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Posts posted by thelegendthatis

  1. Celtic supporters boasting on twitter of how they were at ibrox today taking pics of potential investors !!! Scary

    Just so I understand your point here, I went off to remind myself of the definition of an investor.

    Here it is.

    An individual who commits money to investment products with the expectation of financial return. Generally, the primary concern of an investor is to minimize risk while maximizing return.

    Are you seriously telling me that investors were rolling up to Ibrox with the readies in their back pockets?

    Pull the other one big man laugh.gif

  2. The great Rangers tax avoidance scheme

    More widely the club liquidators BDO will be exploring these lengthy, detailed and obviously highly critical judgements in forensic detail as they go about seeking potential sources of capital for creditors from the carcass of the dead old company.

    BDO can look at directors' duties and decide whether or not the directors were negligent in their handling of company funds, making gratuitous alienations and so on, with company funds. They are not bound by any HMRC concession that these EBT Loans were not sham trusts or sham loans - even were HMRC to concede this, and (subject to appeal) it is far from clear that they do.

    The bits about BDO is where I get excited. These guys won't be firing blanks. It is essential that when the hand over the evidence to the authorities they will have the will to follow up properly.

    That is why the P&B idiots like myself must keep telling the story and not be sidetracked either by the Sevconians on here, or 'friends of David Murray' protesting he was some sort of innocent fall guy. Aye right. rolleyes.gif

    Years of fun awaits. biggrin.gif

  3. Looking forward to the latest saga on Panorama tonight


    In a statement, HM Revenue and Customs, which regulates the 2,467 registered trust or company service providers in the UK.

    But it did confirm that it has never prosecuted a single corporate service provider for breaching money laundering regulations. HMRC said tackling tax evasion is a priority.

    Go get 'em Hector laugh.gif

  4. yes

    The ''side letters'' only stated the conditions under which finances would be put into a sub-trust. The player would have to apply to the trust to get a loan and the payment of the loan was discretionary, as Murray said.


    Quote:Originally Posted by The Rangers Hub This wee section of the reprt here kills their case stone dead:

    "Whether the arrangement is viewed commercially or legalistically, the inexorable conclusion, in our view, is that the payments into trust became a loan and no more. They were not paid over absolutely and so do not become earnings or emoluments."

    It does not mount to additional wages, but a loan. That's clearly established now by the FTTT findings.

    Is that why Martin Bain insisted on his EBT memo should be shredded?

    Why is permatan Martin these days anyway? Not in hiding in sunny Spain by any chance? Is extradition an option from Spain?

  5. Rangers fans need to understand this thread was a lot more than the Big Tax Case. In fact as soon as Rangers went into administration the BTC was no longer an issue for the continuation and survival of Rangers since it would get paid out of any CVA and be left behind in a Newco. Most of it is Whyte/D&P/Quantum/BlueKnights, other debts, reconstruction, expulsion from the SPL and wider financial impact.

    What this victory does is take a lot of trophy stripping things out the equation although we are yet to hear if the SPL are happy their rules have been followed in accordance with the facts found by the judges.

    Bollox unsure.gif

  6. You accused Rangers of cheating for over a decade by stealing £94 million, provide some evidence of the cheating.

    1. You are still in liquidation. And will be - forever. laugh.gif

    2. EBTs are legal according to ruling (subject to appeal) but they are confirmed as loans. This will now give BDO a clear run at recovering the loans. David Murray and his £6.5 million sounds a good start to me, I can see the list of sequestrations starting to form. Bet there are houses going into the wife's name as we speak, and assets being shuffled offshore. Heard that an ex Rangers goalkeeper's Edinburgh property portfolio has already been moved to a family run trust.

    Those who benefited from EBT who have not been working to hide their assets obviously did not understand the extent of the problem. With international money laundering regulations and whistle blowers in the offshore banks we should be looking forward to the drip, drip, drip of the truth.

