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Posts posted by thelegendthatis

  1. On 8/28/2018 at 19:22, Jimboyjones1976 said:

    I was thinking something similar so here’s how I read it.

    I distinctly remember David Murray saying in court that it was the club, not the company, that indemnified the player’s EBT’s.

    According to the outfit from Govan, it was the company that died, not the club.

    They claim that the club are the same.

    Many players had EBT’s and are now having to pay them back.

    So does that mean that the current club, yes the current and same club as stated billions of time by Rangers fans are now liable for the repayment of their players taxes?

    Kind of painted themselves into a corner on this one haven’t they?

    Or will they refer the liability to the old company like they did with that Neely victim a few months back?

    Can’t have your cake and eat it although I imagine they think they can.

    Are we about to see a return of a BTC?

    The players were paid by the company that existed at the time. Any guarantees to the players (if they existed) were from the company. That company is no more.

    Much as some would like it the current company has no relationship (legally) with the old company.

    So in essence despite what Murray or anyone else promised in the past, the players are on their own. 

    Can see the domino effect  into bankruptcy will be kicking off soon. 

  2. Not up to reading through the full judgement, but I would think that (old) Rangers has some liability to settle with HMRC. But I would guess that everyone who benefitted from this tax dodge is now liable to pay tax on their earnings obtained through their EBT.

    So that should include most Rangers legends you can think of, some of whom used to be household names people looked up to.

    Probably HMRC will be getting letters out to all these tax dodgers pretty damn quick.

  3. Another big night tonight with Bomber about to be the star turn again.

    After achieving legendary status after his first Gettysburg (sorry, Ibrox) address, he appears again by popular demand.

    This will be even better. Maybe might even have a teleprompter. The deeds are bound to get a mention and Ashley is definitely not a Rangers man.

    Same suit again or will Slaters have found one with even bigger pinstripes.

    Hopefully he will have had his teeth sorted by now. You can't be a media darling unless you have a smile like Simon Cowell. :shutup

    So come on Bomber, don't disappoint us. Get stuck into EVERYBODY, except the real Rangurs men :thumsup2

    and please guys. Loads of videos...

  4. Here's my issue with Rangers fans like Bennett and their continued assertions about Scottish fitba' with or without Rangers.

    When Rangers were liquidated and returned as a newco in League Two, their fans turned out in decent numbers around the country. Great! Money was then being passed around smaller clubs that, a favourable cup draw aside, otherwise wouldn't have seen it. These clubs were able to put some money away, invest in ground improvements, sign new players etc. Of course, that figure would have been much higher had the policing/stewarding needs not been so high.

    But onto the fable that the Premiership clubs "need" Rangers and the money they bring. We don't, it's as simple as that. Would we like an extra big gate or two every season? Of course we would. But it's in the same way that I'd like to wake up next to Jenny Lewis every morning, but I don't actually need to in order to survive or be happy. What Scottish Premiership clubs have done in Rangers' absence, is cut their cloth accordingly. That might be an alien concept to most Rangers fans given how their side has tried to borrow their way through the divisions, but trust me when I say, some clubs do.

    Part of cutting your cloth is reducing unnecessary salaries, and that tends to be in terms of first team players. How do the clubs then fill the gaps left by higher earners leaving? They promote players from their youth academy, that's how. St Mirren e.g. have given regular first team football to young talents like John McGinn, Kenny McLean and Stephen Mallan. Kilmarnock have done the same with Robbie Muirhead, Craig Slater, Mark O'Hara etc. Both of those clubs have won a major trophy in recent years. Dundee United, Aberdeen... Heck, everybody else is too. So having less money has enabled clubs to do what they should have been doing all along, and that's developing players.

    Rangers spent £14million in building Murray Park, and that's before we even look at the day-to-day running costs which will be astronomical. Yet how many of the current Rangers team came through there? If you look at the team that started the loss to Raith - one player came through Rangers' youth system. And he's absolutely brutal. Rangers had the ability and the infrastructure to start developing their own young players properly after starting again in League Two, but refused. Seemingly it's not only Rangers fans that are under the belief that money is everything and we have to spend, spend, spend to succeed... If Kilmarnock, St Mirren and co. can produce and develop young players capable of making an impact in the Premiership then why can't Rangers? Arrogance and pigheadedness. The same arrogance and pigheadedness that will see folk like Bennett claim that the rest of the country needs their cash to survive. There's only one Scottish team that needs Rangers' fans cash to survive, and that's Rangers themselves.

