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Chewing Taffies

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Posts posted by Chewing Taffies

  1. On 04/08/2019 at 18:00, craigkillie said:

    He'll get more chances for Scotland in time, but the fact someone paid £20m for him shouldn't automatically propel him up the pecking order until he actually does something to show he's worth it.

    And how does that pecking order look in your opinion? who scored more goals at a similar or higher level last season?

  2. Everyone knows we have been about 5 players short for weeks. Fair enough it makes sense to be patient and get the right players in unlike the past two seasons. But the season is well and truly under way and we are still way short of a team capable of challenging for promotion. It is imperative we get at least 3 players in before the Ayr game or we will lose early ground to our rivals. Utd and Dunfermline have already got settled squads by the looks of it. 

  3. Just now, Robbo63 said:

    I know a number of fans are in the same frame of mind , I normally travel with 3 other fans in car , this week none of the other 3 are going as  they refuse to pay that price for Championship football 

    I think plenty of Dees feel the same. We have to pay that every home game. If we are going to charge Premiership prices then we should be watching Premiership quality football but that is far from being the case.

  4. 3 minutes ago, Fifespud said:

    Of all our signings I’m thinking Byrne has been the most disappointing versus my expectations. Hardly shown f**k all so far. I thought Robertson was absolute class in the second half. Always available and a great range of passing. He’s probably our best tackler in midfield too. Both striker’s, but in particular Nelson’s, first touch is awful. The ball never sticks and as it rebounds the pressure is back on us.

    Yeh we really need a stronger player to hold the ball up top to help either of our two small strikers. One that scores goals would be nice.

  5. 43 minutes ago, Lord Snooty said:

    First half was a washout for Dundee. Second half I thought Dundee controlled the game.  Pretty sure Strachan will have a massive influence despite the party line.

    If that is true I hope he tells McPake to punt Hamilton and Cammy into the fucking sea. We will not get promoted with those two in the team. GK, 2 defenders and a striker in soon hopefully.

  6. 46 minutes ago, tree house tam said:

    Players leaving for more money at bigger clubs, better sides, fair play I like that, furthering your career. Players leaving for more money at lesser clubs or less ambitious clubs in shitey leagues, well that's your choice mate, tells me all I need to know about you as a person. Like all these c***s that go to China chasing the $$$, no righters. Ay Ali ?

    Yeh Southend is definitely a smaller club at a lower level than St Johnstone 😂 

  7. On 23/07/2019 at 18:08, RandomGuy. said:


    The players have signed. The deals won't be announced officially until the paperwork is all dealt with, and we'll probably hold of the CB announcement until hes in Perth. 

    I get the impression it can take days to get the relevant documents all processed with the SFA.


    On 23/07/2019 at 18:22, tree house tam said:

    There really isn't anything to discuss, May and Vihmann and a n other will be signed before our first league game, they've all done pre season and will go straight into the squad.

    😂 fucking muppets

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