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Posts posted by thelegendthatis

  1. Just a few comments on the sale and leaseback 'option'.

    If the directors of the company know they are in financial difficulty with administration or even liquidation being possibilities, then to move assets out of the clutches of the company would definitely be of interest to the fraud squad if the company subsequently goes under.

    How do we know they are in financial difficulty?. One the directors loans to tide them over and keep them operating. Secondly their discussions a few months back with the SFA to understand the impact on the football club from either administration or liquidation. So they can't claim not to know how bad things were/are.

    Who would finance a sale and leaseback? Banks and financiers don't get rich by being stupid. Before taking on such a deal they would need comfort that the legal entity could pay back the lease costs. And this would be for the duration of the agreement (10 years, 20 years?). And a bit of due diligence would show that this is a company who cannot live within its means. With no sign of learning any lessons from the last few years.

    Even if such a deal could be arranged the club would be vulnerable to the decisions of the financiers. It is the Lloyds story all over again when Murray took his trousers down and still said please. Lloyds got out of it with their money, thank you Sir David and goodnight!


    "Following a number of attempts, over several weeks, to arrange a meeting with Chief Executive, Graham Wallace, to discuss our proposals for security over Ibrox and Murray Park, the Union of Fans were invited by Mr Wallace to discuss this and other issues at a meeting on Wednesday night.

    Representatives of the Union of Fans met with Mr Wallace, Non Exec Director Norman Crighton and Sandy Easdale. A proposal was made by Mr Wallace that whilst the board would not grant a security they could consider giving a legally binding undertaking :lol: which would protect Ibrox from sale, sale and leaseback or as any form of security for a loan or other finance. We made it clear to Mr Wallace that we felt it was also appropriate that they provide the same undertaking for Murray Park.

    Mr Wallace and Mr Crighton agreed to discuss this with the rest of the PLC board as a matter of urgency and further discussions between the PLC board and Union of Fans will continue once this board meeting has taken place.

    We believe we accurately conveyed the fears of supporters that either or both of these club assets could be lost to the club in a scenario where they were used for any sale and leaseback or other loan security.

    Any proposal by the board will be evaluated by our lawyers and a decision will then be taken on how to move forward. We will keep fans fully informed as discussions continue."

    Anyone who trusts this mob with a 'legally binding undertaking' must be either totally stupid or mad. Is an 'undertaking' the same as an agreement? Or something quite different?

    Get John Brown to the negotiating table. :shutup

  3. Ok daily record again.


    But on a serious note, back when Murray was moving rangers debt about(I think) and into MIH, is this it finally beginning to bite?

    Or is this a separate issue altogether?

    (Genuine questions)

    Murray could soon be the Robert Maxwell of Scotland? :lol:

    Any chance Murray owns a yacht? :huh:

  4. BmgFdfHIEAADPps.jpg

    When the season ticket sales take off and the money pours into the ibrox coffers I presume the club will have priorities already planned on how the money will be allocated.

    I am curious how many season tickets need to be paid in full (to the club) to cover the following critical liabilities.

    • Ally McCoist's salary and bonus. My guess that will take the first 3000(?) season tickets anyway
    • Bonuses for the board and especially our Chief Exec? Number season tickets = ??
    • Paying back recent loans to tide the club over? Number season tickets = ??

    After that they can start to worry about boring things like electricity bills and team hotel expenses.

  5. This may well have been discussed already on here, but I just can't bring myself to wade through pages of Tedi spouting some irrelevant nonsense, nor reading about Sandy Jardine who must soon be canonised if we believe all we read.



    Any updates, info or constructive comment? That leave you Tedi and Bennett out of the invitation.

  6. However, to sell shares, there has to be someone willing to buy them It's not like cashing in chips on the way out of the (super) casino.

    If no-one wants to buy them, you're stuck with them.

    Everything has a price. There will always be someone willing to buy, assuming the price is low enough and the possible return is high enough.

    We have had Chucky in the past, and the way things are going we could well have Chucky II or even a Craigy II.

    He won't necessarily wear the same cheap Matalan suits as Chucky, but he will have similar ethics and honesty.

    Know what 'we are the people' means, and understand who the enemy is. Be able to haver on about everyone being jealous of the mighty Gers, and how we must boycott them.

    No money required, just enough to bribe a Rangers legend to stand beside you and sit with you at games.Plenty out there who could do with a few used tenners in their back pocket for such an easy gig.

