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Posts posted by Reynard

  1. Like your pal? :P

    Aye two of them worked for MSPs. One of them in Holyrood itself working for Murray Tosh and the other one has been the busty secretary type thing for John Scott for donkeys.

    I think the John Scott type one wanted to be a constituency agent at Parliamentary level and did all the stuff necessary but his faither was long term ill and it meant he could end up in any constituency in the UK potentially and he didnt want to leave the home area at the time. He's more or less pissing about now as he is independently wealthy.

  2. The funnelling of power towards the centre under devolution hasn't been very good for locals either. It was going on under Labour but it's possibly even more obvious under this present administration who seem to want to remove as much power from local level as possible.

  3. What made you vote no?

    mainly the unnecessary creation of an extra tier of politicians. I'd have rather seen the power going to the fairly newly formed councils instead of back to "regional" level.

    I'd fought hard enough to try and split the regional councils up and get as small a format local local council thing on the go with increased power. Devolution wiped that out. I think it made for a worse deal

    We had gone in the late 80s from having an MP, an MEP a regional councillor and a local councillor to a stage after the ridding of the abysmal regional councils where we had one MP, one MEP and one local councillor.

    Devolution and also the method of carving up votes at local level meant I had an extra local councillor for my ward area as well as a constituency MSP and the 7 list efforts for the region that do precisely f**k all of any use to anyone. Which gives me a grand total of 12 I think.


  4. I've never seen furious demands for No voters to leave the country or anyone wanting to 'take things to the next level', whatever that means, you'll need to enlighten me.

    Anything else you mention (quislings/finished with this place etc) is very tame and is certainly not a patch on what Reynard slings in the opposite direction.

    I tend not to give much regard to the bile on either side to be honest, it really undermines the bigger picture.

    So I suppose I must be in a minority of Yes people that I too will accept whatever happens with good grace and carry on with life as normal.

    XBL claimed things would need to be taken to the next level. Which he was laughed out of town about, but he still said it. HB reckons Jamalda or however you spell it said the other thing, I dinno. I reckon if anyone could be bothered they would find plenty opf stupid things people have said in here.

    As for me, I'm quite willing to abide by whatever result comes in, accept it and move on. Just as I did with the devolution referendum which I voted no in in spite of knowing full well I was pissing in the wind.

    The bile is all over the internet and not confined to a few mediocre nonentities in a dark corner of a football forum. It's hard to avoid it really.

  5. It's quite telling that this is all the Britnats have to say on this subject.

    Sadly, I agree with you there. Would still rather be on the side of a debate which I actually believe in, as opposed to trumpeting something because of bitterness and the chance to say I told you so. What a sad way to live.

    Well that's simply the perspective of someone that has hung their hat in the camp that is losing/going to lose. That cant really be helpd and it's fairly natural to get a little uptight when things don't go your way. In fact it's just human nature. Part of the grieving process if you like.

  6. It's quite telling that this is all the Britnats have to say on this subject.

    Sadly, I agree with you there. Would still rather be on the side of a debate which I actually believe in, as opposed to trumpeting something because of bitterness and the chance to say I told you so. What a sad way to live.

    It's not going to affect the result one way or another as you know. I've gone into plenty of elections knowing that I am going to lose. Like you, I'm glad I was on the side of righteousness and I held my head high in spite of , at times, catastrophic gubbings.

    As far as being able to tell folk "I told you so", yeah, I'm going to thoroughly enjoy getting up a few peoples noses if I don't already manage it, in September. Are you telling me it wouldn't be the same the other way around if yes pull off a spectacular win from nowhere? Its the nature of this sort of a forum. The reality is that no matter what happens, we will all just plough on regardless getting on with life as best we can.

  7. You're scrambling and showing classic signs of illusory superiority. Although I will admit I incorrectly used the term money instead of currency in the last paragraph. That's assuming you know the difference between the two.

    Is that so?

    I assume that your last sentence was in a similar vein?<_<

  8. KP might have given his wicket away a couple of times, but I can't see him being left out any time soon. He still scores too many runs for that to happen, but I agree with what Vaughan was saying that they need to give him a role in the field in which he is more proactive. I think Cook made a lot of mistakes but he looked to be a man alone at times with little support from his team mates. Clarke had folk like Haddin, Smith and others helping him and suggesting field changes and placings but Cook didn't appear to have that sort of support around him.

    Prior certainly helped Cook in that regard but his form with the bat and then crucially with the gloves meant he couldnt remain inthe side for the last tests. It certainly seemed odd to have Pietersen wandering around the outfield latterly.

    Its pretty clear that the England management have struggled to handle Pietersens ego and personality. Certainly, Flower has struggled and its obvious they dont geton. But it looks like its Mexican stand off time. Neither man is looking in a particularly strong position. Pitersens had a poor series and Flower has presided over a whitewash. Hopefully they both man up and get on with it.

