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Posts posted by thelegendthatis

  1. Going back bout ten years to last time I was involved with a tupe but the guidance we had from hr was that we had to keep staff for min six months apart from disciplinary action .maybe that legislation has changed but point of tupe is to protect employees not employers. Either way I doubt if they would be able to cut costs via redundancies and essentially sfl three kills newco fiscally very quickly

    I am no expert on TUPE but helped a company with 20 staff move from being Council owned to become a private company. Of course TUPE applied. So if the Newco took on the same staff immediately then they would have to do so on the same terms and conditions they were on with the Council, including pay and pension rights etc. When the figures were looked at then the Newco business wasn't viable financially. So the Newco said it would not take them on (informed the Council formally).

    So the Council made the staff redundant. If the Newco hired them to do the same job even if you called it something else then TUPE still applied. So if you were a 'footballer' in the oldco and taken on by the Newco as a 'superstar' and you were expected to play football (but with different terms) then TUPE would catch you.

    In this case the staff were without jobs for 3 months, and then with a retraining programme were hired back individually to do what were different roles but with a lot more flexibility in their job descriptions. Took about 18 months to get them all back again.

    This tooks lots of legal advice, HR specialists and negotiation with the Council involved.

    To have heard Green spout about players not being able to walk away and he could have the players moved across just like that without any discussion or consultation is just silly, either he was just blustering or he was clueless.

    As for the players their union is on the case. For the rest of the staff I have no idea, but would suggest they should be talking to a lawyer especially if the terms on offer are different.

  2. Something just struck me today, cockwomble and Ronnie Regan are chief executives of their respective cartels, Longmuir as well therefore I would think they get some kind of performance related bonus or pay structure. At least this goes somewhere to understanding their stance.

    Not that I agree with their shennanigans.

    On the cynical front if the Spl and sfl struggle they will have an audit of accounts, just saying like..........

    Anyone know what these guys get paid for their sterlinh service to the scottish game?


    He will have supplied the description.

    Neil is focused on improving the league

    1. for the benefit of Scotland's premier 12 clubs,

    2. increasing attendances across the league and

    3. creating commercial partnerships that will drive more money into Scottish football.

    And his pay/bonus will not doubt be based on these.

    With Rangers/Sevco going from the SPL even for one year, he believes these personal targets will be more difficult to achieve

    So we are reorganising Scottish football not for the good of the game but on the basis of what pays Doncaster best.

  3. Scotland on Sunday has obtained a copy of the latest proposals by the Professional Game Board of the Scottish Football Association.

    The plan is to create a league company with 16 £1 A ordinary shares and 30 £1 B ordinary shares. The new SPFL would have a Premier League and three lower divisions as at present. At present the SPL has 16 shares in its company but only 12 are issued, and in the new league these SPL clubs would have the A shares. The other 30 clubs would get the B shares, with clubs exchanging B for A shares when they are promoted to the Premier League.

    The document states: "The A ordinary shares and B ordinary shares would have different class voting rights. As at present, proposals for Amendments to the Articles of Association and to section C of the rules (financial and commercial matters) as well as other strategic matters, which are defined as Qualified Resolutions, would require to be supported by not less than 11 clubs holding A ordinary shares."

    Didn't notice any mention of this on the forum yesterday (might have missed it) but I thought that the "proposal" to allow Newco FC into SFL1 came with new voting and financial distribution rules.

    From the above article it would seem that Reagan is not only trying to safeguard the "Oldco" he also wants to ensure they, and their partners, still have a block on any real changes.

    From the article

    Ross Caven, President of Queen's Park FC has written to all SFL clubs urging support for league reconstruction with a blueprint of one league comprising four divisions. He adds, however, that there should be "one club, one share, one vote" and a revision of the financial distribution in the new set-up. Totally correct[

    Controversially, Caven also says the proposed introduction of the pyramid structure for bringing new clubs into the league should be scrapped, as there is "no sense" in expansion while the Scottish game is in trouble. Totally correct.

    We are all Ross Caven biggrin.gif

  4. Sent off to all MEPs via http://www.writetothem.com/

    Read their guidelines http://www.writetoth...bout-guidelines, so change the wording of this if you want to use it otherwise it is spammed out by writetothem

    With the demise (going into administration and soon to be liquidation) of Rangers FC they have suffered the same fate as other football clubs in Scotland have done previously. The constitution and the rules of the governing body (the SFA) and the bodies which run the league competitions (SPL and SFL) detail how clubs facing such issues should be dealt with.