    Nationality not important, but critical to have an anonymous history that is difficult to research. If you came from Brazil, China or Russia would be ideal as the fans would jump to all sorts of idiotic conclusions about your wealth. Talk about having access to millions, but avoid the term 'off the radar'.

    Come on Vladimir, Gustavo or Wei, let's have you. Your time is real soon now.

  7. I have given up on what is mostly nonsense spouted on here. And with Tedi back from the dead, there is another good reason to stay away.

    However the 'review' carried out as presented in the Daily Record http://www.dailyrecord.co.uk/sport/football/football-news/rangers-120-day-business-review-report-3455488 is comprehensively damning.

    In fact it summarises the incompetence and dishonesty that was so fundamental to the Chuckie Green regime, that many posters on here pointed out at the time.

    This guy Wallace is an accountant (I believe) and what you would call a businessman. However in his 5 main points, 4 of them are to do with talking up the big things they are going to do in the future, appeasing the fans and please give us the money to do it. Only one of his main points is to do with sorting out the shambles that still exists under the heading of "Developing Best in Class Commercial and Operational Capability". So cliche driven we all know it is meaningless and definitely does not address the institutional long term problems.

    Compare that with Hearts. Where someone has come in and said she would sort out the organisation and procedures to create a properly run business. When the basics are in place she can then move on leaving a club that can build on solid foundations. The playing side and giving the big sales pitch is being left to others. But that is not required as there is honesty and transparency behind all that is going on.

    The fact that Wallace is not dealing with this diseased organisation in any substantive way says to me he is merely another Chuckie Green salesman only this time with a professional qualification but lacking the snake oil,

    Another name, another so called believer, another big time charlie. Just the same as we have heard from David Murray onwards, so nothing has changed.

    This vacuum of honesty and credibility merely creates an opportunity that people like Dave King can take advantage of.

    The conclusion? This thread will just keep on running, as Rangers lurch from one self induced crisis to the next.

  8. I did think that after Mac Goebbels shamed Dhense so often - spectacularly so in February when Philthy couldn't blog for a while as he was off to an IRA rally - that he'd chuck it.

    But the soldier bhoy is as shameless as he his stupid. And he is very, very stupid.

    I did think that after McCoist shamed all Rangers fans so often - spectacularly so in January, February, March, April, May, August, September, November and December when Ally couldn't manage for a while as he was off to a Greggs - that he'd chuck it.

    But the manager from hell is as shameless as he his stupid. And he is very, very stupid. (But very very well paid for it).

  9. Serious question to the more numerate/financially knowledgable.

    If the £1.5 million loan is secured against tangible assets then these assets must have had an unincumbered worth of at least that amount. Surely, therefore, by taking this loan their solvency cannot be affected?

    Not sure what the exact wording was about the loan against 'tangible assets', but if I was daft enough to lend any money to that shower against anything they claimed was an asset of theirs I would be extremely suspicions. Who would know when Chucky or wee Craig would pop up saying 'no way big man, that is mine'? And who would risk the ire of the 'supporters' if you tried to take some 'tangible asset' off the hands of The Rangers plc to cover your loan?

    So the cost of carrying out sufficient due diligence to have reassurance would cost a lot and take a long time.

    However they will have something I would be prepared to give a loan against. And that is season ticket income. Going on sale over the summer months. I would just make sure the first couple of million came to ME. I could tie that down legally, and chase it easily if the decided to play silly b****ers.

    As risks go that option is a lot safer than any others I could think of.

    Edit: Just read their formal announcement. It is the Albion Road car park and Edmiston House as security! Think above is irrelevant .But good luck guys :rolleyes:

  10. If the might Gers II had lost today what would the consequences have been?

    Loss of money for semi final and final, loss of TV money, sponsorship etc. less bonuses to the extravagantly paid duds of players not to mention the management team!

    Loss of income enough to have forced them into administration again?

    How come Albion Rovers have a manager plus some old guy and Rangers have Ally, McDowell, plus a few other well paid has beens. Why? What do they actually do?

  11. The last few pages have been torture, :( This cheered me up.. The The rangers are now run by a hedge fund :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: Enjoy the rest of your soon to be very short journey!!!!

