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Posts posted by SlipperyP

  1. This is something thats been bothering me since, er, yesterday.

    Caught a bit of the football league show - in the Leicester - Derby game, the commentator referred to Leicester striker David Nugent as a "literal" fox in the box. I groaned at first but then I remembered that Leicester's nickname is the foxes.

    Now, here's whats bothered me - David Nugent isn't literally a fox (animal) but he is, in another sense, a fox (nickname).

    So was the commentator using the word correctly?

    Yes, however the commentator was lucky on this occasion.

    ETA - This could have implied to any Leicester player. David is not the only fox

  2. Is there a requirement to keep utility bills, phone bills etc for any period of time?

    I know bank statements etc need to be kept for 7 years for a number of reasons, but trying to de-clutter, so wondering if any other documents need to be kept for any length of time?

    I alway keep mine for 12 months, then after that chuck it, so get into a routine of keeping them. Then after 12 months, one comes in one goes in the bin.

  3. And when was that Walter Mitty?

    Let's look at the facts of your claims :-

    1) "Polls were neck and neck 2 weeks before the election" - Exposed as a lie.

    2) Following "research" - the Feb 11 poll was the only one prior to April 4th that had the SNP in the lead - Exposed as a lie.

    You are a joke figure chicBurma. OK, you were utterly humiliated on legal matters - that is to be expected. You are a clueless buffoon with no legal qualifications at all - I would expect your litany of fails.

    But being unable to actually use Google properly must be a new low.

    Love it "clueless buffoon with no legal qualifications" VOTES YES "buffoon" VOTES NO

  4. The CO2 injector is for the pressure barrel, which is where you siphon of your mash from the brewing bin.

    Zen's top tip, kick start the brewing process with a quarter bottle of vodka.

    I shouldn't admit that, but there you are.

    Always a great top tip for any process, neck a quarter bottle and away you go.

    Funny little story, from a few year now. I was brewing beer (think was my second attempt), and had got to the bottle stage. I filled about 20 bottle of Bars with this dark liquid and it was to rest for a few weeks before drinkable. During that time I visited Newcastle (uncles), and gave the keys to my house for the weekend to my 17 yo niece, yes I know there was going to be a party, but I was fine with that, f**k we all need a house when we that age. f**k I forgot that the brew was in the cloakroom and only remember while driving to Newcastle. So got there and gave the house phone a ring (before mobiles), no answer. Phoned her mother(my sister) to give the warning NO DRINK THE BREW.

    I returned on the Sunday evening, to a house full of spew and about 5 young dude lying on the floor of my house in a unfit state. Let's just say they will probably never drink home brew again, they finished the full 20 bottles...this stuff could have killed you at that stage.

  5. Copy pasting this from "The away end" website that ran a poll.

    Our poll saw a slight lead for Yes, out of 538 people who chose to answer the question.

    September's referendum: Should Scotland be an independent country?

    Yes: 48%

    No: 39%

    Don't know: 13%

    Selected individual clubs.


    Yes: 15%

    No: 79%

    Dk: 6%


    Yes: 82%

    No: 18%

    Dk: 0%


    Yes: 53%

    No: 33%

    Dk: 14%

    Dundee United

    Yes: 50%

    No: 25%

    Dk: 25%


    Yes: 44%

    No: 47%

    Dk: 9%


    Yes: 67%

    No: 21%

    Dk: 12

    How about St Johnstone, Perthshire, tory heartlands of Scotland :P

  6. No he can't. Whether a Scot can represent England is neither here not there. They are representing England, not Scotland. HTH.

    He was representing England because Scotland don't have a team to play test matches. Same a Catalonians play for Spain. Until that day comes (and I hope soon),to play at the very top he had to pick England. Scottish players can do this it's the only way. Maybe we should ask them to change the team to UK since they also select Welsh and Irish nationalities also.

    I always cheer on the ozzies, even when Gavin played (he played 1 test against SA, 2 duck and 0/63, never to play again)

    ETA - Gavin the secret agent

  7. Can they still do that, even though they split away from the TCCB in 1992? Scotland take part in the cricket world cup in their own right nowadays.

    Cricket world cup ODI, we have recognition, however still not with tests. Gavin Hamilton I think was the last Scottish player played for England test (1 cap) & played for Scotland ODI (7 caps). Actually he played well in the world cup with Scotland, then got selected for the English test team after those performances.

  8. That's probably about right, but would Celtic stump up that cash for a young player like Gauld or would they rather focus on maybe getting in more 'seasoned pros' for the Champions League? Which lets face it is their main arena now, the league plays second fiddle. I think Gauld will have the pick of a few clubs and Celtic will not be at the top of that list I would imagine, which isn't a slight on Celtic but more a showing that Gauld, I think, sees himself overseas or in the Premiership. ri

    Yes Celtic can stump 5m for Gauld, the are a business of buying young and selling on...if they can get him and he plays (that's the big Q) he will be in the shop window like every other Celtic player, if a bid comes in that they can't refuse, he will take it, end off.

    Guald has never been tested, I've got to agree tearing the lower level SPL apart is nothing in the context of football, he still has to be proven on a higher stage, he was rested against Celtic which was a bit of disappointment as that is the best he going to come up against in Scottish football. I would like him to stay until at least Dundee Utd play in europe (next season), prove a little more then move on if that is to Celtic and he improves again he will move on, to bigger things. Just don't move now and end up in the youths or reserves.

  9. People can construe any bit of land they want as a nation, wikipedia's definition of a nation is where people sharea ' common language, culture, ethnicity, descent, or history.' - you could apply that to Glasgow. A nation isn't a legal term, a state is. Nations have all different sorts of status in the world, some are devolved, some have their own independence, some have none of these things and exist within a larger state. Scotland is just a nation that has, admittedly, got some of the apparatus of a state but isn't one (yet)

    Taking away the history, would Ibrox Stadium be a nation, they have all the other attributes, is this what they mean by WATP?

  10. I've been a yes voter all my life, but unfortunately I won't have a vote as I live abroad. Bit gutted,but that's life.

    So I ask a favour from my fellow countrymen and women, as I would love to bring my son & daughter to an Independant Scotland, the next time we come 'home', to visit.

    Do it for the children 'bairns, not bombs'

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