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Posts posted by thelegendthatis

  1. Hey Sevco Loyal. Share your love around a bit. tongue.gif

    From a previous post.

    "What both meetings showed was how supporters can be so easily conned when the 'owner and chairman' is prepared to lie, and duck and dive to avoid answering the real questions.

    They were suckered by Murray, didn't learn the lesson and then were suckered by Whyte all over again.

    Have they learned the lesson for this time? Or are we watching a re-enactment only through a different window? huh.gif

    Would be good to get a view from the Sevco Loyal on this.smile.gif "

  2. I'll raise you Vanguard Bears meeting with whyte!


    Surprisingly the Vanguard Bears seem to have more of a clue than the fawning lapdogs in Perth. They just seemed to be thrilled that so many 'greats' were in the same room. That is greats like 'Smudger' Smith. ohmy.gif

    What both meetings showed was how supporters can be so easily conned when the 'owner and chairman' is prepared to lie, and duck and dive to avoid answering the real questions.

    They were suckered by Murray, didn't learn the lesson and then were suckered by Whyte all over again.

    Have they learned the lesson for this time? Or are we watching a re-enactment only through a different window? huh.gif

    Would be good to get a view from the Sevco Loyal on this.smile.gif

  3. The you should have addressed it to FinnesTON who took offense at charity fundraising. I was not offended merely bemused by FinnesTONs manner which was peculiar to say the least my lying pr**k of a friend.

    Cosgrove says lots of things, most of it pish.

    If you know what pish looks like, have a read of this. biggrin.gif

    The meeting of the Oceania Rangers Supports Association. Held in Perth Australia 30th September 2011.

    What a difference a year makes! unsure.gif

    ORSA Secretary Andy McKnight and Gary Bellingham from Perth RSC were the ORSA delegates at yesterday's Rangers Supporters Assembly meeting which was attended by delegates from NARSA, Rangers Supporters Trust, Rangers Supporters Association, Blind Party, Disabled Supporters Club as well as the Ulster, Scottish and UK RSC's.

    The event was a little special in that this was the first time the RSA delegates had met in an official capacity with the new regime at Ibrox. All the heavy-hitters were present laugh.gifincluding the Chairman and Owner Craig Whyte, Director of Football Gordon 'Smudger' Smith, Chief Operations Officer Ali Russell, Head of Business Development Jacqueline Gourlay, Supporters Liaison Manager Jim Hannah and Ramsay Smith who is Director at Media House (Rangers PR).

    Sadly Rangers Manager, legend and all time top scorer Mr Alistair McCoist MBE had a family commitment and was unable to attend. Having now twice missed the opportunity to meet my hero (once in Sydney, and yesterday) it'll need to be third time lucky for this bear.

    Andy Kerr, RSA President welcomed our esteemed guests whilst Jim Hannah kept the meeting ticking over to the previously circulated agenda. This meeting, which is normally held quarterly, gives the Assemble delegates the opportunity to directly engage with the board and it was pleasing to see the new regime make the time in their busy schedules to sit down and listen to the views, opinions, feedback and some of the usual moans and groans from around the table.

    A wide ranging agenda discussed some of the following key issues:

    · Craig Whyte's 'privilege' to be our new owner and chairman (Did he look you in the eye when he said that?)

    · The reality of the tough times we're facing to increase revenue, reduce costs and keep a winning team on the park (Simple formula. Shame all 3 targets were missed)

    · How the 'bumps along the way' (e.g. HMRC) will require some serious decisions to be made but that our new owner has plans in place to deal with it ( laugh.gif Aye administration!)

    · How Ali Russell is encouraged by what the future holds and spoke of the demands of loyalty made by our great support to and by the club as the basis in which we can work collaboratively

    · Smudger and Ramsay Smith were equally frustrated by the media reporting of our summer transfer business and spoke of how they've adopted new strategies to handle the press (Large orders placed for succulent lamb?)

    · How Murray Park will re-focus on 'best practice' to deliver the best young Scottish talent for Rangers (Worthy of a week long series of workshops on its own)

    · That the board are looking at new markets and local partnerships for 'sister academies' and how they'll seek assistance from the Rangers Family in making these connections locally (pub teams any good?)

