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Posts posted by thelegendthatis

  1. Ashley has loads of mates and joint investors who would come in on this. Philip Green that he has teamed up with before to invest in small companies for example has his business in his wife's name. The name of the shareholder is irrelevant - it is who is behind that name.

    So let's look out for names of people you have never heard of with addresses in Monaco. OK we have been here before, but this time will be people who actually have money.

  2. Great to rerun all the stages Rangers have gone through from big and wee tax cases, Murray fleeing the scene of the crime, Whyte with the "millions off the radar", the annihilation of the mainstream media (does anyone remember a guy called Jim Traynor), the sucking up of Rangers legends to whoever they thought had the big money. Dave King flitting across the stage like Banquo the ghost in Macbeth (another Scottish Tragedy). Then Green and his bunch of total charlatans, with administration, liquidation, court cases, charges laid, so we end up where we are today.

    Now the history is out of the way....let's look forward.

    When does Durrant get totally bumped? What can they base it on? Being pissed at work? Accessing porn on the PC used for tactical analysis?

    How can they get shot of Ally on the cheap?

    How much humiliation can McDowall take by being told to do this or that, before he walks out the door?

    Being presented by a range of shorts with skid marks still present will Jimmy the legend walk the plank?

    Knowing Rangers needs the cash badly will Brentford pay £50k up front for MacLeod, the rest of the million after 25 games or so?

    Will the legal advisers support Rangers as they continue to trade while insolvent?

    Which players will be shown the door in January?

    Will the football agents kick up a stushie through the red tops when they see their 'clients' no longer as a gravy train for them.

    I am sure Tedi and Benny can give us the inside track on these important questions. :lol:

    Just read the tribute to Jimmy Bell http://www.dailyrecord.co.uk/sport/football/football-news/gordon-parks-jimmys-last-kitman-4882368

    Who is this Gordon Parks anyway? Surely not a real person, and definitely not a journalist.

  3. Would the limitations go as far as property ownership such as the land on where the football stadium sits, the stadium, all the other buildings, etc?. He would have little influence in running the club to the authorities than say a landlord renting his property out to a company. Or so it could appear.

    If certain assets are held as security against loans is there a time limit on that?. Ashley can't have any more shares against loans to the club so it has to be something else.

    That already works all over the place. Falkirk play at stadium owned by Falkirk Council. Livingston same with WLC and many others (In both cases they have either totally ignored the rental demands or complained publicly about them).


    When Hibs were in trouble Tom Farmer took over the ground and stadium (if I remember right) and Hibs FC was left to run the football side with Farmer putting proper business management in place (Rod Petrie was the Llambias of the time).

    So if Ashley owned all the assets of the club, the SFA would find it hard to complain as they are clearly not worried about the other clubs who split assets from fc.

    Loans will have a time limit but no reason why not rearrange as it get close to the due date just like you would if you were remortgaging your house.

  4. Going with the Three Bears?


    PR morale piece .. or serious intent?

    Thanks for that one DhenBhoy. It really reads as a PR statement straight from the Rangers boardroom, published without questions by McLoughlin.

    The Three Stooges sent a formal letter of offer to the board with proof of funds.

    Suspect that would be enough in allow them to continue to trade while insolvent. 8)

  5. I suppose the support of Ashley could be compared to support of a bank. The big difference, however, is that the bank lends money in the expectation that it will be paid back, whereas Ashley seems to be lending money fully aware that there is no way it can ever be paid back and he will get the security instead.

    Only counts if he offers his financial support formally and the board ensures due diligence on whether he can meet his commitment or not. The latter is easy. The first part I would guess is impossible because Ashley will want his pound of flesh in return. There will be nothing for nothing. And of course with the SFA hovering he will have additional limitations on the options.

    Regardless of the outcome, it is clearly essential that Rangers cut their costs significantly. The leaks on salaries from Ally to Team Kitmen is all about preparing for the day of the long knives. Durrant has been punted away from any influence or ability to tittle tattle. Mcdowall was told who his assistants are and has clearly accepted he will do as he is told by Llambias. McCullough is now in the 'yes sir' camp and won't be a focal point for any revolt.

