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Everything posted by squeezeboxson

  1. At any level of professional football players should be able to adapt to changes like playing left and right centre back. Even more so in the 2nd tier of Scottish football. If a player couldn't adjust to playing LCB rather than the 'natural' RCB then I don't think they should be playing at this level. Bit of a silly statement in my opinion...
  2. If we can't afford £700 in a year to run what is a very helpful and appreciated highlights set up then administration must be on the way. We are doomed after all!!
  3. I wasn't sure about the handball incident during the match, but the highlights suggest it was a reasonable claim also.
  4. Not overly unusual when we are only 2 games into the season. Probably.more unusual that we have had 3 pens in the first 2 games. Which means we are getting into the opposition box enough Quick check shows that both of Morton's league goals so far have been scored by centre backs too.
  5. Compensation if some kind of value will no doubt have to be paid/agrees, before he walks away from what is probably a better wage than he is likely to earn once/if he leaves us.
  6. Why do you imagine we need to punt Brown to bring in any more players?
  7. What could be a problem with wages?? The players agree to contracts which states how much they will earn. So unless we aren't paying players (which would be absolutely horrific stuff, but I think you would certainly know about!!!) I can't see wages being the cause of unrest in any way, shape or form.
  8. Could maybe be worth looking to loan Mark Brown out to someone? I get that if he doesn't want to go then he is fully entitled to sit in the stand until his contract is up and take his wage. But if he does want to play, we could possibly look to get him out and have some part of his wages covered that way. In regards to the 2 year contract thing, it does seem ridiculous now but last year when we signed him we were (most of us anyway) delighted and thought it was a very good signing. So on that one I don't particularly blame Stevie. We are a small team and we just have to deal with the fact that we (the manager) got things wrong this time.
  9. Jesus Christ, that strip just looks dreadful now...
  10. Typed quickly and my phone must have auto corrected that. Apologies Just wondering why they have called it a 'temporary transfer'? Sounds like something good I got inside a sweetie wrapper when I was younger...
  11. Ooft! They fair enough building suspense better be a good un... Joe Thomas. Wonder how he compares to Lindsay? 2nd edit to add... what is a 'Temporary Transfer? How temporary is it?
  12. Haha as everyone else has said, pay no attention to that drivel. The main problem they have is that the people who write these things know just about feck all about any league outside of the Premiership. That's why it is always nice and refreshing to read stuff from the guys at THHP and the likes.
  13. Yep! The majority of loans don't happen until mid August. I always like to think if a player's parent club are having a proper look at them, then you have a better chance of getting a decent loanee nearer the end of the window. Thinking about starting 11's, I wonder how the starting 11 compare to the players/team that played the most in each of the last 5 seasons or so? Did any of the opening day starting 11's end up being the same for any length of time in their respective seasons?
  14. What an honest statement would say is, "I've been a wee twat for the last couple of years and Clyde are the only side who would take a punt on me."
  15. To be honest, I don't completely blame Sparky for all the goals conceded down his side. I also think the support from the wingers/midfield hasn't been anywhere near good enough. I think Sparky has been off the pace but it isn't all his fault. Unfortunately it is something we may have to get used to. The way we have been lining up in attack leaves us a little bit exposed, especially on the counter attack.
  16. I agree to an extent. It is ridiculous that he has gone on about smaller squads etc etc... but now we are left needing players in last minute. I reckon there has been an element of reality hitting home. Whether that is with the club, board or manager I don't know. I think we have all seen what we expected to see. The squad as it is, struggling to keep up with the pace and the fixtures we have played so far. Stevie may have gone asking for more money or maybe the club have realised that it is necessary to bring in a few more bodies if they want to stay in the league this year. Either way, he did say after the Peterhead game we could see 5 coming in. We need 3 or 4. But 5 would be welcome - as long as they aren't panic signings! Which is my fear at this stage.
  17. I think this is the most worrying part of it all...
  18. No problem. Still an ex son who will do well for Alloa. They will definitely be up competing at the top of league 1 next year.
  19. Didn't notice Taggart scored. Thought it was Kirkpatrick, Jon Robertson and Calum Waters. As in next Tuesday then? Eta: twas 3-2 also Wilf
  20. I would say that Stirling has been much more impressive so far than Smith has. But in all the matches I have seen, Stirling cuts inside too much from the left. More times than he goes down the line to put a cross in. Albeit I missed the Dundee game where he may have hit the byline more often etc... but I think trying him on the right might actually work better.
  21. Why will Dumbarton probably finish 10th and not Ayr?
  22. Always think that how busy a place is helps you judge whether or not people rate it. If it is hoaching then it will let you know people rate the place. Hope you have a good day/night.
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