    · Why the club is very unhappy with the persistent leaks around confidential matters surrounding the HMRC issues (stop the truth getting out)

    · Why Ibrox Stadium needs to be activated more than just every match day and how Ibrox may be rocking to a few different tunes in future (like clap you hands if you hate Montrose/Peterhead/ East Fife??)

    · How the board are focusing time and energy to leverage political support and investment stimulus for the G51 proposal/Ibrox Village and Commonwealth Games events (Is this serious?)

    · Ali Russell spoke of the work going on behind the scenes to arrange 1 or 2 glamour friendlies given our lighter than usual footballing calendar (When the lovely Leah can come back from Turkey?)

    · The success of Rangers Official Facebook page (now over 200,000 likes) and the way forward proposed by the newly created Social Media Officer (Tedi by any chance?) to harness this worldwide interest

    · The 'robust and frank' conversations with JJB around the current merchandise offer and marketing and the legacy of a financially rewarding yet inflexible contract agreement (Two toothless tigers trying to out stare each other)

    · How a Rangers museum is still bubbling away as part of the larger strategic and commercial opportunities that the new board are investigating

    Overall, the tone of the joint meeting was positive and the chairman, board and management team all seem to be on the same page going forward. It does appear that no stone is being left unturned in their appraisal of the club and that a collaborative dialogue with the support will be actively encouraged as they look to bring success and stability on and off the park. As always actions, speak louder than words and with so much change they'll no doubt be some highs and lows along the way. (You didn't know the half of it)

    The RSA then held its AGM where Andy Kerr, RSA President kick-started a long discussion on how best to align the existing and organisational structures and bodies that make up the Assembly with the new directions the club is investigating. It was acknowledged that with the new regime getting prepared to make some changes to the club then this was a time to reflect and take stock if the RSA has the correct governance arrangement and structure to move forward.

    Whilst no consensus was agreed the organisations represented recognised the need to develop a greater stake in the stewardship of issues surrounding match day experience, assisting the club with identifying new income streams and developing better political and media relations to be an authoritative and respected voice for all Rangers fans. (In other words hang around the fringes, wear a blazer and pretend to be important)

    Why was the Rangers Ambassador not there?

    And the next highlight!

    Still not booked your flights to come to the ORSA Annual Sash Bash in Perth on the weekend of Friday 24th to Sunday 26th February 2012?

    The AGM will be hosted by Perth RSC and it's going to a cracker with plenty of top class events, the obligatory AGM and best of all we'll have 9IAR legends in attendance. Andy 'The Goalie' Goram is confirmed plus we have 'local' heroes Ian Ferguson and Stuart Munro also lined up to make an appearance over the course of the weekend (Perth Glory at home that weekend so it'll be in between their official match day duties).

  4. You then took offence at the quote about people cheering Greig being described as nuggets, inferring the fact that it was a charity event excludes them from being nuggets, t

    Greig is still a trustee of the Rangers Charity Foundation. (SC033287) https://www.oscr.org...number=sc033287

    With his behaviour as a Rangers director well documented, with all his personal failings, it is amazing he still has the brass neck to remain as a trustee of a charity. Anyone with any ethical standards would have quietly stepped down until the BDO investigations were completed.

    Whyte who was a trustee of the same charity with Greig at least had the good grace to step aside.

    2010-11. Cost of charitable activities - £230,015 (rent to Sevco, pay Greig and others). Definitely not one of the more efficient charities. In fact....make your own minds up. rolleyes.gif

  5. To be fair, HMRC have lost almost 40,000 staff in the last round of cuts. Might have something to do with it.

    Might make them move slowly but HMRC don't forget.

    Especially with BDO now in the door. Whatever they unearth will come into the public domain or privately to the police, which means the pressure will be building on HMRC for positive action.

    This helps http://news.bbc.co.uk/democracylive/hi/house_of_commons/newsid_9766000/9766566.stm with emphasis on difference between tax planning and tax avoidance. Rangers version of EBTs fall into tax avoidance.

    Why were the EBTs administered from Murray's office in Edinburgh, by Murray's own staff in MIH?