    Currently between these three bodies, their rules are being ignored, manipulated, and changed as the desire from some key officials is to bring Sevco (the company that bought the assets of Rangers FC) straight into Division 1 of the SFL as a new entrant. This is totally at odds with their own rules and constitutions and also how other clubs such as Livingston and Annan Atheltic were dealt with a few years back. This approach is not only unfair to all football clubs in Scotland but also those who might have ambitions to join the Scottish Football League as a new entrant at the bottom level.

    To ignore, adapt or even change the laws of these legally constituted companies to create unfair advantage is against natural competition, and therefore should be examined and challenged where appropriate by the EU.

    I am requesting you to raise this matter with the EU Commissioner responsible for Anti Competition agreements with a view to them ensuring any agreements made by any of the three bodies referred to is examined and challenged by the Commissioner.

    It is essential that the bodies running Scottish football must accept they must treat all clubs equally and fairly, based on their own rules and constitutions.

  5. You'd actually learn more by reading Mein Kampf.

    Most of the guys on this forum have more relevance than 'Ol Strawberry Nose.

    I have read Mein Kampf. Well not totally. I got to page 2 and decided that was enough.mad.gif

    Funny thing is that by the time I read Leggo's headline and the first sentence I make the same decision. ohmy.gif

    Anyone got a photograph of Leggo with a 'hitler' style muzzi? unsure.gif

  6. At least three members of the SFL Board have already decided to have Newco in Div 1.

    The reps from Dumbarton,Airdrie and Regan himself.

    If proposal (ii) gets the go ahead they only have to convert two more members of the board and Newco are Div 1 bound.

    I know Division 1 is being bribed to accept Sevco straight in.

    If I was keen to get them in I think I would offer additional bribes individual clubs with money or some other benefits to vote Yes.

    But it is only corrupt third world countries where such things happen. ohmy.gif

    That sort of thing could just not happen here. biggrin.gif

  7. Sent this to the SFA, SPL and SFL after a few cans last night. Hopefully they have been inundated to get the strength of feeling out there

    The attempts to shoehorn a brand new club into division 1 is a disgrace. You have grossly underestimated the impact of your actions for the majority of fans. You may well find that football is no longer the national sport in a short period of time. Have your newco vs Celtic games 36 times a year for your pieces of gold

    Corrupt to the core and self serving. I hope you are proud. Hang your heads in shame, you truly are Scotland's disgrace

    P.s. I wonder how uefa and FIFA will take to blackmailing and a restructure in this manner. Reading their statutes, I would be concerned if I were you

    Try this http://www.writetothem.com/ - send the same e mail to MEPs, MPs, MSPs.

    Changing the rules of the governing bodies to accommodate Sevco will break the European anti competition laws. http://www.out-law.com/page-5811

  8. alex thomson@alextomoSFL Chief Exec saying it's time for all outside influences and pressures to stop. Stable David? Door David?

    Why have their been outside influences? Because we have had years of weak leadership, becoming more obvious in the last few months, and sometimes no leadership at all from those at the head of the institutions who run the various aspects of football in Scotland.

    It has been this vacuum that has created the need for people like the P&B brigade to speak up, campaign, and try their best to push for clear leadership, which would demonstrate honesty and integrity on behalf of the majority of football supporters.

    Add to that the funny goings on. Duff & Duffer, the Rangers apologists, the leaders of the SFA and SPL in particular trying to bend, change or twist the rules that existed to suit one club and one club only.

    And then we see the police becoming involved, court cases to pursue people, court cases trying to prevent the truth coming out, and enquiries being held on many aspects of what has been going on.

    Left to the 'powers that be' we have allowed Scottish football to become a laughing stock. Demonstrably fundamentally corrupt.

    If you don't like outside influences, open up and clean up this outrageous and deviant structure and organisations.

    Failing that we will continue to speak. Out loud. Without fear or favour. Doing what we believe is best for all clubs and all supporters. biggrin.gif

  9. Says it all, here.......

    My link

    From Paul McConville's blog

    "Predictions of the collapse of society should there not be a Rangers, and the collapse of Scottish football unless they regain a place in the SPL in one year are nothing but nonsense. If Mr Regan believes them, then he is either deluded or has seen evidence so stark that he has been terrified to reveal it to anyone else. I would not want to suggest that he is engaging in deliberate scare-mongering to terrify his member clubs into compliance.

    If a trenchant critic of the SFA wanted evidence for criticism, then these statements by Mr Regan hit the nail on the head. Lack of communication; lack of business acumen; lack of planning; over-reliance on one team to the potential detriment of all others…the list goes on. "

    Look at this resulting from SPL policy.

