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Posts posted by thelegendthatis

  1. Billy Dodds gives his "insight" into the situation


    I see Dodds is described as a 'Football Journalist' laugh.gif

    Why does he start so many of his paragraphs with a but? More effective if he tried starting with a but, but, but. That would show his desperation better as he tries to make a point which he knows lacks logic or common sense.

    I think of him as an ex something or other. Ex player at Partick Thistle and elsewhere, ex assistant manager at QOS and such. Ex radio pundit (pundit = big mouth, no brain).

    "It is fine to shout about sporting integrity but what will happen when the financial reality starts to bite..." he says.

    In other words do as Rangers did and start from a basis of corruption and lack of integrity, break the rules (and the law) and as long as the money keeps coming in you will be fine.

    "the sooner an agreement is reached the better. It is only then that we can start to get back to the business of trying to rebuild the game and get back to talking football."

    Yes Billy, that is exactly what we want to happen. But not by appeasing the old Rangers family just because they are big and bully people. That will only give us more of the same or worse in the longer term. WE want something better. Much better.

  2. Right folks, get your money on a Daily Record exclusive interview on monday about the heroic 'bomber' brown and his plans to save rangers. Was going for lunch today in Glasgow and who should be sitting having a very cosy chat in Cafe Gandolfi? None other than Mr James Traynor and john 'bomber' brown. Typical, while Jim spence is phoning chairman and speaking to fans, Traynor is spoon feeding the latest rangers stooge some cherry cheesecake and the party line.

    Who paid the bill?

    Was it Jabba on Daily Record expenses?

    Or Bomber using the cash he received from Tom (aged 82) the pensioner from East Kilbride?

  3. The untenable organisation is the SPL here, and heads should also be rolling at the top of the SFA.

    I say Stuart Cosgrove should be Chief Exec of the SFA. With immediate effect.

    Turnbull Hutton as President.

    Here is Cosgrove's CV from Wikipedia.

    joined Channel 4 in April 1994, serving for eight years as Controller of Arts and Entertainment and currently as Head of Programmes (Nations and Regions). Cosgrove graduated in Drama and English from the University of Hull and has studied at George Mason University, Harvard’s John F. Kennedy School of Government and Wharton Business School. He has a Ph.D. in Media (the thesis published as part of the book Theatres of the Left, 1880-1935) and a Doctorate in English and American Studies. He has been awarded an honorary Doctor of Arts by the University of Abertay Dundee and honorary professorships by the University of Stirling and Liverpool John Moores University.[1][2][3][4]

    In Scotland, Cosgrove is probably best known as the co-host of BBC Radio Scotland's popular comedy football phone-in Off the Ball which he presents twice a week with Tam Cowan, and as the co-host of BBC Scotland's Saturday football results show Sportscene Results. Born and brought up in Perth, he is an avid fan of the town's football club St Johnstone. He also wrote a book, Hampden Babylon, revealing the seedier side of the Scottish football scene.

    Oh yes forgot to say he can also be Chief Exec of the SPL and the SFL at the same time. More capable on hos own than the 3 we currently have in place. :o

    I am sure he couldn't be ars*d with the non stop meetings so he could bring in Tam Cowan as his representative at these meetings and attend the various committees etc.

  4. Alex Thompson of channel 4?

    He has the ability, and maybe the knowledge to blow Scottish football apart, should he so deem ;)

    The reality is that Thompson (Channel 4) has a real job, which means the rangers coverage can only be a small part. But he can get access to key players whether administrators, SFA, FIFA, EUFA etc. And he has an audience way beyond the incestuous world of the Scottish game and media.

    There is no doubt if he has time (and if given good information) can keep the pressure on by exposing the cunning devious game we currently have.

    The other key one is Mark Daly at the BBC, who obviously has more to come. He too has the audience.

    The other significant ones are RTC and Paul McConville who add a hell of a lot. Significantly they are never referred to in the mainstream media. And of course being websites you need to know where to go to and have enough interest to have a look.

    If the P&B were to create a fighting fund, we could do worse than to buy advertising space in the Scotsman and Herald, even the Sun and Record with details of their sites. That way would allow people to get reality checks on the rubbish that is spouted in some of these awful newspapers.

    And as for Jabba and Chic, they should just be driven out from the BBC. License payers unite. :D

    Just a comment on Partick Thistle. Would guess they would vote yes. They are desperate for money. Glasgow Rugby which was a major income source for them (far more income generated than from the football side!) will be playing at Scotstoun this season coming. So that with associated advertising, bar receipts etc will all disappear. Games like the Heiniken cup vs Toulose was a massive money spinner. They also have been incapable of running their own facility which is outsourced. A board with little flair or initiative, so the chance of getting a load of bears in would appear to be attractive to them.

    Regarding Celtic. I don't know the figures but the fact is they are a global brand. Part of their reason for signing Japanese etc players is to create markets there. All they need from Scotland is a team that wins the league in a full stadium, qualifies for Europe and do half decently there. And is broadcast on TV worldwide. That gives them the exposure they need.

