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Posts posted by thelegendthatis

  1. I see Graham Spiers is back to his sucking up best again http://www.heraldscotland.com/sport/football/ebt-was-abbreviation-for-strife-but-ogilvie-still-spells-out-his-innocence.21772611

    Ogilvie "a man renowned for his integrity within the game" :shutup

    "I remained a director until 2005, and that's why in recent times I got sucked into the EBTs saga, especially in my role now as SFA president. Had I not been in this role, nobody would have been concerned with me." Nonsense. If you are bent it doesn't matter what your job title is, you are still bent.

    Maybe fat Jimbo the ex journo wrote the words, and smarmy Graham put his name to it?

    Shame on all your houses at Hampden and The Herald.

  2. £500,000 bus? I take it the valuation was done by the same person(s) that did Ibrox?

    Of course you have 2 valuations. What it cost and one for the insurance company!

    Given the active selling of Rangers shares, the share price dropping, and the worth of the business reducing by the week, what is the chance that the Big Hoose might be next?

    Must be worth about £50 million at least. :lol:

  3. That is not what happened here since Rangers had been cutting costs for about 4 years previously and there was a deal with the bank to pay off the debt owed there and that debt was coming down. What I want to know is why despite this plan did the bank suddenly start pressuring David Murray to sell?. I don't think it had anything to do with the banking crisis, maybe Murray's other dealings with the bank were going tits up regarding loans for other parts of his business empire (only a guess).

    It wasn't sudden. Manus Fullerton was in place at Ibrox for a couple of years (approx) to get the house in order in preparation for a sale. This involved cutting costs. Murray had no real say during that period.

    Unfortunately what Fullerton found was an unsellable business, but to have called in the administrators at that stage would have created negative reaction on Lloyds. So it had to be Murray who made it happen. (shadow directors and all those dangers).

    The Rangers liability to Lloyds was just one part of what was owed by the Murray empire. That had to sorted out by sale of businesses and cost cutting, but in an increasingly tougher market action was needed on many fronts. One being Rangers.

  4. It is genuinely a bit puzzling.

    I'm sure Murray was backed into such a corner that he'd have sold up to pretty much anyone. Whyte's history was however so transparent and consistent that it's hard to believe that someone with Murray's intelligence and ability to find things out, still went ahead in selling to him.

    Like you, I don't for a minute think he was 'duped'. I can only guess though that given what he surely knew, Murray was simply crossing his fingers in hoping that Whyte was somehow not planning to f**k over this company like he had all the others.

    His need to sell must have been simply vast, in order to outstrip the huge concerns he must surely have had about the buyer.

    Murray walked into the deal with Whyte, with his eyes totally open. Bain and McLelland provided him with all the evidence that was needed to show Whyte was a total chancer. He ignored their report and excommunicated the authors of the report. Was Murray duped? Absolutely NOT.

    And to talk about Murray being a 'Rangers man' or would only sell to 'the right sort of person' was merely spin to keep the Ibrox loyal quiet and on board.

    Anything that paid off Lloyds, got him out the door with liabilities (current and future) taken off his hands was the deal he needed. And the deal he got. How that was achieved by the purchaser was of no concern to him at all.

    It is business me boy!! Just keep all the emotional stuff and loyalty nonsense where it belongs. Namely on the pages of the Sun and daily Record.

  5. I think we can guarantee your reaction had he been announced as an executive Chairman: links to Sarbanes Oxley and the Combined Code aplenty, highlighting the fact that having an executive at Chairman isn't best practice.

    Oxley is quality. Goes in where it hurts, has real pace and defenders can never work out where he will pop up next. I think he could be a real asset to Rangers. And as for Codé, he is big and brutal, just knocks down defences that think they are well organised. Has no respect for reputations. Scottish football would be a better place with both of them getting stuck in at Ibrox. :thumsup2

    Ally should be signing them immediately. No transfer fee either, he could have them tomorrow.