    Don't want to be pedantic, but Murray Park was built with nearly £1 million from what was the Scottish Executive and The Scottish Sports Council (Now Sportscotland). They do like hand outs at Rangers whether in grants like this, dodging the tax man through EBTs or using their charity to raise money for the club.

    Amazingly at Murray Park they have a video/media room when games and all training sessions are videoed and then used to help in the development of players and tactical development of the teams. This is a summary of the original documentation at the time of building.

    I can only assume this media suite was turned into a Greggs/adult cinema under Ally and his management team.

  5. Roy MacGregor last night blamed the chaos and poor behaviour of Rangers as the reason for the lack of a major Scottish Professional Football League sponsor.

    As the Ross County chairman raised the spectre of part-time clubs playing in the Premiership within three years if our game keeps haemorrhaging cash, he pointed the finger of blame for many of the current ills directly at the gates of Ibrox.

    The Staggies' millionaire financier laid bare his growing concern for the health of our game, amid falling attendances, declining quality on the park and dwindling income.

    He is adamant that the near-daily dramas surrounding Rangers are at the heart of an image problem that is exacerbating the decline.

    "The [increased] financial discipline of clubs has affected the brand and you can see that in the way we can't even get a sponsor," said MacGregor yesterday.

    "My own belief is it will still be difficult to get a sponsor as long as Rangers behave the way they have been. We're not projecting ourselves as businesses that can self-manage ourselves."

    Along with St Mirren chairman Stewart Gilmour, MacGregor played a significant role in creating the current SPFL format by blocking much-derided moves towards a split of the top two leagues into three leagues of eight. But the head of the world-renowned Global group of companies is increasingly worried for the future of Scottish football. The SPFL hasn't captured a headline sponsor since it's creation in summer 2013. MacGregor warned that we are fast approaching the day when teachers, plumbers and electricians were kicking a ball about in Scotland's top flight in their spare time.

    "The number of full-time players in Scotland is diminishing the whole time,' he said. "You're going to see part-time football in the Premier League within two or three years. That's coming. It's straightforward economics. The fan-bases are just not there any more. And if you don't entertain, eventually the quality will get less and the finances worsen.

    Scottish fitba doesn't need Rangers and everything is booming.

    Where did this come from? Not written by a journalist I hope, nor by anyone who understands punctuation.

  6. Probably complicit in a last resort to foster siege mentality among the WCOE, while also playing to the green cheek.

    I would rather guess the news than read it

    If you had said you preferred to guess the news and then write it I would put you up for a job with the Daily Record. That clown Keith Jackson is the star turn for making it up as he goes along. Worst of all his 'business analysis' of Rangers is invariably simplistic and wrong. They say in Scotland football reporters are merely fans with typewriters. In Jackson's case add a calculator and you have him sussed.


  7. And now the London hotel says 'egm here? thanks but nae chance?

    Met police advice probably

    If a newspaper phones a hotel to ask if someone else has booked a function what do you expect them to say?

    "Oh yes we have the booking, we are charging x and we will be providing coffees and danish pastries."

    I think not. So for the Daily Record not to be able to confirm with the hotel is EXACTLY what you would expect.

  8. Kings already got investors lined up, not to mention the groups such as RangersFirst who have close to the 8,000 mark making monthly payments.

    I am sure you see that as good news.

    Once King and his acolytes win the vote, what will they have to do next?

    1. Tell Llambias and Leach to go. I wonder what their contract terms are?

    2. Appoint a new CEO and FD.

    3. Tell Somers to go. Buy out his contract?

    4. Appoint a new chairman. Maybe Jimmy Bell would be up for that. As Walter proved under a regime led by Rangers men, no experience or ability is required.

