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Posts posted by thelegendthatis

  1. Rangers share price was 71 in mid April. Now settled down around the 56 mark. That is about a 20% drop in little over 2 weeks. And more bad news to come.

    Wonder what figure Green is trying to get out of the bus boys for his shares? if they are as hard nosed as claimed they won't be keen to pay over the odds, especially to someone who had to walk away from any (direct) influence. And for the bus boys to buy into a club that still has so many uncertainties makes it pretty scary. Buy your shares in a football club only to find they can't play football for example looks like a daft punt to me.

    Anyone got any inside knowledge on when the shares bloodbath might start?

  2. When wundelaff said this: "I have saw Bendarrochs" ..........I thought maybe I could have an in into the wrongness of language that was yer weekend of spelling and syntax I missed :-(

    PS White Killie Rose (and disregard this wee speak please everyone else). I guess I'm one year younger as got the Higher Band 1 one year after you and beat you as the examining board said Buckhind High School had the highest mark ever,ever, ever. But I hated English as a subject so never bothered to read the plays, books or that kinda middle class shite - just read the crib notes to get an idea of what it was all aboots , then Chuckie bullshined.

    Funniest bit was that the 'top class' students got invited to do CSYS English and they didn't invite me. Talk aboots red faces when I had highest in Scotland that year

    Any chance of borrowing your crib notes on how to post on P&B?

  3. Bus and taxi companies are useful but limited 'vehicles' when it comes to laundering the proceeds of crime/drug money, but a football club would be the perfect vehicle. As well as cleaning up dirty cash by inventing false attendance figures and turnover, it opens up revenue from betting scams, player transfer rackets and tax evasion. An ambitious syndicate would no doubt view newco T'Rangers as a juicy proposition.

    A true statement I would say.

    Very true. Some SFL clubs already have been used for this. Surprised we haven't had any Mr Big drug dealers buying into Rangers, or scrappies eyeing up the metal in the stands. .

    Unless they are already on the case. :o

    Murray Park becomes Gerbil Park?

  4. Delighted Motherwell stuffed Celtic today.

    It obviously has given Bennett and Tedi (edit: add Bender to that) a new lease of life. Their excitement is great to see. Especially since they have been so quiet since Green walked the plank in the direction of a pot of gold.

    It does help as a distraction from talking about the real issues surrounding Sevco. The Bus Boys, the Green party, Untrustworthy Uncle Walter's team, and which dodgy dealer will be next? (over and above Dave King that is)

    Will the club even exist come the start of next season? :(

    Enjoy yourselves today guys. :thumsup2

  5. This is the reason why it's unwise to spend all night on the bevvy while posting ^^^

    Talk about missing the point and posting a lot of irrelevant pish which has nothing to do with what i actually posted.

    Ah well. Better the snide remarks that making a positive comment on what you would like to see happen to your club?

    If you disagree with what I said, then say why, but just don't bleat away about people on the bevvy or missing your point.

    You must have at least another 27 posts to go today to meet your daily target. Hopefully one of them will have something original to say. :lol: Or will it just be another 27 snide remarks? :thumbsdown

  6. It will probably go to an aggressive takeover at some point when the share price is so low that the club will be vulnerable if it keeps falling in value.The burn it bus bros would have to wait well over a year from now to pay 60p a share.If things at Ibrox keep up then the share price will drop further and further and after a few years someone can pick up the club for less than £10 million if things get so bad that the shares are valued at 15p,but that's only if it was that bad.

    Why can't the aggression come from the fans? Their support is essential for any takeover to be successful.

    They need to push down the share price so they can pick them up for a couple of pence each. It just needs a plan.

    It s the cheapest and easiest way for the supporters to take control and push out the dodgy guys. A once in a lifetime opportunity guys. :thumsup2

  7. Most of us have gave our opinios on this several times.

    Do we have to give daily updates now?

    If they take a controling interest then my money stays in my pocket.


    Daily update? Why not?

