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Everything posted by squeezeboxson

  1. Really is popular with the fans for obvious reasons. Deserved most of what he received tonight. But didn't think he was our player of the year. Obviously the GFFC decided he was. Excited to see what squad news comes over the next couple of weeks though!
  2. I reckon both Cawley and Gall are about the same level performance wise. Except Gall really seems to try so much harder but doesn't have the skill/talent. Cawley clearly has something but possibly he just hasn't settled.
  3. Believe it or not I think the biggest issue most people have with Cawley is his work rate. I just don't think he tries hard enough most of the time. As soon as he gets the ball you just know he is going to give it away. Far too lightweight and slow on the ball...
  4. I'm hoping that we can tempt Nade to stay as it would allow him a lot more time to concentrate on his business away from football. He seems happy enough here but he has seemed happy at most of the club's he has played for. Failing that, we could always persuade him with beer wine and hookers at Moonsters on Sunday night after the awards bash?
  5. I tend to agree with both you and Cedrick. Yes the players above were good for us, but in the current Alloa squad you'd be lucky to find 1 decent player I reckon. Cawley was one of their best mind... on the other hand Sparky was a decent player but wasn't rated as one of their best - yet he has been a pretty important player for us this season. Out of the 2 I know who I'd keep and who I really hope we don't.
  6. The parking situation was a complete joke. Not the first time this season. How come all of a sudden they have started deeming the car park full? Especially when you proceed to walk into the ground and see room for about another 50+ cars. The stewards are a waste of a wage.
  7. Also worth mentioning that Aitken/Faz are still learning. This is their first season at this level and as long as they have learned from this season then we should be able to push on a bit next year. Yes, tactics have been awful at times. Yes, we signed far too many duds. Yes, we have struggled all over the park for any kind of form. Yes, the squad is rediculously imbalanced. But as long as the Stevies' have noticed this then we can kick on and improve. Before anyone mentions that Murray didn't require the same bedding in time, you just have to look at what has happened to him since he left us...
  8. I know there is lots to be discussed within this post but let's be honest... do 'natural positions' really exist? Why can't this be our natural position? I get that the other teams have more resourced etc. But, there are teams in the premiership who have much less resources than some of the teams in the championship.
  9. Only thing I feel with Heff is that he is yet another player who can't really play as a lone striker. He is the guy who gets in the box for someone else to find him in good positions. Whereas, playing him up front alone he is expected to drop deep and hold it up etc... I fully expect we will continue playing the same formation but will play Heff in Nade's place.
  10. If Livingston win 2 of their remaining games then we need 2 points...
  11. Ahh, didn't realise they didn't play on Saturday. Could be all but over then...
  12. One of those situations where if we reversed the roles then I'm sure we would be the same. But I can't help but think that it is also a case of, if we concede defeat then we can only be surprised if we turn it around... tough but as above, not over yet. Could be on Saturday though?
  13. He had 2 decent games for us which just so happened to be televised play off matches... never showed anything at any other point in all his time with us. Wasn't surprised to see him flop after he had a strop and left (iirc).
  14. That is a fair point also, if Livingston had been deducted 5 points this season - as they were last - we would be just about safe right now.
  15. To be fair, the last 6 months under Murray was no better than we have been seeing this season. We also had no attack whatsoever in that period either so we weren't having a go at anyone really. The difference between this season and the last couple is that Murray managed to get us safe by this point in the season (more or less), meaning we didn't have to worry about the teams below us having a chance of catching us.
  16. I can back you on that! Grew up in Bellsmyre and as soon as Stevie Aitken signed on I said to my brother they were spitting images of one another. Derek is the guy who works/worked in the shop
  17. I'm saying it's a conspiracy to be honest... we were denied a victory over Falkirk just a couple of weeks ago through some horrendous decisions. If they had gone our way then we wouldn't even be looking down right now
  18. To be fair, if we had won the game through at Livi a few weeks back (or even drew the game) then we wouldn't be half as worried at this stage. It is indeed, time to step up and earn our right to play in this league again next year.
  19. Couldn't agree more. Can't actually believe what I read above. People need to get a grip and realise we are a smaller team in a big league. Yes, I agree that we haven't been performing as well as we should have and there are issues with our away form. But to be saying you would bring back Iain Chisolm is just ludicrous. The McAllister things an unusual one. He is happy where he is. If he was offered another PT gig paying as much or more (I believe he earns a healthy wage at Peterhead), then maybe he would consider. But couldn't see him travelling all the way down to play with us on what wouldn't likely be a much improved wage.
  20. In all honesty, they are different types of player. But I wouldn't say they are miles apart in terms of who's the better player actually. Aggy has a better range of passing I think. Routledge has more dig in the middle for tackles etc. But playing that position always gets booked too. Would take Aggy back, but I wouldn't be overwhelmed if we re-signed him.
  21. Also not the greatest fan of Routledge. He has had a number of great games for us, but has also had too many stinkers for my liking. I understand our team have had too many off days, but he has been bad on days where the team haven't. He is a great player to have when you are winning games, slows the game down and cuts out anything coming through the middle of the park. But is most frustrating when you are chasing a game. Too slow and not creative enough. I get that it isn't his game. He may actually be more suited to a team who win more often. Maybe if you pair him with someone who is more or less the complete opposite - a pacey, creative, running attacking midfielder - you'd get the most from him. Wouldn't be against Garry being his replacement if we could bring in/hold onto strikers.
  22. Not that clearly as that's not what I meant. If I had said 'it's wrong' or 'unfair' then you would have a valid point... ETA: if you check back I was referring to someone who said we will be at a disadvantage playing midweek. Which was the whole point of my first post.
  23. Totally agree, I've not once said I thought they were doing anything wrong. It is a pain for us and makes the match all the more difficult. Not sure why SD is getting his knickers in a twist but y'know...
  24. But what I am saying is, it's not a necessity. They can, but don't have to. My point was that it works further to their advantage that we will have tired players midweek. I didn't say anything about them appealing anything as we all know it is within the rules that they can do so.
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