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Everything posted by Adam

  1. It's working now. Just started working after I started playing Poker on another site. Typical.
  2. That doesn't mean that people need Tesco though. Like I said, Tesco need people more than people need Tesco. You'd have to be an idiot to think otherwise.
  3. I can get on it but when I try to play Poker, it's saying that I don't have any funds in my account.
  4. Is anyone having problems getting onto Betfair just now?
  5. No, they don't. Tesco need people more than people need Tesco.
  6. Charlie is saying all sorts recently, including goal, graft and what's that. He is getting a toy train that goes round a track with him sitting on it. Reserved it and went to pick it up today only to be told that it hadn't been delivered to the store yet and to try again on Monday. They have loads of pink ones but no blue ones. He may end up with a pink one yet! His birthday is ten days before Christmas so we are getting him a ball pool for that. They have one in the nursary and I think he likes that. We'll pick up a couple of smaller things to take down to Bristol with us so he has something to open on Christmas day but the trip down is costing us quite a lot, so that's his main present.
  7. What is Ian Beale playing at? He's just managed to keep Jane from leaving and he's away pumping Glenda? Is he stupid or attracted to women who are looking to blackmail him? He can't be that stupid, surely? I'm sure Scotty Tunbridge on here would have loved the scene with Kat and Stacey in the cellar with the beer. A bit of Julie thrown in as well though, which kind of sapped the hotness out of the scene.
  8. Last years was after Christmas if I recall correctly. I would probably have to rule myself out if it was before Christmas, too much to pay for beforehand.
  9. It's on here, but quite lightly. My Mum is going to Morrisons later to stock her cupboards (silly woman ) and she is picking me some milk up. What a woman.
  10. I've had post every day this week. Our Postie must be dedicated as we have about a foot of snow on the pavements in the east end. Must give him a decent tip this Christmas.
  11. Normally I've got two or three books on the go at once, yes. It stems from a love of buying books so when a new one comes in, I feel the urge to pick it up and start reading it even when I haven't finished the book I'm currently reading. Reading Howard Marks Book of Dope Stories just now, seems pretty poor. Still on Crime and Punishment as well, hoping to get that finished soon as the print is a b*****d to read! Loved Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas, looking forward to reading Fear and Loathing on the Campaign Trail next. Hunter S Thompson really was an utter genius.
  12. Had to go and pick up some bread and milk earlier. I couldn't get a loaf of bread in my local Co-op and there was very little milk left. The old dear in front of me had three loafs of bread and two big jugs of milk. No idea how she was going to get them home left alone eat/drink them. I can't remember people panic buying before. Some people really need to get a grip!
  13. Funny you should say that, I was playing some Chess on the bus in. I was very poor.
  14. Similar story for me. Stood waiting for a bus for near enough 30 minutes and it was pretty full by the time I managed to get on. As we got to the Trongate, I don't think it would be an exaggeration to say that there was around 80 people on the single decker bus. Only 6 out of 18 people have bothered coming in today. The lecturer didn't bother her arse getting in either! Still, because I came in I found out that I passed two of my assessments meaning that I don't need to come in again until next Monday!
  15. Have you ever considered that your Mum may want to just have a nice quiet Christmas at home with her family here? Must be stressful getting everying sorted for going away at Christmas. So, in short, stop thinking about yourself and think about your Mum.
  16. I don't think anyone in my family plays Chess, but thanks anyway. I downloaded it on my Ipod but it doesn't give you any tips. I found one online game but it didn't give you any help either. Box? Pah, I'm a young person, we play games online! Showing your age there, old boy.
  17. I've decided to try and learn how to play Chess, so could someone perhaps point me to a half decent website for tutorials and stuff? I've had a look but I've only found rubbish sites, so if anyone had any they can recommend, I'd be very happy. Thanks.
  18. Damn, I do love a Daniel O'Donnell advert. I wonder what he gets up to the other 11 months of the year?
  19. The man who makes it doesn't want it, the man who buys it isn't going to use it and the person using it doesn't know they're using it. What am I?
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