    We talk on here of boycotting clubs here, there and everywhere but we still don't know how things will go. We still need to influence that.

    • Yes let us make sure the SFL clubs do the right thing.
    • Yes we need to tackle Regan and Doncaster eyeball to eyeball, toe to toe, shut them up, challenge their nonsensical slaverins, and get them on their bikes.
    • Make sure the SFA does not intervene on anything to push an agenda that is wrong for Scottish football, even if it is the personal wish of key members of staff within the SFA.
    • Work to remove the corrupting influences within Scottish football that prevents it learning from the Rangers disgrace, and ensures it never happens again. This must start with the resignation of Campbell Ogilvie. Doncaster to go, and indeed the SPL needs to be wound up.

    We are talking here about membership organisations, which were created and are run to reflect the wishes and aspirations of their members. This includes the supporters of the clubs. Important these bodies understood this properly, not just on the basis of one campaign but forever.

    If our goal is anything it is to help create and support an honest administration, honest leagues, clubs run to the highest standards, and a product we can enjoy and are proud of.

    If we can achieve that, sponsors will be easy to find, moving beyond the negativity we are getting at the minute from those with personal ambitions and agendas.

  10. From what has been said about the agreement they don't need to consult lawyers, it is an empty threat.

    It is never too soon to get your lawyers on the case. Kills all the fud and grandstanding nonsense from people like Doncaster.

    The SFL is there to do the best for their member clubs, not to try to defend the SPL nor protect Doncaster's job from the imminent P45.

    Time the SFL put him on the back foot and back to where he belongs, shuffling reports and Powerpoint presentations in a glass walled corner office at Hampden. mad.gif

  11. Pretty bold of them to come out with this first. Stupid, but bold.

    Interesting part of the Stenny statement.

    "The financial effect on most SPL clubs would be a reduced income of around £1m/season. More importantly for us, the settlement agreement payment (the annual payment from the SPL to the SFL agreed when the SPL was established) of approximately £2m would not be paid. The reason this would not be paid would be due to the reduced SPL income, the money to meet this obligation would no longer be there."

    If this agreement has been made and is watertight then the SFL is in a very strong position to DEMAND the £2million. Depends on how the agreement was setup, as a fixed amount or a percentage of something else, but if a fixed amount then go for it.

    The SPL as a company would be liable. So the SFL could pursue them, freeze their assets, send in the sheriff officers unless they did what the SFL thought was acceptable. This could be to wind up the SPL and allow the member clubs to move to a new SFL Premier league, run and administered by the SFL.

    This will remove one self serving body from the complexities of Scottish football. And save a lot of money being taken out of the game by the likes of Doncaster.

    It will also deflate the pomposity we get from Doncaster as he connives and schemes to bolster his own pay packet.

  12. The big thread must stay open. The big thread must not be moved from SPL chatter. The big thread must not be split, re-named, or be subject to whataboutery.

    It needs to stay exactly where it is, and it needs to remain part of this 'something' that has seen the likes of Cosgrove and Spence speak out, the Rangers tax case blogs, the Alex Thompson reports, the BBC documentary, and supporters of just about every club (bar Sevco 8055 / Sevco Scotland Ltd / Rangers / Rangers 2012 / The Rangers) find a place to come together and make our voices heard.

    There's still the vote from the SFL clubs. Still the possibility of engineering some sort of soft-landing into a new second tier for Sevco. They could end up in Div 3, could fail to launch completely. Then we have the Cockwomble and Regan.... and Longmuir, who seems to be avoiding much flak for putting his name on the bottom of the document that has so riled SFL clubs. We have the blatant whataboutery of the succulent lamb brigade. Even if Sevco don't receive an engineered soft landing higher up the food chain than they deserve - we should still be talking about league reconstruction, voting rights, revenue split, play-offs, and a brighter future for Scottish football. There's the BDO investigatons into the individuals involved in this sordid sham. There's still the illegal double-contract SPL 'verdict' to look out for, and the SFA sanctions available to them, after seeing Rangers take them to court over the original transfer embargo. We have John Bomber Brown floating like a ten ton hippo and stinging like a toothless kitten. We might not have seen the end of Whyte's involvement. The ex-Rangers players TUPE situation which seems set to even further muddy the waters. We have big questions over Sevco's ability to fund the running of Ibrox and Murray Park, and huge uncertainty about the strength and ability of any Sevco XI to fulfil a season's fixtures anyway. Sandy Jardine's sorry loudmouth arse is surely in a wheely-bin marked 'Cockwomble-Regan-Longmuir'. We might be looking at desperate attempts to railroad an SPL 2 through...with four or five weeks to do it? No matter what happens, we will of course have to discuss the finanacial implications for all clubs - once we actually see where Sevco XI end up.

