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Posts posted by SlipperyP

  1. Good morning fellow party goers.

    Sunday seems to be a day of rest for us all at this time of glee and happiness, what this really means it's time for you to stock up with beer, popcorn, sausage rolls etc.... This was a very nice notion from Diddle & Don't administrators to give us this precious time to recoup & restock.

    So everyone, have a great day shopping...................remember the party not stopped, it's only getting started.biggrin.gif

  2. Hehe

    quotes from Adminmedia

    Andy grey sounds devastated!

    Really wish I hadn't listen to this, I'm more depressed than ever about my club, KJ says we are getting closer and closer to liquidation. All thanks to that barsteward CW. If we go down he'd better get the first Virgin flight to Mars.

    Oh this could the days of days, lets hope for us all..

    edited as couldn't get to link to work

  3. As I'm 7hrs ahead here from Ibrox explosion time. I'm beginning to have sleepless night wondering in anticipation when the big moment happens. I really want to see and here it live (hopefully when the firing squad start unleashing).

    I must admit this forum has had me riveted for the last 2 weeks, P&B is absolutely fabulous for all the miss information and gossip, can't live without it.

    Keep up the great work, can't wait for another days of tears of laughter.

  4. Better posting here than on the God Botherers thread:

    Where do Scottish churches get their money to pay ministers a half decent wage? I've done a quick Google search and seen answers involving church-goers donating a tenth of their gross income but part of me thinks most of the answers are from across the pond where you get the hardcore "can I get an amen? Yeah! Hallelujah, prasie the lord!" types) and that folk over here won't donate anything close to that.

    If most church goers in a small church like the one in my old village stick in about a fiver during collections, surely there's no way the minister can make a living out of that alone? :huh:

    Surly Ministers/Priests god pushers of any faith are not in it for the money but for the love of God. Or am I be naive.

    Religion is big business, they generate a wad of cash, I sure some churches subsidies others, so the word keeps getting out. hypocrite.gif

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