  9. I reckon Cook will still be captain in the next Ashes in 2015 with maybe Broad or Bell as deputy. Despite his talent I'd ditch Pietersen as he's far too selfish with a bat in his hand, shows little or no interest in fielding and may be too intimidating a figure for Cook to skipper. I certainly wouldn't make him vice captain as he'd more than likely try to take over rather than help Cook. I think Anderson's place must be in doubt as well now that his sidekick Swann has retired. Poor Jimmy actually appeared more petulant than Broad during the series which is some doing.

    For the future, Bairstow is clearly nowhere near test class as a batsman and giving him the wicket keeper's gloves is a joke. Carberry won't get back in the side and apparently Compton was left out as he didn't mix well in the dressing room. Bresnan has probably blown his chances along with Panesar and Rankin was an awful pick for Sydney. Borthwick will get other chances but the spin bowling options are pretty limited.

    Stokes will be around for along time, although he only got his chance because Trott went home. Root will be back but must be allowed to try and score runs not just occupy the crease. Ballance will get other chances as well.

    As for Finn. The multitude of coaching staff seem quite happy to criticise him for not being quite right to bowl but he's in the one day squad. Is he not going to get a chance there either ? Sounds like very poor management of him and he should have played at least one of the tests.

    Australia were worthy winners and England's bottle went from the start due to the aggressive nature of the opposition, press and crowds. A lot of this may have been due to the arrogant stance England took after winning at home despite not playing that well. Their answer to the claim that 3-0 flattered them was just to laugh and repeat the score. Maybe they should have stood back and seen the home series for what it was, a weak opposition who got better the longer the series lasted and a home side who showed too much complacency and relied heavily on Bell's runs.

    But one thing that hasn't been discussed by the TV/Radio experts is why England's fielding has been so awful. Australia were miles better and missed few chances whilst England were a shambles in the air and on the ground. At times England looked totally disinterested and there was never really a time when an oustanding effort in the field raised the whole side. The seven runs thanks to overthrows in the final test just about summed it all up.

    They have to stick with Cook really, there's not really anyone else crying out for the captaincy. Dropping Pietersen would be a stupid thing to do. I realise he polarises opinion but he is still one of Englands best ever players even if he is a bit of a p***k. That can often come with top sportsmen though and he does need handled properly. He has captained before, he could do the VC job no problem. Its probably not likely to happen but it COULD be done. Anderson will still be the main man next summer barring injury. With a Duke ball and on English wickets he knows how to make it swing, Swann was certainly his mate but it wont make any difference. As for him being grumpy. He's always looked like a grumpy b*****d through his entire career.

    The team were just mentally shot through. It happened when they played Pakistan in Dubai and if that had been a five match series then they would have lost this 5-0 too as they were all over the place in that one too but as it wasnt an Ashes series then only cricket folk were actually paying it any great attention. When the other lot get a clear upper hand it doesnt take an awful lot to make the other team crumble and fall, particularly in test cricket. Its a much much more mentally challenging sport than most others.

    The fielding was shit for much the same reason, they were just falling apart at the seams.

    I'm quite sure the guts of the team will remain, it would be utter stupidity at the moment to be looking to replace anyone from the likes of Anderson, Broad, Bell, Pitersen, Cook etc. They are still top class players. Some failed through the pressure of the situation or through lack of form or for just being arrogant (guess who) and trying to smite the Aussies for the temerity for setting a blatant trap for him in the field.<_<

    England will be competitive again for the Sri Lankans and the Indians, they have actually been in similar situations in recent times and bounced back reasonably swiftly. The slight hysteria of an ashes series does magnify the situation a lot though.

  10. I'm afraid I don't. For every bad poll for Yes, there will be a good one. Of course, the polls show No in the lead, but any poll that reckons Joanne Lamont is first minister is bound to be suspect. I think the Times/PB polls are probably closest, but will be the hardest to move - as they already account for pretty much all the SNP/Yes support, it's moving chunks of the Labour support that is the key, and you'd need to move a lot to move those PB polls.

    I think, honestly that in the west central belt it's pretty much up in the air, the north east cities will proably vote Yes, Angus and the south, will vote No. Highlands is anyone's guess, Fife will be close (the rural parts and St Andrews are stick on Nos, the three big towns will be closer), Falkirk will be No, not sure about Stirling or the wider central area. Edinburgh I reckon will vote yes - it will be who controls those Labour heartlands that really swing it. There is nothing hugely scientific about all this, just a gut prediction from me.

    No, it's simply your wishlist.

    There is zero chance of a yes win. Not a hope in hell.

  11. I'm afraid I don't. For every bad poll for Yes, there will be a good one. Of course, the polls show No in the lead, but any poll that reckons Joanne Lamont is first minister is bound to be suspect. I think the Times/PB polls are probably closest, but will be the hardest to move - as they already account for pretty much all the SNP/Yes support, it's moving chunks of the Labour support that is the key, and you'd need to move a lot to move those PB polls.

    I think, honestly that in the west central belt it's pretty much up in the air, the north east cities will proably vote Yes, Angus and the south, will vote No. Highlands is anyone's guess, Fife will be close (the rural parts and St Andrews are stick on Nos, the three big towns will be closer), Falkirk will be No, not sure about Stirling or the wider central area. Edinburgh I reckon will vote yes - it will be who controls those Labour heartlands that really swing it. There is nothing hugely scientific about all this, just a gut prediction from me.