    5. Do not answer Mike Ashley's calls when he wants his loan money back immediately. Dave King will say "He won't chase us for it, we are Rangers and we are Rangers people". Yes Dave!

    6. Find £20million at least.

    7. Convince the SFA that Dave King is a good guy.

    8. Convince the AIM market that Dave King is a good guy, if consistently misunderstood.

    9. Ask McDowell to tell them what players they need for next season. When McDowell comes back with "what was the question again?" they will realise he not only doesn't have the answer, he doesn't understand the question. The word thick comes to mind. Some managers can be thick and get by. However he is just too thick. :o

    10. Dave King will take calls from real Rangers men looking to feed out of the trough. Led by Ally, Andy Goram, Hateley, Walter, Gough, Barry Ferguson, Billy Davies, Craig Whyte and Charles Green.

    and then on day 2 they will pray.

  9. From the Rangers announcement.

    How King can even get close to the doors of Ibrox is beyond me. And then clowns like Richard Gough endorsing him. Rangers men sticking together. :o

    The Directors have also been advised by the Company's NOMAD that there could be a material adverse impact on the Company's listing on AIM if David King, one of the proposed directors, is appointed to the Company's Board. This is explained in more detail below but the Directors wish to draw Shareholders' attention to the following public information about Mr King:

    In August 2013 David King was convicted on 41 counts of breach of s.75 of the South African Income Tax Act. As part of the plea which led to those convictions he agreed to pay a sum in Rand which equates to approximately £40,000,000 in respect of unpaid tax, and either to pay a fine or accept a prison sentence. The Board understand that Mr King elected to pay the fine.

    The link below is to a South African Revenue Service press release which gives details of the convictions:

    In addition the following comments about Mr King were made by a judge in a different South African legal case, to which the link is as follows:


    Mr King has subsequently been identified in the media as the person identified as "Mr N" in that case. Those comments include these statements:

    "...he deliberately misrepresented the facts of the case..."

    "he has no respect for the truth and does not hesitate to lie... if he thinks it will be to his advantage"

    "there can be little doubt that on most occasions [he] lied..."

    "we ...are unanimous in finding that he is a mendacious1 witness whose evidence should not be accepted"

    "in our assessment he is a glib and shameless liar"

    1 "given to or characterized by deception or falsehood or divergence from absolute truth" (Definition from www.merriam-webster.com)

    The Directors set out in further detail in this announcement why the Board considers that the Requisitioned Resolutions are NOT in the best interests of the Company or its Shareholders.

    The Directors recommend that Shareholders vote AGAINST the Requisitioned Resolutions

  10. Is there a button I can press to filter out the Irish/Scottish/Catholic/Protestant/we sing/we don't sing dross and read the discussions on what this thread is really about? the last few pages have been excrutiating!!

    I agree. However trying to deal with this problem I have one person on P&B on ignore, so I don't see his posts. By God it makes things much better despite the flailings of Tedi and Bennett, but I can cope with them.

    WhiteRoseKIllie is my man on ignore. If I browse the forum without signing in I unfortunately do see his posts which is usually enough to make me to sign in immediately. The great news is that by ignoring him for the last year I have missed absolutely nothing of any consequence. :thumsup2 Bliss.

  11. Hear hear. The tit for tit shit-slinging, the constant denial of each support that they've ever done anything wrong and it was always 'thame whae started it', the seemingly endless capacity of knuckledraggers and their associated apologists on both sides to carry on like utter weans in the name of a game of football when everybody knows it's about something much darker and nothing to do with a game of football. The media lapping it up while the rest of us scratch our heads wondering how it ever came to this, and why these communities cling to the indiscretions of generations long gone, which stains the national psyche and harms our reputation as a sporting nation of good humour and good people. And all the while the clubs themselves tut-tut and plead ignorance, pointing to a 'small minority of their supports' knowing full well that the sectarianism fuels shirt sales and keeps the coffers full, and is without doubt the lifeblood of the clubs ongoing health.

