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Posts posted by thelegendthatis

  1. Stock Exchange announcement re appointment of Craig Mather

    Rangers International Football Club plc

    ("Rangers", the "Group" or the "Club")

    Directorate Change

    Rangers announces that the Board has appointed Craig Mather, aged 42, to the role of Chief Operating Officer for the Group. In addition, Craig will act as interim Chief Executive Officer and will be a member of the Board as the interim Chief Executive Officer. In the meanwhile the search for a permanent replacement for Charles Green will continue and a further announcement will be made as appropriate. Craig has been director of sports development for the Club since October 2012 and is currently a shareholder in the Club having invested prior to its initial public offering in 2012. Craig currently holds 1,800,000 ordinary shares, representing 3.1 per cent. of the Company's shares in issue.

    Craig is currently a director of Simply Cartons Limited, Simply Cartons Holdings Limited, Simply Racing Limited, Simply Sport Management Limited, Puki Limited, One Partners Limited and Little Big Shot Limited and has been a director of IP Logik Limited, Simply Rigids Limited and Spirit Sports Entertainment and Media Limited in the last five years.

    So, initial 1,000,000 shares at 100p and 800,000 shares for 1p it looks like.

    Know nothing about this guy, but I am sure we will know all pretty soon! :wacko:

    Hopefully he will have been given a brief by the board to cut out all the ducking and diving as The Rangers have been under Green. Talk of honesty and transparency I think have come from the lips of fat Sally, Uncle Walt and the chairman.

    An obvious first step for Mather will be to get rid of Traynor. A totally discredited journalist obviously hired by Green to pump out half truths and other such nonsense. Probably behind some the the Sevco loyal on boards such as P&B.

    Get somebody in who can do an honest job to represent the club properly and positively. And that person cannot be Traynor. He is contaminated goods. :thumbsdown

  2. Why bring the memorial statue into this petty point scoring attempt/

    Only because the charity which is causing OSCR so much concern and has demanded the attention of the police has trustees nominated by Rangers FC (version old and new). The only trustee to have sat tight during the administration and liquidation is John Greig who was also a director of the old Rangers. He was also damned as a director by one of the first reports on the running of Rangers under Murray as he sold the club to Whyte. Greig sat on his hands and ignored what was happening - a criminal offence under company law.

    The question is, is he really a fit and proper person to hold down this job as a trustee with all the legal obligations? And if not, should he still be celebrated with a statue outside Ibrox?

  3. When Bennett, Tedi and their fellow travellers continue to confuse, bluster and obscure, the future their beloved club hangs by a thread.

    Paul Murray, the fat manager, Donald Findlay are all asking for transparency, honesty and people on the board with the club's interest at heart. This alludes to the, knowing about dodgy dealings going on. So what has really been happening under Green's tenure, and why where the Sevco apologists on here merely acting out Green's bluster?

    What would they like to see happen next?

    1. Should all the Green supporting board members to go?
    2. Would they like to see all the shares held by Green supporters to be sold?
    3. Would increased representation of supporters in the share ownership be a good thing?
    4. Who should be the new Chief Executive? Would they prefer someone with no Rangers baggage, such as Gordon McKie (ex head of the Scottish Rugby Union)?

    So rather than complaining about everyone else from the SFA to Lawwell, say what you want to see happen.

    Add to that the issue about the Rangers charity. A problem detailed here a few pages ago. One I referred to via questions some months ago ( a couple of times) when I had been informed about the concerns of OSCR and the involvement of the police.

    So guys, what should happen there? Based on that should John Greig's statue remain in place outside Ibrox?

  4. To me, Murray is the most interesting character in this whole soap opera. The world of Scottish business is not the largest circle to mix in and it seems beyond the bounds of credibility that a businessman of long standing like Murray had no idea as to the character and operating methods of Whyte. It is another poor reflection on the MSM that Murray has been given such an easy ride over the sale of the club to a conman.

    Murray was told by Martin Bain at the time about Whyte. They had some thrown together committee to look at Whyte, but when they told Murray he made clear Lloyds were on his case big time. He stopped speaking to Bain after that!

    Anything to get the money to Lloyds and reduce his indebtedness. We have all paid the price to save Murray's neck.

