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Posts posted by thelegendthatis

  1. Has Ally signed his new pay deal yet?

    I am concerned about the delay.

    Let's try to work out what is happening.

    He has stated clearly he wants to have his salary reduced.

    The board member in charge would see savings, which the club needs just now. I suspect he would rush off immediately to HR to say "see Ally's old contract, just redo it with these figures". That has taken maybe 10 mins.

    Then print it out, plunk in front of Ally and say "sign here big man". Just like the last time.

    However this time he hasn't signed.

    Is he reading the contract - slowly?

    Is he not happy with the figures and renegotiating?

    Is he being headhunted by some other club and doesn't have time to sign? (just missed out on the job at his old club Sunderland!)

    I wish I knew. Just can't work it out. :(

  2. He's a fucking football manager, not a chairman or an accountant, that's the reason he stepped down.

    I don't think many are curious about why he stepped down. Obviously he was totally out of his depth, not understanding what he should be doing in the job, As you so kindly put it he is not a chairman nor an accountant, but just a football manager!

    The question most would like answered is why did he step up to the job? :oops

    Naturally the anti Walter/Ally/Rangers brigade and the 'plastics' will claim all sorts of scurrilous reasons. :o

    But hopefully British Patriot you will give us your unbiased opinion, and bring clarity to this confusing period in Walter's life. :)

  3. Ever since, the level of sheer greed around this bloated cash cow of a club has been truly shameful and staggering. Also, it appears to be unrelenting.

    Just last week the club announced annual losses in excess of £14m.

    This was eye-watering stuff which might just have shaken a massive rump of the Ibrox support to its core.

    Yesterday’s protests against the board at Somerset Park suggest many of these fans have now woken up to the fact their club is being milked once again for all of its worth.

    So let us strip this story back to its starting point and examine the enormous sums that have come and gone between then and now. All for the price of Whyte’s pound.

    There is no precise way of knowing how much Donald Muir, the financial fixer who plucked Whyte from obscurity and delivered him on to Rangers’ doorstep, profited from his seminal role in this debacle.

    But given his paymasters at Lloyds wiped out an £18m debt overnight and also freed itself from the spectre of a £50m tax bill, it seems

    Were it not for his public validation of Green then a wary Rangers support would not have rushed to stump up for 38,000 season tickets.

    And without this phenomenal level of backing, Green’s plans to make a killing on a hurried share issue would also have been up in smoke.

    So what is the Ibrox totaliser standing at now? £125m? Maybe a good deal more? All divvied up on the back of a one pound deal. Yes, this Rangers story is a disgusting tale of sickening greed, dragged out over a sustained two-and-a-half year period of obscene scavenging.

    All the while the club itself continues to drift towards the rocks for a second time with those at the helm seemingly too busy barricading themselves in to notice the imminent danger.

    And, really, who could blame them?

    In this shameless orgy they’ve enjoyed quite a bang for their buck and groped a great deal of flesh for a pound.

    The key part

    The Rangers manager, of course, was also handsomely rewarded, with wages of £825,000 for winning the one title this club never previously had ambitions to win.

    And yet McCoist came cheap at half the price.

    Were it not for his public validation of Green then a wary Rangers support would not have rushed to stump up for 38,000 season tickets.

    And without this phenomenal level of backing, Green’s plans to make a killing on a hurried share issue would also have been up in smoke.

    Is this the first time Jackson has come out and said what we all knew? That Ally despite his PR guff was milking the club for his own ends every bit as much as Green, Stockbridge etc.

    Will this open the floodgates to public slaughtering of McCoist, Uncle Walter, John Grieg, Gordon Smith and Sandy Jardine - legends all? Legends who had their price.

  4. After the year of Green being the leader who replaced the New Economic Policy introduced by Murray in the early 1980s with a highly centralised command economy (**) we had a year of whataboutya from all the Rangers/Sevco loyal on P&B.

    We have now reached a stage where significant things are happening at Rangers. Change is inevitable. But what will that change look like?

    Green has gone, idiots now in charge (well paid idiots at that), McCoist shown publicly to have been milking the company for his personal gain big time, and a rebel group of some substance wanting to get in to sort out the load of chancers so they can create a club that has a chance of a future.

    When it was all nonsense talk you couldn't move for Tedi, Bennett, and all the rest.

    Where are they now? Nothing to say? No opinions?

    You wonder who are the real Rangers supporters here? The ones who ask the tough questions or the ones who live in a fantasy of "we are the Rangers nobody loves us".

