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Posts posted by thelegendthatis

  1. I see the powerplay continues in an attempt to gain control of Rangers.


    "Last night an insider said: “The majority of the board want Murray out. Some of them — including Walter — feel a bit sorry for him."

    So no blood on Walter's hands then :lol:

    "Murray, of Ayrshire, who has a fund management background, has little to do with the day-to-day running of the club."

    A fund management background, therefore knows nothing about running a business? What do you expect from a chairman? Mans the phones, makes the tea, licks the stamps?

    Usual typical Sevco attempt at a smear campaign, while undermining Murray's worth in the eyes of Sun reading Sevconians. Just what would be expected.

    What do you think is the makeup of the power grabbing fifth column? Presumably their strings are being pulled by the Paisley "bags of tenners behind the settee" mob.

  2. This thread is like going to a really boring party. Nothing at all happening, no chat of any worth, half the scary people there you don't want to have anything to do with, and sod all to drink.

    But we all keep hanging round as we heard rumours that a load of fun people are about to arrive with all the bevvy and music you could wish for. It could turn into the party of a lifetime and you don't want to risk missing it.

    And enough jelly and ice cream to feed half of Scotland. (The other half that is).

    Keep hanging in there. :lol:

  3. Of course I believe the official line, why doubt it? It's not like there's been any deception going on in this saga.

    My cynical mate however might be of the opinion that CW's "off the radar wealth" was earned from "rearranging" the finances of companies who were in the shite. Cynic Man might even go as far as to say that it was his proffession.

    Sent from my iPhone 5 Black Diamond using Pie and Bovril mobile app

    I suspect I would disagree with you if only I could understand what you are trying to say.

    I hope I can blame your wee screen , bright sunlight, and big thick fingers as the problem rather than a big thick brain. ;)

  4. Maybe it was a case of anyone who paid off Lloyds being OK with Lloyds (who had a substantial hold over Murray's companies).

    Yes I am quite sure that would have been the case. It would have been equally fine if Murray took the same position, if only he had been honest about it. He talked the talk and waked the walk of caring about the future of Rangers. Safe hands and all that. He after all had turned people away as would be buyers who didn't meet his criteria of being 'Rangers people'.

    The word hypocritical comes to mind, but I will leave it to Tedi, Bennett and others to decide on that one.

  5. A cynical person, not myself of course, might be of the mindset that Murray brought a man of CW's skills in as a fall guy to dump the debt via CVA. When it became obvious the CVA would not work then a cynic might be of the opinion that a second Patsy would be required in order to create the illusion of continuance through a newco whilst planning to return the assets to the original owner via the first patsy through some sort of manufactured legal blunder.

    Cynics, eh?

    Sent from my iPhone 5 Black Diamond using Pie and Bovril mobile app

    Of course Murray was well warned about Whyte, his honesty and business background was investigated by a Rangers committee that included permatan Martin Bain. When he delivered his damning conclusions to Murray (don't touch him with a bargepole!) he not just ignored the report but ignored Bain totally after that. He was history from then onwards.

    Murray wanted out - at any cost. Anyone who paid off Lloyds was ok by him. Even if they had to make the payment with criminally acquired money.

  6. From the BBC website today.

    Sandy Easdale also spoke of the situation affecting Rangers chairman Malcolm Murray, who has been asked to stand down by the board.

    "Personally, I have nothing against him, I don't know him that well, but if you are asked to leave twice there must be something amiss," he said.

    Now we know where the vote against Murray was instigated. So they obviously have someone on the board whose stings they are pulling. :o

  7. You'll need to show where in my post i stated anything about apologies from Murray. In fact it's just a pile of pish from you.

    I didn't refer to your post as a source of Murray apologising or not. I am sure you are a nice guy. No offence, but I definitely would not use you as single source for anything.

    What I meant was that I would have expected Murray to have apologised by now to all those he let down so badly. Saying one thing, doing something totally different.