    Be afraid, be very afraid. BDO know who you are, and where you live. ohmy.gif

  7. It's the best they've got under the current situation...

    There was a few on here saying liquidation couldn't happen. When liquidation meant the death of the club... They got liquidated... Posters disappeared.

    Then new posters appeared saying that it was the company that got liquidated. That the club is still the club and they still have the titles...

    Expect them to disappear when HMRC start making demands for money owed and when titles start getting stripped because they are "still the same club"... Then a whole new gang will appear, you know the ones... I've been sitting watching and now feel its time to post.

    I think Bearwithme and No8 are the only original posters on this thread. I think Bennett stuck to the old firm forum until they got accepted into the 3rd. I may be wrong.

    Yes surprisingly few Sevconians post on here. Considering they have 45,000 'loyal' out there.

    Like their Rangers friends before them, a consistency is being maintained.

    They really do seem to be incapable of actually contributing anything other than slogans, bluster and abuse. Demonstrating their membership of the 'intellectually challenged' club.

    In fact absolutely ripe pickings for anyone trying to flog worthless shares in a dodgy business. ohmy.gif

  8. Oh My

    The first slide says "Rangers Football Club PLC" so I think it might be a piss take.smile.gif

    Not a bad presentation. Think the second year undergraduate did a fair job in putting it all together.

    What of course they don't mention is how tainted Rangers is as a 'brand'. Fines from UEFA, behaviour of fans (Manchester etc), dodgy past, dodgy current and most likely dodgy future.

    Loved the slide with the wage bill for all other SPL clubs from a year ago, and the Rangers showing this year's figure - unaudited of course. The sort of thing you can get away with in the Daily Record or the Sun, but not when pitching to serious punters.

    Maybe the loyal fans will be daft enough to put their hands in their pockets. There must still be UDA, UVF drugs and taxi cash available.

    But normal people? Or normal investors? No way. rolleyes.gif

  9. "A BLUNDERING football manager can now only practise under supervision and with the approval of Chucky after a tribunal heard his uselessness denied grieving supporters the rewards they believed they were due.

    McCoist, of Hamilton, sought out players and signed those who had died or been injured through work. (Yes it is official, Kevin Kyle is deid, from the neck up anyway)

    But he bungled team selection against the diddy teams— ignoring supporters desperate pleas for a winning team."

    Imagine having the neck to cite the serial bungler as an expert - my chocolate fireguard is more credible.


    At least that problem is now sorted, with Uncle Walter arriving to tell the boy what to do. :lol:

  10. Got onto the website no problem, no idea what legendthatis is greeting about, most websites have problems every so often - even P&B every so often.

    Hereit is anyway.

    The board of the Rangers Supporters' Trust (RST) are questioning the reasons behind the postponement of the investigation into our club's use of EBTs.

    Previously the RST, and other Rangers Supporters' groups, questioned the role of Harper McLeod with the investigation and we alleged there was a clear conflict of interest due to their previous involvement and close links with Celtic (who certainly stand to gain from any outcome of the SPL hearing).


    However the SPL denied there was a conflict of interest by insisting "Harper MacLeod were involved at a 'low level' in the Rangers investigation, following instructions to gather paperwork and documents" for Lord Nimmo Smith's commission".


    Yet today the SPL have confirmed the hearing will be postponed for at least a week as the senior partner acting for Harper McLeod on behalf of the SPL has been involved in a serious car crash.


    While we wish Mr McKenzie a speedy recovery, the RST board see no reason for the hearing to be postponed due to the absence of a lawyer who was involved at a low level of evidence gathering. As the hearing was due to begin this week all evidence must have been submitted in advance. If the hearing is postponed as a representative of Harper McLeod cannot be in attendance the SPL have to acknowledge Harper McLeod are playing a far more important role in the process than "low level paperwork gathering" and the conflict of interest claim remains in place.

    Again this shows a lack of transparency from those running the game in Scotland. Many Scottish clubs are in financial trouble yet thousands of pounds are being spent on a vandetta against Rangers Football Club.

    The RST chair has written to the SPL for clarity and we will report any findings to our members.