    Together, Celtic and Rangers are a blight, a cancer on sport and society in Scotland and always will be. This is why they've forever known that they could never really be apart (despite their protest to the contrary), why both supports have dwindled in the absence of the other and why their separation has led to greater competition in the SPL. Rest assured though, Ashley will keep Rangers on life support on a budget that will allow them to compete with Celtic again so we will return to the status quo; Scottish football has as much to fear from Ashley as Rangers themselves, perhaps even more so.

    I just wish they could be football clubs and remove all the associated rubbish. Does it just effect football supporters? No, it effects everyone. Just ask anyone who lives in Glasgow and not interested in football. They will be careful where they go to this weekend. There is significant concern around the wider population.

    Typical of how it intrudes, some years back I had a flight diverted to Glasgow one Saturday and was then catching a train to Edinburgh. The train was leaving Queen St just after 5pm.

    Guess what? It was a Rangers home game, so the train was full of boys in blue. Sing song going on in the next carriage, then the phone of one of the Rangers supporters standing closeby rang. Of course his ring tune was the Sash. And the bit that is usually shouted at the end was at the start. Yes, it started with a 'F*** the Pope', and then into 'it was old and it was'.

    Why should anyone have to listen to that nonsense? Just because someone has such a sad life he has to create his 'belonging' around tribal haters who claim 'we are the people' only because they know they aren't.

  12. Rangers International Football Club plc - Is it breaching the Companies Act? Is its Nomad a cretin or worse?

    Rangers (RFC) has announced agreements with SportsDirect for the provision of a £5 million credit facility, with a further £5 million available subject to due diligence by SportsDirect prior to drawn down. However, with the company having admitted to a number of options, the deal now announced has been criticised as not being in the companys best interests We really question whether it breaches section 994 of the 2006 Companies Act. We shall be contacting AIM Regulation asking for a formal investigation. Since they are chocolate teapots, we will also be contacting the Scottish FA asking it to launch a formal probe as it appears a watchdog with some teeth.

    In particular, for the duration of the initial facility, SportsDirect will have transferred to it 26% of Rangers Retail Ltd (a retail joint venture which in the period ending 27th April 2014 made a pre-tax profit of £1.17 million and which from the 2017/8 season will incorporate any future shirt sponsorship proceeds). A consortium with a 20% shareholding in Rangers and which offered a rival £6.5 million facility noted that the agreement now announced equates to an annual interest rate significantly higher than our offer and probably in double digits. Additionally, it added that;

    Security for the SportsDirect facility involves the club's registered trademarks and a floating charge over the club's assets. This is disadvantageous to the club compared to the security required under our offer. We fail to see how the SportsDirect facility can be described as better for the club than the funding offer we made. It isn't and should not have been accepted if the best interests of all the shareholders were considered. Acceptance of the SportsDirect facility will do nothing to repair relationships with the fans which is critical in improving the revenue streams of the club.

    The consortium also noted that it was advised by Derek Llambias (CEO) that our funding offer would be difficult for the board to accept if we did not provide irrevocable undertakings to vote against General Meeting resolutions to remove certain existing board members. We felt this was completely inappropriate and advised that our current funding offer was not affected by the GM process.

    Sports Direct founder and majority shareholder Mike Ashley has already had rejected by the Scottish Football Association an attempt to raise his shareholding in Rangers to 10%+ while he remains the owner of Newcastle United, but still has Llambias (previously MD of Newcastle) and Barry Leach (previously of Sports Direct) as respectively CEO and FD of Rangers and now has the right to nominate two directors to the board for the duration of the new loan facility. This is despite Ashley already facing Scottish FA charges of being able to influence the management or administration of the club, whilst being involved in another club, and not acting in the best interests of the game.

    There must also be the question now of whether the newly announced finance facilities are in the best interests of shareholders. Section 994 of the Companies Act covers agreements where one shareholder is treated differently to others.

    We believe that merely taking a loan from Ashley is NOT in the best interests of Rangers in that it does not put up enough capital to fundamentally repair a broken balance sheet or to give the club the cash it needs to be able to retain its better players to ensure promotion and ultimately European football which would offer the hope of financial salvation. Quite simply, the current squad might get back into the top flight but it might well not. If it does, it is hard to see it faring well enough to secure European football the year after.

