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Posts posted by thelegendthatis

  1. So you were brought up to hate others then?

    Explains a lot, i was brought up better than that.

    Shame this thread has allowed itself to descend into personal taunting and intimation from those we see to be apologists for the Sevco and Rangers hangers on.

    The step from such goading to physical assault I suspect is merely a matter of place and opportunity.

    With an attitude that makes anyone who dares state an alternative opinion to be seen as the enemy, then their aggression becomes easier to self justify.

    "Nobody loves us, we don't care." shows they prefer contempt than the rejection. It is that they find so difficult to handle. A natural consequence of coming from dysfunctional families.

    Sad, very sad. sad.gif

  2. Do you think any Sevconians on here might want to pass this link along to Ibrox.


    "Depending on the outcome of this conversation, HMRC will then determine.....the customer could benefit from tailored educational support"

    Do you think HMRC have sufficient resources to offer this to Sevco? laugh.gif

    It is obviously a bit too late for the ones BDO will be crawling all over.

    Wonder if David Murray has shipped any 'evidence' out to his hideaway in New Zealand? unsure.gif

  3. Would imagine HMRC setting a date then penalties would be incurred then court action for non payment of tax. Those who pay the demands will probably not even be made public , it will be only those that require legal action that we will hear about.

    Or if they can't pay or can't agree a schedule with HMRC.

    I believe some of the lucky EBT recipients have not invested their money as wisely as they should have. So getting their hands on the readies might be a problem. So a personal bankruptcy or two may well result. sad.gif

  4. You are wrong, not me

    If you want to speak about masonic stuff on an internet forum then that is up to you, I will refrain ;)

    and you have tic supporter written all over you I am sure that I am not the only one to see it

    tic = anyone who is not a loyal(ist) fanatic about all things blue? laugh.gif

    Presume you must live in darkest Ayrshire? sad.gif Try getting out more, meet some new friends http://www.newfriends4u.com/guide/make_internet_friends.html wink.gif

  5. This THREAD is in the RANGERS section of the forum and I will speak about what the hell i like dry.gif

    I certainly will not be dictated to by some jumped up little CELTIC supporter who hides behind the other tag because he wants the diddy clubbers support

    You sir are as transparent as they come

    I can assure you, I am no Celtic supporter.

    What I find odd is that you Tedi and your sidekicks give us big licks about the Masonic Order a few pages back. And then when I put a Masonic coded phrase in one of my posts cool.gif none of you responded. Are you or aren't you? Or do you just like talking about it? biggrin.gif

  6. If BDO do not return a greater sum than was available via the CVA offer, I'm sure you'll rage at HMRC for throwing away what was on the table for the tax payer.

    Doubt if many people really care about the monies recovered. as long as BDO dig up the evidence that will ensure convictions.

    It will take time as the suspects are confirmed duckers and divers, and are well practised in the skill.

    Would hate to see the genuine guilty ones not being fingered, while the patsies like John Greig end up with a conviction and deemed to not a fit and proper person to hold office in a company (or charity). sad.gif

  7. To be honest, I don't think its fair when when people think being an ex Rangers player somehow means they will not give 100% when they come face to face as opposition, these guys are are professionals, and it would do nothing for their reputation if they somehow colluded to gift Rangers a result, any ICT fans who thought this before the game must now be feeling a bit daft for thinking it

    As a Rangers fan I would have no respect for any ex player who lay down for us and my respect for Butcher just went up a notch, his comments after the game are a lesson in "winning with dignity" that many an old firm manager could take lessons from, I believe he still does "have love for Rangers" but he certainly loves ICT more, his results against both half's of the old firm over the years shows that he has never feared either of them

    Can this nonsense go to some other forum? We are not interested. Repeat. We are not interested. mad.gif

    Poor Tedi comes across as a poor man's Chic Young. How sad is that. ohmy.gif

    This thread is about Rangers Administration and Liquidation.

    Let us keep to that. There is plenty to deal with as the pace hots up. biggrin.gif

  8. Um... Alright?

    Clearly the entire point of my post was about that particular year of the Olympics. No way could you've made any other shite patter olympics squad, 86 was your fuckin' year man!

    And I did mention I plucked the number out my arse a few posts back, glad to see your reading abilities are level with someone in (early) primary school.