    Considering you have averaged about 30 posts per day since November 2011, I would have thought you would have been able add one relevant post to your keyboard bashing activity every day.

    And as for your money staying in your pocket that is an insignificant irrelevance I am afraid.

    It always amazes me how Rangers supporters want others to run the club, then they either kiss their feet or call them a bunch of crooks in suits. Often start with the kiss and finish with the other. Remember Craig Whyte?

    What will it take for the supporters to get together and take control of their club? How many crooks or gangsters have to rip off their club (and them) before they say enough? And of course the 50,000 who turned up every week at Ibrox just played totally into Green's hands as he tried to convince investors to put money in his back pocket (indirectly).

    Just as an aside. If a company is based in Paisley/Greenock and involved in the taxi and security businesses, then my assumption is they are crooks and gangsters.To be sure add a chain of tanning salons and saunas and then you know for sure.

  8. From the BBC website.

    "Meanwhile, it is understood that Easdale, of McGill's Buses, is aiming at a 29% stake in the club with a view to taking overall control and that his family could walk away from the club should they fail in that bid."

    Interesting a precise figure of 29% is mentioned. Almost as if they have agreements in place with exiting shareholders probably including Green.

    Believe there is an agreement in place that those who bought shares in the club would not sell them until June. So it will probably only be then we can see the picture emerge of who is getting out and who is getting in.

    Wondering what the opinion is from the Tedis, Bennetts et all of the Easdales gaining control? Good or bad?

  9. Your right about the last bit that the SFA don't have the appetite because Ogilvie has allegiance to Rangers in some form or another.

    'in some form or another'? Well the form is the old EBT worth 90 grand if I remember correctly.

    Ogilvie is totally and utterly conflicted in his position within the SFA.

    The board there still have to do the honest thing and get him out of there, otherwise the governing body lacks all credibility and cannot be trusted to do what is best for Scottish football.

    We have said this before, we are saying it now, and no doubt we will have to say it again.

  10. From Today's Scotsman. (Glenn Gibbons)

    Point 1.

    On the day the press ran the story of Green’s latest headline grabber, for instance, his temporary successor, Craig Mather, was afforded a wide spread of column inches to offer rhetoric which was, presumably, an attempt at calming fevered brows among understandably anxious fans.

    Mather revealed that he and Walter Smith would smooth the troubled waters between Rangers and the Scottish FA and the Scottish Premier League, as if the very mention of the former manager’s name – he is now, of course, a non-executive director – would be enough to effect instant rapprochement.

    It is an admirable ambition, but it takes no account of an alarming – and, with the allegations made against Green, now very real – possibility: should the national association find that Rangers’ associate membership – that is to say, their licence to play football – was obtained under false pretences last year, they could decide that it should be revoked, rendering Mather’s and Smith’s good intentions meaningless.

    Point 2

    When the club chairman, Malcolm Murray, finally made an entry into the public debating of the issues affecting his business, his supposed quashing of rumours of financial uncertainty at Rangers was a pathetically feeble apologia. It had been widely gossiped, for example, that Murray had yet to see the bank statement showing the £20 million that Green insisted had accrued from the share issue four months ago.

    “The speculation that we’re not in great financial health… we raised £22.5 million in December and I can assure you it has not all been spent,” he said. “We are in pretty good financial shape. Cash is king and there are very few football clubs that have cash on the balance sheet.”

    Supporters would surely have been more gratified to learn that the cash was not simply on the balance sheet, but in the club’s bank account. Or even that Rangers were actually one of the ‘very few’. This is nowhere made clear. Nor did Murray even address, far less disprove the claim that he has yet to see evidence of the funds.

    Scary! Can you trust ANYONE who has been or is currently involved with Rangers?

  11. Every chance. But, here's what you need to know - we'll back pumping whoever your mob is before you know it.


    You can bet on it.

    Whenever you say 'we' do you include Mr Green or Mr Whyte? Or are they both really history? :rolleyes: Maybe too early to say. :(

    And just so I know what to look out for, what will you be calling yourselves this time around?