  6. The Non-Executive Chairman for today’s private company has a set of
    skills significantly different from the past – generally with the following
     Broad operating experience across many industries.
     Deep management experience –both high and low level.
     Operating experience across business – sales, finance, operations.
     Entrepreneurial experience – preferably starting several companies.
     A strong understanding of legal, accounting and financial issues.
     Specific industry experience only where the industry requires
     detailed regulatory, finance or other management expertise.
     Demonstrated high integrity.
     Experience coaching or advising CEO’s and senior management.
    :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

    But he is a 'football man'. ibid. Sandy Jardine 2012

    Just like John Greig, trustee of the Rangers charity and ex director of Rangers.

    Obviously Walter is being exploited by Ahmad in the same way as Greig was by D Murray. Using their personal credibility and reputation with the fans to convince them their club is in safe hands. :rolleyes:

    The only difference is that Walter will screw them for more money. Anyone know yet what his fee will be to be a part time, half baked sort of chairman?

  7. Can you get anymore obsessed by me? Should I be worried? :lol:

    Walters a brilliant choice as Chairman, he's been about for what seems like forever he knows Rangers better than anyone.

    A brilliant choice to help sell season tickets. What he knows about being a chairman of a company you could write on Ally's P45.

    Murray was accused of lacking leadership. If Murray was poor, Walter will be woeful. :(

    When you say he knows Rangers better than anyone, does that mean he knows where the skeletons are buried from David Murray's regime? :o

  8. Conclusion of Independent Review Thu, 30th May 2013 07:00

    This part makes it look very official and significant

    RNS Number : 8534F
    Rangers Int. Football Club PLC
    30 May 2013
    Oh dear, issued by Jimbo on behalf of Gers Innernasherul, Not the accountants.

    Rangers International Football Club plc (the "Company")

    Conclusion of Independent Review

    On behalf of Rangers International Football Club plc, the non-executive directors of the Company (the "Investigation Committee") engaged the law firm Pinsent Masons LLP to investigate the connections between Craig Whyte and former and current personnel of the Company and its subsidiaries (the "Investigation").

    The Investigation was overseen by Roy Martin QC. (Wow this must be really really credible. What was your fee Mr Martin?)

    The Investigation concluded on 17 May 2013 and Pinsent Masons and Roy Martin QC have reported to the Investigation Committee. The Investigation Committee is satisfied that a thorough investigation was conducted despite the inherent limitations of a private inquiry

    Based on the assessment of the available evidence, (thankfully we din't look very far) the Company considers that the Investigation found no evidence (are you a crook Mr Whyte? No!. Excellent you are an honest guy then) that Craig Whyte had any involvement with Sevco Scotland Limited nor which would suggest that Craig Whyte invested in The Rangers Football Club Limited or Rangers International Football Club plc, either directly or indirectly through any third party companies or vehicles.

    On 28 May 2013, a letter before claim was sent to (inter alia) The Rangers Football Club Limited and Rangers International Football Club plc on behalf of Craig Whyte, Aidan Earley and (purportedly) Sevco 5088 Limited. The Rangers Football Club Limited and Rangers International Football Club plc will be preparing a robust response to the letter before claim. However, given that legal proceedings are threatened in the letter before claim, it would not be appropriate to make public any further content from the report or to comment further about the contents. Pinsent Masons' and Roy Martin's reports to the Company are confidential and legally privileged. (We can't tell you the full story but trust us. And don't ask any questions about this as we will not be able to answer.)

    This whole statement is so qualified and obtuse it really says nothing. If you want it to say that Whyte is totally out of the picture that is a massive leap of faith. If you want to think his fingers are still in the pie(s) then that is easily sustained.

    As ever with rangers nothing is full, frank or honest. Just keeps feeding the conspiracy factory and P&B.