    Is there a translation service available? unsure.gif

  9. We do look like Rangers, talk like Rangers, play at Rangers' ground, sing the same songs as Rangers, have the same fans as Rangers, have the same manager as Rangers, have the same interests as Rangers... Could go on. See when you really think about it, the only people that consider us not to be Rangers are fans of other teams in Scotland and the taxman. Every recognized football authority, from the SFA to Fifa to the Belgian FA and in between all recognise us as Rangers. Fans of every other team around the globe all recognise us as Rangers. You lot don't but are really boring about it. Repetitive, incorrect nonsense is spouted day after day in this thread when there is so much ammo to throw at us. Guess I shouldn't complain though, I'd be more annoyed if the attacks levelled at us on here were truthful or relevant; these days it's just utter tripe that I really shouldn't even be bothering my arse replying to.

    You (or should I say Charles) can con and cheat some of the people some of the time, but not all of the people all of the time.

    The wonderful thing about Pie and Bovril, and the blogs that have contributed so much to the pressure on unearthing the facts is that it now cannot go away. the ork of people like the Rangers tax Case blog will see their rewards for the hard work.

    As we reach the High Court(s) and the liquidation investigation process we see the fruit still on the trees, to be picked as they ripen. biggrin.gif

  10. if the club and the company are the same, and Rangers really did die today, or in the near future, then why the f**k the interest in this brand new club? Why the hate to this brand new club that is reserved purely for the likes of the OF? Why all the attention? I'm not saying this from a 'poor us' point of view, I'm saying this because the answers to those questions show up the blatant idiocy that the vast majority of the people on this thread post.

    The reason people pay attention is that the Sevco is passing itself off as Rangers. Plenty of references via Google "This is called “passing off” and under section 216 Insolvency Act 1986 it can lead to criminal action..."

    You look like Rangers, you talk like Rangers, you play at Rangers ground, you taste like Rangers and you sing the same songs. And worst of all the bigotry, hatred and arrogance lives on in Sevco.

    There were chances to do the right thing since David Murray had his arm up his back courtesy of Lloyds, but every step since then has been the wrong one.

    And you stole from the public.

  11. I don't like to have to do that kind of thing, but Bendarroch and his slanderous wee mates come on here and throw accusations around, going on the Lenin/Goebbels idea of repeating until true. Horrible, vile, nasty wee people. He wants Scottish clubs to die, why?

    Because his crew got caught thieving, that's why. That's right, rangers. Not Killie, not celtic, not Dunfermline or Hearts. All of these have, or have had, their financial issues, but only ONE club ever deliberately stole tens of millions of pounds from the country they'r so proud to be a part of.

    Sp the solution? What should happen now? Why, the rest of Scottish football must die.

    Shame nobody told ICT, isn't it?

    No need to engage with them. When you see as**oles like that on the street you make sure you just walk by, ignoring them. Need to do the same here.

    But this a day for celebration. The day Rangers, the 1872 lot, officially died.

    And the High Court judge doesn't like their style either. Wanting to find out more about the recent dodgy dealings. He won't be fobbed off by the likes of the clowns we get on here.

    Tonight the BDO staff will be sharpening their pencils, ready for the fray. These guys will love it. They like the chase. And Murray and his board are top of their list, not the Whyte dynasty.

    We have had 6 months or so of relative inaction. But the floodgates are about to burst. Oh the fun!!! laugh.gif Let us enjoy it, and ignore the knuckle draggers who want to turn everything into what fits into their little brains.

    And then to cap it all Inverness outclass them at Ibrox. Despite The Rangers playing that world class centre forward that is Kevin Kyle. sad.gif

  12. Lord Hodge said:

    "There may be a good answer to these allegations, but allegations are being ventilated which call into question the probity of proceedings." :lol:

    Meanwhile, the means of agreeing their (Duff & Duffer) £3.1m bill for fees and expenses has been questioned by Lord Hodge. :lol:

    The process of winding up administration is being further complicated by legal action in English courts against Collyer Bristow by Duff and Phelps and by others.:lol:

    The case continues into Wednesday afternoon. :lol:

    Wednesday afternoon could be a great start to November, which could be a brilliant month. :lol::lol:

    (From the BBC web site. )

  13. Rangers bosses knew about Craig Whyte's shady business dealings BEFORE Ibrox takeover


    And the 5 who knew the detail. http://www.dailyreco...t-panel-1407445

    Martin Bain, Alastair Johnston, finance director Donald McIntyre and John McClelland and John Greig.

    "The Insolvency Service have confirmed that their Investigations and Enforcement Directorate are considering the conduct of Rangers directors.

    They are looking at the actions of the board ahead of the sale to Whyte, as well as what went on after the takeover."

    This is the same John Greig who remains a trustee of the Rangers Charity Foundation. Despite the title of 'Honorary President' he is also a trustee which has many legal and ethical responsibilities. Is Greig competent to deliver these? Based on his activities as a Rangers director most would say not.