    So, ready to go with the cleansing. :thumsup2

  6. http://www.dailyrecord.co.uk/sport/football/football-news/rangers-boxing-day-begging-letters-4891366

    Rangers' Boxing Day begging letters: Ibrox chief David Somers sends desperate emails at 4am in panic-stricken bid for cash

    RANGERS chairman David Somers sent out pleading emails to wealthy individuals on Boxing Day in a bizarre bid to raise money for cash-strapped Gers

    PANIC-stricken chairman David Somers pleaded for someone to save Rangers from financial meltdown in the New Year – by sending out begging letters at 4am on Boxing Day.

    Record Sport understands Somers sent the emails to a number of wealthy individuals in a bizarre early morning attempt to raise the millions needed to keep the Ibrox club in business in January.

    The cash appeal – which indicates the high level of boardroom concern at the club’s latest plight – was launched just two days after the SFA blocked Mike Ashley’s plan to plough around £8million into the club by taking his holding up to 29.9 per cent.

    And the apparent urgent nature of this latest move has shocked those potential saviours who woke on Boxing Day to discover they had been contacted by the man at the head of the crisis-hit regime.

    It’s understood Somers asked all the various parties, including Sales Sharks owner Brian Kennedy, if they would be prepared to step into Ashley’s shoes by underwriting a share issue and snapping up more than 40 million new shares. Failing that, Somers asked if any of them would be willing to lend large amounts of emergency cash to the club on a secured basis.

    As of last night, there was no indication that Somers had been successful with either request. Last night the Rangers chairman could not be contacted.

    The move came after a trio of wealthy Rangers fans, Douglas Park, George Letham and George Taylor, put together an offer of £6.5m to underwrite the anticipated emergency share issue in an attempt to win control of the club back from Sports Direct magnate Ashley.

    A separate offer of £16m in funding from South African-based businessman Dave King remains on the table despite being rejected by the Rangers board two months ago when they chose instead to accept a drip feed of crisis loans from Ashley.

    Things are getting desperate. Surely the end is in sight.

    Calls on Boxing Day does smack of last chance saloon time. Somers is obviously wanting (and needing) real money on the table. And pretty damn quick.

    We have had the 'Three Bears' or is it the Three Stooges underwriting the intended share issue. Of course underwriting does NOT mean there is any cash on the table.

    Someone might know the detail better than me, but I am guessing that the club/company is technically insolvent and to continue trading on that basis could result in personal liabilities and legal charges against the directors. The usual way to protect against this is to continue trading but "with the support of the bank". Unfortunately they don't have a bank that would offer anything other than a cash only account.

    Is an agreement to underwrite a planned share issue to raise additional cash acceptable to the fraud squad and company law so Rangers can keep going in the meantime?

  7. And here is Bennett with said reply sir,


    I just don't get the Rangers supporters on here (and on Rangers Media). Their club is disintegrating before their eyes and they want to talk about whether there is a proddy flute band connected to Everton or similar nonsense.

    With the news today about the Norman Atlantic ferry on fire between Greece and Italy people were standing on the decks and the soles of their shoes were melting from the heat of the fire. Just like what Rangers fans have experienced over the last few years.

    Instead of dealing with the problems of the burning ship they want to talk about their last ports of call, how nice the head waiter was, and whether the captain was 'one of us' or not! Using the itinerary of the next trip of the Norman Atlantic they will be salivating about the exciting places they will be going, and the wonderful people who will be on board with them, and the top notch cabin they will book.

    Meanwhile they can't breathe from the smoke, hopping around as their feet burn.

    Wake up you Rangers supporters. Smell the smoke! :)

  8. Ashley is obviously wanting more involvement and control of Rangers. And with that come more control of any money he puts in either as loans or shares. Sounds reasonable so far.

    From the AGM we hear there are previously agreed contracts which are onerous on Rangers. We can assume these have been dug up by Llambias and Barry Leach from Sports Direct acting as a consultant to Rangers and lined up according to the BBC website as finance director.

    Ashley will want all this flushed out before the club can really move forward. How far back they want to go probably no one knows.

    You do wonder if they do go back, would it cause concern amongst people in high places? Namely concern amongst those in the SFA?

    It appears that the SFA has been less than enthusiastic right from the start about Ashley having much say in the ownership or running of Rangers, for whatever reason. Meanwhile the SFA are happy with idiots and the diabolically untrustworthy being involved

  9. Follow Follow

    I have just been informed that the lawyer claiming to be acting on behalf of Mr & Mr Easdale, Mr Somers and RIFC has submitted to the crown an action against me and the emails i released last night

    The action is NOT against authenticity nor publication but he believes the emails have been obtained through illegal means. How could you obtain an email illegally if it were fake? The action in its self proves authenticity.