  9. The joint bun statement I got emailed (as a devoted poster on follow follow) is hilarious...

    All "watp" and bluster, ending with "no option but review our options"



    What idiot would have written that nonsense? As ever they talk big, but say nothing. They are just full of bluster and cliches.

    Trust Walter and all will be well.

    They have this wonderful ability to blame everyone or anyone else when things go wrong, but dump responsibility onto others to sort things out and kiss things better. Without them actually engaging in the whole thing.

    Who tucks these guys up in bed at night? :wacko: Bunch of big weans. :(

  10. From the BBC website

    The Football Association is emailing England fans asking them not to indulge in "offensive songs" when their team play the Republic of Ireland at Wembley on Wednesday night. It's safe to assume there's one song they have particularly in mind.

    "With St George in my heart keep me English, with St George in my heart I pray, with St George in my heart keep me English, keep me English till my dying day.

    "No surrender, no surrender, no surrender to the IRA. Scum."

    The fans who sing it also like to squeeze in a "no surrender" just before the line "send her victorious" in God Save The Queen.

    So why and when did some fans adopt No Surrender?

    It is assumed that the adoption of the song came from mixing between Rangers fans - some of whom had loyalist sympathies - and English fans in the 1980s, says Lyons. After 1985, English clubs were banned from European competition after the deaths of 39 Juventus fans in a European Cup final with Liverpool.

    During the ban, some English fans started to follow Rangers in Europe and there were Rangers fans who supported England. The song - which seems linked to Northern Irish unionist or loyalist politics - may have been adopted at this point..

    The "no surrender" slogan has been co-opted by the English Defence League.

  11. More Dodgy happenings involving Fat Sally the Charity Foundation;

    Ally McCoist has embarked upon a £10k fundraising campaign for the Rangers Charity Foundation. Good stuff!

    He is aiming to achieve this by navigating some white water rapids in Idaho (the River Salmon) with a team of Rangers Charity Foundation supporters.

    My interest in this was piqued a couple of weeks ago when I noticed that he had only raised £219. I therefore raised awareness of the event in my blog and subsequently on twitter (I am not claiming credit here for now getting him to the £8,000 he has currently raised).

    What I found particularly strange was that the target seemed so low. Mr McCoist is a wealthy man through his footballing and media endeavours as are many of his associates, friends and colleagues. Indeed, I would have anticipated a target of £100,000 to be more appropriate especially when one considers the costs involved in this wort of thing. I decided therefore to keep an eye on this.

    My curiosity was further raised by a tweet from Ally McCoist’s son on Thursday, 22 May in which he stated that the airline had given away their business class seats because they were late. Business class seats on a fundraising trip? Hmmm…

    So I have followed the redoubtable Mr McCoist junior and it transpires that he spent 3 days in New York City in a hotel overlooking Times Square. Then he flew out to Denver before catching a connecting flight to Boise, Idaho and then another connection to Salmon, Idaho. Following the rafting, Mr McCoist junior has helpfully informed us that he will be in San Francisco afterwards although it is unclear for how long or if this is part of the charity programme or, em, personal business.

    A wee friend in the travel agency business did a bit of research for me and priced the flights only package at £4,500. A hotel in New York overlooking Times Square would set you back about £300 per night. So that’s at least £5,000.

    On top of this, of course, one has to add the cost of the white water rafting. I am reliably informed that the RCF party are participating in a five day experience costing £1,500. So we’ve now got a running total of £6,500 per head.

    Yes folks, Ally McCoist has gone all the way to America to raise £1,500. If Mr McCoist is indeed employed on an annual salary of £750,000 as rumoured that 1/500 of his annual salary or about half-a-day; not quite a tithe, eh?

    Anyway, I digress. Eagle-eyed readers will have spotted that I mention both Ally McCoist and his son. They may also have spotted that I mentioned that Mr McCoist is leading a team.