  5. Certainly been a few shares dumped, price has dropped 1.5p or 2.29% in 2 and a half hours. That's on top of Friday's 7% drop.

    ETA todays drop is at 2p now or 3.05%

    This is better than matchday text updates on the BBC website.

    ETA #2 Down another 0.5p, -3.82%. I bet Tedi wishes they had stopped the trading now.

    ETA #3 another 0.5p, -6.11%, You got to tune into this match guys, it's turning into a massacre. No, No8 still breathing, just.

    The selling volumes are still quite low today (around 5000 per trade).

    All we need is one of the institutional investors to start to dump their investment to cut their loses. I am sure there is a queue of Rangers Loyal mad keen to buy a stake in their beloved club (formed 1872) as it looks to climb the ladder back to former greatness. Doesn't show in today's trades. Total of shares purchased so far have a value of £18.00 :(

    Share suspension soon?

  6. Wondered when you and your other tag would show up, perhaps I am not half as stupid as you, especially when you read further down the board and see that I would full expect the board to lose a vote if they attempted to oust Charles, the shareholders would not though and this is why I added it.

    Would expect nothing less. Obviously this is merely a cack handed stunt trying to show the shareholders have some standards other than greed. So Green will be 'admonished' and warned about his future behaviour, with suitable apologies from the guilty bigot..Then the usual claptrap about the need to 'move on'.

    Admire your 'No Surrender' signature Tedi.

    When James (the catholic King) said to the (protestant) people of Derry under siege 'Surrender or die', the people of Derry said 'No Surrender'.

    You may still say 'No Surrender' today Tedi, but the majority of people are saying 'Die'.

  7. If the board are strong enought to suspend those who were involved in the takeover and invite someone from BDO onto the board then it is possible we could still see this through, never give up hope stoney.

    Gawd Tedi, your stupidity never ceases to amaze me. Why the hell would BDO consider for a second sitting on The Rangers board? :o And many reasons why not, which you probably wouldn't understand. Get a grip. Not everyone is a blinkered Rangers fan regardless of who is on the board, where the money came from, their dodgy practices or repeated bigotry.

    Heard Craig Whyte described on BBC as 'the disgraced businessman' Craig Whyte.

    Isn't it time we referred to all current and previous directors of Ranger or Sevco in a similar manner.

    The disgraced David Murray

    The disgraced Charles Green

    The disgraced John Greig

    Got the idea.

    It just sounds right. :thumsup2

  8. Rangers: Police carry out raids on Whyte club purchase


    Police have carried out a series of raids relating to the purchase of Rangers Football Club by Craig Whyte from Sir David Murray.

    Police Scotland said they had "carried out a number of searches" in at addresses in both Scotland and England.

    The statement said: "These searches related to both domestic and business premises.

    "This remains an ongoing investigation, and no further information can be provided at this stage".

    The story that has no end in sight.

    And the liquidators haven't even reported yet.

    Interesting that this move happens within weeks of Police Scotland being formed. Does this mean there is less influence from the Strathclyde Masons and blue noses in uniform?

    Oh, the next 3 or 4 years are going to be fun. :thumsup2

  9. They may well do that and tbh if that was the case it would give Rangers and the support all the ammunition they required to highlight that there is no such thing as sporting integrity. I would doubt that anyone would buy DAFC outright and clear the debt. Their best option is a CVA, failing that the newco route and liquidation for Dunfermline Athletic Football Club Limited. Dunfermline aren't a club i'd like to see becoming defunct.i remember very well their great European nights at EEP in the 60s and the class players they've had.

    Hope you are registered with the Financial Services Authority to give financial advice. :rolleyes:

    Amazing how many bleedin experts have grown out of Rangers being caught in their corrupt practices. :thumbsdown

  10. This guy from Middlesbrough is seemingly pretty decent. Andre Bikey??? Think that's his name.

    Wouldn't mind Tom Hately

    That's just a couple that come to mind

    Have you had a look at Stuart Miller? I think his team are the sort you should be putting at the top of your wanted list.

