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Posts posted by welshbairn

  1. 7 minutes ago, Skyline Drifter said:

    Ach I caved and just booked it. It's full refundable up to day of arrival anyway.

    Tickets sorted 🎫✅
    Flights sorted ✈️✅
    Hotel sorted 🏨✅

    Still to sort: 🚄

    That hotel looks great for getting back after the game, half hour walk or a few stops on the tube.

  2. 13 minutes ago, CityDave94 said:

    Who's to say Brechin might end up here for a few years more and be joined by Forfar Athletic. Then there might be a few clubs coming up from the Midlands League once they get their houses in order.

    Maybe Arbroath too the way they're going, Montrose only just avoided it.

  3. 1 minute ago, Billy Jean King said:

    Yip £600 each for a fortnight in a nice hotel with a pool inc breakfast was great business. Whether we stay the full 2 weeks or bail after the last game we have tickets for remains to be seen. No return flights booked but they are getting cheaper as there are just so many options route wise.

    I've got 3 weeks in a hotel apartment with kitchen and balcony in a cracking looking part of Berlin. Wasn't particularly cheap but there's no way I could afford it now.

  4. 1 minute ago, Ross. said:

    Aye, the email with the ticket mentions that also. A bit later than I’d hoped but I guess it means I can take it easy on the drive there.

    You could always park in town before if you're not drinking, and drive your mates to the game.. 

  5. 4 minutes ago, Ross. said:

    U-Bahn and a few bus stops nearby. Just hope the place opens relatively early, never seen the opening hours when booking it.

    Just looked at the Faqs and it opens 4 hours before kick off.

  6. Just now, Ross. said:

    Tremendous. Just booked a spot. Will probably mean I can sleep in the car for an hour afterwards too, while the traffic fucks off…

    I see there's a tube stop right next to it so you can nip into town and see your mates before the game.

  7. 15 minutes ago, Elrow said:

    I have a flight booked for 13th June from Dublin to Munich with Lufthansa. 
    Unsure about name changes etc with Lufthansa but if anyone is interested just send me a DM. 

    Might have taken you up on that but the Lufthansa website says they won't do it. Scheduled airlines are worse than budget ones for that kind of thing.


    It is not possible to make a retroactive name change for a booking. Lufthansa shall provide the transport service to the passenger named in the ticket only. Your Lufthansa Service Centre will be happy to help you if you require further information. If you have booked an award ticket, please contact your Miles & More Service Team.


  8. 1 minute ago, Skyline Drifter said:

    It does talk about "your guests" and transferring additional tickets to them but it being not allowed to "buy tickets on behalf of someone else". Will you be able to transfer ALL the tickets bought in yesterday's sale without leaving one for yourself?

    Yes. They actually say somewhere that the transfer facility is partly to enable people who can't go for whatever reason to transfer their ticket to a friend.

  9. 10 minutes ago, G222 said:

    One of our mates was lucky enough to get through the Uefa quagmire and get 3 tickets to the Hungary match in Stuttgart.

    He used a separate email address / account as he already had all 3 matches through SSC. Assuming he is fine to transfer the 3 tickets to the 3 of us individually?

    I shouldn't have thought there would be a problem, only difficulty might be connecting 2 different emails to the same app, but plenty people use multiple accounts so It's probably not an issue. The SSC tickets will have the transfer button greyed out, the new ones won't.

  10. 3 minutes ago, renton said:

    Regardless of whether independence happens or not, the polarisation of the Scottish parliament down those constitutional lines negates any attempts at compromise 'across the isle'

    So the queation of where you find someone willing to vote with the SNP even if they agree on the principle of the motion being voted for, remains open.

    The budget might be difficult but cooperation still happens, like with the GRA.

  11. 14 hours ago, Billy Jean King said:

    I just checked the current price of our hotel. Last September paid 1800 currently 6900 for same period. Loony tunes stuff

    My hotels in Munich, Cologne and Stuttgart are all sold out but my base in Berlin looks like it's gone up 5 fold. I made some mistakes booking very early but I'm glad of it now.

  12. 2 minutes ago, velo army said:

    As I said. They're the good guy party, but they need to be pragmatic and focus on issues that people care about to the extent that they will vote on it. Workplace democracy, anti-poverty measures, green new deal. Exciting things that people can get passionate about. They're making themselves electable to the few suburban middle class folk who were always going to vote for them. They're the appendix of the Scottish parliament.

    I get that, but I wouldn't trust them to make a tofu sandwich if they abandoned a tiny minority they previously supported because of a social media campaign by Graham Linehan, JK Rowling and the Reverend Stuart Campbell.

  13. 2 minutes ago, velo army said:

    I'm bamboozled and disillusioned that they've basically become the trans party now. It's honestly bonkers and a huge, huge missed opportunity.

    I'm beginning to realise why you were wary of being pilloried for white knighting now.

  14. 5 minutes ago, Jedi2 said:

    Suggesting the Greens prioritise Trans Rights=trolling

    You didn't say that, you said they prioritise it over everything else. I think you'd be better off telling us the positives of why we should vote Labour, the dark arts clearly don't fit your skill set.

  15. 3 minutes ago, velo army said:

    As much as I may get pilloried for"white knighting" I also find the Greens' emphasis on trans related policies to be frustrating. I'm a member of that party and joined because of their economically left wing policies and, obviously, position on environment and sustainability. Trans related policies aren't vote winners. I honestly wish they were more focussed on the issues people actually vote on.

    Do you know when the Greens took such an interest? My thoughts are if the SNP had ignored the likes of Fergus Ewing in the late 2010s, when Ireland had already put through GRR with little fuss, and Theresa May was trying to do the same before Brexit swamped everything, it wouldn't be an issue, now it's a main battlefield of the culture wars despite it affecting a tiny group of people. Were the Greens big on it before JKR stuck her oar in?

  16. 20 minutes ago, Jedi2 said:

    Don't really need to, as a cursory glance at most of them will see the words 'priority' and 'trans rights' going together, as well as it being the 'red line' for them in working with any other party (as well as severing their ties with the Green Party of England).

    What is much harder to find from a trawl is any articles on them talking about....guess what...Education, Housing, Transport..etc etc

    Seeing as you've only bothered giving a cursory glance at the ten articles you've linked, presumably expecting us not to bother reading likewise, and have provided no evidence that "The Greens are on record as saying that their 'top' priority is to promote Trans Rights.", I'm going to stick to my previous conclusion that you're at it.

  17. 14 minutes ago, Jedi2 said:

    The Greens are on record as saying that their 'top' priority is to promote Trans Rights. Should that be on a 'programme' for a govt? Don't see why not.

    Should it be above Education, Health, Transport, Poverty, Crime, the Environment, Trade Union Rights, Policing, Fair Pay, Reducing violence against women and girls, Immigration, Housing...?

    I'll let you decide.

    I've decided, you're at it.

  18. 1 hour ago, Dunfermline Don said:

    I hadn’t managed to get any tickets in the last sale and was due to be having a review with my boss this morning, so unable to log on today.

    However my older son was off today so I got him on the job. (He already has tickets for the Swiss and Hungary games with his pals)

    He has managed to get one ticket for the Hungary game so my dilemma now is do I take it or give it to my 17 year old son have it?

    I have previously seen Scotland in a tournament in Italy in 1990, but will I get the opportunity again?

    My youngest son has only ever seen us playing at Hampden. 

    Tell him his Mum says he's too young.

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