    Now, I could be mistaken here but I’ve trawled (yes, it is an obsession) Just Giving and I cannot find a single entry for Ally’s Idaho Challenge other than that under Ally’s own name. There is no account in his son’s name and there is no other account specific to Idaho.

    That’s very strange…I mean where are the funds being raised by other rafters? You don’t think they could all be in one Just Giving account, do you? But, but, but, but that would mean that the charity is now paying everyone to take a holiday at its expense! Surely not?

    Maybe those nice, responsive people at the Rangers Press Office or the Rangers Charity Foundation itself can reply and let me know (they’ve got the email address)?

    If they do decide to respond perhaps they could also let me know how they plan to ensure that the insurance policy they’ve obviously taken out to protect the rafters is legally binding if it hasn’t actually been legally executed by the board of trustees?


    Excellent post. I am sure Ally is not a bad person and would never abuse his position and reputation just for a free holiday, or one paid for by a charity.

    Especially by exploiting Rangers fans by asking for their hard earned cash.(best leaving that to those have been, are, or would like to be on the board of rangers).

    Ideally Ally just makes a statement that explains the financial arrangements for the trip for his son and himself.

    And then we can all "move on".

  12. From a punter posting on Paul McConville's blog. Accurate and amusing version of the reality. :lol:

    "I will sum up what has transpired.

    Minty Moonbeams was allowed to spend the banks dosh.
    He spent far too much in the pursuit of silverware.
    He loved the limelight and became reckless in a financial sense.
    He took cash from Dave King and NEIC(sic) and wasted it.
    His empire came tumbling down.
    He wasn’t conned by Craig Whyte.
    He was a shitebag who couldn’t face the music.
    Enter Craigy Whyte who ain’t got wealth of the radar.
    He was an asset stripper who thought he would make millions
    Toxic club was a financial basket case needing £10 mill a month
    CL cash was needed but Sally ballsed that up
    SFA try to cheat and scam. No different from the spivs
    They get papped into bottom rung of Scottish football
    Craig and his cohorts decide to strip the place and bugger off
    SFA tell us Craig is bad but around the dinner table, it’s all good
    Enter Chuckles with his big hands to help strip the place.
    Craigy and Chuckles conspire to get Ibrox for peanuts
    Alls going well until they get greedy. (Always the case)
    Appease the troops, sell S/Ts and pocket the dosh.
    Get found out, accept the inevitable and pocket more dosh
    Real rangers men appalled and force a coup.
    The spivs are hunted and chased for ever.

    (Still to be played out as we speak)

    Minty and The Cardie come to the rescue to save THEIR club
    The Cardie helps Sally coz he’s useless.
    It will be a long road for a dead entity but it’s Minty Moonbeams
    He saved them from the baddies (he caused it all but sssshhhhhhh)
    The hordes will empty their pockets for the tribute act.
    The SFA will cling to their positions and salaries.
    Peter Lawwell was the main culprit in all of this
    The lodges and orange Hals will toast the comeback
    The SFA will all pat themselves on the back and get a salary increase
    The crowds will have dwindled because of the corrupt establishment
    You cannot defeat them because they are the people."

    Don't blame McConville :wacko: This was penned by some other guy.

  13. Astounding that with all that is currently going on with Rangers, their fans on here are still moaning and trying to score points based on what is now history.

    They have a club totally split with factions all over the place. If only it were just two factions. :(

    Rather than moaning incessantly about the past, they would be better employed making clear what they would like the club to look like in the future.

    By not doing this they merely create repeated opportunities for the Whytes, Greens and whoever will come next, and then the ones after that. :thumbsdown

  14. You couldn't make it up. Everybody involved with Rangers/Sevco seems to be damaged goods.

    A shame this forum has been bored into indifference by the Sevco brigade, no doubt with the best of intentions trying to protect their beloved club from the keyboard jocks. What they have done is merely protect the wrong people.

    Listened to the telephone conversation recorded between Imran Ahmed and Murray the chairman.