    I shared this email with the Rangers fans for one reason and one reason only, to show the members of our board are more interested in self preservation than the future of our club, I done so in the belief that the public had to see the email i was in possession of and without concern to any future action against me, I believe I have done the right thing.

    I will not be bullied in my attempts to clear our club of those controlling it for their own benefit and wish every man removed who does not put Rangers interests in front of their own

    I am unsure of the outcome of this action and what i will face tomorrow so i will therefore be taking a break from online activity until this outcome is known and will leave the page to the moderators to oversee with no further posts until things clear up

    Merry Christmas and happy New year to all in the Rangers Family


    I read the email as posted on the SoS Facebook page. Didn't ring true for a number of reasons.

    Then this from 'Craig'. Either poor Craig is being conned or he is creating himself as a legend prepared to go over the top to support the cause.

    Words like

    "I have been informed" (formally, informally, man in a pub?)

    "submitted to the crown" (does he mean procurator fiscal?)

    "proves authenticity" (no it doesn't)

    "obtained through illegal means"

    Is it a civil or a criminal action? Have the police been involved? What is the procurator fiscal saying? Who told him this 'submission to the crown' has happened? Even if it is a fake he could still be charged with libel I would guess.

    Fantasist I suspect.... :wacko: If I were moderating the site this appeared on I would want to get to the bottom of this pretty damn quick.

  10. that's a bit harsh, you're making fun of people who have just lost their jobs. people who have worked there for years and given their best years only to be thrown aside like a piece of rubbish. i'm sure this has happened to you or some one you know at some point. have some empathy for these people.

    you do understand this board doesn't value people either their contributions and commitment for years?

    this is a reason why the support will not back them,

    it would be the same if a board like this took over at kilmarnock or dundee, no difference

    ashley, llambias and the spivs are detested.

    I am not laughing at them. I am laughing about them.

    I have said before that Ally needs to be isolated so they can push him more cheaply and more quickly. So getting shot of those around him is part of the process. And needs to keep happening so he doesn't know where he is from one week to the next.

    Those on the payroll happily took money from a business that was totally bloated and overstaffed. Drawing wages in most cases well above the market rate. It will be interesting to see how the business performs after they have gone.

    After all this is a business they are running, not some glorified welfare state.

    The reality is that if anyone has good experience and skills there are plenty of jobs out there. And this does not just apply to backroom staff, but also the players and management team.

    The majority are not good enough to get jobs elsewhere, that is why they are trying their best to sit tight in the hope they get some 'enhanced' package to go. Starting with Ally trying to fil his boots. Some legend. :thumbsdown Some figurehead. :(

    P.S. Is Jimmy Bell the legendary kitman still there? From the Rangers website "THERE are few figures more established at Ibrox and Murray Park than kit controller Jimmy Bell. Put simply, he is part of the furniture at Rangers."

  11. Ally is having the protection of his comfort blankets being taken away from him - bit by bit :bairn:bairn

    its like the last few scenes from the godfather where all the opposition to the corleone family are wiped out

    Rangers are losing too many people who are synonymous with the club, says Ally McCoist
    THE Rangers manager thinks the club is losing part of it's identity after Laura Tarbet, secretary to Rangers managers for 43 years, became a victim of Derek Llambias cost-cutting excercise
  12. its like the last few scenes from the godfather where all the opposition to the corleone family are wiped out

    Rangers are losing too many people who are synonymous with the club, says Ally McCoist
    THE Rangers manager thinks the club is losing part of it's identity after Laura Tarbet, secretary to Rangers managers for 43 years, became a victim of Derek Llambias cost-cutting excercise

    Rangers Manager Ally McCoist looks on ahead of his side's match against Queen of the South

    JOHN GREIG, Sandy 
Jardine, Laura Tarbet.

    As far as Ally McCoist is 
concerned, all three of those names should adorn the ‘Hall of Fame’ wall on Ibrox’s famous marble staircase.

    The first two are club legends, synonymous with Rangers and the glory years of the past.

