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Chewing Taffies

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Posts posted by Chewing Taffies

  1. 8 hours ago, Fifespud said:

    Maybe 12 is a bit optimistic but this revisionism is beyond a joke. Moussa was amongst the worst ‘professional’ footballers I’ve ever witnessed. He had no attributes whatsoever. Shite in front of goal, terrible first touch, crap link up play, slow as a week in the jail and a fondness for getting needlessly booked barging into opponents all over the pitch. You may think Curran is shite but if you think he’s worse than Moussa then I’m sorry, you know f**k all about football.


    At what point did I say he is worse than Moussa?! If you are going to use Moussa as a yardstick for the quality of our strikers then we truly are fucked.

    I am liking your optimism and I hope you right but I highly doubt we will get more than 6 goals from Curran this season. This "but he tries hard" shite won't be good enough.

  2. 3 hours ago, Fifespud said:

     He’s not going to score a barrowload of goals but if he can get to say 12, with his work rate, well in my book that will be effective.


    Are you Jim McIntyre? no doubt you think Martin Woods should still be in the starting 11 as well!

    12 goals? really? he has scored 3 goals in his last 32 games. 18 of those games were in the Championship. Call me old fashioned - but I like my strikers to score goals! If we want to finish above Utd this season then we need someone better than Curran. 

  3. 3 minutes ago, RandomGuy. said:

    Theres yer Fitzpatrick piling pressure on Goodwin with comments that'll be brought up for the entire season by the media now, and if it's a poor start, will see Goodwin under media pressure because hes expected to make the top half.

    Clueless why nobody at your club tells him to stay quiet 


    He had bigger gems than a top 6 finish tbf:

    "Why not try and win [the league] - it's there to be won. It might seem impossible, but I look at Leicester City a few years ago and everybody said it was impossible for them to win the league."

    "There's teams who have been in the top six like Dundee, Partick Thistle, Ross County, Inverness Caledonian Thistle. I think St Mirren are a far bigger club than any of them. So we should be striving for that."


  4. 5 minutes ago, Fifespud said:


    I thought Marshall was excellent. And we’ve started slagging Curran and young Robertson - I take it we can also say Nelson was poor in front of goal too?

    I’m going to predict Craig Curran is going to be a very important player for us this season.


    Saying Marshall was excellent is a very big stretch. Curran and the young lad both had decent chances and missed them. Can't remember Nelson missing any decent chance but I may be wrong. 

    Not sure what you are basing your prediction on - he was shite last season and was shite for Utd as well. We definitely need a new striker.

  5.  I thought it was your typical early pre-season affair. Lot's of nice side passing and almost no tackling at all. The young lad that scored the second goal looks a good wee player. McDaid scored a good goal and looks decent going forward. The new boys strolled it and it's difficult to judge any of them properly from a game like that. Marshall probably the weakest of them. Curran was poor in front of goal as was the young number 18.

  6. 4 minutes ago, steviemay17 said:

    on one hand its a fair point, on the other hand you're giving it the big one because Dundee have signed a player who had to return to Queens last summer because no club down south would touch him and would purely be a back up to a player who owned dundee like a little bitch from left back in our games last season....



    Everyone owned Dundee like a little bitch last season - hardly worth mentioning. Anyway back to the original question that wasn't answered. Are you guys cutting back this season? That is 3 contracts in one week you have had knocked back.. We are obviously a much wealthier and bigger club but it must still be worrying losing out to a Championship team.

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