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Chewing Taffies

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Posts posted by Chewing Taffies

  1. 7 minutes ago, spud131 said:

    I see recently that Amazon have added a part that you can ask questions about a product and other people who've bought the item previously can help you....except its full of people (presumably old and pished stained) saying things like 'sorry I can't help you, I didn't buy this item'.

    I think that has been there for a while now. On the amazon echo item page someone has asked: "My amazon echo won’t play Jim diamond hi ho silver ?" and the first reply is "Seems your speaker has better taste in music than you." 


  2. 7 minutes ago, tree house tam said:

    Bigger turnover, more assets, more money in the bank........ enjoy your days at the seaside next year pal.

    We are and always will be a much bigger club though. That's why you are up to midnight on a Saturday on a Dundee forum :lol:

  3. 8 hours ago, tree house tam said:

    Was mildly funny years ago, now it's just boring and repetitive, bit like most dabs tbh.


    4 minutes ago, tree house tam said:

    Dundee really need to get the next appointment right, they also need to clear all the deadwood out. If they f**k this up they're doing a Falkirk,  put your money on it. 

    "St Johnstone fan" tree house tam posting on a Dundee forum at midnight on a Saturday and 8am on a Sunday. What a sad c**t :lol:

  4. 1 minute ago, G_Man1985 said:

    That's great to read .
    Rangers away
    Hearts at home
    Celtic at home

    Next 3 games against decent sides. Least we have hearts to guarantee ourselves 3 points.

    It be all down to the split which we all ready know.

    And the fun part is we get to start it all again in the summer as we will have very few players left.

    I see you are a very positive individual :lol:

  5. 1 minute ago, G_Man1985 said:

    Fair point. Am I wrong in suggesting about our defence is going to cost us ?

    Kasunga might. But we are a much better team now. I wasn't a big fan of the McIntyre appointment but he has brought in some good players who all seem to want to fight for each other. Even at 4-1 down I felt we had goals in us. They never gave up and I haven't seen that for a long time.

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