    Ahmed quite smart at this type of thing. Obviously has done it before. Get the accusations in on a regular basis, tell him about the independent evidence (video from fans), tell him is being recorded, looking for immediate decisions. He knew exactly how to play it.

    And as for Murray. He was clueless. How did he ever become chairman? Not even a 'how dare you' or 'who do you think you are'.

    Established technique played by Green, when appointing a chairman make sure you get someone you know how to yank their cord so they run away at a time that suits you. Murray comes across like that. No backbone, likes a bevvy, can't think on his feet (give me 5 minutes), and knows he is in a weak position by his words and attitude.

    So the Green and Whyte brigade are winning the media battle - at least until it comes to a vote. The drunken wanderings on video of Murray are pathetic. We have all been there, but we are not the chairman of a significant business. So we will end up getting the bus boys waved in as directors.

    Two things needed to save this club.

    1. The SFA step in, even on some trumped up concern just to scare the cowboys off.

    2. Ally and Walter take some action on their roles. Ally may be on £750k, but does he really need it? Walk and take your coaching team with you. He will only do this if he cares more for the club than for his bank balance. Same for Walter.

  15. Moving on from the in depth discussion about the term ' we r ra peepal' and back to boardroom in fighting.

    We have the Murray (Chairman) camp who are having to defend their position. Let's call them the Blue corner.

    The attack seems to comprise a group made up of Green, other dodgy factions shrouded in smokescreens and less than complete transparency. Supported actively I would guess by the bus boy mob. Let's call them the Green corner.

    There was the disclosure (or was it a smear?) about Whyte being in cahoots with Green, including money being lobbed at Ahmad's granny. So the board as was requested an independent enquiry to flush out the facts and report back to them. Especially the possible secret role Whyte has played in the Green acquisition and administration of Rangers.

    It is expected this report will land with the board soon, perhaps this week.

    Is the vote to dispose of Murray an attempt to create a board which will kick the report into some long grass, and never make its finding public? And definitely make sure they don't act on them. :(

    I think if I were Green and wanted to keep a lid on my dodgy dealings, and improve my asset stripping opportunities that is what I would do. :thumsup2

  16. I think the point is more that there doesn't seem to be a clear consensus on what "we are the people" actually means. Is it rejoicing in being the "establishment"? A get it up you to Celtic as they are "outsiders"?

    Is it to do with being the most populous support?

    I always assumed it was the modern version of the Protestant Ascendancy. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Protestant_Ascendancy

    A time when Cathollcs weren't allowed to own horses or guns, vote, have a seat in Parliament etc. Think (not sure) they weren't allowed to own property. So the Protestant Ascendancy could look down at them as second class citizens. Which was also built into the laws of the land.

    That is how I see today's 'we are the people' statement. :(

    So way beyond just being good supporters.

  17. The club needs the ST sales, pay at the gate does not work, if you are suggesting that I should do something which would in fact kill the club just to make a point then I think you misunderstand what it is to love a football club.

    You must realise the club has to be killed again. That is the only way to get rid of the bunch of crooks and con artists you currently have on your board. Never mind the shadow directors we have still pulling strings,

    Spend your time from now getting the supporters and leaders with some integrity who can form an honest board. Squeeze the current board so administration is inevitable. Get Walter and Ally to walk at the right time. Then move in and get control just like Green did. It won't cost much that is for sure.

    From The Herald

    Alastair Johnston, who was ousted in May, 2011 by then owner Craig Whyte, "has concerns" about the jockeying for position at the club he has supported all his life.

    "There is a cancer spreading throughout the club and it's not going away," he said.

    "My concern is that until self-serving investors are eliminated then the club can't go forward.

    "With so many investors - in quotation marks - trying to play an active role in the guidance of Rangers Football Club, I don't think that is a healthy situation.

    "I don't know the people involved but I really wonder about their agenda. I really wonder in whose best interests are they working.

