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Chewing Taffies

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Posts posted by Chewing Taffies

  1. We have a few exceptional young talents coming through from the youth team. Boys who are being tipped to move onto much bigger things than Dundee. They will all be involved in the first team next season. McPake has been heavily involved in their development and is very popular with the young players. So it makes sense from that angle. With a couple of older coaches involved to guide McPake through I think it is a good appointment. A lot will depend on which players we bring in though. Nelms has already said he will give the new manager a budget to win the league. Let's hope we make the right choices this time.

  2. 8 minutes ago, MacArab said:

    Fair one.

    Bookmark this......  

    We'll be the ones that keep you here next season too.

    Hope you enjoyed every one of the miserable 21 points that the mighty DFC won this season. 

    No tears, no bitterness, just reality

    We took the team that relegated you c***s by 11 (eleven) points to pens. 

    And you are coming on here telling us that we are shite ...?

    hehe I fucking love this shit. The nick of this boy:lol:

  3. Just now, RandomGuy. said:

    You're the one who's too embarrassed to answer a question on an anonymous football forum that nobody takes seriously m8.

    I think it's fair to say you take this forum way too seriously! nearly 10k posts :lol: with that said I will leave you to it. Enjoy your weekend in here sweetcheeks 


  4. 1 minute ago, tree house tam said:

    You're reeling me in here :lol:

    St Johnstone FC are a bigger club than Dundee FC ,FACT.

    Not really wanting to get into the my willie's bigger than yours chat though, it's not even debatable. 

    What a surprise - Tam coming to stick up for Random fives minutes later as if nobody knows they are both the same person :lol:

  5. Just now, RandomGuy. said:

    Not going to answer the question then? Or are we being left to assume the Dundee fan who makes thousands of posts belittling other supports has seen his club achieve literally nothing in his entire lifetime?

    Thousands of posts? not me sunshine - I have a life. You on the other hand...

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