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Posts posted by Reynard

  1. Would love to see some of this canvassing in action...

    I saw the Scottish Socialists in action in Stirling a few times, trying to get uninterested passers by to sign a petition. Not sure what the point of this petition was.

    The socialists thoroughly enjoy a wee march and a placard or two. They don't enjoy working or having a bath.

  2. A sample of 900 canvass returns taken in areas of Glasgow, Dundee and Aberdeen, brought the following results:

    Undecided 35 per cent

    Yes 48 per cent

    No 17 per cent

    When the undecideds are taken out the result is:

    Yes 74 per cent

    No 26 per cent



    Scheme goblins on the rampage by the look of it.

  3. Flower will still be in the background doing some sort of coaching, but at best, I think this summer's series would have been his last in charge anyway but I think he decided to let someone new come in off the back of this debacle, probably under less pressure, and to get on with the rebuild especially as Flower wouldn't be seeing it through. I reckon thats reasonably honourable too as Flower could have initiated changes, then left and some other guy may or may not have agreed with it .

    He was definitely good for the test side but his shelf life was reached and at least he recognised this.

    As for Giles, I think he has the potential to do well in the role but they may as well invite some applications and see whats on the CV's There is plenty of time to get the man they want now anyway.

  4. http://www.bbc.co.uk/sport/0/cricket/25982894

    Not a surprise really. Some great moments and success. But he was going to struggle to survive that result,and the manner England succumbed. More heads to roll?

    He stepped down rather than was sacked, but it was probably the right thing to do regardless as he had jettisoned his role in the one day stuff anyway and it would be better for one guy to oversee the lot.

    Flower was very good for the test side but his style of playing cricket wasn't ever the most thrilling, a bit cautious at times but he DID get the results, three ashes series wins and that series win out in India being massive achievements. Interspersed with some huge dross against Pakistan, New Zealand and of course the latest series in Australia.

    Hopefully they appoint the right guy as there is still some excellent talent in the dressing room and there's no doubt they can come back from this latest mess.

  5. Ward can be a right good player when it's clicking for him and it clicked like f**k in the fourth and fifth sets last night.

    So GB need a win in either the doubles (not likely) or for Murray to beat Querrey (likely). And into the quarter finals we go.

    Hugely impressed with Ward last night and Querrey's bottle absolutely crashed at the same time.

  6. I love the continued CDUist use of the term 'break away' as if we're rebellious, war-torn Chechnya or something. It's called national self-determination, it's been around for 100 years; deal with it.

    Yes, we are self determining.

    You'll have to deal with the resounding No vote.


  7. Just caught 10-15 minutes while I was driving to work, will try and catch the rest during the night it tomorrow. Sounds like they were both being very frank and honest about the tour.

    Yes it was worth a listen, Swann in particular was just laying it on the table. He more or less confirmed what Id read el;sewhere in the interview I mentioned. Just said he wasn't able to spin the ball like he used to and therefore his variations in flight and the dip he used to get that deceived good batsmen was no longer there. He basically just said he couldn't get decent batsmen out any more and I take it that he meant also at county level never mind test level. A shame it ended so abruptly for him, but injury can do that to even the best unfortunately.

    Plus I dont think he liked being tanked around by tailenders, that probably hastened things.

    You could see on that ball revolution thing they produced during tests that Lyon was getting more rotation than Swann and Lyon is a mediocre test bowler at best.

    I thought it was a decent hour and a half show last night, they just dealt with a few things, scotched a few rumours and were quite frank about things.

    They mentioned Mitchel J as well and how surprised they were that he was boweling with accuracy as well as pace but that they should have been able to deal with it as he wasnt getting swing or movement. Fair comment. And talked about the sledging etc. It was decent if you can catch it.

  8. Cricket show on Radio 5 Live tonight at 9pm has interviews with Graeme Swann and Jimmy Anderson. Swann says he quit because of his own "awful" bowling and that when a rabbit who bats at number 11 is hitting you for 6s you know it's time to go.

    Said in another interview he wasn't getting the revs on the ball after the operation. No revs, no dip, no spin, no point continuing. He knew he was done.

    Listening to the show just now, not the usual "banter" thus far..

  9. Be careful with this as your sore back may not be due to needing strengthened. I've been going to a muay thai gym for just over a year and the ab workouts are pretty hard going. In the past six months I've developed a really sore pain at the lower part of the right hand side of my back whenever doing ab work.

    Visited physio and was advised that I basically jumped in the deep end with a weak core(like most have) and have fucked my back. With alot of ab exercises your glute muscle(bum) kicks in before your back muscles whereas my back muscles on the right hand side kicked in before my glutes. This was due to straining wrong muscles. Basically start small with abs and work your way up.

    Well worth looking into using a chin up bar.

    I got back twinges now and again form when I played cricket but havent had any problems whatsoever since. My back is as strong as it has even been and I think things like hanging leg raises and things you can do while hanging from the bar are great for your back as well as the core.

    I really don't understand why more people dont do chin up bar based exercises they are fucking brilliant.

  10. If you have a chin up bar you are sorted.

    I try and do a routine of chins, poulls hanging knee raises.

    I do it like this 8 reps, seven reps, five reps three reps, then two reps. Then change from cins to knee raises or pulls. Then try and do that whole thing twice or three times if you are mental.

    oiu dont really need to f**k about with weights too much either if you can doo all that. I'd try and do that every single day if possible. Takes no time at all, well worth it.

    Most folk steer well clear of chins and pull ups because they look like utter c***s when they can bench press their own body weight x2 yet can barely rattle out half a dozen chins.