    The other? An ordinary, 
working-class lady who spent 43 YEARS as the manager’s secretary – serving the likes of Willie 
Waddell, Jock Wallace, Walter Smith and McCoist himself.

    But Tarbet’s reward for her 
work at Ibrox was to be yet 
another innocent victim of the club’s brutal cost-cuts carried out by the current regime.

    Whether her treatment was the final straw for McCoist before he tendered his resignation is up for debate. Undoubtedly, there were other reasons.

    But as he eulogised about his former colleague’s commitment to Rangers over the years – it’s clear her exit was a contributory factor.

    Greig, Tarbet and Jardine, who passed away in April, are no longer part of the furniture at Ibrox. And now McCoist has decided to go as well, whether it’s in 12 days, 12 weeks or the 12 months of his notice period.

    Without divulging all of his reasons, the Rangers boss hinted that his sadness at losing key figures at the 
club played a part in his 
decision to quit.

    He said: “It’s difficult to see people losing their jobs.If you’ve worked with someone for 20 years or 
so and they leave, it’s extremely sad. I’m talking about very good people, 
great people.

    “Laura, for example, has been at Rangers for 43 years. She was on the flight to Barcelona in 1972 for the Cup Winner’s Cup Final when she worked for Willie Waddell.

    “Her name, in my opinion, should be on the board as you go up the stairs at Ibrox. She should be in the ‘Hall of Fame’.

    “So it’s natural when you lose 
people like that it affects you. It 
saddens you.

    “Clearly, it also happens in other walks of life, but that doesn’t mean that it shouldn’t affect you.

    “In fact, you’d be more concerned if it didn’t have an impact on you.

    “Can Rangers be Rangers without people like Laura?

    “Well, there’s no point shirking the issue. We don’t have John 
Greig any more, we don’t have 
Sandy Jardine and now we don’t have Laura Tarbet.

    “It’s just sad that we’re losing 
people who are synonymous with the club and are part of its identity.

    “It would be wrong of me to say the club is losing its soul. But we are now definitely missing people that have meant so much to Rangers over the years. Did it contribute to my decision? There were an awful lot 
of things and I wouldn’t go into 
specifics. But I’ve made my decision and I’ll stick by it.”

    Talking of Greig, voted by fans as the Greatest Ever Ranger, he left his position as the club’s manager in 1983 after a run of poor results and amid pressure from supporters.

    McCoist may well find himself 
in a similar position before too 
long with his team toiling to stay 
on the tails of Hearts in the 

    Greig managed to maintain his iconic status in the fans’ eyes and his reputation as a legendary player is still very much intact.

    But McCoist says that as long as Ibrox punters acknowledge that everything he’s done has been in 
the club’s best interests, he’ll be 

    However, what he won’t be happy with is if he’s still in the manager’s chair this time next year and Gers’ are still in the same division.

    He said: “The one thing John always had was respect from 

    “We all get criticised as managers and coaches, that goes with the 
territory. But all I’d hope for is 
that people will look at me and see somebody that’s attempted to do their best at all times.

    “Listen, you’re not going to please all of the people all of the time.

    “But all I can wish for is that even when I’m getting criticism, people realise I was attempting to do the right thing for the right reasons.

    “I’ll be extremely disappointed if I’m sitting here next December and we’re still in the Championship.

    “And I’ll be doing 
everything I possibly 
can in the coming months to get 
us back into the 
top flight.

    “It’s going to be extremely difficult but we haven’t given up on that in any shape or form.

    “We still believe we can go up 
automatically but there is a play-off route as well.

    “I still have the belief that we can get promoted.”

    But how difficult will that be for McCoist’s players when he’s already signalled his intention to leave?

    Ironically, he was in their 
position back in 1997/98 when Smith announced he was on his way out after Rangers’ bid for 10-in-a-
row. Many still believe that their failure to achieve it may have been 
psychological as much as physical – knowing their gaffer was heading for the exit.

    But McCoist is adamant that he won’t allow his current crop to let his own situation impact on their performances.

    He said: “We won’t let it be a worry for them because we can’t let that happen. It’s our job to make sure that it doesn’t.

    “We as a staff are 100 per cent focused on the job and the players are the same.

    “They realise the importance of 
getting this club back to the Premiership.

    “We’ll be working really hard from 
now on ensuring that they concentrate their energies on 
getting results.

    “I don’t remember that team under 
Walter in 1998 
winding down.

