievable at points.

    Some good performances from Carrell and Ruffalo. I'm not a massive fan of Tatum but he was alright as the main character.

    Definitely not without its flaws. Its long for what it is, and doesn't always hold your interest fantastically well, but a good insight into some interesting characters.

  6. I'd say it's a lot better suited to being watched in 1x speed, as are most shows - you tend to get a lot more invested in any show when you're not mindlessly fast forwarding them...

  7. Finished Fargo. Enjoyed it almost as much as I have any show. Fantastic.

    Looking forward to seeing what they do with season 2.

    For now, we've still got the weekly fix of Modern Family to look forward to - I might get my teeth into another series (Deadwood, Oz season 2, the last few episodes of Battlestar Galactica, Parks and Recreation), but might not be worthwhile with returns for Game of Thrones, Justified and the like on the horizon.

  8. So someone posted their discovery on Reddit the other day - that in the 'Who shot Mr Burns' two parter, there's a clue that it was Maggie all along.

    At the town hall meeting, when Burns asks the assembled crowd who there will stop him, everyone looks away, bar one:


    Pretty cool!

  9. American Sniper

    Good film. While I appreciate it was a true story, it wasn't exactly something I hadn't seen before. A war film with lots of hoorah usa, America f**k yeah etc. Nonetheless, an interesting insight into the lives of these snipers, and the split second decisions they have to take out in the field.

  10. Birdman

    Fucking amazing.

    Technically outstanding with the continuous long takes. The soundtrack and sound editing worked perfectly too. Top notch performances from Keaton, Norton, Stone etc.

    Love watching a film that feels really original, fresh and exhilarating.

    Hope there's some competition to knock this off my top spot as it'll be a fantastic year for film if there is.

  11. When Homer gets told about the cooling off period and then tells the guy he'd shoot him if he had his gun. The guys reply is brilliant "yeah well you don't"

    ribs well and truly tickled.

    And this is for shooting down police helicopters

    Oh I don't need anything like that......... Yet.

  12. Boyhood
    Stunning film, best of the year. A truly original idea that was pretty much perfectly executed. Richard Linklater cast a young boy at age 6 then shot a script about the trials and tribulations of family life over a 12 year period, denoted by music of the time.

    How much of the casting was luck and how much was an eye for actors isn't clear, but to choose a boy at age 6 and have him wind up a terrific actor is pretty incredible.

    Daresay some folk wont like it as it really focuses in on the minutaie of childhood and family life, but there's something immensely satisfying about watching someone graduate when you've spent nearly 3 hours watching snapshots of his life.

    Loved it.
  13. Just recently caught up. Glad its finishing, best to go out while strong than dwindle away.

    Surprised to read many don't rate the fifth, really enjoyed it.

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