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Posts posted by thelegendthatis

  1. I have never banged on about thophies whatever they may be

    I believe know that Rangers are the same Rangers with 140 years unbroken history, I am sure the SPL will attempt to strip titles I am also sure that Rangers will appeal to the court of session and the SPL will have their arses handed to them

    I am also happy to see the great diddy club champion Cosgrove has also admitted that Rangers continuation is a reality tonight on Radio Scotland alongside Tom English


    Not sure what you mean by 'unbroken' history.

    If you read this http://sport.stv.tv/football/clubs/rangers/107704-in-full-steven-naismith-and-steven-whittaker-statements-on-leaving-rangers/ they are talking about 'transfer of contracts' to Sevco.

    Naismith said "I am extremely proud of the actions we took but I am disappointed and angry that Rangers Football Club no longer exists in its original form."

    He was in the thick of it at the time, an employee. But maybe he misunderstood what was going on.

    Hopefully Tedi you can clarify. wink.gif

  2. I would say I am a completely unreasonable bloke, especially when dealing with yahoos like you that hide behind the other team badge in order to gain support from other posters, I often disagree with much of the shite that is written here but I am also no puppet on a string, if CG or in this case my club do something I disagree with then I am happy to let it be known

    Don't waste your breathe telling us. Go tell Chuckie.

    Shame it is you who writes most of the shite on here. laugh.gif

  3. If I am totally honest, I am shocked that the club released this statement, I was speaking about this with a UTD fan and I was adamant the club would never back a boycott

    I fully expected all of the fan clubs to support it but not the club

    I feel pretty sad about it, I was looking forward to moving on and have been enjoying this season but this is a poor decision by the club that will haunt us for years to come

    Someone neutral should start mediation or this could spiral quite badly

    OK Tedi, you can try the 'I am a reasonable bloke' image, but it doesn't wash.

    But as you and your sidekicks such as Bennett, Bender and No 8 say often enough, you are either for Rangers/Sevco or against them. No fence sitting allowed. Anyone who questions any part of the scandal that is Rangers is condemned as a 'plastic' or a 'diddy' team supporter. mad.gif

    You have chosen your camp Tedi. Get on with it and kiss your leader's ass one more time.

    Leave the fake indignation to others. .rolleyes.gif

  4. As Tedi says,you can categorise Rangers with whoever you like,that's your prerogative but nevertheless the first tieir tribunal verdict found in favour of the PLC,that's indisputable.

    I am just trying to explain why Rangers are so despised. Not just by supporters of the diddy teams, but also by people who never go near football.

    They see Rangers as an evil, arrogant, tax cheating, generally dodgy anti social organisation. In fact nothing going for them at all.

    I know the Rangers/Sevco fans see it differently, but their attitude and behaviour merely reinforces and justifies the hatred against them. sad.gif

  5. Yeah I totally agree Murray operated a tax avoidance scheme, what is your point? :lol:

    Amazon, Starbucks, Google run tax efficient businesses. And look at the stick they are getting.

    Rangers were tax dodgers. laugh.gif

    We can now categorise Rangers with those tax dodging students and the great unwashed you go on about so much. wink.gif

    So if people get annoyed with tax dodgers and Rangers in particular, then you can't complain about it.

  6. Another serious misuse of public funds.

    Will they recover any funds for HMRC? No. There is nothing left in the oldco for a dividend.

    Will it set a precedent to go after other clubs? No. The original judgment means each case will be treated on merit and take months/years to resolve.

    Has a point of law been breached with the original judgment? No one has yet noted any.

    Are HMRC feeling embarrassed by this case and are seeking redress to cover this embarrassment? You decide...

    I think if someone at HMRC was doing this just because their nose was put out of joint they would be hauled over the coals. No they are doing it because they believe they can win, and this will be after going through the judgement in minute detail, as well as seeking the best external advice.

    The score against the old Rangers board of directors was 2-1, but it is only half time. huh.gif

    Come on Hector, get stuck in there lads. laugh.gif

  7. If this country did not have such a punitive tax system then perhaps there would not be as much incentive to look for ways round it, every single tax avoidance scheme or punitive tax are and always should be up for debate

    Oh Tedi ohmy.gif. Are you suggesting that Murray setup EBTs as a way around 'the punitive tax system'?

    'Way round it' smacks of tax avoidance, not tax efficiency. rolleyes.gif

    Anyway if you don't like the punitive tax system why not give the Queen a bell and ask her to sort it. After all you guys have a hotline to her. laugh.gif

  8. Seemingly the record decided that his article about Celtic players and RIRA fundraising was not front page news and they instead opted for a non story about a guy with a criminal record seemingly interested in buying shares in Rangers

    Traynor disagreed and quit, well done Mr Traynor

    Maybe, but I doubt it.