  12. That is absolutely fucking insane. How can they possibly think Rangers and The Rangers have been hard done by?

    What about this lot?

    Iron Mountain, Livingston £1,271.16

    Given Iron Mountain store documents for companies makes me wonder what was collected by them from Ibrox. Given the space available at Ibrox must be enormous there is little chance they were running out of storage capacity. Another reason for using Iron Mountain is to hold documents you want 'out of the way'.

    Is there any chance these are dodgy documents those running Rangers would prefer others did not see, especially if they were raided in an early morning swoop?

    Just curious, very curious. :rolleyes:

  13. With all the activity in Rangers shares, people leaving the board, new Chief Exec even if temporary, would be good to know how the club can move ahead.

    I think the view of Rangers supporters would be little different to that of most other footballer fans when deciding which board members to trust to do the right thing for the club.

    Who are the board members who can be trusted to do the best for the club?

    And which shareholders can you trust to be honest and open in representing the club to the exclusion of personal benefit?

  14. No right minded person would listen to a word Bomber says fs.

    But Bomber is obviously on a par with Nostrdamus with his ability to interpret what is happening in the world and forecast the future.

    I think the current Rangers board could do worse than resign and hand over the reigns to Nostrdamus Brown and his business partner Andy Goram. After all if you can foresee the future everything becomes easier.

  15. Has honest Paul paid the miners yet?

    Pay yer debts n aw rat.

    You sound as though you are wanting to interview the said Paul as the latest 'tycoon' who will ride to the rescue of Rangers?

    Why he would be an ideal latest tycoon and saviour.

    A few skeletons in his cupboard - Good

    Has untold wealth - Good, but nobody has a real clue what he is worth

    Can talk in very long sentences - Excellent

    Knows company law pretty well and where the loopholes are - Superb

    Is a catholic - Used to be bad (very bad), but hell nobody cares any more as long as he can convince the MSM he is the man for ra people.

    Watch the Sun and the Record for articles about him bumping his car, going shopping at Barehead for bling or jetting off to New York for a 'meeting'. If that happens Bennett, become worried, extremely worried. :rolleyes:

  16. He has around 1.25M of them :)

    Around ok, but actually 2.2 million.

    More important when expressed as a percentage. As all the share movements occur it will be important to see what groups of shareholder emerge who potentially either gain control or kybosh and significant decisions made by the board.

    On one hand we have the 'bus boys' looking to build their stake, but on the other side the institutional investors including the Blue Pitch Holdings (who they?). But I am sure Octopus/Ticketus will be whipping them into line.

    Assume Green went to the bus boys as they would probably pay a premium to up their percentage. If the bus boys get beyond 15% or so can see the Octopus consortium coming out fighting.

    A battle to the death?

  17. We are living in turbulent times. And it definitely is not over yet.

    Important we all know where Rangers are, otherwise how can anyone work out how to get to where they want to get to.

    As ever Paul McConville does a sound job. Hopefully none of his enemies will have any issue with his post today, as it is merely a summary of facts, backed up with some factual legal background information.

    A recommended read, especially those in denial.


  18. You're sick in the head, no doubt you'll have a little chuckle about it.

    You're sick in the head, no doubt you'll have a little chuckle about it.

    For once can you not just deal with the facts, rather than your usual bullying name calling?

    I don't have a chuckle about it. I would have preferred to have seen a strong Rangers operating. The recent history of the club is full of directors who were in it purely for their own personal gain. From Murray onwards. All the talk about traditions or "respecting" the loyal supporters any sensible person sees as merely a technique to generate increased income and an unquestioning following.

    If you cannot challenge the guilty ones so they can be flushed out properly, then nothing will change for the better.

    So grow up and face up to the position Rangers are in and who contributed to getting them here. And who is still milking it for their personal gain Unfortunately (and I mean unfortunately) John Greig is one of those.

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