    Other proposals of loans from Rangers fans (who does Ashley actually support, by the way?) were rejected as was the equity financing proposed by US tycoon Robert Sarver. Did the Ashley dominated board seek independent financial advice as to what offer was in the best interests of ALL shareholders before deciding what to do as they were duty bound to?

    Was that advice from Paul Shackleton, the Nomad at retained financial adviser WH Ireland? Since WH Ireland is paid a fixed retainer to act for Rangers it cannot be seen as an impartial adviser on a proposal that might lead to boardroom change. Mr Shackleton is noted in the City for his track record of acting for and floating fraudulent Chinese companies on AIM. Whilst he may be an expert in that field, does he know anything about a sport which at the sort of school people like him attend they were unlikely to play?

    We have seen correspondence between Mr Shackleton and angry Rangers fans where he arrogantly dismisses concerns about how price sensitive information appears to be being leaked to the press - not announced via RNS - in clear breach of AIM Rule 17. His approach is not that of an independent financial adviser to the company seeking to protect the interests of ALL of its owners, i.e. shareholders, but of a man who is batting for the board.

    The question for the Rangers board which they have refused to answer when we gave the opportunity is what truly independent financial advice did you seek when reflecting two refinancing proposals and accepting a third to ensure that you were acting in the best interests of ALL shareholders on an equal basis?

    That is the question we shall now be putting to the relevant authorities in the hope that they can establish the truth

    What a load of mince. :( Despite the regular use of both big and technical words this is clearly the attempt by some gormless clown trying to appear to be an expert. Surely amongst all the Rangers fans they could find one person who could proof read it. (apostrophes, punctuation, quotation marks, general grammar - pathetic).

    Just give up guys, you just show yourselves up every time you open your mouths or take to a keyboard. :o:thumbsdown

  13. Disciplinary update: Rangers FC and Michael Ashley Wednesday, 28 January 2015

    A procedural hearing convened under the auspices of the Judicial Panel Protocol was held to determine the principal hearing dates in respect of Notices of Complaints issued against Rangers FC and Michael Ashley on 15th December.

    The following hearing dates were determined:

    Michael Ashley – Monday, 2nd March 2015

    Rangers FC – Monday, 16th March 2015

    27th February Sports Direct announces it is in negotiation with the SFA to sponsor the Scottish Cup for a 'substantial sum'. The sponsorship will be for a 10 year period.

    Sports Direct will use one of its brands as the sponsorship vehicle, so that from 2016 the tournament will be known as the Golddigga Scottish Cup.

    Stewart Regan Chief Exec of the SFA said 'This agreement with Golddigga is good for Scottish football, and we are delighted to enter a partnership with such a successful and ethical company. And we think Mike Ashley is an ok bloke, and has no case to answer in our attempt to make sure only Rangers men get involved with running The Rangers. We can now all move on'

  14. News today from Big Mike's football club.

    Nacho Novo is chased from Ibrox. "Don't come back to train with us".

    Players not getting their usual batch of free tickets. But they can buy up to 10 if they want. Outrage!

    The 3 Bears complaining they are not being taken seriously. They have loads of money (they say.)

    Rangers fans have vote of no confidence in the board.

    Chris Graham the spokeman for .... himself...said something.

    Bert Konterman also said something and then fell over.

    Brian Donohoe Central Ayrshire MP, expenses cheat, living very well off the Westminister gravy train had a moan to the press. Shamefully the lazy Daily Record made it into a story.

    Mike clearing out the nonsense that goes on behind the scenes at Ibrox, bit by bit.

    Must soon be time to bite the bullet with McCoist.

  15. how fekin creepy does he look at the end. Scared the crap out of me.

    A class act is Brian. Has put up 6x 2 line items of news in 2 years.

    Site created with money claimed as part of his 'allowances'. And he talks about embracing the 'modern age'. Luddite clown = Rangers fan.