    “After Walter 
made it public that he was leaving, 
you might tell me 
different. But my energies as a player were always 
on playing well and scoring goals 
for Rangers.

    “That didn’t change after Walter made his decision.”

    Davis. Small man with massive chip on shoulder http://www.nottinghampost.com/Garry-Birtles-m-delighted-Billy-Davies-Nottingham/story-20857435-detail/story.html. A manager who can pick a fight with half the world seems to be ideal for Rangers. They love the siege mentality.

    His agent http://www.theguardian.com/football/2013/sep/30/nottingham-forest-jim-price-billy-daviesis doing a good job taking Scott McDermott out for some succulent lamb.

  13. Two entirely different things. Ashley will sort out the SFA nonsense by giving them a £100k sponsorship contract; players leaving, however, will want their dosh. Or are you suggesting that they will all be given 1-month contracts at Newcastle?

    Players are easy to deal with. "You will not be picked for the team, do not turn up for training, you are forbidden from training by yourself in case you get injured! "

    So they can draw their salary and get unfit and fat (Kris Boyd and others). At the end of their contract where to? Across the road to Benburb?

    Or they cut their losses & just bite the bullet.

  14. I would say it's 50/50 on that one.

    Any pay off is more than likely linked to a gagging order to ensure the truth of what's going on behind the scenes is suppressed. Because Fatty won't sign a gagging order, I suspect the the board are shitting themselves that he's going to start blabbing the minute he's out the door. They're stuck with him.

    It looks to me like old Lard Arse has them over a barrel. He knows where the bodies are buried, he knows where the smoking guns are, and he knows who's pulled the triggers.

    I would bet he's using that knowledge for one of two ends:

    1. To negotiate a Super Salary bumper pay off. or:

    2. To actually stand up and do the decent thing, i.e. blow the lid on the whole house of cards at the end of his 12 months.

    By serving the 12 months he'll claim that he stayed to protect Rangers interests in the long term and didn't just "walk away".

    So, a greedy b*****d, or a self styled "Rangers man"? Time will tell, eh? In the meantime, enjoy the circus.

    Ally has moved through the turmoil from David Murray onwards. He received a salary well beyond the market rate. Then shares in the company at zero cost. Plus his 'performance' bonuses. Why? Because he is a cheeky chappie? Don't really buy that.

    There are legal charges kicking around based on dodgy dealings during that period. Although Ally is good at the daft laddie presentation, it would be interesting to know what he really knew about what was going on and when he knew it.

    I would guess that Llambias will ensure he has done his homework in that area. Could be the old 2 envelopes departure. One is you are sacked because of.... or I am resigning with immediate effect and was a privilege to manage Rangers.

  15. Ally McCoist keen for talks over Rangers transfer targets

    Ally McCoist has resigned as Rangers manager

    By Ronnie Esplin – 20 December 2014

    Ally McCoist insists he does not plan on walking away from Rangers any time soon - and wants talks with new chief executive Derek Llambias on new signings.

    The Ibrox boss has tendered his resignation but insists he will see out the full 12-month notice period stipulated by his contract.

    The club's record scorer hopes to meet Llambias - whose new role was confirmed to the London Stock Exchange at 7.00am yesterday morning - to discuss strengthening his squad.

    He said: "I'll have to have a discussion with Derek regarding what the plans will be for the future. I spoke to him today regarding his own position and him and I will certainly sit down and discuss adding to the squad, because that will be one of the topics that needs to be discussed."

    When asked if he planned to see out the full 12-month notice period set down in his one-year rolling contract, McCoist, whose side face Livingston today, did say: "Yes. Absolutely.

    "I don't know if it's realistic or not but I expect it to happen.

    "I wouldn't say the ball is in anybody's court. I think it has been made quite clear by the board and myself that it is business as usual."

    This is merely Ally pretending (on legal advice) that it is business as normal.

    For him to say he will see out his 12 month notice period is merely him declaring what his payoff should be based on. Trying his best to push Llambias into saying "you're fired".

    Let's get the AGM out of the way, then a proper meeting for Ally and his legal advisors with Llambias,, and another Rangers legend scuttles out the door at Ibrox with his pockets bulging. :o

  16. Hate to interfere with the playground banter and the big boys flexing their muscles over such insignificant causes such as Elizabeth 1 or is it 2, SFA policies or even Willam (McMurdo) the second's blog.