    Who needs wishful thinking about second rate midfielders when you have more important things to think about.

    http://www.stuartmillersolicitors.co.uk/business-fraud.html :thumsup2

  11. I believe sally is honestly on £20k a week under his TUPE from the former Rangers unless he said "no way" I'm worth 5p. It is obviously private, but if he has been gifted a % of NEWCO shares I think that was his payoff from Chuckie to lower the Ibroke weekly wage bill.

    Either way, he is a serious shareholder in CEVCO so cannot be dismissed as either employee or part owner

    Even if he is a shareholder in Sevco it will be a single figure percentage, which means he can get the old heave ho just like anyone else and be powerless to do anything about it. Anyway Green is not stupid enough to give anyone a shareholding that allows them to do anything other than what he wants to see happen :thumbsdown

  12. Like chuckles said. There his titles, he bought them

    If he did he must have bought them from old Rangers. That means they were an asset of the company. If they have a value I would assume that BDO now handling the liquidation would be looking to get the best possible price for those titles. After all they are legally bound to do this and overturn any favours doled out by Duff and Duffer. (Remember them? Where are they now?).

    So what about a Pie and Bovril bid? I am sure we could rustle up a few grand between us.

    Would help pay the BDO fees.

    Count me in for £100, but I want the last ever league title they won for that. :thumsup2

  13. Lets be quite clear. It is not just the Jungle Jims who think that you were found guilty of cheating but due to a totally ineffectual and suspiciously partial set of governing bodies you got away with it. Guilty but that's ok. You broke the rules but there is nothing in the rules that say breaking them is bad? Nothing in the rules that says by not registering players properly that makes them improperly registered. f**k off.

    To quote Timmy Thomspon of channel 4 news, the most impartial observer in all of this, with an unimpeachable track record in international journalism, "if an alien came down from another planet and looked at the rangers tribunal verdict, he would say £47million does not equate to a sporting advantage, you are having a laugh."

    This whole sorry saga has been so damaging to Scottish football and the inability to punish a club caught red handed doing the dirty has made a mockery of our game and piled shame upon shame. Anyone looking from the outside into this would correctly assume that we are a backwater footballing nation with finances like Greece and governance more questionable than Italian politics. I hope you are fucking proud of yourselves.

    Excellent post. Cutting through all the nonsense and hype from the Sevconians.

    Look at the owners/directors of Rangers. Murray, Dave King, Whyte, Green and those who sniffed around the corpse like di Stefano.Would you buy a used car from any of them? Count your fingers after you shake their hand.

    Expect Berlusconi to be the next sleazeball after Green! Can see him and fat Jimbo hitting it off. And loads of bunga bunga with Ally in tow. :lol:

    What the Sevco brain deads don't realise is the law and lawyers have nothing to do with honesty or morality. It is based on the 'evidence'; they are presented with. Dimmo Nimmo is a past master at this tactic. Just make sure you don't ask the right question and you won't get any lies. So it is one thing to get off, something totally different to be innocent.

  14. You can ask, but you are too thick to take it in.

    Having more money than the clubs we are competing with is having an advantage. Celtic have this advantage and that is why the are going to win the SPL this year.

    EBT`s gave us more money.

    EBT`s were not illegal, get your thick head round that.

    Did I say EBTs were illegal? :unsure:

    Can I suggest that when you are dismissing people who have opinions other than your own blinkered view, you could at least pretend to have considered their point. Otherwise they just end up thinking you are just a thick ar**hole.

    Unless of course you actually are one? :o

    Maybe you could clarify. :lol:

  15. The sum total of what i've said is the fact that the SPL Commission found the club guilty of non-disclosure of payments over a period of time,that's indisputable and accepted. However what you patently ignore is the fact that the club was found to not have broken any rules as regards playing players that were ineligible to play. That's a fact of the Commission findings, something which pains you very much to accept.

    The whole crux of this case was about finding Rangers guilty of playing ineligible players and the removal of honours,that did not happen,rendering every point you try to make otherwise completely null and void. I suggest that you try and get over this because it seems to be eating away at you.

    Youngsy, as one of the few "The Rangers" supporters here with a brain (one that works) I would like your opinion on the EBTs.

