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  1. We were rank rotten. Clueless gutless and no tactics.Could have played all day and never looked likely. Darvel tied things up first half. Total mess at Lok.
  2. We deserved nothing and got nothing out of today-Darvel played well and killed the game off first half aided by our inept defending and goalkeeping -could have been more too. Lok discipline very poor and totally unacceptable from two veteran players. Good luck in the next round.
  3. I think you will win without too much trouble but as you say those odds are a bit extreme!
  4. Is the ground owned by the Council and leased to the Trust?Which I think is the same or very similar to the Rob Roy model perhaps?
  5. I should have rephrased that -was more a general observation that if you are tenants then the landlords hold the upper hand and you rely on them playing ball literally !
  6. It’s interesting to see how many clubs are tenants nowadays .A sign of the times I suppose but can leave you at the mercy of unscrupulous landlords I suppose and that’s the danger as Rob Roy found out with the huge delays over their use of the new ground.
  7. The club own the ground so it will I presume be held in the usual way by the Office holders as trustees for the club as all clubs do.
  8. Newlandsfield is owned by Pollok Football Club in the usual way that a club owns property.
  9. Was it Freddy Doo-Daa at Maryhill who was putting the money in over the years?
  10. With that depth and the quality available I do think it looks like Clydebank are in with a very good shout to win the league.But as we all know a long way to go and a load of difficult games for every single team in this league which is undoubtedly the toughest it has ever been
  11. Yes I thought about 600 myself yesterday -quite a lot of Lok fans there as well with our game off too.
  12. I agree-can’t see many teams getting anything out of them.They are strong throughout and well organised and balanced.The signings made were clever and strengthened an already good side.Got to be hot favourites,
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