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Posts posted by thelegendthatis

  1. I don't know if I've already said this, I can't remember in all this excitment and seethe, but I am so fucken happy. :) :) :)

    I love you all! :)

    Why are you bothered? Thought you were above worrying about the SPL and what they did, or even the SFA. What has happened to "everybody hates us, we don't care". ?

    Just get on with supporting Sevco if that is what turns you on. We will just work away to get Rangers driven out of Scottish football. And the guilty ones (old board members) up in court.

    And I'm not even a "plastic". :)

  2. In evidence...

    Mr Ogilvie learnt about the existence of the MGMRT in about 2001 or 2002, because a

    contribution was made for his benefit. He understood that this was non-contractual.

    When was the last time somebody bunged £92 grand into your account?

    If it happened to me would I would immediately go and ask them 'is this non-contractual'? 8)

    Or if it is a loan, when do you want it back? :whistle Never? Oh nice one. :lol:

    Is it dodgy money? Money laundering? When will the police come knocking at my door?

    Obviously Ogilvie lives in a different world from the rest of us.
  3. Day of tears for you, it is not over yet ;)

    Some great evidence in the report. The Mark Daly EBT letters are there for all to see. Players mentioned by name. Some brilliant letters from Martin the permatan man, And the ducking and diving evidence. Will be great when they appear under oath in a public court trying to play the 'I know nothing card'. :lol:

    The guys at BDO must be loving this as they work their way through the liquidation with the Fraud squad standing by. :thumsup2

  4. Dimmo Nimmo's Enquiry.

    I see Iain Blair was called as a witness

    Evidence was given by Iain Blair, the Company Secretary of the SPL. (He is also
    Secretary to this Commission, but no objection was made to his being called as a witness.)
    Part of his role involves supervising the receipt and processing of the contractual documentation
    disclosed by SPL member clubs in relation to players employed by those clubs. This processing
    involves checking that the contracts contain all of the information required by the SPL Rules.
    And Campbell Ogilvie
    Mr Ogilvie learnt about the existence of the MGMRT in about 2001 or 2002, because a
    contribution was made for his benefit. He understood that this was non-contractual.
    Although as a result he knew about the existence of the MGMRT, he did not know any details of it. He
    subsequently became aware, while he remained director of Oldco, that contributions were being
    made to the MGMRT in respect of players. He assumed that these were made in respect of the
    players’ playing football, which was the primary function for which they were employed and 14
    remunerated. He had no involvement in the organisation or management of Oldco’s
    contributions to the MGMRT, whether for players or otherwise.
    He said: “I assumed that all contributions to the Trust were being made legally, and that any
    relevant football regulations were being complied with. I do not recall contributions to
    the Trust being discussed in any detail, if at all, at Board meetings. In any event, Board
    meetings had become less and less frequent by my later years at Rangers.”
    He also said: “Nothing to do with the contributions being made to the Trust fell within the scope of my
    remit at Rangers”.
    However it should be noted that Mr Ogilvie was a member of the board of directors who
    approved the statutory accounts of Oldco which disclosed very substantial payments made under
    the EBT arrangements.
    Quis custodiet ipsos custodes? :whistle
  5. As your stating that "it was clear what answer he would come up with" are we to presume that you posted as such on this forum before todays verdict then? If so i'd like to see that post.

    If you want to go away and do your own homework.

    The point is based on Nimmo Smith's record, not what I say. Look at how he has missed the point totally in previous enquiries, usually when those who appointed him wanted it to disappear into the long grass. No nothing different here.

    If I started to expect people to believe me just because I said it I would only become as pathetic as the Sevco apologist team such as Tedi etc and of course the Pope is best of all at that.

  6. Nimmo the Dimmo :unsure: has previous.

    Nimmo Smith is the 'safe pair of hands' you need when you know you are in the sh*t and you need a bit of long winded whitewash.

    Classic one is http://www.scotsman.com/news/fettesgate-magic-circle-spells-panic-in-the-police-1-1193291

    He also held the enquiry into North Lanarkshire Council where in his view "there were no case to answer". This was a Council led by Harry McGuigan who was described by the Scotsman at the time as the 'lowest form of political pond life'.

    In all cases the evidence hit him between the eyes but he still couldn't see it. The man who steps over the dead bodies before declaring nothing here of interest.

    From the minute he was appointed it was clear why, and it was also clear what answer he would come up with.

  7. If I were Campbell Ogilvie I would be sitting with a cheesy grin on my face this afternoon.

    Just as a benchmark this is how other bodies operating under the SFA deal with admin 'errors'. This one I see as an admin mistake. Rangers took decisions at a corporate level they KNEW were at odds with the rules. Why don't other clubs who were cheated take the members of Rangers board at the time to court for compensation?

    Published on Wednesday 27 February 2013 13:44 Edinburgh Evening News

    ONE of the Capital’s most successful boys’ football clubs has been thrown out of two major cup competitions – including the under-16s Scottish Cup – over a “clerical error”.