    Aye OK. <_<

  12. Doubt it, exhibit A: Cowdenbeath. If there is a yes voter there they were most likely hunted down and sacrificed to the gods a long time ago.

    I reckon the rural farming communities are stick on Nos as well, regardless of income. If Yes Scotland can get to the ol' labour heartlands then it will be interesting though.

    I doubt it. Your mob are getting an utter doing here and you know it.

  13. Again, it's something they could poll if they were so inclined to do so. Does the poll vover Dumfries and Galloway? As I say, I don't think I've ever met anyone from the borders (hardly scientific, I know) who were supporters of independence, I don't know why. I imagine, that in certain places it'll be closer, The north east where the SNP is traditionally strong for example. I suppose it's the regions out west, Glasgow city council and the Lankashire councils, that would make the most interesting reading.

    Thew shittier the area you live in the the more inclined to a yes vote probably.

    It tends to be poor folk and general dole fodder voting yes as can be seen in the likes of this place. <_<

  14. shit December thanks to a stinky virus that went into my chest.

    Been right back into proper training for a week now, played squash three times and been swinging the kettlebells and doing the chin ups and weights.

    I'm back on the tabata training as well which makes a huge difference to me when playing squash. I'm a fucking duracell bunny and I can really grind down my opponents by playing long drawn out rallies and being ready to go straight away while they are gasping for air like a half dead fish. If nobody has tried tabata then I suggest that you fucking well do. Its over in minutes but the benefits you get from it are vast. Far better than being out running in the shit weather for an hour and a half.

  15. Actually if you look at it, If you assume (and it's just an assumption) That the Scottish not British and British not Scottish parts vote Yes and NO repsectively, then add the more British than Scottish to the No vote and the equally Scottish and British, your just about to your actual No figure. Take 5% of your more Scottish than British to No and 3 to Yes and you get your Yes and No figures with the rest of the more Scottish than British undecided.

    Doubt it breaks down so neatly but it could be a decent correlation if you imagine that the more Scottish than British are typically undecided (maybe want to vote yes but need the information) and the percentiles of equal and increasing Britishness firmly in the BT camp.

    Again, I'd love to see a poll done like that for every council region. Would be fascinating.

    Yeah there's no way of knowing how the respondents fell into which categories although youre certainly right that the Scottish not Britsih crowd and the British not scottish crowd are your basic yes and no brigade :lol:

    I would have responded more Scottish than British if asked.

  16. Yeah, found it: Comres for ITV borders. Have to admit, of the folk I've known from down that way, it's always been pretty unifomlyy negative towards independence. The regional variances would be interesting to know.

    I wonder if they will commission other of the STV regions to find out? Although I doubt the results will vary too wildly from that to be honest.

  17. They also ran one of those do you feel scottish or british questions. The results are quite interesting lieu of the referendum intentions

    21% felt Scottish not British

    24% felt more Scottish than British

    35% felt equally Scottish and British

    7% felt more British than Scottish

    12% said they felt British not Scottish

    1% didn't know what the f**k was going on

  18. Poll after poll shows about a third of people are in the don't know camp. There has yet to be any serious open debate which we'll not get to the months leading up to the referendum. All I'll say is, just watch these unionists crumble when they take on the likes of Salmond and Sturgeon in a televised debate. Carmichael has already made a big arse of himself on TV. Just wait for the likes of Darling to do it :lol:

    Scotland and England are very similar economies. The same comparison can't be made with the likes of Greece and Germany. The Euro is a complete non starter in terms of joining it. We could have our own currency, but our currency will be too strong, and hurt our exports.

    Interest rates are obviously a factor, but you're also overlooking who gets to control the quantity of money. Thus who gets to decide how much inflation, or deflation is in the economy.

    Your opening gambit was a total fantasy.

    The rest of it is economic illiteracy. Do you advise shovel ready, lever pulling Swinney by any chance?

  19. Vaughan wrote a decent piece on how to manage "difficult" players. Pitersenis undoubtably a giant ego and a big head. Theres nothing particularly wrong or unusual about that and no doubt he rubs some of his team mates up the wrong way too but as Vaughan alluded to it looked very much like he was being made to be a peripheral figure in the side. Bunging him out to the ropes to field and stuff like that. Making him VC a bit like they once did with the likes of Boycott is a method of dealing with that, keep him involved, amke him feel important etc.

    To drop one of the best players just shouldnt ever happen just because he is a bit of a w**k.

    Australia managed to incorporate Watson into their set up in spite of him clashing with some of his team mates and indeed, his captain. Good managerment can ease that situation and Pietersen needs to be handled right to get the best of him, hes far too good to be punted, plus he says he wants to be winning the next ashes series, so presumably he means it. Make him VC and let him feed his ego a bit. If there are problems specifically between him and some others then get it dealt with properly. If Australia could do it with their captain and Watson formerly despising one another then so can England.

    And lets not forget Mitchell Johnson too. Like Finn he was punted out the picture but he sorted it and came back. Its unlikely he will be around for the next ashes series but Finn should be.

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