    ( (**) From the wikipedia entry on Stalin. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Joseph_Stalin )

  5. From the Scotsman today

    As the Ibrox club inevitably progresses to the Premiership, so McCoist understands his wage will return to what it was when last he managed Rangers in the top flight.

    “There is a proviso for those wages to go back up,” he said. “What we have at the moment are one-year rolling contracts and there will be negotiation as we rise, hopefully, through the divisions. It’s not been agreed, to be honest with you, but that’s the general [flow] of it, without going right into the actual details and numbers.”

    "There will be negotiations". That will be a first Ally, as there was no negotiation for the £825,000 package.

    Ally obviously does not like going into the "actual details and numbers". Normally this mean there is something in the detail or the numbers he doesn't want us to know.

    This all smacks of him making up his excuses as he goes along.

    Plenty more questions, and definitely plenty more answers to come. :lol:

  6. http://forum.rangersmedia.co.uk/index.php?s=31a60908bfc7f1bbc51332d7e7fde3f7&showtopic=259722

    Nae menton or criticism of those who wish to march walk on the Queen's highways.

    :lol::lol::lol:F*CKWITS :lol::lol::lol:

    Organisers of the Great Scottish Run have missed a trick.

    Organise the Great Scottish March :bounce3 at the same time. Route it past Ibrox, Shove a flute band and a banner at the front and the beefy guys would be out in their hunners. Needs to be short and slow. When you take those short steps which are de rigueur for those on an Orange march, you can't work up much pace. :(

  7. I don't think Sally is a liar. Purely because of his use of words.

    He seems at pains to stress he didn't negotiate his contract. And I believe him. I think his agent said, these mugs are offering you 800k, get it signed right now before it's withdrawn or reduced.

    If I was a rangers fan, I'd be more concerned about what happened pre/post Tupe. Was there negotiations then? Why has it taken a year at 800k (his second year on that wage?) with the new club on a reduced income, for this to suddenly be raised?

    The point I was making is that McCoist had many chances to know what his contract was worth.To plead ignorance just does not wash. His signature on the bit of paper proves that.

    Perhaps he didn't negotiate the contract himself but to say he didn't know how much it was worth is something totally different.

    Rangers fans have many things to be concerned about. But when you find someone who always claimed to be on the side of the fans only to find he is milking the company for every penny, then that is something else.

    If this was a one off I would give him the benefit of the doubt. However he has a track record of weasel words which appear to deny something only to find when you read it carefully it does nothing of the sort.

    Too clever by half, too sneaky, and definitely too much a liar and a cheat.

    And in this case totally guilty.

    Unless Ally you want to come out and tell the full honest story with confirmation that what salary you are giving up will not be paid to you via some back door method.

  8. Words from the Rangers web site.

    Fat Ally and the fat salary.

    “There was a contract put down which I can tell you in all honesty was not negotiated at all and we signed it, the finances were not important to us and that’s the truth.

    “We just wanted an opportunity to manage the football club so we signed that contract. "

    I am sure I read somewhere he didn't even read the contract, he just signed it. Aye right.

    Even if he didn't care what the salary was, it would have hit him when the first month's payment reached his bank. Be interesting to know if he spoke to anyone in authority to make sure there wasn't a mistake.

    He had this bit of paper waved in front of him and he just gets his wee Argos pen out and puts his signature on it. But then he says "we". Who are we? Did they know what his salary was? If so did they mention it to him?

    Sorry Ally, I am not believing you. I am not calling you a liar, but....... Oh hang on. I am. :o

    You are a liar Ally. You knew exactly what you were signing up for. :thumbsdown


    Nor can I believe anyone is paid that amount without getting some advice, either from the employer, or his own tax advisor on how to make sure he takes his salary in the most 'tax efficient' way. Tax efficient means how do I fiddle the system without breaking the law.

    What will happen to the salary he gives up? Go into his own company for consultancy services? Go into his pension pot? Paid as a 'bonus' later in the year for achieving some random performance target. A hundred and one ways to get the same amount while reducing the salary amount. Ask any banker.

    Ally, it is time to be clear and transparent about this.

  9. Rangers boss Ally McCoist accused of risking national security by building artificial harbour at his Highland retreat

    McCOIST and his neighbour have been ordered to demolish the breakwater on the Cowal peninsula after MoD chiefs said it could be a hazard to nuclear subs from Faslane.

