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Posts posted by thelegendthatis

  1. Good enough for Lord Nimmo Smith, good enough for UEFA, good enough for the SFL, good enough for every Rangers supporter.

    Not, apparently, good enough for a diddy clubber with a chip on his shoulder viewing the world via green-with-envy tinted specs.

    Your not made of the right stuff to follow our greatest of clubs. But, I'll understand if you find the need to continue watching on telly.

    Who wouldn't?


    When you say 'made of the right stuff', what do you mean?

    What are the entry qualifications to become a true follower?

  2. About Green,i really couldn't say either way and tbh i'm not that interested. Whatever the reasons i'm not party to them whatsoever.

    Are you really saying you don't have an opinion?

    Or at least no opinion until you are told what the party line is? Sounds like there is a 3 line whip from Green's enforcers on this one.

    Just in case anyone is uncertain, Green apologised only for grassing up the loyal true blue faithful. :angry:

    To suck up to the loyal followers including the Vanguard Bears, has Green joined an Orange Lodge yet?

    Does the use of the word Vanguard relate in any way to the Vanguard Loyalist party which acted as an umbrella organisation for the political wing of loyalist paramilitary groups? 8)

  3. Never met the guy.

    See what I mean?

    You must realise why so many normal people hate your club and all it stands for. A club you don't ever want to see visiting the town you live in.

    Especially amongst those who share the same traditions and religion. They are the ones who hate you most, and want to see Sevco/Rangers closed down.

    You can't have an ASBO on a football club, but essential to try every other avenue.

  4. Once again Dave (not dhense) the Partick/St Mirren fan has a problem with Rangers fans posting on the Rangers forum.


    No problem with Rangers fans posting on a forum about Rangers. Would be equally ok with Third Lanark supporters posting on a thread about Third Lanark.

    It isn't the posting that is the problem, it is what you post.

    You are just so totally preoccupied with all things Rangers and the new Sevco, you are incapable of seeing any other point of view. The offensive terms used don't help.

    Even sitting many miles away from you it makes me squirm to see your bigotry and hatred. You are really very sad people.

    Not so long ago your arrogance came from being able to do what you wanted, on and off the field. But the emporer's new cloths have been seen for what they were.

    All that is left is a baying, ugly, bigoted mob. sad.gif

  5. No we all accept the club is as good as liquidated it's akin to the dead body at a car crash waiting to be pronounced dead by the official medical examiner .. Every fcuker knows he or she is dead but it's not official until the medical expert says so.

    But hey you're free to quibble over small details .... :lol:

    Would that put Bennett and his alter ego, Tedi in the necrophiliac category?

    They know it is dead, no pulse, all hope gone, stone cold but somehow they can't help themselves.cool.gif

    Murmuring 'we don't so walking away' they go about their gruesome business. ohmy.gif

  6. I see that The Rangers are the latest team to bring out a pink charity shirt. Maybe Tedi can tell us where the 5 stars have gone....


    One of two trustees for the Rangers Charity Foundation is John Greig. Whose role in the illegal governance of Rangers plc is well documented, and reported upon publicly. With this cloud hanging over him and the high probability of criminal charges I am amazed he would still remain as a trustee of any charity.

    I am surprised OSCR accepts a charity with only two trustees, one with such direct connection to Rangers or The Rangers.

    From the £385k they raise, about £150k goes on running it.ohmy.gif Rent for office space?

  7. As has been said before - we'll take no morality lessons from the plastics. laugh.gif

    Doubly so in the run-up to your annual humiliation as your club and suport prepares to disgrace themselves again with yet another 'bloostained' fiasco.

    You would think Liewell has enough on his plate with the diddy clubs jockeying for position to remove the plastics voting veto.

    It's not going to end well. smile.gif

    It doesn't work like this. Regardless who it comes from you need morality lessons. Your preoccupation with 'the plastics' only gets in the way of accepted the reality and moving to a place where some humility could be accepted. .

    Would suggest what you should be talking about is http://www.thesun.co...mb-in-post.html

    Was this the same band of Rangers fans who chased Miller away, asking him to 'truck off'?

    Then today Green gets more coverage. Not to deny he had to move from one safe house to another. Not to say he didn't have threats, or was not 'unsettled' from confrontations with Rangers fans on the street.

    No today he is apologising to the fans for telling.

    http://www.scotsman....reats-1-2591797 He is obviously concerned that by honestly telling the world how Rangers fans behave he would alienate enough of them to jeopardise his cash raising scheme.

    So Charley, keep sucking up to them, tell them what they want to hear.