    As I don't follow every move I was wondering if I had missed it.

    But then again, maybe some of the old Rangers fans do not think he has anything to apologise for. :o Please tell me that isn't the case.

  8. I think you're missing a bit of what i'm saying here. This man McConville,in my view,has no room to criticise anyone as regards non-payment of money after his own behaviour representing those families. This is why i personally don't recognise him as a credible person in any criticism.

    As for David Murray,to say that he does not get more criticism than McConville or any of these bloggers tells me a lot of how out of touch you are with many Rangers fans, not just those on this forum. Murray has had massive criticism many times over the years regarding his spending and the road he took the club down from many Rangers fans.

    Speak to many Rangers fans about him (i'm not speaking of the knuckledraggers here) and you'll find that the majority are very much against him and are very critical of his part on the events at the club during the mid 2000s.

    I am sure I have missed Murray apologising to Rangers supporters, shareholders or the Scottish public at large. Do tell me if I wasn't paying attention when it happened.

    He hasn't gone away. Not yet disappeared to his vineyard and estate in New Zealand.

    However he did raise his head to complain about leaks from HMRC about the Rangers shenanigans.

    He complained about the leaks that apparently took place. He didn't complain or attempt to correct the content of the said leaks.

    Hypocrite. Up there with Keith O'Brien as a con man and liar. Using the law to bully lesser people into shutting up.

  9. personally i find it very hypocritical that a person that held a position of trust but failed to carry out the responsibilities of that position of trust will comment on other wrongdoings as if he is a paragon of virtue.

    I presume you will talk about David Murray in the same way. After all he was this paragon of virtue who would only hand Rangers over to someone who could be trusted with the club. When push came to shove he would have taken money from anyone as long as Lloyds were paid off and he could scarper. The Murray regime clearly created the opportunity for the real shysters like Whyte and Green to jump in.

    The cloud under which all this happened of course was the big Tax case and the uncertainty about the EBTs. Time might tell us these were unfounded threats, but the fact that he allowed these to be problems lies totally at his door. Obviously HMRC did not trust him one bit. Partly as he had 'previous' with them.

    So rather than harangue McConvillie who is merely a bit player in all of this, why not abuse those who are the really guilty ones?

    Starting with David Murray and his board at the time. :thumbsdown

  10. empty.gif
    Walter Smith set to quit Ibrox 'shambles' WALTER SMITH is on the brink of quitting Rangers.
    Published: Wed, May 8, 2013

    smit-397865.jpgWalter Smith could be set to walk away from Rangers

    The club’s non-executive director – along with manager Ally McCoist about the only man inside Ibrox that the supporters identify with – is so frustrated at the shambles inside the boardroom that he is considering his position.

    If the former manager does decide to jump ship it will be a devastating blow to the club’s credibility in already difficult times.

    The most recent drama to engulf Rangers was a report yesterday suggesting chairman Malcolm Murray is set to leave.

    If Smith does decide to jump ship it will be a devastating blow to the club’s credibility in already difficult times.

    The man taken to Ibrox by former chief executive Charles Green a year ago is reported to have lost a vote of no confidence at a board meeting.

    My understanding is he is hanging on to power and is unlikely to be pushed out until the end of the month.

    Fans won’t lose any sleep over Murray’s eventual departure but the news Smith is disillusioned will have panic bells ringing.

    The former manager has attended two fraught board meetings at Ibrox this week, and along with one other director was horrified Green joined proceedings via a conference call despite no longer being actively involved.

    Green is, of course, still a shareholder.

    Further news that will anger fans is the ongoing independent inquiry into links between former owner Craig Whyte, Green and ex-commercial director Imran Ahmad – an investigation called for by Murray – is likely to continue for another couple of weeks at a cost of around £500,000 which the Ibrox club can ill afford.

    Rangers last night refused to confirm or deny these revelations.