    RANGERS boss Ally McCoist has been accused of risking national security by building an artificial harbour at his Highland retreat.

    MoD chiefs said the breakwater on the Cowal peninsula could be a hazard to nuclear subs from Faslane.

    Now councillors have ordered McCoist and his neighbour to demolish the structure after hearing the MoD view and a string of other objections.

    Ibrox gaffer McCoist and his neighbour James Kean had not sought permission to erect the breakwater on the remote northern shores of Loch Fyne.

    The pair submitted a retrospective application for planning permission for the “tidal breakwater built with gabion baskets and bollards constructed on a slipway”.

    But in a written objection to council planners, the MoD claimed secret underwater microphones in the area – believed to be designed to pick up enemy threats – could be disturbed.

    Their letter of objection stated: “Hydrophone equipment is positioned close to the development which is required for national defence purposes.

    “The site operators QinetiQ have expressed concern about the possibility of new moorings and increased leisure activity as this may have the potential to affect this equipment.

    “Impacts on background noise during ranging activities, from jet skis in particular, would be detrimental to those activities.”

    It added: “When submerged, the gabions could pose a hazard to navigation in an area where boat transfers from vessels to shore takes place.”

    McCoist and Kean said the breakwater was to prevent tidal damage and erosion to the shore and nearby road. But planning officials said it created an air of “exclusivity” and denied public access to the beach.

    Councillors unanimously rejected the “artificial harbour” and issued an enforcement notice for removal.

    Kean’s legal representative Stuart Chalmers said the men built the breakwater after the road which provides access to their properties “caved in”.

    He said his client would “vigorously appeal” the decision as the council had failed to recognise the necessity of protecting the sea wall and public road.

    This week, it was revealed McCoist is close to agreeing a pay cut after Rangers revealed huge operating losses.



    This is where Ally has built his underground bunker. He is obviously expected armageddon sometime soon.

  10. http://www.bbc.co.uk/sport/0/football/18449917

    So why does Ian Hart refer to Chuckie as He with a capital H? IBecause Chuckie is the nearest thing to God he can find?

    In essence he is saying no one will touch an investment in Rangers, the fans are split and clearly this is a company in chaos.

    Watch the flaming arrows hit them on a daily basis during October 2013. This could be the most entertaining and enlightening month of this long sorry saga.


  11. http://www.bbc.co.uk/sport/0/football/24376563

    Murray claims that, while he was chairman, the club's nominated adviser and broker had backed him in his bid to reduce the salary payments.

    "Cenkos and I tried again to lower them at IPO but found severe resistance," he claimed.

    "Pre-IPO, I was the only non-executive and as a private company there was no remuneration committee.

    "Craig Mather was proposed by Charles Green and rejected by me and two other board members. His remuneration was never certified by me.

    "When Phil Cartmell left, Craig Mather was interim CEO and remuneration was not confirmed. These are symptoms of why the shareholders and fans demand change.

    "Craig Mather's assertion that I decided the executive salaries is misleading and vexatious.

    "In fact, Phil Cartmell was chairman of the remuneration committee, which never met once despite his attempts, and he is on record at being unhappy with levels of remuneration."

    Mather seems to have had a cosy relationship with Green. Does he still owe him one?

  12. Take this statement in context of the above ...

    He knows full well how the majority of the shareholders that matter will vote ,,, as he is doing their bidding.

    Once the board is reelected and the Bearz realise that there was f**k all they could could do to stop it .... Green and Whyte's plan will continue at speed ..

    Happy Days ahead ,,,, :thumsup2

    Yes of course Mather will be getting his wagons circled to ensure a good vote for the status quo. So that will be the Easdales, (Green,) and the various shadowy bodies who hold shares. That will account for more than 50% and maybe up to 74%.

    If the fans groups stay together with McColl, Murray etc I believe they have just over 25%. If they can keep solid and united they might lose the vote at the AGM but they can go legal immediately to protect their 25%, and basically put the current board into a state of limbo.

    Just make sure you don't blink first.

    Many before have fought such battles through the courts when they had just over 25% to eventually win control.

    I would be very surprised if McColl didn't have some hard hitting accusations to make before and at the AGM.

  13. This bit is wrong. The 5.6m in season ticket money that Rangers have already received, you cannot take it off available cash balances. This then makes the rest of the assumptions incorrect.

    Of course we can go through the figures emanating from Ibrox and second guess what they mean. You can be sure the shifty brigade now in charge will be making sure things as obscure as they can possibly make them.