    Its brilliant for your core too. Your stomach muscles will be in tremendous nick in no time.

  11. I've been running fairly regularly over the past month. I do a four day shift pattern, two days, two nights. For my dayshifts I cycle in and back, making a total of ten miles and for my nightshifts I run home, five miles. I've also been running on my off-time and playing squash at least once a week. I've been trying to get back to swimming, I went the other week and did 30 lengths. I used to do a lot of weights in the gym but I just got bored of it. I've got a couple of dumbells at home.

    I posted on the squash thread that I've had a sore back after playing a few times - I played yesterday and feel a bit better but I've been trying to strengthen my core. I have a pull up bar in the house and for the last week or so I've been doing a set of 12 pull ups first and last thing. Are pull ups good for your core, I've read they help strengthen your back? I've also used the pull up bar for leg raises, pulling my knees up to my chest when doing pull ups.

    Anyone got any other bodyweight exercises to strengthen my core at home?

    One of the best things you can do, if not THE best.

  12. Seems to be the way it goes.

    Hard to see how he can come back from this morning's astonishing claim that Scotland runs at a surplus, but I suppose he survived the utter omnishambles of being owned on everything legal, so he has bouncebackability of sorts.

    Should I be stalking him around the forum claiming his credibility is fucked and he can't do "figures" 'n that? <_<

    If I was remotely interested in anything he had to say then I might. But I simply can't be bothered. You can if you like?

  13. Still interested to see this data that shows Don't Knows are going to Yes 2:1 renton.

    Sounds bollocks to me, but happy to have a look.

    Had a mini run in with that utter c**t Peter A Bell about much the same. He is under the illusion that everything is breaking the Yes way too. :lol:

    Delusions arseholes.

  14. So Finn is "unselectable", but Bresnan who offers very little at the moment with the ball in hand appears to be undroppable?

    Some brilliant catches today, Jordan's c&b was superb as was Ballance's nonchalant one handed catch.

    Bresnan can bowl dry.

    I'd have Morgan in the test side, possibly as captain.


  15. His game has been ruined under the current set-up.

    Finns problems stem back to the flicking the bails offduring his delivery sometimes. That South African complained it was knocking his concentration and Finns law wasbrought in to make all these a no ball. Fair enough you may think, a bowler that bowls at over 90mph and was the youngest to 50 test wickets and was looking like a world class prospect and one of the best strike bowlers in test cricket, we can allow him to flick the bails off every now and again because in actual fact, it doesnt matter a f**k. This is a boy that has genuine pace and bowls a lot of shite which goes to the boundary but he alo gets top batsmen out with the odd pearler. We can live with this.


    The stupic c***s decide to start fucking around with his run up. This destroys his natural rythym and his confidence goes.

    And as line and length was never his game anyway they basically cost themselves a bowler who would have ripped through Australia in both series looking at how poor their top order was at times.


    I'm a bit of a fan of Finn asyou might guess, mainly because he has the potential to be a great fast bowler. He's only 24 so he has time, but the coaches seem to have no time for a bowler that is quite simply a strike bowler. He isnt going to bowl dry (although as he matures he will gain control) but he offers genuine hostile pace in the Mitchell Johnson, Dale Steyn mould.

    I really hope he comes back from this.

  16. :lol:I said give it up, you simpleton.

    Nobody's calling your laughable libertarian shite the same as Nazism, so need to get all defensive about the right wing.

    And I said f**k off.

    I reckon I've managed to back up my reasons for declaring himself another cretinous branch of left wing national socialist authoritarian shite a lot better than any ad hominem attack from a lightweight such as yourself has ever managed.

    But then, like most knee jerk leftards, the way to attempt to silence any dissent is to attack the man, always. And if that doesn't work you types tend to resort to mass murder to silence or get rid of the types who don't toe the line in a manner that pleases. Again, history proves me right. How many millions died in the twentieth century thanks to retarded left wing ideologies?

  17. Who are these people 'warmly embracing' communism? Of course there are conmunists out there but I'm sure it's a smaller pool of people than everyone you have pinned down as a commy/Marxist/socialist etc etc. Wanting something slightly different than the proven failure of an unregulated market economy does not a Communist make. Oh and you've tried the Nazis = left win schtick a million times and it hasn't worked out for you once, so give it up.

    f**k off. Just because you choose not to accept national socialism and fascism as branches of your vile horrible left wing authoritarian spunkdrizzled religion doesn't mean I need to stop ramming it home that it's entirely a construct of left wing thinking.

    Hitler described himself and his party as socialists, and ran a left wing murderous authoritarian regime. Mussolini was a former commie that decided his version was better and called it fascism. Again, a stinky little nationalistic c**t just like Hitler and a whole host of other nasty little left wing shits.

  18. YES don't need to argue with the figures in GERS, the figures prove their case, you just don't know why it proves their case or you wish to ignore the reasons why it proves their case

    I showed you why they are talking utter bullshit. You had a wee tantrum about the figures until you realised I was using the exact same ones that Swinney does when he talks his pish.

    Now you promised you were going to produce your own version from the same source.

    Why didn't you?

  19. Yes of course one was a philosophy that in practice killed millions and ruled through secret police and summary executions whilst the other ruled though secret police and summary executions and killed millions

    Plainly different.

    Yeah, the National Socialist German Workers Party were the epitome of a libertarian right wing movement.

    The leftards seem to be rigging political spectrum shite now.

    Interesting that although they distanced themselves from national socialism and fascism they still warmly embrace the rotten murderous corpse of communism. I think the word best describing these people is "arseholes".

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