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Everything posted by C4mmy31

  1. Not forgetting the sectarian abuse directed at Afolabi when he was sent off against Raith at Somerset....
  2. So both our team buses got bricked on the way out last night..... People of South Kilmarnockshire... it's not big & it's not clever
  3. A million in England is nowt..... Aaron Tshibola had Aston Villa shell out in the region of £5.3m for ffs.
  4. I remember Ian Porteous scoring a late back-heel winner at the railway end, maybe 1991? Spot on mate..... I couldn't recall who scored when I posted last night but it's one of the topics of conversation on Killie kickback this morning.
  5. I've only ever seen us win there twice, around 1983 possibly 1984 & the early 1990's, iirc, but apart from that it's been a throughly miserable place for us results wise. The way we've played the last few games I'm not confident i'll see a third victory come Tuesday night....
  6. MacGregor at ICT, Spencer at Raith and Low at Arbroath had exactly the same success against our midfield as Thomas did today. We are as soft as shite in there and very limited in options to change it.
  7. I prefer Pedestrian, uninventive and soft, especially in midfield. Today, Dom Thomas run rings round them ffs.
  8. The difference being we've seen performances like today since the 2nd game of the season at QOTS. Get your money on ICT, Raith or even Partick for promotion because it certainly won't be Killie under Tommy Wright's dinosaur brand of football.
  9. Hasn't kicked a ball this season. Seems to be a pattern that follows Dom, starts off well at a new club, then just fades away.....
  10. I think it's safe to say the hype from TW around Charlie McArthur is 100% accurate. Some performance from our 16 year old centre back....
  11. It looks like 16 year old defender Charlie McArthur is set to feature tonight. TW has been waxing lyrical about him recently and personally i'm looking forward to seeing if he lives up to the hype.
  12. He even managed to get himself sent off in a game recently, not a good look for someone employed to guide & set an example on the field to Brighton's youngsters....
  13. May have been the case at one point, possibly before delivery of the portacabins. The Dundee promotion celebration pictures for example were taken in and around the portacabins.
  14. During the restrictions away teams at RP had to change in portacabins behind the Moffat Stand but last Saturday both teams emerged from the tunnel. This may not be the case at every club thou, changes to red zones, away fans etc is based on each individual clubs risk assessment.
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