    Remember Jimbo's finest 'you heard it here first' moment. laugh.gif (What an idiot, but he still loved himself even after this! ohmy.gif)


  9. I think it has been on the cards for a while. He has been slaughtering the Likes of Jim Spence on Radio Scotland and has been critical of the whole of the scottish Media. He was even hinting at people with hidden agendas in Scottish broadcasting and online bloggers....I find that astonishing...I have never for 1 minute thought it was hidden. ;)

    Except for his agenda being hidden. Ignorance hiding behind bluster and arrogance.

    When will we see his like again? Please never. laugh.gif

  10. His final PATHETIC article, probably his best piece too

    He was outed and had to go. laugh.gif

    Interesting his article is about those who shone a light where he didn't even know there was a dark place. When you live in the dark, you eyes become accustomed to it.

    Talk about being bitter and twisted.

    Good riddance Jimbo. Hope you are also departing your BBC role, and take wee Chico with you. laugh.gif

  11. Charlie has always been about his golden pay day

    Given all the facts of course he would take the CVA, it would be much easier to make money from a Rangers playing in the top flight with European Football on the horizon

    How the hell did an English guy from yorkshire know what would happen to the Rangers support if we were playing in the 3rd, did you read the predictions on this forum? liquidation 2 before Christmas ect ect

    SPL was a sure thing for him the alternative was always going to be more risky, however he must have know from the start that the newco route was the most likely route, this does not mean he would not have taken the CVA

    I believe that if the BTC result had been announced in May then the CVA would have been successful but then Green would not have been the buyer

    Wow Tedi, you really are thick. That is thick as in downright stupid. mad.gif

    With a brain like yours there is merit in hiding your light under a bushel. In other words just shutting up.

    Your IQ does not increase with having more posts on P&B. sad.gif

    Away back to boring the Bears. rolleyes.gif

  12. Are you trying to suggest that the HMRC guesstimates were not hanging over any potential sale before the 'tit on the internet' decide to play fast and loose with the truth via illegally obtained documents from within HMRC?

    And you'll struggle to get a date for the started of the runway's blog - because the man who was so emboldened to say this: "Alistair, Sir David, Martin: as we say in Glasgow: "Come ahead!" has fucked off and deleted the contents of his blog.

    Isn't it very entertaining that now Murray has indeed decided to 'come ahead' the RTC man is running as fast as he can?

    1. If you have ever run a business you will know that HMRC will pop up at some point and demand a pile of money from you. Usually the figure is one they first thought of, and then they double it! That isn't the problem. It is how you deal with it.

    You can be sure Rangers did not deal with it in an open and transparent manner. This gets HMRC excited because they think there is something being hidden. In this case quite correctly.

    Plus the people within Rangers they would have been dealing with have not exactly come across as trustworthy in any dealings with either the SFA or the courts. (Read the reports). Shake hands with Martin Bain and count your fingers (it's the tan rolleyes.gif )

    2. The RTC may have deleted pages but easy to get access to them with a modicum of technical nous. So not a big deal.

    3. Murray seems to have taken a lead from Lord McAlpine in dealing with accusations against him. ohmy.gif

  13. The BTC hindered the sale of Rangers, the RTC blogger posted blatant lies which everyone including the BBC and the Bank believed, by all accounts anyone who was buying Rangers would inherit a £49M tax bill that was going to have to be paid, putting the total clubs debt at £70M

    The HMRC were incorrect, the RTC blogger was a blatant liar, both effectively killed the sale of Rangers to someone that could have turned things around, they should be held accountable and are more accountable than Murray

    Ach Tedi, don't be so stupid. rolleyes.gif

    If you think for a minute that Lloyds or the BBC depend on a blog to decide what to do, then you are living on some planet other than this one.

    Hopefully it's the medication talking, and you will be better tomorrow. biggrin.gif

  14. What sort of company would give 10s of £millions in interest free loans to lads to kick a ball about a grass park while it is £700million in debt anyway ?!!! wink.gif

    One that is crooked I would argue. That with complex trading relationships all owned and controlled by one person, can hide the reality of what is going on and be 'tax efficient'. Then to be able to sell one of those companies to some idiot who wouldn't carry out due diligence to know precisely what they were buying.

    A great strategy, unless the bank steps in and carries out their own due diligence. ohmy.gif The result of course was it was unsellable, never mind anyone willing to pay money for it. sad.gif

  15. Anybody heard from Charlie Boy? I thought he was supposed to be getting the share info out last week - or was it the week before?

    I am seriously worried now about my mate Chuck. The £10k 'investment' I promised is still sitting here. With Christmas coming and thoughts of holidays next year I know the missus will be looking to get her claws on it.

    So Chuck please hurry up. Hope there is nothing wrong at your end. huh.gif

  16. In 5 case's i believe.

    "The report talks about five cases – all former players – where Rangers were deemed not to have paid tax and national insurance. The scale of the wrongdoing was deemed minor by the majority of the panel, not the epic cheating that had been predicted."

    Well my pompous friend that tax may well be due and if HMRC had accepted Murrays generous offer of £10 million they'd have had that tax plus extra.

    Would that £10million be as a bribe, part of unpaid tax & NI, or hush money? ohmy.gif

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