    In addition to his salary of £65,738, the Central Ayrshire MP charged the public purse a further £147,217 in the financial year 2010/2011, putting him in the top five claimers.
    Included in the claims submitted by Irvine-based Mr Donohoe was a total of £16,041 for ‘Accommodation’ and £21,539 for ‘Travel & Subsistence. His Labour colleague Katy Clark, who represents the neighbouring constituency of North Ayrshire & Arran, claimed much less - £2,978 for ‘Accommodation’ and £9,866 for ‘Travel & Subsistence’.
    Mr Donohoe, who was first elected in 1992, also made a claim to cover ‘secretarial work’, which cost the taxpayer between £10,000 and £14,999. The name of the ‘secretary’ was recorded as ‘Christine Donohoe’.
    Brian Donohoe is a very low-profile backbench MP. (Brian has a lot to be low profile about)
    He is currently secretary of the House of Commons Rangers Supporters Club and, in the past, set up the All Party Parliamentary Group on Coronation Street.
  16. MP for central ayrshire Brian Donohoe hits out at Ashley,


    Is this the same Brian Donohoe http://www.irvinetimes.com/news/irvine/articles/2013/05/21/458030-payback-time-for-mp-donohoe/

    also voted against Real Recall bill which allowed constituents to call a by election if their MP is shown to be a useless plonker.

    And on his MPs expenses

    Brian Donohoe was allowed to claim over the odds on a three-piece suite for his second home because the Commons authorities did not want to “antagonise” him or appear “petty”

    So good old Brain seems to value the traditional values of Rangers. 'Who can I rip off to line my own pocket?'.

    Hopefully come the general election we will see the back of him.

  17. Mike waiting to see if they get promoted ...Non issue. Happy staying where they are as they get the club and playing side sorted. The fat, lazy and special needs players out the door.

    King and T3B's interest will vanish like snow aff a dyke on a sunny morning if they don't. Again who will really care. They are just a noisy distraction from the wee boys while the heavyweights park their tanks on the hallowed Ibrox turf.

    Will the bear's buy ST's.? Hopefully just the sane normal ones. Let the rest rot in hell.

    Will the SFA act? Only if the SFA board, the Save Rangers committee, the EBT cover up sub committee, the local Orange Lodge and the Hampden branch of the Masons all agree to do 'the right thing'.

    Will MA .. tell them ... see you in court ... ? Only if they put their heads above the parapet. If they do, boom.......

    Will Bennett ever manage to put 2 + 2 together and get the correct answer ... ? Probably yes. He usually gets there eventually.

    So many questions to answer in the coming months and plenty of Chuckles ahead in this farcical, reality (sometimes but mainly fantasy) comedy show.

    My view is the activity around what Rangers is doing will become more and more businesslike. Not too many laughs.

    The fun and comedy will come from the idiots gnashing their teeth, Ally pleading poverty, Derek Ferguson keeping up his 'Only an Excuse' I am really thick character, Dave King giving all his money to the poor, and the MMS grabbing quotes from the stupid and illiterate who realise they have been conned rotten.

  18. Maybe the best thing for us is not to get promoted, another season with 15,000 crowds would surely be a wake up call to the investors,, that no matter how many loans ashley gives. If the fans are not putting money in. And the playing squad is not strengthend,( players out of contract at the end of this season) they will get no return on their investments, as one investment group have already sold their share...as they have no confidence in the current board...

    If Rangers end up playing in an empty stadium the board and Sports Direct could build the type of support they want to have. In other words sometimes you have to clean out the cancer before you can get on with your life. For Armageddon read chemotherapy.

  19. Looks like he probably was just flying a kite with regards to Ibrox. Now ra peeps are delighted at another screwing as long as it doesn't involve their beloved big hoose. As the poster above says, masterful.

    Agree with that reading of the Big Hoose 'threat'. After all politicians do it all the time. Threaten armageddon and then the reality is a lot less, so we end up grateful.

    Ashley is playing a brilliant game.

    Getting Sports Direct involved as the lender is a smart move. He has speculated personally at a minor level (financially), the sort of risky investment Sports Direct would find difficult to justify to its shareholders. But now he gets paid back for risking his money. Meanwhile the Sports Direct guys are in the door understanding the business better preparing for the Sports Direct agreement, and understanding the business risk better.