    Last annual report on their site is from 09/10. sad.gifrolleyes.gif Fundraising 'trading costs' £136k! ohmy.gif Signed off by Martin Bain so it must be ok.


  14. Of Assets and Liabilities TSFM

    Much has been written on this blog, and previously on RangersTaxCase.com regarding the assets and liabilities of the former Rangers football club – however little has been done to look at the rest of the SPL and Scottish Football as a whole. Was it just Rangers making ridiculous 'asset' valuations or is there other clubs in real danger of following RFC to the grave?

    Before we get started a quick explanation on the figures. They were all taken from the latest accounts as appearing on Duedil.com, so some are from 2010's figures. I have also 'tidied' them up a little so that they are easily understandable, removing things such as minor stock holdings.

    The big story in the Rangers case was how over valued their 'assets' were, and especially the freehold property. To remind you Rangers Balance sheet in 2010 was as below:


    While on paper the net assets look very healthy, we all now know that the 130m of Fixed assets was in fact worth just 5.5m in the real world. If we change that 130m to the real life figure their balance sheet would have looked like this…


    So, how do the rest of the SPL compare? This is a list of 'fixed assets' for each club as noted in their last accounts.


    Predictably, Celtic lead the way, but a quick scout through the notes reveals the freehold properties are valued at 45m. Dundee prop up the table, but with no freehold properties to their name, this is not so surprising. One thing to note is the difference in value of the assets held by Aberdeen and Kilmarnock compared to clubs like Dundee Utd and St.Johnstone – this is important when we look at their balance sheets.


    As you can see above, I have broken the balance sheet down into a few categories. We have the fixed assets we just discussed, followed by the cash in bank. Next is the debtors (money owed to the club within the next year) and then the creditors (money the club owes to others within the next year). A crude calculation gives us the Net Current assets or liabilities. A red number means that club owes more money in the next 12 months than they have in the bank, or are owed.

    We then move on to long term creditors (money that is owed but not immediately – more than 1 year away) which will constitute loans from banks, or from shareholders. In the case of Hearts, who have the highest amount of long term debt in the SPL, 98% of this debt is owed to the parent company UAB, controlled by Romanov. This debt attracts a further 4.5% interest a year, while UAB also hold a floating charge over the clubs assets.

    The final column gives us the Net assets or liabilities, taking into account the fixed assets of the company. As we saw earlier, Rangers had posted Net assets of 70m, only achieved by their ridiculous freehold property valuation. Are Hearts and Aberdeen doing the same? In the case of Hearts they include in their fixed assets 159,000 worth of 'Memorabilia'… in addition to 15m of freehold property, while Aberdeen state in their accounts that the valuation of Pittodrie is a 'rebuild' value rather than a likely realistic sale price.


    By declaring such high values on their balance sheets though, it produces a net asset figure, rather than a large liability that, in reality, is the case. Kilmarnock and Hibs to a lesser extent would also see their figures turn red with asset valuations downgraded.

    What is heartening to see though, is two clubs with net current assets, in St.Johnstone and Motherwell. Saints were rescued from near bankruptcy in the 80's by Geoff Brown and have lived within their means ever since. Motherwell likewise have been in financial trouble in recent times, but the club appears to have stabilized and is now living within their means on and off the park.

    If another insolvency event hits an SPL club, the MSM will blame it on the demise of Rangers. What can be clearly seen here though is the damage was done years ago to clubs like Hearts, Dundee Utd and Aberdeen – it will be a battle to get back to the kind of financial position that clubs such as St.Johnstone currently enjoy. However, the message that Saints are currently sending out is that its possible to have a competitive team without breaking the bank, as long as others aren't artificially inflating wage demands.

    The accounts I used to get the above figures are downloadable here: I was unable to find for Inverness – if anyone can find please let me know and I can add them to the table. When time permits I will extend this to include SFL clubs as well.

    I am sure Tedi will be delighted to go through this in some detail with us. I expect he is bashing his calculator as we wait here. rolleyes.gif

    The blame for the difference in sale price vs the valuation of assets we usually lay at the door of Duff & Duffer, as they waved Charley through. Hopefully the accusation that they disposed of assets at way below market market will stick.

    The other approach is to ask where the £130 million figures came from? There are many companies out there who can give you the valuation you want. Was this one of those?

    And if it was Murray knowingly asking for inflated valuation with the intention of convincing people he wasn't continuing to trade whilst insolvent, this might attract some attention and questions as well.

    I think the lesson from this is you know damned well that illegal activity has taken place in every transaction that involved Rangers since Murray came on board, it is just deciding where, who and why. sad.gif

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