    Hutchison Vale FC coaches said they were shocked when the team was ejected from both the national and South East region cups by the Scottish Youth Football Association (SYFA) after a keyboard “slip” led to one of their players being registered incorrectly.

    They said the player was accidently registered for the 2011-12 season,instead of the current one, when details for the 15-year-old were submitted online.

    Its understood the boy had been properly registered by the club since the age of five

    The Capital team – semi-finalists in last year’s SYFA Cup and among the favourites to triumph in 2013 – had progressed to the quarter finals of the national trophy.

    Hutchison Vale coaches said the match was handed to rival city side Tynecastle, after SYFA bosses opted to “punish” the team, and said crucial league points could also be deducted.

  8. G6.1.12 withdraw or withhold the award of a title or award;

    about 5 of those I believe, titles 'won' during the dual contract EBT days. Get them stripped / annulled.

    G6.1.18 make such other direction, sanction or disposal, not expressly provided for in these Rules, as it shall think appropriate; and/or make such order as to expenses, including the expenses of the Board and/or, as the case may be, Commission and/or other party, as it thinks appropriate.

    Could have great fun with this. 'The club colours must be changed to pink and lilac stripes with frilly collars and cuffs'
    'chairman, club manager and club captain must kneel in centre circle prior to each game for a season in a begging forgiveness gesture for the OldCo clubs' sins of the past'

    There must be a significant penalty for the directors of that once great club. The men who "sold the jerseys".

    Lord Nimmo Smith in his great wisdom should insist they dress in a certain way when in any public place. The dress code will be:

    A white zuchetto

    A white mozetto

    Red shoes

    A gold pectoral cross

    A gold Fisherman's ring

    A pallium (also known as a sash in some circles).

    All of these are available from the family tailors Gammarelli.

    I know it all sounds a bit blingy, but these are guys who for years were dressed in mohair by Slaters.

    The team will also have to change its colours from Blue to Medici blue, red and yellow with white collar. We can call them the Govan Guard.

    Wouldn't it be wonderful. :thumsup2

  9. Green has been asked pertinent questions by various groups of fans (to be fair to him, at least he puts himself out there). Over on the FF poll, hundreds of fans vote that they don't trust Green. But still we get the same old knee-jerk twaddle about Rangers fans being unquestioning. :D

    So you are saying - Questioning. Yes. Therefore toothless and spineless, Yes.

    Questions are only worth asking if you know what the right answer is.

    What is the answer? What do actually want from your "questioning"?

    Agreeing that amongst yourselves would put the Israeli Palestinian squabbles to shame. :whistle

  10. Has Charlie Green still not renamed Murray Park?

    He has, but Traynor can't be (fat) arsed getting his pompous press release out about it.

    You will have seen

    "Juventus Football Club's Catholic Deacon Cesare Nosiglia today gave blessing and thanks on training ground of the Rangers , Murray Park , before Juventus trained at the Scotland complex. (Gazzetta dello Sport)"

    Unfortunately some parts have been lost in translation.

    The bold deacon (the Sevco intelligentsia guessed that was a Masonic title :o ) was actually renaming Murray Park to Benedict Park.

    Celebrating the life and works of the right wing ex Nazi youth member. Having seen Joseph Aloisius being infallible for a few years as Pope, Green recognised a kindred spirit.

    (Hopefully this has offended the majority of posters on here :thumsup2 )

  11. Do Celtic fans do background checks on everyone who invests in Rangers? laugh.giflaugh.gif

    If they didn't who would? Definitely not the Sevco loyal. It is pretty obvious how flawed their research has been over the last 20 years on investors with millions to throw at the club. laugh.gif

    Still now Jabba is ensconced in the Big Hoose and probably now knows how to google things, he will be the main man for flushing out the crooks and charlatans who want to join the Sevco party.

    Alternatively Jabba can check out Paul McConville's blog to get the facts. ohmy.gif

  12. 2 observations, Bennett:

    1. Well done to you for going to support your team - fair dues.

    2. To stop all this Club/Company rubbish, why don't we all morph the two words into one word - "Clumpany"?

    I think that would stop a lot of tit-for -tat shite on here, no? :D

    In Europe clubs have all sorts of initials in their name.

    What about 'TCB140 - Rangers 2012'

    Think that tells the story biggrin.gif

  13. It's unfortunate for creditors but it's the way company law works. Creditors also lose out when CVAs are agreed (and some clubs have been involved in CVAs more than once, just to put things in perspective). Anyone who genuinely doesn't like how company law works - as opposed to just wanting to have a go at Rangers - should complain to the government.

    Poor wee creditors, but tough I take it is the message.

    The issue is not with company law, but how Rangers tried to ride a coach and horses through it. Murray and his dodgy directors, Bain, King laugh.gif, running a business in such a manner that only Craig Whyte was the only potential buyer.

