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Chewing Taffies

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Posts posted by Chewing Taffies

  1. 1 minute ago, ATLIS said:

    No matter what happens, going into October we'll be top six having played the other five there already. 

    You're sat on 3 points after beating Hamilton ffs :D 

    We'll take 3 off you at least :D 

    That may well be the case . Just pointing out that there is plenty of shite in this league that we can take points from. You lot are among the shite I am afraid and will be bottom 4 come the end of the season.

  2. 6 minutes ago, Yenitit said:

    Hamilton were dreadful today. Why any of you lunatics were spouting pish about Accies winning today beats me. 

    That looks the worst Accies team from  before the McCarthy/McArthur side. 

    That's the beauty of the league.  We are atrocious but can still beat 4 or 5 teams team on our day - even away from home. Hamilton, St Mirren, Livi, St Johstone and Motherwell are just as shite as us.

  3. 8 hours ago, RandomGuy. said:

    Probably. Perth has a huge issue with Old Firm fans, I always find it bizarre opposition fans slag the few Saints fans who actually support St Johnstone for that.

    Every large town or city in Scotland has the same OF problem. St Johnstone has a woeful following because Perth is not a football town. 

  4. 13 minutes ago, RandomGuy. said:

    Seen a few folk mention they want Mick McCarthy and completely bewildered why they think it's even remotely plausible. He'll see himself as an EPL manager, why would he join a, at best, bottom half Scottish side he has no ties with? 

    Your next manager will be Kenny Miller or John Hughes. 

    Haven't heard anyone mention him as a possibility. Ever. Stop talking shite.

  5. 3 minutes ago, RandomGuy. said:


    One of you has spent the past five years PMing abuse to someone who red dotted you, and the other just made a joke about someone suffering from Motor Neurones disease, forgive me if I don't feel insulted by your jibes. 

    With this in mind and the fact your team is performing much better than ours you would think you would have better things to do on a Saturday evening. But here you are still discussing Dundee you sad c**t.

  6. 2 minutes ago, D'Jaffo said:

    I thought Shankland was pretty anonymous today until he got his goal. But once he did the confidence was bursting out him and bringing McDaid on meant he had someone to play in behind once he’d received the ball.

    I’ve never seen an Ayr player so capable of planting defenders on their arse as Crawford is.

    Took his goals well and that's all you can ask of a proper striker - if only we had the same! If you lads can keep that team together you can push for a play off spot in my opinion. 

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