    But here goes anyway.

    Said a while back that I thought that Ashely had a problem sorting out Rangers as long as Ally sat tight. I suggested isolating Ally so he couldn't retain his "I am the voice of Rangers" mantle. You can do these things the confrontational way or the more subtle way. Obviously Llambias has been smart enough to encourage Ally to do it for himself by offering his own resignation. Daft laddy.

    Nowhere in the narrative to date are McDowell or Durrant included in the discussions. So Ally is trying to look after himself (well, his own pocket) in giving a year's notice and then not walking. So they will now see Ally as someone only concerned about himself. Good working relationships in the management team? I think not! Ally also needs to be spilt from the players and supporters. That is already happening to some extent. And it is the duff players who are coming out in support of Ally. The overpaid useless players who will never get a fraction of their current wages anywhere else.

    With the meeting with Ally on Wednesday only taking 45 mins this was I would guess that was just to find out what he wants to go. Now with Llambias as chief exec he will be expected to negotiate from the Rangers side to get the best deal for the business and is in a better position to do it. Since David Murray the clueless board in place at Rangers has been incapable of making any significant decisions, other than how to overpay people. Remember Wallace took 120 days to review the business. And then produced a report. No decisions, no action just a report. A skill set appropriate for the local Council but not for a company driving towards a brick wall at full speed. Llambias probably just wandered around. "and what is it you do son?" and then made his mind up.

    Llambias will make decisions. First target is getting Ally out the door. Then he will get McDowell and Durrant to clean out the lazy, greedy and overpaid players. Might even get some money for a couple!

    Meanwhile the carcrash that is Rangers will get closer to administration or Armageddon as some call it. With Llambias as CE and Ashley with the money they will manage the situation to achieve what they want at the time that suits them. There will be lots of brinkmanship and late night board meetings, but when you are the guy with the money in your pocket you can take your time. :lol:

  17. I'm lost. Confused. Is this early stages dementia I have? I thought I was reading the BRALT thread.

    After Ally's resignation he had a 45 min meeting with representatives of the board. I was looking forward to insightful comments about why the 2 board members were selected. Which shareholdings were they representing? Neither side had legal advisers present (significant). Over and done with in 45 minutes. Some people could read a lot into that. And of course in the good old days of the BRALT we had people with good inside sources, detailed analysis from others and lots of misguided wishful thinking from both sides. .

    Now we have people bleating on about reorganisation. The imminent death of Rangers/Scottish football/the UK and even the world. Someone trying to 'out' a Clyde supporter. (Given Clyde's support I would have thought a call to the club would have told you who their supporters were.) Topics that demand an immediate reaction of 'who the hell cares'?

    Oh yes and the totally unsurprising news that Mark Hateley is trying to sneak in to where he thinks the money is being doled out. Given his long history at this game no shock there.

    I could trawl my way through the postings of the last couple of days but the boredom is just too great.

    Where can I find the real BRALT thread? Or is it now time to move to the more entertaining version at Rangers Media?

  18. Someone is playing a clever game here.

    First the telfer decision is announced.

    Bdo say they will claim for old co.

    Then the rule breaking announcement re Ashley.

    The alexander ruling - his contract said if McGregor left, now they all left the company and club. Under type rules his contract stays the same.. If McGregor leaves and he did...

    And now the claim on footballing debts.

    Are they pushing for the spivs to make their own announcement of continuation prior to an admin event so they don't have to decide new or same club??

    And of course they are meeting greedy Ally today. How can the board possibly agree anything with him? I presume they had assumed they would be getting the £250k from the SPFL and be part of their calculations. Now they aren't and can either fight it through the courts (takes lots of time) or take it on the chin (and whinge about it). The stupidity of the board members never ceases to amaze.

    So even if if they agree to give Ally a small 6 figure sum to go now, can they afford it? If they do pay him off what else gives?

    The only person we know of who can dig them out of this horrendous mess is Ashley.

    And this is on the day Hearts move further away from madmen running their club http://www.bbc.co.uk/sport/0/football/30508052and the comments from Fraser Wishart are worth reading. "Ann Budge and her team have dealt with the matter in a courteous and professional manner, which has led to these debts being settled in a short period of time."

    Look forward to the day people say Rangers were courteous or professional.

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