    Staff within Rangers we can only assume had no knowledge of the detail. Would love to see the board minutes. ohmy.gif

  6. I see he mentioned Greig being at some supporters club and being cheered rolleyes.gifrolleyes.gifrolleyes.gif fuckin nuggets

    The legend could be disappearing behind prison bars before long, so probably the enthusiasm of the assembled loyal was because they thought it could be the last time they see him. Different inmates handle the demands of prison life in different ways. rolleyes.gif

    Or as Mr Greig famously said 'I might be gone for some time'. ohmy.gif

  7. Wasn't the case that on the night Rangers went out he tuned to Gordon Smith and said "That's us fucked" or words to that effect. I am pretty sure Smith said that was the first time had an inkling that something was badly wrong as he could see from the look on his face he wasn't kidding.

    But Whyte had been kidding them from the time he was 'introduced' to that daft laddie, David Murray.

    I would also be amazed if Gordon Smith could read anything from the look on Whyte's face. huh.gif He comes across as someone two steps away from reality, but he can spout the platitudes all day long. rolleyes.gif

    How the hell he ever got the job at the SFA is beyond me. And obviously was beyond him too. laugh.gif

  8. Tedi and his fellow dullards get a mention by Cosgrove. (in bold).

    "The presumption is that people who are connected to the web are at home, in dingy rooms where they foam at the mouth frustrated by loneliness and mental illness. The term ‘internet bampots’ (coined by Hugh Keevins) and ‘keyboard warriors’ (Gordon Strachan) speaks to a world that is fearful of the web, irked by alternative opinions, and the threat that the new media poses to the traditional exchange of knowledge.

    It further assumes that opinion from social networks is naïve, ill-informed, or unreasonable. Whilst some of this may be true, mostly it is not. No one would dispute that there are small enclaves of truly despicable people using social networks and comment sites, but they are overwhelmingly outnumbered by the multitude of fans who simply want to talk about their team and share their dreams and memories."


  9. Cosgrove giving it straight as a guest blogger.

    Stuart Cosgrove

    Wonderful stuff.

    Including exposing the mainstream media's tricks which makes you want to laugh and cry at the same time. Where is Fatboy Traynor and wee useless Chic when you need them?

    Many telling sentences but this one is at the heart of the whole scandal.

    ".....St Johnstone FC has been among the most consistent victims of fiscal misdemeanour in Scottish football. That is the irreducible issue. Several clubs have very real reasons to loathe financial mismanagement, rogue-trading and those that gain unfair advantage on the back of unserviceable debt."

    What they and others lost over the years can never be replaced. That is why justice has to be pursued, and if it means stripping the Ibrox Lance Armstrongs of their titles and cups, then it must be done.

  10. How much are 1950s spiv suits at TK Maxx???? Remember for a while he could only afford that one and was the grey man with one suit until Sandy gave him the blazer!

    Only problem with Sandy's blazer is it had the word Ambassador written across the back. Well in fact it is Ra Ambassador. Not sure what the RA means but if Sandy has it included there must be money in it for him. huh.gif


  11. Chuckie Cheese c'mon down - the price is right


    Never thought of Charley boy as a TK Maxx sort of person. But I suppose there are some bargains you just can't say no to. Especially a shirt and tie combo with the 2 tone sleeves and body. rolleyes.gif

    There are some things that can look ok on a peely wally obese 20 year old, that for a person of Charley's vintage is just, well inappropriateohmy.gif. In fact just plain stupid looking. laugh.gif

  12. CG spoke for 40 minutes yesterday in Ibrox, here are some of of his comments.

    The dangerous lies

    9 - Over 20 pension fund groups have an intrest in the share issue.

    Corporate roadshow to start this week re share issue Glasgow, Edinburgh

    and then London for seven days. rolleyes.gif

    14 - CG insists there is a potential to make a 100% profit on shares for all

    new share holders. laugh.giflaugh.giflaugh.gif

    Does he really think every Sevco fan is a total idiot and would believe this stuff?

    from 2 pages back

  13. Orange walks, how weak you are to throw the old unconnected cliché`s to strengthen your rather pathetic statement, it was however good to pump a guy that calls us orange b*****ds, satisfying indeed

    But what should happen to the guilty 70 year old who watched a famous football club be fiddled way in front of his eyes? Definitely guilty. Should he be banged up or just disqualified?


  14. It has been a bit quiet on the BRALT since yesterday, 12 hours without a post followed by some weak off topic nonsense

    and there was me just thinking it was just Alloa we pumped silly yesterday

    Thanks Tedi for your confirmation that the objectives of you, Bennett and a few other Sevco low lifes is to pump silly the BRALT as you call it.