    "A lot of people can say they have the best interests of the club in mind but it is easy to say that.

    "There are people vying for control and influence and they have got to lay down their ambitions and be transparent about finances and investment."The board of Rangers - whoever it is and however it is constituted - has to come out and be transparent about the assets and the commitments and what that will mean to investors.

    "What has been promised to investors?

    "There is a power vacuum and there hasn't been one in 140 years at Ibrox. Someone has to come out and show guidance.

  18. My understanding of the difference between 'pay as you go' and st by installments:-

    With 'pay as you go', you can chose to stop at any time -no penalty.

    With ST by installments, if you stop payment, you are still liable for balance. It's like buying on HP. N'est pas?

    I am guessing here but I suspect the paying by installments is just like financing a car. You have an agreement for the season ticket with some finance company. the club then gets the full amount once you have signed up. If you don't keep up the payments the finance company comes after you.

    As far as cash landing in the hands of the current board of Rangers, there is no difference between paying by installments or paying the full amount yourself for your season ticket.

  19. Not proven

    Not proven

    Green did some excellent work selling 38,000 season tickets...over £20 million in a share issue...etc. I only wish you knew the sort of people we could soon have on our board.

    If you don't want to support the club that is fine. It is entirely up to yourself...nobody should feel obliged to go along to the games if they don,t want to.

    Boycotts will kill the club...Won't bother the likes of Whyte, Green and the rest...SDM might feel it a little but at the end of the day they will all move on to something else. We will be left with nothing. Do i deserve a club? Yes i most certainly do...Through thick and thin and through the straits broad and narrow.

    Times like this are difficult and unfortunately Hearts and one or two others might have to go through a similar experience but it is us...the supporters who have to make sure the clubs survive. Never has it been more evident that the supporters really are the clubs...sure chairman often spouts this line to appease us but we proved that it is true

    I know we have bashed to death the difference between company, license holder etc. But it is important you see the club being something separate from the current owners and directors.

    A boycott will not kill the club. What a boycott can do is make the current Sevco setup unsustainable. The boycott could help force them into calling in the administrators. That way you have a chance to get rid of the cancers (meant chancers, but cancers is probably just as good), crooks and general wide boys.

    What is essential is when that happens the Rangers fans must have their new setup in place, made up of genuine supporters. Not idiots and ego trip merchants like fatso Dingwall, but people who know how to run a business properly. And can negotiate properly to get the right deal.

    Whoever leads it gets the supporters behind them in an honest and transparent way.

    OK, you will have another year of pain in Div 3, but at least you have a chance to create something that can be successful, built on solid foundations.

    And whether you or bothered or not, I suspect most normal supporters of other clubs would be behind you.

  20. These guys are the ones some on the Rangers board want to dump to make room for dodgy characters. Suspect Murray is a major threat as he said 'We need to bring financial stability, probity and transparency to this football club and bring our great name back to the reputation it had.Hopefully I'll bring integrity and honesty to my position.

    Alterian's Board of Directors oversees the running of the company, and draws on the wide experience of the postholders to ensure broad and thorough oversight.
    Phil Cartmell - Chairman, Appointed July 2011

    Phil Cartmell is currently Executive Chairman of Corac Group plc, a technology business which develops compressors and electronics for the Oil and Gas industry. He is also a non-executive director of CSF Group plc, which provides data centre infrastructure in South East Asia. He was Chief Executive of VEGA Group PLC from 2001 to 2008. VEGA was a professional services business providing consulting, project management and implementation services. Phil Cartmell led the turnaround of the business and its successful disposal in 2008.

    Malcolm Murray
    Murray, a Rangers season-ticket holder, had stewardship of a 25% shareholding in Manchester United before their title dominance in the early 1990s.

    The 57-year-old believes that experience will be crucial in reviving the Light Blues and pledged to ensure financial stability and transparency are key ingredients in re-establishing the crisis-hit club.