    However I do agree with the last line of your post. " It is not going to end well". sad.gif

  8. I'd say my reasons for not going on McConvilles website are pretty valid, no reason for you to take unbrage.

    The TV deal is still shrouded in mystery so you cannot say that it hasn't dropped.

    Gilmours worst case scenario was far worse than that and considering that i posted details of it last week, you're being a tad naughty by claiming that rubbish. I forgot you were at a St Mirren meeting ;)

    Are you a Thistle or st mirren (boooo) fan? Not sure if i've got right person, all you non Rangers tend to look the same after a while.

    Home gates were meant to increase i believe?

    The ET is neither pro nor anti Rangers, though i grant you they're not a patch on some randon bloke with a blog.

    So on the Rangers Administration thread, Bennett the distraction merchant wants us to talk about Thistle, St Mirren, Gilmour, McConville. Anything but Sevco, Rangers, Whyte or Green. The dodgy geezers who have made Rangers and Sevco what they are today.

    Stand up

    The legend that is John Greig

    The Sir that is Murray (D)

    Martin bloody Bain

    The hoard who took the money and kept stum

    Just in case anyone has forgotten http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-scotland-glasgow-west-18148818

    The past managers like Smith, McCoist who have given the appearance of being into it up to their elbows. And McLeish who has an ability to join clubs when they are at their most dodgy.

    Rangers Plc, the ultimate dodgy business in Scotland. sad.gif

    For facts about the interesting stuff going on, with well researched detail then the place to go is http://scotslawthoughts.wordpress.com/

    Like the majority of people who post on here I am happy to take or leave the posts of others. We all have our prejudices to varying degrees. But with some common sense and tolerance we can get on. That was how this thread was until the Bears decided they wanted to screw it.

    The pathetic propaganda machine that is Tedi with his other id of Bennett is just so Goebbels like. sad.gif

    Let us hope that between the SFA, BDO, Strathclyde's finest, the fraud squad and a selected few in the media we can grind them down to where they rightfully belong.laugh.gif Honesty and integrity wins eventually. biggrin.gif

  9. Can he ask for FSA approval? I cannot find anything in that document that says the FSA will not vet the prospectus if requested

    Unfortunately I am falling into the trap of responding to Tedi's pathetic, irrelevant and deliberately distracting tirades.

    Taking FSA approval as something significant is like saying being approved by Sir David Murray is important.

    He is typically Rangers in all their pomp, willing to discuss whether Ticketus got their money or not. Your time might be better spent talking about all the small companies who were ripped off by Murray and his entourage first and then Whyte supported by the guys who had lost their tongues. (Where is the legend that was John Grirg, as well as Martin Bain, Ken Olverman et all)

    Ticketus attracts money from people who are looking for a good return. http://www.octopusin...html?newsId=363 And of course investments can go down as well as up. If Octopus and Ticketus are quiet, you can be sure they have their money. End of.

    Whether McConville is a good guy or not is not relevant. The judgement should be on what he says. Despite your postings I won't tar you as a typical Rangers/Sevco protestant bigot, thug, lout, mason, orangeman. I will judge you on what you say.

    So let's forget the labels. Can give you the Latin term, but that doesn't make me a Tim, or whatever other label you want to use against anyone who is not 'one of us'.

  10. And no Green will not be getting a penny from me for shares, till I see a prospectus and he answers the numerous unanswered questions, this has been my position since it was announced

    I am sure Tedi you are no daft., unlike many who will put their hard earned cash into Green's "war chest".

    Would be good to know.

    1. What in particular do you want to have detailed in the prospectus?


    2. What are the numerous unanswered questions you have?

    Would help the rest of us understand where the risks would be to potential investors. biggrin.gif

    If you can't answer, maybe your doppleganger Mr Bennett would oblige?

  11. Anyone got access to the article in the Times (london one) today about who has invested in Sevco/Rangers.

    All I could find is this reference below, from another web site.

    Abraaj chief emerges as leading Rangers shareholder

    • The Times
      Blue Pitch Holdings, a vehicle controlled by Abraaj Capital chief executive Arif Naqvi, is the largest shareholder of Rangers Football Club with a 15.68% stake, according to details of the Scottish franchise's top investors published following pressure from fans' groups.
      Other prominent investors include Margarita Funds Holding Trust, a fund believed by Rangers to be based in the Turks and Caicos Islands, which holds 10.19%, and finance company Zeus Capital. A consortium of almost 19 investors, led by Rangers chief executive and venture capitalist Charles Green, acquired the club out of liquidation in June for £5.5m.
      Read it in the paper version this morning. Interesting list of people that the Bennett Brothers will no doubt love dearly.
      Yes they will have wealth off the radar, but why invest in a Scottish Division 3 club that is years away from playing at any meaningful level. Unless they are in for a quick buck. huh.gif

    P.S. Nearly forgot. Charley boy was referred to in the article as a venture capital specialist. Not as a saviour, good guy, or even a mason. sad.gif

  12. That's been posted plenty of times, but I always get a feeling it's too bloody obvious. Surely nobody would try to tun the oldco/newco swindle, AND retain the same name for the enterprise, and hope to get away with it? But that's exactly what Charlie seems to be doing.