    But, but, but....Is Walter going to do walking away? :o:unsure:

    If he does, will he take his boy with him?

    Or will Ally have the b**ls and ability to fight?

    Must be time for the bonfire of the vanities for Ibrox and Murray Park. Assuming the insurance premiums have been paid.

  11. Brilliant how the Sevconians are in hiding when there is significant bad news and then come out in force when they get a sniff of a smear campaign.

    My attitude to McConville is based on what he says. Does it make sense? Is it thought through? is it based on facts and reasoned conclusions?

    But much easier to avoid engaging the brain and just disregard someone because of some label you can apply to them. Follow that route and you will refuse to deal with anyone who went to a school that had the name of a saint. Now think on it. How ludicrous would that be?

    However all this sanctimonious guff about the poor miners doesn't distract from the newspaper headlines and other stories doing the rounds about what is happening within the boardroom at Rangers. 8):lol::thumbsdown

  12. He's not doing anything wrong. I think he's realised that he would be better off trying to have a discussion with a wall than the posters on here. It really is tedious, you've got to repeat yourself a hundred times for you lot to take it in.

    Bennett has already repeated himself a hundred times. We get what he is saying. We took it in the first time. What does he not get about that?

    Unfortunately he is just a one trick pony.

    Heard it once, heard it a hundred times. :lol:

  13. Given Octopus and their business friends have over 30% of the shareholding, M Murray will be going nowhere without their sayso.

    If this conclusion is so obvious the question now must be who on the board is stirring it?

    Any chance the McGills are winding up Walter and fat Ally thinking they might get their backpockets stuffed if they can get the McGills in control? Given their shareholding they have to play to a different game, which is beyond normal buying and selling of shares tactics. 'Offers you can't refuse maybe'?

    Maybe not traumatic to Bennett and his ilk, but scary to everyone else. :shutup

  14. Not in a straightforward and honest fashion, though.

    Alien concepts to you, maybe, but there are some grown-ups in the rangers camp.

    Yes there are some grown ups in the Rangers camp. After all, Jim McColl (Clyde Blowers & Weirs) is one of those grown ups who popped his head up briefly. No doubt when he looked at the vipers nest that is Rangers, and I include many of their supporters in that, he backed off.

    Yes they are keeping their heads down big time. And definitely not posting on P&B.

  15. as per Greenock Rover's pithy observations above.

    Bennett seems to have given up, has no real answers to the clusterfucks rolling into Ibrox like the tide coming in each day, and just farts out an automatic sour and sarky response to everything. Sour and sarky responses are OK now and again, but the poor sap is becoming a bigger figure of fun than AWRA.

    According to the BBC (some of) the other directors had a vote of no confidence in the Chairman. These board members are 'keen for him to step down'.

    In other words they are trying to force him out, while knowing they cannot force him to go. (Not enough voting shares probably)

    But why? What has he done wrong? There is lots we don't know and lots we are not being told. Will the Green/Malcolm Murray shareholders close ranks on this behind M Murray? If they do,, where will this leave Super Ally and Uncle W? :o

    The share price is not showing any nervousness so despite the posturing it may be that people believe Murray will stay.

    I just wish we could get some reports published that cleaned out the chancers feeding off the Rangers faithful. I include Ally and Walt in the greedy chancers group. :(

    I just wish the Rangers faithful were as informed about this as they are about the deeds of Lawwell or the excitement of cross bar challenges.

  16. Bombshell related to AIM rumoured to be annouched tommorow, this should be funny. No doubt the Orcs will dismiss it as bias and Timmy propaganda.

    Is that why they had a board meeting today? When the markets were closed.

    Possibly so they could prepare a statement which can be made public prior to opening of trading tomorrow morning.

    Guessing a bit, but it does hang together.