    'It's a fantastic honour,' Murray told Rangers TV.

    'We need to bring financial stability, probity and transparency to this football club and bring our great name back to the reputation it had.

    Hopefully I'll bring integrity and honesty to my position. I've been involved in taking big stakes in companies and helping the management in the past.

    'Of particular relevance is the Manchester United stake. I was equal to Martin Edwards (in terms of his holding) at the time. I worked with him and David Gill for many years.

    'It was an iconic, global brand and that's what Rangers is. With a different Sky deal we'd be just as big.'

    Hopefully for Rangers sake these guys will dig in and fight the asset strippers off. :thumsup2

  21. What. A. Mess.

    The only group that can sort all of this out is the Rangers fans. There are no white knights in this cabal of gangsters and shysters, only cretins there to exploit supporters love of a football club for their own personal gain. As we saw last summer, a club cannot die as long as there are enough people willing to support it. If the fans withdraw their support, there is no money to be made!

    The Rangers of the past is gone, and if anyone thinks that this Rangers has any chance of succeeding they live in cloud cuckoo land. If the Rangers supporters really want to save the future of their club then it is time for them to start doing something about it.

    Otherwise, surely it's a matter of time before the SFA say enoughs enough and revoke the license, this isn't about sport anymore.

    It is clear with all the media coverage there is a concerted attempt at manipulating the minds and attitudes of Rangers supporters as well as the general public.

    1. Murray is a useless chairman and not to be trusted with a serious business.

    2. The complaining rump (of 28%) are wanting shot of Murray and the other director so they can move Rangers to greater and better things.

    3. Those who are trying to chuck out Murray have sufficient votes (28% they claim) to achieve it.

    4. The chief executive is a good guy,bonding with Ally, who nearly died and then has found God in the form of Ibrox.

    5. There will be a club there ready for Division 2 as long as supporters buy their season tickets.

    If you remember Whyte was mister big at one stage, then he was found out. He was pulling his own strings unfortunately.

    Then Green was mister big, then he was found out. His strings were being pulled by Whyte.

    Now the Bus boy mob want to be mister bigs by buying Green's shares. Will we find out their strings are pulled by Green (going forward is a term they like) whose strings are pulled by Whyte.

    So a company running out of money, A board fighting over the assets and ability to extract significant cash from the business. Meanwhile the heart and soul of the club still lies with the supporters. The heart and soul is the part the greed driven players on the board are trying to win over. Wonder if Malcolm Murray has a favourite horse? And whether he fancies waking up some morning to find its head in the bed beside him? It could be arranged.

    I have said it before as have many others. Rangers supporters please put petty egos to one side and organise yourselves to get the right people running your club. If it were me the only one I would trust is Murray. And as for Dave King!! The rest would fail any suitability test.

    Start with NOT buying season tickets.Get a real voice.

  22. It's like a "reach around". Only financial. ;)

    I will once the current investigation is over. I'm unsure if I should ask for an investigation of the current investigations failure to address the leak issue or, indeed, if I should ask questions about who leaked info on the leaks and/or leakers.

    Can we document the queue of investigations we need to get closer to the truth?

    And can we have somebody other than Nimmo bloody Smith. A known 'I see nothing, I hear nothing' fud from his North Lanarkshire investigation days. :o

  23. Who is the source of the 'heads up' from within the SFA? (name please)

    If this is indeed a genuine accusation and not just an anonymous attempt to discredit the SFA, then it is important this person is flushed out. How can they possibly do the job they are expected to do, when they are spredaing tittle tattle about Rangers board members. And where are they getting it from?

    The SFA should immediately be holding an enquiry to confirm or deny this statement by the unnamed source within Rangers. If confirmed then the SFA individual must walk,

    If the statement is denied, then find and sue the source and the Sun. If a SFA individual is not confirmed and walks then no one in the SFA can be trusted. :(

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