    In the months ahead Sports Direct will take a greater hands on role. To confuse Ashley and Sports Direct is reality but if the SFA accuse Sports Direct of being the same as Mike Ashley their feet won't touch the ground as they are taken to court. Sports Direct is a serious company and has to play things correctly.

    http://www.sportsdirectplc.com/investor-relations/corporate-governance.aspxSay they are doing otherwise you would do at your peril.

    Sports Direct are about brands and brand value. This is a company that has taken earning per share from 16p in 2010 to 31p per share in 2014. So they build brands and maximize their value. They will do it with Rangers.

    The down side for the Rangers fans is they will not allow their brands to be threatened or devalued by repeats of their thuggery and violence. .

    So the mobs who wear Rangers strips, follow the team and wreck cities will no longer be tolerated.



    So we will see the typical Rangers support changing gradually as the neds and troublemakers get banned and excluded. Rangers as a brand has an enormous potential without them. With them they have strips which are the equivalent of a Poundies union jack t shirt.
    Ok money and business will drive it, but the majority of the population and football generally will support the club in dealing with its distasteful side.

    Oh yes, and given Kris Boyd's contribution to the Rangers cause this season, I see no reason why Mike Ashley can't be signed as a player. He will be as mobile as Kris Boyd but his instinct for being in the right place, to confuse the defence totally, and the ball to always land at his feet is fantastic to watch. Give the big man the chance to show the same skills on the park. :lol: :thumsup2

  20. Very quiet here the last few days. Any chance this is the lull before the storm?

    Will tomorrow be Armageddon for The Rangers? :lol: Or will we have to wait a few more days?

    I know with Ashley's generosity they will survive, but the possibility of Rangers being totally wiped out never to play football is a very attractive option. Everyone else has had enough of their puffed up arrogance and their corrupt existence. :thumbsdown .

  21. From today's Observer.

    Man of the week

    Ex-Rangers director Dave King, correcting any wrong impressions given by his 41 tax fraud convictions. King, looking to return, says 2013’s resolution to the case in South Africa – paying £44m to avoid 82 years in prison - was “a favourable settlement” that allows him to start over, “without the integrity issues that previously dogged me”.

    Among the key favourable lines from judge Mr Justice Southwood in 2010: “Mr King is extremely arrogant, and obviously thinks that whatever he says is so”; “He has no respect for the truth” and: “In our assessment, is a glib and shameless liar.”

    I know everyone knows these stories, but you can't remind people enough just in case they are tempted to be conned by good old Dave. When I say conned, I mean conned again.

  22. While vikington was a little wide of the mark with regards to the "elite" Premiership clubs his argument is a lot stronger with respect to the lesser lights. At clubs like West Brom and Stoke match day revenue accounts for barely 10% of the total.

    Theoretically you could, with a good manager and a bit of luck, survive in the EPL with no supporters at all.

    Wigan Athletic managed to achieve something not entirely dissimilar for years.

    Just picked any old Championship club to see what their sources of income were.


    Interesting comments about financial support from their chairman. But this part I thought was especially significant for Rangers:

    "We are responding to a changing environment by improvement and development of the wider Burnden Leisure business interests.
    "This year we secured sole ownership of the hotel, expanded our education business and applied for planning permission to increase our non-football operations to improve revenues over the medium to long term."
    Here were Rangers right in the middle of an area of high deprivation, could have developed its facilities to do what Bolton is doing. Instead of that they leased out their property to David Murray's call centre business for pennies. Murray's bargain paid for by the Rangers fans. :(
  23. "The 58-year-old was disqualified in December after the League obtained documents from an Italian court, which had found him guilty of tax evasion. The Professional Conduct Committee set up by the Football League to hear Cellino's appeal against the decision ruled that the verdict of the Italian court was for an act involving dishonesty, which is a disqualifying condition under its owners' and directors' test."

    Who could we be talking about?


    Meanwhile Dave King breezes along as if he will just walk in and take over. Unless of course he knows something we don't? A Mason's handshake and it's a done deal? :o

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