    What gets me is what Mather and Stockbridge have been up to. They will know that any company has to run efficiently and that means controlling costs. And not overpaying for anything.

    The starting point is salaries. Especially when they demand such a high percentage of overall running costs. Get a list with the highest paid at the top, the rest in descending order. Start at the top. Do we really need them? What contract are they on? Cost of punting them? Can we get someone to do the job for less? Then work your way down the list. Staff and players. Make decisions to let some go.

    Especially before the AGM is important to show the board is willing to make these sort of decisions.

    Then look at the other costs to see what can be reduced.

    Increase sales? Including sponsorship. How do we do this? This is an ongoing job, not a one off.

    Funny thing is, I see none of this happening. Why not?

    It is as if they have closed their eyes, put a pillow over their heads hoping the bogey man of administration would go away. :whistle:bairn

    He won't. :o

  14. zinger after zinger.

    not that it will worry the entrenched mentality of ra peepul

    it's quite frustrating that the bulk of AFC's debt stems from the days of spending to try and put out a side that could compete with the moonbeams era Rangers. OK, a lot of the money went on overpaid duds.

    Yes a lot of money did go on overpaid duds. One secret in running a business successfully is learning from your own mistakes and the mistakes of others.

    Why then is Rangers still overpaying for duds? :rolleyes:

    Which takes you directly to the door of the boardroom. Have Mather and Stockbridge made the sensible decisions on controlling costs? I doubt that Jim McColl or Frank Blin think they have.

    Are Mather and Stockbridge two of the overpaid duds?

  15. Having snoozed my way through most of the Barca Celtic game I am sure half way through I caught an interview with Alistair McCoist. That fat guy off the tele, Rangers legend and trainee football manager.

    Alistair was fair affronted with the figures coming out of The Rangers. What is showing up is that a number of people have been fleecing the club big time. Basically wheeling barrowloads of tenners out the back door at Ibrox as the fans threw their money in the front for shares, season tickets and merchandise.

    Alistair said "the fans have been ripped off, they deserve better, and this wouldn't have happened in Bill Struth's time."

    Alistair also asked "who are these people"? "We want names" "I suspect they aren't even football people".

    Alistair was told the two worst culprits were a Mr Green and Mr McCoist. Alistair was apoplectic (his face went all red) and demanded these two guilty men be held accountable. "They must pay back what they have stolen from the loyal Rangers fans".

    Anyone know who these people are? Anyone got a phone number? If they are in hiding, where are they hiding? 8) Alistair must be told. :o

  16. I thought the accounts would have been worse, they aren't as bad as I feared. There's obviously a lot of room for improvement by getting the players and staff wage bill lowered. We still have the Puma, Sports Direct and Blackthorn deals to be added on.

    Good to have Puma, Sports Direct and Blackthorn.They all contribute I assume.

    Unfortunately you still have Ally. :unsure: Ally just takes. :o

  17. Na you should be able to see out the season at least. I can see you lighting up the lowland league next season on your second magical journey up the leagues.

    Just make sure when next summer break happens, if the same shysters are on the board, nobody buys season tickets.

    If the board don't listen to you at AGMs etc, they will listen to you when the money dries up. :)

    Unfortunately I don't think Rangers supporters have the sense to do this, and will fall for the usual pre season nonsense that D Murray was so good at, through to Sandy Jardine, Green, Ally and Walter. Always written up by fatso Jimbo. And still being written up by him.

  18. Excellent question Benny. I'll give you credit as being smarter than the average bear as you have been critical of McCoist and Green, and you weren't daft enough to invest in the IPO or a season ticket.

    Why has Mr Rangers lent these spivs and vultures the veneer of legitimacy? Why didn't he stand yo for the club and fans.

    After his poor management skills helped push the oldco towards administration you could argue McCoist has played a vital part in the downfall of both incarnations of Rangers.

    In the eyes of many Rangers supporters. McCoist was a key part of the recovery and a successful future of the once great club.

    Now we know that McCoist is part of the problem. Every bit as much as Green and his sidekicks.

    A 'legend' who would say whatever was needed to keep the great unwashed onside, as long as he got his back pocket stuffed with cash. Is there anything he would not have said or done to make sure he was on the inflated payroll?

    And if McCoist is such an important part of the problem, then so is Walter. Another who took the Green shilling to be the acceptable face of the unacceptable. :(

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