    Thanks Bennett mate for that. Interesting!

    I see Ian Bloody Davidson MP is involved. Count me out. mad.gif

    So what's he like you ask. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-scotland-scotland-politics-15451876

  11. Was feeling quite positive about the Rangers supporters getting together to form a cooperative trust to buy shares in Chucky's 'Big Opportunity'.

    Went to the website http://www.rangerssu...erstrust.co.uk/

    It must be the slowest site ever. Is someone running it off a clapped out laptop in their back bedroom?

    It doesn't work with 'other' browsers. Formatting problems all over the place.

    It seems more preoccupied with the Harper McLeod guy's car crash, and showing photographs of players.

    Typical message.....The server is temporarily unable to service your request due to maintenance downtime or capacity problems. Please try again later.

    Apache/2 Server at www.rangerssupporterstrust.co.uk Port 80

    They could have spent 10 minutes with many free products and ended up with something that worked, was properly hosted and looked better than the dog's dinner of a site they have created.

    For God's sake, you are trying to convince people you can be trusted with their money, and show you can pick a representative to sit on the board (assuming you raise enough money).

    Failed totally. What a bunch of total wallys.

    I continue to despair at the total ineptitude of the Rangers supporters in everything they touch. sad.gif

  12. Looks like they have no faith in Chucky going with the fan ownership video


    "Do you want our club to live up to the best shared values and traditions" That'll be thepolicy back then

    "Only those with an appreciation of our history" Onlyprodestants need apply

    Chuckys gonna take you's to the cleaners :lol:

    At long last we seem to have the start of something positive coming from the supporters.

    The video is stronger on emotion and slogans than substance but hell it's a good start. Even if two years too late.

    Some concerns though. The video refers to "voices in the boardroom" representing the fans. No!!! You need a voice (singular). Chucky will divide and conquer you if you go with "voices"

    Galling to put money into the pockets of Chucky and his fellow travellers, but if you end up with less than 25% forget it. Bide your time.

    If you do get a seat on the board don't send anyone from the supporters trust. Get a proper experienced businessman/lawyer who will take what the supporters want to the board room and won't have the wool pulled over hsi eyes. This is grown up stuff we are talking about. Not about drinking out of some big cup or getting free sannies at half time.

    The ball is in the court of the supporters. Chucky is desperate to get them on board. All the guff about "Rangeritis", trying to get Walter on the board. So do NOT let him take you for granted. Make him earn it. And a shareholding that is more than a token gesture is a good start.

  13. Now 10am. When most people at work (or at home) will be settling down for a cup of tea or coffee. And a time to catch up on here with hopefully the latest sensation from HMRC, BDO, or Strathclyde Police.

    But hang on, someone is missing. At home? At work? Nope, more likely to still be in his scratcher. huh.gif

    The man who floods the thread with totally irrelevant nonsense. Distracting, obscuring, anything that tries to talk about anything but Rangers administration and now liquidation.

    Craig, also known as Tedi, Bennett, Bender something, and his latest being Devlin is nowhere to be seen.

    Will he arrive on his own, or will his friends all appear at the same time?

    Tell us Craig, who are you going to be today? Today Norman I am going to be............biggrin.gif. (Who cares though, they all spout the same nonsensemad.gif)

  14. Perhaps you can show where i've applauded Murrray? The fact is the debt was under £18m and being reduced regardless of any tax case.

    Just another liar.

    Maybe it is lies (but I would disagree with that assumption). The club of course was being run by the Lloyds guy, as they tried to recover their billion quid from Murray. (Still trying)

    But regardless, it is obviously getting to you. ohmy.gif

    Are you sure you are mentally cut out to maintain this one man campaign on behalf of the Sevconians against the Diddies? laugh.gif

    Time for a wee lie down Craig? cool.gif

    P.S. Weren't Celtic brilliant ambassadors for Scottish football tonight? Who needs an ambassador with a blazer when you can do it on the park? laugh.gif

    Watched it on here with a commentary in French. They said Celtic were 'formidable'

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