    Find & Replace Craig Whyte with Charles Green and see if it makes sense.

    If it doesn't make sense now try again in 2 months.

  13. If Hector can link the Newco to the Oldco he'll pursue Newco for the money it's known as phoenixing, and Whyte and Greene (especially Greene) are giving him all the ammunition he needs, "debt free company with 140 years history" "introduced by Whyte" "same trading name" "same trading premises" "same trading emblem" "same directors & management". Greene will have the club liquidated again through his actions and public statements but maybe that's the grand plan

    If the HMRC threat is real (and the logic above does hang together) it would make sense for Green to get as many idiots as possible to put new money into Sevco/Gers as quickly as possible so he can extract what he wants (sale of shares, salary, pension pot, repayment of 'loans', salary not taken) and then if the plug has to be pulled he can still walk away with a smile on his face and his pockets stuffed.

    HMRC will take some time to move on this I would expect, so Green has time to sort out his personal affairs, but not that long.

    Unless of course HMRC can make a preemptive strike and get a court freeze on assets which will warn Green that he can't asset strip either physical assets or cash or show any preferences.

    I have been away from this forum since the Sevco boys made it into Div 3. But think I have come back as the whole thing ramps up again with much entertainment to come.

    After Craig's BBC interview when he made clear he is going to drop everyone into the sh*t, last night's warning salvo can only have been the start. He will have plenty of other cards to play if the various ones he mentioned such as D Murray, Duff & Duffer etc try to dump on him. So be warned guys. :angry:

    Is it time to change our signatures to "We are all Craig Whyte". :lol: Maybe a step too far. :(

  14. I did recieve an email

    I take it you did not get this either?

    Maybe it has some sort of dross filter built in ;)

    Yes I have pretty good spam filter at my end. But surely an email from Mr Green shouldn't be treated in the same way as offers of viagra, penis extensions and penny shares that will make me a millionaire before the end of October.

    But then again when I think of it....maybe there is logic there.

    In fact Tedi, I think you have hit the nail on the head.:D Appreciate your help. You obviously know how these things work. ;)

    Must go and check my spam box. :rolleyes:

  15. I am extremely disappointed with my mate Charley. :angry:

    As I have registered to buy £10k worth of shares I would have hoped to have received a smarmy crawling letter from him thanking me for my interest, and assuring me my 10k will be well spent as the Sevco mob go global.

    When I applied I cancelled my weekly Beano order, as I thought whatever was going to come through my letterbox would give me a few weeks of mirth.

    Charles get the finger out. I am not going to be a patient man for much longer. If you can't be ars*d getting in touch, I will have to chase other daft investment opportunities, some of which are legal. :rolleyes:

  16. The 33 min version is on the website and its been posted a few times last night, http://www.bbc.co.uk...otland-19975957 should see you ok :)

    Someone on KDS has put up this re the Hero........


    The Japanese have a superstition relating to the whites of the eye called Sanpaku.

    Note number 5.



    All Sevco supporters should have a read of http://www.fbi.gov/s...school_violence

    When there I had a look at who the FBI is chasing for white collar crimes http://www.fbi.gov/wanted/wcc Unfortunately no one there I recognise.

    Given the extraction treaty we have with the US, what are the chances if some American residents who were/are shareholders in Rangers or Sevco believing they bought the shares on false promises and general makey up nonsense, is there a chance the US Government might want to extradite the confidence tricksters involved.? :D

    Are you allowed metal crutches in American prisons? :huh:

  17. I suggest you wait until you find out where along the line Charlie Boy got involved before you start getting too cocky - Craigy Boy's a liar, no doubt, but then so's Chuckie. If there's a paper trail linking Charlie to any malfeasance between the original suspects, your shiny new Tribute Act could well be toast along with the original scum.

    I have always seen Whyte as a chancer. Those shifty eyes, who should not be trusted, least of all with money. Even when his wealth was 'off the radar'.:rolleyes:

    Given his latest pronouncements He suddenly seems credible, because all the others he had meetings with, and made agreements with are ALL even dodgier than Whyte is.

    How bad is that? When Whyte starts to come across as the good guy. :(

    Just shows the corrupt cesspit that was and is Rangers & Sevcogers. :o

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