    By David McCarthy, Scott McDermott

    Rangers' largest shareholders scupper fans' hopes of regime change by vowing to back under-fire board at agm

    22 Nov 2013 00:01

    THE boardroom war at Ibrox appears to be over after Laxey Partners upped their stake at Ibrox to more than 11 per cent then told rebel shareholders to stop rocking the boat.

    THE new largest shareholder at Rangers last night dealt a hammer blow to fans’ hopes of binning the Ibrox board at the club’s agm.

    Laxey Partners, who took their holding to 11.64 per cent after snapping up another three million shares for £1.3m on Wednesday, told Record Sport they will be backing the current directors on December 19.

    They insisted supporters had not spoken with a common voice in their bid to oust the board. But that claim was shot down by fans’ spokesman Craig Houston who accused Laxey of lying.

    Until recently, only financial director Brian Stockbridge and non-executive director James Easdale were on the Ibrox board.

    But the recent appointments of David Somers as acting chairman, Graham Wallace as chief executive and Norman Crighton as a non-executive director have convinced Laxey their investment is in safe hands.

    At the time of their original investment, the Isle of Man-based hedge fund intimated they’d vote against the current regime at the agm – but have now U-turned.

    Colin Kingsnorth, founding partner at Laxey, insisted the removal of Charles Green, Imran Ahmad, Craig Mather and others from positions of power – allied to the new appointments – gave him confidence Rangers are now being run professionally.

    His company’s decision will be met with dismay by the group led by Paul Murray and Jim McColl who are pushing for change at the agm.

    Kingsnorth, though, insisted the requisitioners had achieved their aim of forcing change at the top of the marble staircase – and should now end their involvement.

    He told Record Sport: “From our side it’s clear – we will be voting for all of the directors at the agm.

    “In August we indicated we would do what the supporters’ groups wanted to do. But things have changed. Firstly, it has been quite hard to gain a consensus from the supporters’ groups. If there are 101 supporters’ clubs, there are 102 different opinions.

    “None of them speak for a very significant number of people. It surprised me to find how relatively few supporters are represented by the various supporters’ bodies.

    “Also, the requisitioners have never put forward any teams of people they believe can take the club forward, other than Paul Murray and Malcolm Murray.

    “I am not sure they are the strongest people to take the club forward. I’m not in one camp or another. I have looked at it dispassionately and believe appointments have been made that give me confidence in the board.

    “The appointment of Graham Wallace as CEO was also significant. We were not involved in that but we see the merit in that appointment.

    “I met Graham within 24 hours of his appointment. We had a very positive meeting and I believe in his ability to run Rangers professionally. Our investment reflects that belief.

    “We are also impressed with the calibre of the people recently brought on to the board. David Somers and Norman Crighton will bring expertise and experience.

    "The days of wheeling and dealing, of Green and Ahmad, are gone. I can understand why the requisitioners and everyone else wanted that lot out but the picture has changed.

    “The requisitioners have done a power of good because they have forced the pace of change.

    “They claimed the former board was not fit for purpose and they wanted people out and people in.

    “This should now be the end of the requisitoners because they’ve got what they said they wanted – a far more professionally run club.

    “It has happened more quickly because of their actions. They should be happy with that. The new board are good people and I find it pretty straightforward to support their re-election.”

    Groups opposed to the regime will have to find 51 per cent of the vote at the agm. But the current board is edging towards the winning post with the Laxey vote, allied to the 23.79 per cent voting rights transferred to James Easdale’s brother Sandy by investors Blue Pitch Holdings and Margarita Funds.

    Sports Direct owner Mike Ashley, who owns 4.61 percent of Rangers, is also expected to support the existing regime.

    However, fans’ chief Houston insists the supporters remain united in their bid to oust the board and claims Laxey’s new investment will make no difference to the agm.

    Houston – who is behind the Sons of Struth campaign – also accused Laxey of lying with their claim the fans’ groups are fractious and don’t represent a huge number of punters.

    He told Record Sport: “Out of all the supporters’ groups who agreed a week ago to join a fans’ union, not one of them has spoken to Laxey.

    “And I can assure you no fans’ group has intimated to Laxey they are in support of the board.

    “We are very much united against the current board.

    “The Sons of Struth now have official backing from the Supporters’ Trust, the Rangers Assembly and the Rangers Supporters’ Association, among others. We have created a new union of fans.

    “The only supporters’ group who haven’t joined are the Vanguard Bears. They represent around 50 fans and have stated all along they would remain neutral.