    If we agree that the old Rangers gained no advantage in attracting better players than they could have done otherwise, why did Murray bother with EBTs?

    They obviously came with an overhead in setting up, administering and reporting etc. There was also the risk of them being found unacceptable by the SFA, SPL or HMRC. This concern is shown in their non disclosure at the time.

    Why then go to all that bother if no advantage was to be gained?

    I could ask Tedi or No 8 but I know would only get a same old, same old garbled Rab C Nesbitt style answer. :unsure:

  16. It is a bit more complicated than that. Rangers thought they didn't have to file the side letters because they were not contracts. The BTC judges agreed that any payments made through trusts detailed by the side letters were not contractual payments and not liable for tax. Nimmo-Smith takes a rather plain view and states outright that the side-letters formed part of the footballers contract arguing that players wouldn't have agreed to play for Rangers without the side-letter in place.

    You can see why it might not be obvious that Rangers should have given the side-letters to the SFA.

    Are the SFA bound by the decision of the SPL independent panel since they may have a different view on what kind of administrative error would make a player ineligible.

    If you were on the SFA board would you take any decision that meant you and your family were vilified through online boards like this, getting parcels in the post, threats when you are out leading a normal life, and needing the advice from the police of how you and your family should live their lives? Presumably to burn down Hampden would be an option offered.

    You might, but I can understand why many would choose the easy option.

  17. Feck me all the furious w@nking coming from the Rangers fans is unbelievable :lol:

    Their arrogance and hatred towards the SPL & SFA has blinded them completely and can't see that this has been a sham and a whitewash since 2010 onwards to actually protect Rangers FC from folding over and dying and being consigned to the history books.

    The associations shit their drawers when Rangers faced BIG trouble and went are far as to change all their liquidation laws 8 months before the inevitable happened so as to protect what they seen as a cash cow that paid them handsome wages and bonuses.

    Plan "A" all along was to get the Rangers newco parachuted straight into the SPL and why the associations changed their rules so that they could say to the Rangers fans eventually "look here we changed our rules and it's the very same club according to the new rules & regulations" or the Rangers fans would have not have supported a completely new Rangers team.Financial Armageddon there perhaps according to them.

    Plan "A" failed to get the Rangers newco straight into the SPL and the diddies revolt fucked that up completely so plan "B" unfolded to lump the cheating fuckers straight into the SFL 1st division and then that failed completely so they entered the newco into the 3rd.

    So Rangers fans would be absolutely correct in saying that the SPL & SFA were corrupt to the core but it was towards saving the most Scotland's corrupt football club ever called Rangers FC.It's similar to the patient fighting the doctor that was and had saved their life ?

    So instead of demanding apologies from the two corrupt associations,why don't you actually thank them for giving you the Rangers fans legally according to them by the way a fucking club to support in the 3rd division when plan "A" was to get your club straight into the SPL in the first place.

    If the SFA & SPL didn't change their rules and they were changed just to accommodate the demise of Rangers FC we all on here would still be partying mental over the death of Rangers FC the club.


    Can we try thieving instead of ungrateful?

    The gloating and arrogance of the Sevco mob it so sad. It is a bit like when Sevco get an equaliser against Stirling Albion/Montrose/Berwick Rangers :lol: Loud and arrogant, but sad and pathetic at the same time.

    Dimmo Nimmo had the remit of

    • drawing a line in the sand
    • allowing people to move on

    and of course ensuring the guilty such as Ogilvie were given a clean bill of health.

    Many facts were produced but the one key part of there being no advantage from being able to afford better players through tax avoidance methods was down to opinion only. Unless they hauled in players with EBTs under oath and looking at income before and after the old Rangers, then it will remain opinion.

    Dimmo Nimmo and his collaborators have their opinion. I have mine. :whistle

    Ogilvie would have been well rehearsed before his 'evidence'. In essence he says he 'assumed' it was all kosher. £92,000 times over. This is someone who was a director of old Rangers at the time. So the weasel words gets him off for now. However BDO and the fraud squad must look at his role as a director, and ask whether he carried out his duties with appropriate diligence. Those responsibilities are well documented on companies house website. He failed miserably. A proper examination under oath which must happen will help get him struck off as a director.

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