    Hence Strathclyde Fraud Squad, BDO as liquidators, and of course HMRC tramping all over the record of who did what and when. We will just have to wait for the outcomes.

    So rather than anyone moaning about company law, just get on the case through your MPs and MSPs and the police to ensure that where dodgy practises happened, people will be hauled up into court and judged by their peers.

  14. It;s the SPL fans and clubs who see Rangers as the enemy, a quick look through this thread or website will confirm that.

    But you already know this, so i won't waste anymore time here.

    I know you are a busy man, nearly 7,000 posts in 13 months. All from your couch.ohmy.gif

    I can understand why time management is so important to you. You can't afford to waste any precious time posting anything that might burst your bubble of prejudice masquerading as reasonable debate. (NOT! mad.gif)

  15. Well, no, of course not every SFL fan hates Rangers. Obviously enough, not every SPL fan does either. How could it be otherwise - what a daft thing to say.

    Sorry, but I just love the idea of OF fans objecting to mob rule - simply priceless.

    Finally, how were Rangers treated unfairly - I really mean it... How?

    They were caught with their hands in the till of public money, and then tried to blame....well anyone else other than themselves. rolleyes.gif

    Grossly unfair only if you are stupid and delusional. biggrin.gif

  16. T, it's been a difficult year no doubt, but we've had worse years than this and come through.

    Merry Christmas!

    Worse than this one? :o

    A "bllionaire" in charge! Tax man chasing you. No normal person in the least interested in buying the club from Murray. Administration. Liquidation. Fraud squad crawling all over the old club. Forensic accountants called in to 'follow the money'. The SFA shouting from the sidelines, the SPL crapping themselves. And then to cap it all in December 2012 Jimbo Traynor officially went onto the payroll :lol:

    When was worse than 2012? When John Greig was manager and average attendances at Ibrox were just over 15,000 ? :o

  17. It's an abortion

    Would that be similar to Sevco? No phoenix for sure. Just a pretence of the club it once was, appearing to be normal only because of the loyal but blind support of the original fans, desperate for a lifeline of any sort being offered by anyone.

    Call it what you will, but it is still a blood covered foetus with disabilities which means it will never be able to have a normal life in a normal society. sad.gif

  18. Decent post and thanks.

    I certainly wasn't offended I just thought that the analogy was wrong-headed. I can also see where the springboard for it was - but I just didn't think that equating deaths with people who didn't buy shares was right.

    I made a point. You gave a good reply. Issue dealt with. Deal?

    Out of interest, seeing as you're a neutral, how would you evaluate our IPO? Good or bad?

    The IPO is just like sailing based on the quote "Racing a sail boat is like standing in a cold shower and tearing up £100 notes"

    If you are happy to make a donation to the new Rangers, go ahead. You can't justify handing over cash otherwise.

  19. Here's me hoping for a moment of calm and peace and then this fucker tries to compare Rangers' IPO with The Somme.

    Sometimes an analogy is apt. Sometimes it makes you look like a sad c**t. That is c.u.n.t for the sake of the swear filter.

    As I know the story of the Somme, can someone please explain what the Somme has to do with Rangers any more than any other football club ? Maybe we should be thinking more about McRae's Battalion and the sacrifices they made?

  20. Excellent candidate for irritating P & B poster of th year 2012 awards though

    Come on Tedi, all this false modesty. rolleyes.gif

    You know you are a shoo in for this award. biggrin.gif

    3073 posts since the end of July 2012. 5 months = 600 posts per month. 30 days per month = 20 posts per day.

    And only 50% are repeats.

    Keep this level of activity up for 2013 and you will arguing with yourself. unsure.gif Oh, hang on, you are doing that already. ohmy.gif

    (Sorry should have read the previous post. It is 21 a day. ohmy.gif )

  21. Nice try to twist this but it's company continuity this would affect. You.ve already stated yourself "new company"Nothing to do with club continuity in a football context. As you no doubt realise.

    Company continuity as you refer to it has nothing to do with it. Same place of work, same customers and a number of other boxes ticked shows that Green hasn't a leg to stand on. As ever he is all hot air and bluster.

    And in employment law it is not what you do as much as how you do it. I think if you read back through this thread when all this was happening it was agreed that this TUPE issue would come and bite Green on the bum.

    The biting is now happening. I would suggest he settles now before it goes near any official body or tribunal.(that advice is provided free of charge!)

  22. Perhaps you would stop putting words in my mouth.


    I presume that will now be carried out by James (known as fat Jimbo to his mates) Traynor. rolleyes.gif

    From 9 am tomorrow morning Jimbo will be issuing the party line on the hour, every hour to Tedi, Bennett, Bender and their ilk who have infiltrated the enemy camp that is Pie & Bovril.

    And he will up their daily performance targets from 200 posts each to 400. ohmy.gif

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