    Maybe Tedi or Bennett could confirm or deny based on their inside sources. :lol:

    Remember to check the BBC website about 8am tomorrow morning. :unsure:

  17. Come on Bennett, wouldn't get too excited about a couple of half baked bloggers investigating 'us'.

    There are loads of people and organisations spending loads of time and money investigating your lot. The Police, HMRC, BDO, SFA, BBC. Not to mention a dodgy third division football club, namely 'The Rangers' are also investigating you.

    In fact nobody has any real idea what has happened, and what is currently happening with the club you follow.

    Is there anything your club does which is honest and transparent?

    Thought not. :(

  18. In the good old days when Rangers still existed and fans were mobilising, I went to the bother of acquiring an animated gif of a fat guy wearing the red and black scarf, I am now worried my gif might be past its sell by date.

    Checked the website http://www.redblackrangers.com/#tab_1 to see there are still some for sale. :o

    Anyone have any idea how many were sold? How many tickets donated to schools, charities etc. from the time of the launch of these scarves as a fund raising exercise? I assume the audited accounts will be published somewhere. Maybe Bennett or Tedi could tell me where to find this information.

    Did they help save Rangers? :rolleyes:

  19. 50,000+ Bears will pack Ibrox today in a sea of Red, White and Blue, it will be a celebration and a massive GIRFUY to every cretin who wanted our club dead, part one of the journey is about to come to a close, but there is plenty more to come.

    We are Rangers super Rangers and don't you forget it BRALT.


    Population of Scotland 5,295,000.

    Number of Bears saying GIRFUY, 50,000. Add the at risk beaten wives and kids who will also say GIRFUY. Assume another 100,000. :wacko:

    The rest of Scotland = 5,145,000 who are saying GIRFUY to Rangers and their kith and kin at varying levels of intensity. :thumsup2

  20. Yes, I am. Kind of.

    I know there's an apparent contradicton in saying that a pro-Rangers press played a part in getting the club ripped off, but it's true.

    In much the same way that a presumaby pro-Rangers support allowed it too.

    The press weren't conspiring with Whyte or Green to carry out their dastardly plans, but they weren't keen to look too closely either, lest they upset those who deserve better. They also hoped all was well and like many fans, found it easier to cross their fingers than enquire.

    A compliant press has certainly helped with the humbling of Rangers.

    We just need to remind ourselves why the press were referred to as 'the succulent lamb brigade'.

    Of course that was during David Murray's regime. So it is important he is mentioned in the same breath as his fellow travellers Whyte and Green.

  21. Sevco article from 'City Slicker' in Private Eye. Crooks charter.




    Of course this article can be used to beat up the Sevco loyal, and have another laugh at their expense.

    However anyone with the slightest interest in either Scottish businesses or Scottish football must read this with feelings of total humiliation and frustration.

    That such a bunch of shysters and crooks should have been able to get their hands on such a significant Scottish business and football club is shameful. A stain on a nation.

    We can feel anger about what has happened since the man with 'wealth off the radar' appeared How the media experts played along with the fraud, the supporters who sucked in up in a totally unquestioning way, and the authorities who connived and colluded. Those laughed at and threatened from the Tax Case blog to P&B and Off the Ball have been the voices of sense and reason. Everyone else who has been involved or guilty of getting it wrong for so long and so often should acknowledge this.

    We can say we must make sure this type of thing never happens again, and people like Whyte, Green should never be allowed to run a football club, or hopefully any company ever again.

    But the best way to stop this, is to make sure we never create the opportunity for people like them to exploit the situation.

    So who created this one? David Murray is a standout, aided by Campbell Ogilvie who was in the cesspit up to his knees waving it through while pocketing the dosh (tax free), and of the course the SFA. A body which only matches its incompetence with its poisonous behaviour behind their closed doors.

    All projects that deliver any public money via the SFA must be terminated by the Scottish Government while they clean out the current brigade and bring in a new regime that is honest, capable and more concerned about Scottish football than being preoccupied by their own personal gain. Ogilvie goes first.

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