    All of these discussions (plus a lot more I have most certainly forgotten) have arisen from the events of Feb 14 and beyond.

    Keep it real. Keep it here. The big thread must stay open!

    Spot on as ever.

    Who has naming rights on the thread? "Wherz thu deids"?

    Should it become "The Big Thread"?

  13. Social unrest? Ten of them couldn't get out their cars to protest the other week because it was fucking raining!

    But did you see the guy outside Hampden on Tuesday with the placard?. He scared me. ohmy.gif

    I presume Regan and Doncaster spent their time with their noses stuck to the inside of the windows watching his every move, Quaking. 'He has come to get you Neil'. 'No way it is you he is after'.

    Innocent people should not have to be worried when strolling out to their Mercs. I am outraged on their behalf. mad.gif

    Oh hang on a minute. These guys aren't innocent.

    OK big man with the placard, go, go, go. ph34r.gif

  14. Hardly anyone's attending the other threads anymore. The General Nonsense forum used to be a hive of activity a few months ago but now there's currently just 20 members viewing it. The Big Thread is killing Pie and Bovril and must be shut down! tongue.gif

    Can the big guns of the Rangers in Administration thread get together and setup a Rangers in Administration Two thread which the General Nonsense forum could apply to be merged with? Jelly and ice cream will be provided to new members, not as a bribe more of an incentive.

    Must be clear though, the Rangers in Administration top brass will be in overall charge. And the leader of both Rangers in Administration and Rangers in Administration Two will be Pozbaird. Our own Neil Doncaster. ohmy.gif

    Otherwise there could be virtual social unrest. mad.gif

  15. Two things have become clear after today.

    1. Stuart Cosgrove, must become chief exec at the SFA. biggrin.gif

    2. The SPL must be disbanded.

    Today is significant As Cosgrove said it declares publicly the breaking of the 'old firm' control. And especially the all pervading influence of Rangers on everything to do with running ALL of Scottish football. It demonstrates the first significant break in the wall which has cocooned the SFA, SPL and SFL from the reality of those demanding a sport with integrity. Not just from the supporters, their emails but from many others.

    The first gap is key. It shows the vulnerability of these organisations. They can stick their heads in the ground for a while, they can plot behind closed doors, but not for ever. Confirming to us the possibilities.

    The break in the wall has come from many little spikes, but get the pick axes out guys, get the JCBs revved up. laugh.gif There is still plenty of wall left. sad.gif

  16. Traynor is best suited handling phone ins with daft wee idiots who support one side of the old firm or the other, who can be talked over and talked down to.

    He is good at it, but it makes awful listening.

    Traynor's problem is he is just thick. He can talk but can't think. Totally shown up by Spence and Cosgrove. His attempts at claiming he was "setting the agenda (apart from the 'specialist bloggers' " are just sadly pathetic. Notice he never mentions any blog or social websites by name. And obviously Alex Thomson put his nose out of joint big time.

    You can now understand why his journalism is based on the succulent lamb briefings, the words of spin doctors and regurgitating what he is told. He then concentrates on turning it into Daily Record speak. That is the limit of his capability.

    He just doesn't have the intellectual ability to either properly understand or look beyond what he is fed.

    Time to step down Jabba. If you can't make this right decision then someone at the BBC and the Daily Record should do it for you.

  17. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-scotland-scotland-politics-18706453

    What a waste the Scottish Government did not do this months ago. We have had the shame of a major Scottish business and institutions dragged though the mire.

    If we can't run businesses or national organisations, how can anyone be convinced we could run a country?

    A missed opportunity Alex, one that will bite your bum over the next couple of years right up to referendum time.

    But as there is still plenty to come out, maybe not too late to move in. Or do you want Westminister to have their enquiry and then take the moral high ground?

  18. What can the SFA/SPL realistically offer the clubs in divisions 2/3 to allow the newco into SFL 1?

    You find that people who are greedy, money grabbing, and without any moral compass assume that everyone else has the same lack of values. Therefore everyone is bribe-able, it is just a matter of how much.

    Doncaster is someone who comes across as having these attitudes and values. mad.gif

    What they can't understand is that there are people out there who play by more traditional rules and attitudes. People who live in their community and are not trying to carve out big careers for themselves by doing whatever it takes.

    Hopefully we can all support those traditional values against the bribes, backhanders and wink wink nudge nudge approach. biggrin.gif

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