    “So if Laxey has spoken to any fans’ group it could only have been them. A month has now passed since I first contacted the club and asked for dialogue with the fans.

    “But they have ignored us and we are still waiting. Not only do we have the club’s PR machine telling lies about the fans, more worryingly we now have a majority shareholder telling lies about us as well.

    “The share purchase from Laxey will make no difference to the agm’s outcome. If the shares came from people who were planning to back the board anyway, it shouldn’t affect the result.”

    Supporters’ Trust chairman Mark Dingwall also insisted his group hadn’t met with Laxey yet but Kingsworth indicated in a telephone call yesterday he would welcome a meeting with the Trust.

    Dingwall said: “It is vital directors have the confidence of the fans otherwise the club will not generate the money it should. Investors as shrewd as Laxey will recognise that.”

    Oh and Mark Dingwall, round ya fat b*****d :thumsup2

    Enough truths and realism in this to make it sound reasonable, and enough to convince some fans that McColl's bubble is burst.

    No way. At the AGM 50% plus allows the majority to make things happen, but anything less than that (someone can explain the numbers) can STOP things happening.

    So the statement sounds very plausible, but everything is still an option.

    See Dingwall is believing without understanding and happy to suck up to whoever treats him as somebody of significance. Whoever can provide him with a blazer that fits will get his support.

  12. Statement from Campbell Ogilvie

    Friday, 22 November 2013

    Campbell Ogilvie, Scottish FA President: "This week, the Scottish FA’s Compliance Officer has reviewed comments made by the Celtic Chief Executive, Peter Lawwell, at the club’s Annual General Meeting, after receiving an official letter of complaint from Rangers Football Club.

    "The Compliance Officer has informed both clubs that there is no actionable breach of the rules. None the less, I am compelled to convey my disappointment that we find ourselves in this position, as a result of an apparent erosion of mutual respect between two of our oldest rivals.

    "At a time when Scottish football faces challenges on many fronts, it is incumbent on our biggest clubs to set the highest standards. In this regard both the comments made, and the subsequent time, effort and resource imposed on our Compliance Officer to deal with the complaint, were wholly unnecessary."

    So what do we make of this folks???? Not the apology that Tedi was predicting :o Reads to me, "sit down and shut up Sevco or else" with a few soundbites of "old rival" and "biggest clubs" to keep the zombies happy.. Basically we can call them Rory Bremner FC cause its true :thumsup2:lol: :lol:

    "......as a result of an apparent erosion of mutual respect between two of our oldest rivals."

    But Campbell do you not realise that no one respects Rangers. That is the one created by evil doers David Murray, Craig Whyte, Chucky Green and his dodgy friends.

    By bringing in new directors they are trying to work their way back to some normality, honesty, and even respect. But they are a long way away from achieving any of that.

    So wake up Campbell, pay attention. Or have you just been ignoring the shockingly awful behaviour of Rangers over the last few years in the hope it will get sorted with the wave of a magic wand?

  13. For once you are correct Norm, i wrongly assumed that Aberdeen Don or Bud was referring to the SPL wanting Rangers to pay the costs of the investigation.

    Sorry to all involved.

    As for the fine, that is strictly an oldco fine and not a newco one.

    "They added: "In all the circumstances the commission has imposed a fine of £250,000 on Oldco."


    You are some player Bennett.

    Talking inconsequential nonsense as if it were important. Your apology will keep this sillyness going for a few more pages.

    Meanwhile the Rangers board is getting loaded with people who give all the appearance of both being reasonably honest and competent. Your opinion? Who knows.

    Shares in Rangers being dumped into the market with no takers. Your opinion? Who knows.

    Dodgy guys like the Easdales lurking in the shadows, working like hell to create a board that looks credible as the AGM looms. Your opinion? Who knows.

    McColl and Blin lining up for an onslaught on the board as it will be by the time of the AGM. They will have plan A but also a plan B for that meeting. B could make the eyes of all Rangers fans water. Your opinion? Who knows

    Ally fat boy McCoist offering a large salary reduction when under public pressure is still sitting tight drawing his full wages. Corrupt and greedy to the core. Your opinion? Who knows.

    Waffling away as the future of your club is being fought over and determined.