    You can bluster, distract, wind up people, do the usual Orange march arrogance, but the basic truths will remain. (BTW, Do you like my new signature? biggrin.gif)

    Just to keep on track, what about discussing whether a 70 year old ex professional footballer and failed manager should be jailed for being a director of a company and did nothing to bring the wrongdoing of said company to the attention of the authorities?

    And of course if he didn't have the knowledge and expertise to make a judgement the legal obligation is on that director to seek his own professional advice. (help is available from Companies House, or even HMRC if that is the issue, free of charge and probably on a low cost number.)

  15. Narcissistic personality disorder:

    In this disorder, patients are craving for admiration, self-importance and show lack of empathy. They cannot stand criticism or losing to someone. These people often exaggerate their talents, achievements and feel superior to others. They feel they are special, and can only be understood by people who are equally talented or unique. They will take advantage of any person or situation till they get what they want. They feel others are envious of them and will themselves show signs of heightened envy. Haughty behavior sprinkled with arrogant attitudes can be a sign of narcissistic personality.

    Paranoid personality disorder:

    People suffering from this condition show distrust and are suspicious of people around them. These people will suspect every move of others. Everything one says, does or wants, will be suspected as deceiving, harmful or exploiting. They tend to hold grudges and will lose no opportunity to inflict insults, slights and injuries on others. They will suspect and doubt their partners fidelity and will show no trust on them.

    That is why they like to just mix with people who share their views.They can then reinforce each other's psychological problems. And they will then believe that behaviour is the norm.

    You can call them a sort of Govan Amish.

  16. delusion (dɪˈluːʒən) — n 1. a mistaken or misleading opinion, idea, belief, etc: he has delusions of grandeur 2. psychiatry illusion See also hallucination a belief held in the face of evidence to the contrary, that is resistant to all reason 3. the act of deluding or state of being deluded


    "act of misleading someone," early 15c.; as a form of mental derangement, 1550s. See delude. Technically, delusion is a belief that, though false, has been surrendered to and accepted by the whole mind as a truth; illusion is an impression that, though false, is entertained

    A false belief held despite strong evidence against it; self-deception. Delusions are common in some forms of psychosis. Because of his delusions, the literary character Don Quixote attacks a windmill, thinking it is a giant.

    delusion de·lu·sion (dĭ-l&oomacr;'zhən)


    A false belief strongly held in spite of invalidating evidence, especially as a symptom of mental illness.



    public disgrace or loss of reputation, particularly as a consequence of criminal conviction. In early common law, conviction for an infamous crime resulted in disqualification to testify as a witness. The criterion for considering a crime infamous was whether or not it stamped the offender as untrustworthy. The concept was, therefore, at first limited to so-called crimen falsi, originally perjury, but was extended to any crime involving fraud or corruption. Eventually, all felonies came to be treated as infamous. Testimonial incompetency for infamy, however, has been abolished by statute in England and generally in the United States as well.


    Oh dear, I wish you hadn't posted this. sad.gif It will give some guilty guys ideas. mad.gif

    After Harry Redknapp's successful defence being based on 'I'm real thick milord, so me little brain couldn't have coped with dodgy financial dealings' the Rangers defendants in waiting will be trying to work out what approach to take.

    I can see them now claiming they were 'pure mental' during their time running Rangers. And the above post gives them all the official terms they will be starting to tick off.

    Needs to be a careful balancing act though. Overstate your case and it could be Carstairs for a few years. wink.gif They may of course ask to be housed in the Blue Wing. biggrin.gif Assuming it is not full. blink.gif

  17. I see a lot of posters being upset when the Rangers punishment is finally agreed , it will be lenient , of that I'm sure . All the chat of criminal charges etc , it just won't happen #bookmark

    Try reading the original report for the SFA http://www.scribd.com/doc/93212354/SFA-Rangers-Note-of-Reasons

    It is very clear about how the directors abdicated their responsibilities.

    Sitting with your hands over your ears with your eyes shut is not a valid defence for not carrying out your legal obligations as a director.

    With Whyte not present, or indeed represented it would have been easy to pin everything on him. But they didn't.

    Ask John Greig for his opinion. If you can find him. ohmy.gif Suspect he is permanently sitting on the loo just now. laugh.gif

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