    Bennett fiddles away as Ibrox burns. :thumbsdown

  14. Inter's share price hits a new low.

    Dropped a penny on early trading, down to 40p a share. 52 week high was 94p. 57% down on high, 43% down on float price of 70p. I really hope none of my pension funds invested in this dog…

    It’s fine, we can all breathe a sigh of relief, Neil 'the cva will be accepted' Patey has announced that Sevco’s new ‘signing’ will ‘bring harmony to the boardroom at ibrox’. :lol:

    Thank goodness we've got almost a month till the AGM (if it ever goes ahead?) imagine the guff we will read in the msm from now till then, no need for a panto ticket there’s one being played out every day.

    Obviously someone was keen to get out quickly. Dumped a relatively large volume which was bound to depress the price, rather than get out over a period.

    Not quite a vote of confidence in the new board that is being created. They may look ok on paper, but would expect that McColl and Blin have been working behind the scenes to get their story across to the shareholders (they know of). That might explain this "get out now and get out quick, cut your losses" sale.

    Wonder if the shares sold were ones that Easdale was planning to use for their voting at the AGM? :o

    Doomsday is getting closer. :thumsup2

  15. 1-5b73cfcbb9.jpg

    In his letter, Chucky refers to "we are working hard to rebuild our reputation as a major Scottish institution...".

    I have followed the saga of Rangers reasonably closely. Not in as much detail as Tedi and his chums.

    I seemed to have missed this part of Chucky's reign.

    He fed hatred and ire to the Rangers faithful to get them wound up to hate everyone he claimed hated them. Always totally negative, aggressive and verging on the illegal.

    Rebuilding our reputation? No way. Absolutely no way.

  16. Have the SFA recieved the rangers complaint about Peter Lawwells comment?

    The Rangers indignation about the Rory Bremner comment has achieved exactly what the Rangers board wanted.To create a smokescreen they can hide behind.

    They want all the Sevconians to get wound up, bluster and froth at the mouth and be reminded about the many conspiracies that work against them. This will then fill the pages of the Record and such like, get the social media like here preoccupied with it. What should happen, what should not happen, who should resign from the SFA, is the Pope a catholic, has the letter been written, in the post, arrived yet? That plus the silly nonsense about the non event we have been seeing on here.

    What Jack Irvine does NOT want us to talk too much about are the connections between the new 'chairman' and the new director with Whyte or Green and their sidekicks/advisors.

    Also deflect from the build up to the AGM. The less facts and details that are aired before the big event the better for the current board. After all there is lots to hide. 8)

    So bluster away guys, just realise it is Jack Irvine pulling your strings. :thumbsdown

  17. The official line (soon to announced) is that Ally McCoist is a 'fine figure of a man', slim, fit, healthy, good head of hair and generally a good egg. In fact a very good egg.

    Has a wonderful personality to go with his wonderful body, being gracious, generous, forgiving, tolerant, kind and caring.

    He has also made a tremendous sacrifice of giving up 'up to 50%' of his salary because he cares so much for his club, and for those who have handed over their hard eared cash to watch dross. In fact we all believe he is seriously underpaid on £825,000 per annum.

    There is no limit to this man's graciousness.

    If anyone out there says otherwise, the The Rangers will formally complain to the SFA, Peter Lawwell, the Catholic Church, the BBC, Sunny Govan radio, Daily Record and anyone else they can find who has any respect for reality, the truth or even has a sense of humour. :lol:

  18. First page - hellish.

    No reference to the topic nominally called the BRALT - and looks who it is mocking people and using a rhyming slang term to mask a sectarian term most often directed at Rangers fans.

    Feel free to apologise anytime you feel like it for perpetuating a blatant lie.

    And spare me and any other Rangers supporter from the mind numbing pish that insists this thread has never gone off topic.

    First page. 'Roon ye.


    Whit a moaning git :thumbsdown

    Great start to the day Bendy? :lol: Can only get worse.

    Friday is always a good day for the Rangers board to hide a little snippet of their corruption and dodgy dealing. :rolleyes:

  19. See Scot Gardiner turned down the Chief Exec job at he Rangers.

    We don't know all the reasons but according to the Daily Record http://www.dailyrecord.co.uk/sport/football/football-news/dundee-chief-scot-gardiner-turns-2793663 "he didn’t receive assurances he would be allowed to call the shots at Ibrox."

    If he wasn't allowed to call the shots, then who is?

    And I presume Mather had the same brief, with limits on allowing him to do his job.

    I am sure Tedi would take the job and do as he was told for say £100k?

    Are the strings being pulled by the bus boys or do we have to look beyond that? Namely the France/Monaco alliance :lol:

  20. Rangers appoint new director to oversee 'investment committee'

    STV 14 November 2013 07:25 GMT
    126877-quality-gv-general-view-of-ibrox-Rangers: The non-executive director appointment of Norman Crighton was announced on Thursday.SNS Group

    Rangers International Football Club plc have appointed a new director to oversee an "investment committee".

    Norman Crighton’s appointment as a non-executive director was announced to the London Stock Exchange on Thursday.

    The latest directorial post comes after David Somers was named interim chairman at Ibrox last week.

    It comes around a month before the company’s first annual general meeting where opposition shareholders, led by ex-chairman Malcolm Murray and former oldoc director Paul Murray, will seek appointment to the board.

    Mr Crighton is now the fourth board member at Rangers, alongside Mr Somers, finance director Brian Stockbridge and non-executive director James Easdale.

    It follows on from a large turnaround in board members in the past year as rebel shareholders raised concerns over the running of Rangers International, which posted an operating loss of £14.3m earlier this year.

    Rangers stated that Mr Crighton will "chair a new Investment committee of the board whose terms of reference will include overseeing capital projects."

    His background has seen him "involved in most aspects of investment banking during the course of his 23 year career, including corporate finance, research and market-making, leading to institutional investment management", Rangers International stated to the stock exchange.

    Mr Crighton, who does not currently hold any shares in Rangers International, was a senior vice president at financial management firm Merrill Lynch between 1994 and 1999, Rangers said, while he has non-executive roles at several publicly listed companies including environmental investor Trading Emissions PLC and technology investment firm Private Equity Investor PLC.

    He was appointed to Private Equity Investor to replace non-executive director Colin Kingsnorth, who founded and runs the Isle of Man hedge fund Laxey Partners Limited, which owns a 6.53% stake in Rangers. Laxey has previously indicated it would vote in line with the fans when it came to the annual general meeting appointments.

    In the stock exchange announcement, Rangers confirmed the Dundee-born economics graduate would have to stand for re-appointment at the annual general meeting on December 19, alongside all other directors.

    Get your wallets oot, you have a new begging bowl manager in post.

    "Overseeing capital projects" ???

    Like turning assets that don't do a lot into cash?

    Sale and leaseback of Ibrox? Housing development at Murray Park? :unsure:

    Consequences could be horrific, if you are a Rangers fan. :thumbsdown

  21. We've not had a meltdown claim for a while.....

    Good ole Dougal.

    There must be a meltdown going on. Otherwise why are we overwhelmed with Sevconians talking about everything except the shambles that is Rangers?

    We do know that once the latest meltdown is confirmed we won't see them for days.

    If BDO is reporting on Friday that could be another fun day :thumsup2 . Where will the Sevconians be hiding that day? :shutup

  22. What a tool that guy is ... there is evidence of serious financial irregularities .. I'll have to (be seen) do something soon. Integrity oozes from that clumpany ....

    Think this one from Charlotte is the most damning http://i.imgur.com/rVKI08I.jpg

    Of course it damns the company when the chairman is saying things like that. Enough you would think to get the polis chapping on the door again.

    But it also damns Murray. You would have thought that those who hold directorships or is chairman realise they can no longer turn a blind eye to suspicions of this sort. The legal obligation is on them is to find out. Just as John Greig, Bain etc looked away when Murray (Sir D) fiddled so Murray the chairman is doing the same.

    I think that email knocks his comeback attempt on the head. Can't see how McColl or Blin can accept him with that attitude.

    This company needs people who will NOT turn a blind eye, no matter what they are paid (bribed with).

    How much longer can this be tolerated by the authorities? (Exclude the SFA from that, they always look away.)

  23. Serious question for the bears. Is 'Sons of Struth' representative of your club's support? No other organisation claiming to represent you lot has been endorsed as such, so what about Tedi's this mob?

    I didn't know Rangers had a formal 'endorsement' programme. :o

    Is there an exam? Maybe someone can send me a test paper? If I give the answers as 1690, orange, white horse, barcelona, Lawwell, flute, lambeg, nearly 2 years I am sure that gives me a pass mark.

    I would like to be considered for this endorsement. I have consistently supported what was best for the club as the idiots, thieves and con men suckered the loyal fans and hoovered money out of their pockets. Hopefully there is a certificate I can frame and put on my wall. :thumsup2

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