    The loss of a couple of rankerous games against Sevco would make little significant difference to the business. Would upset a few fans who would unable to gloat. No bad thing. :)

  5. Question no 4 - is an on the spot round to Mr McCoist - "Who were the 3 on that independant Tribunal and what were their names/addresses?"

    Is it their post codes so a few Bears in a car with a satnav can get there to having a word with them? :(

    Or if it the coordinates you need for the Bear's Cruise missile tell them to use 55.825105, -4.251716 (These will knock out the SFA and SPL offices in a oner. :D)

  6. Granny Danger - I don't know

    HibeeJibee - What statistical evidence do you have that the chicken did in fact cross the road?

    Awwwwwww. Nooooooooo. :o

    Granny, you are only encouraging him. :angry: Asking for statistical evidence means you will get it, big time. If it wasn't all electronic on P&B we could be looking at 3 or 4 Brazilian rain forests paying the price. :unsure:

    As Ally has said "Beware what you ask for".

    Suggest you book yourself in for a wee lie down tomorrow afternoon. Your heid will be dirlin by then. :blink:

  7. Interesting


    includes "citizenship" :lol: Just shows what a scam that was.

    Below are sources of funding from Government (cashback) and other bodies demanding the highest standards of integrity.

    It would be only right they suspended any further application from the SFA or the SPL and their associated trusts, while they prove the fact they have adequate governance, operate in a democratic manner and will not allocate funds on anything other than criteria that treats all applicanst equally and shows no personal preferences or favours.

    In other words will not chuck public money through Sevco to help give them a leg up.


    Sponsor of Men’s Under 21 Team, Official Community Partner and Sponsor of Street Football, Soccer 2 & 3, Schools of Football and Volunteer Programme



    Big Lottery

    Funding Partner of Youth Football


    Bank of Scotland and Coalfield Regeneration Fund

    Sponsor of Soccer One and Midnight League Programmes



    Funding Partner of Scottish FA including Youth Football


    Active Nation

    Sponsor of Scottish Cup Competition


    Time for Kenny McAskill and Shona Robison to take a grip of where their (our) money goes and how it is used.

    If the SFA and SPL not fit for purpose, there are plenty of other organisations who are.

  8. I'm not blaming the SFA/SPL for the troubles of RFC.

    However, what I am suggesting is that both organisations may/could be held, legally, liable because of their negligence.

    I have no allegiance to the former RFC, or any other Scottish Club, I was only speculating upon the way that HMRC might view matters, in an attempt to maximise recovered revenues.

    No more, no less.

    But if the SFA knew what Rangers were up to with double contracts, long before Whyte was even heard of?

    Who should be interested? HMRC?

  9. I said it was "just a thought" but it was based on law.

    If someone can be proven to have been negligent and that negligence then impacts (financially or otherwise) upon a third party then that individual/organisation becomes liable for the consequences of their negligence.

    Please explain how you believe that to be "rubbish".

    Not sure how to frame the question here, but if senior officials of the SFA were told that Rangers (and another club) were running double contracts and did not do anything about it, would that take us into this area of liability and negligence. This was 3 years ago. With witnesses.

    message me if you want to discuss offline.

  10. £1 million - The SPL's thirty pieces of silver. The SPL board must resign..TODAY

    The whole approach reminds me of how the UK Government dealt with asylum seekers as they came into the UK, but mainly into the south east.

    "In 1999 the government set out its proposal to disperse asylum seekers away from London and the South East. Glasgow City Council was the first local authority to sign up to the dispersal policy and with little or no preparation or planning time, thousands of asylum seekers began arriving in Scotland. Glasgow is now the biggest dispersal city in the UK. There are around 10,000 refugees and asylum seekers living in Glasgow today."

    To do this, they offered bribes to Councils to accept asylum seekers, with Glasgow going first. It worked initially but of course the costs stacked up as issues developed.

    THE SPL/SFA have helped create a monster and think that by offering bribes someone else (SFL) will take it off their hands. A corrupt and dodgy regime, with a bunch of asylum seekers as fans, now homeless.

    Not everyone is bribeable.

    Before ay club votes, they should read http://www.gilmorehi...a_69608_en.pdf. The issues discussed are amazingly similar to those we have been discussing here on P&B about Rangers and their fans, but being ignored by the football authorities and the media. It is about groups of people who see themselves as different and not a part of mainstream society.

    Listening to one of the asylum seekers leaders, one famed from their battlefields of ethnic cleansing, rape and pillage, the man known as 'Bomber' when speaking from the steps of a Big Hoose demonstrated that he would not pass any UK nationality test. His inadequate command of English means he will probably remain within a ghetto of his own group, where they speak in their own language to each other. We should be concerned. :(

    Considering his involvement with such a group he seemed quite well dressed with his Slater's suit. Even if it was a bit 1990s. :huh:

  11. So the SPL are proposing to introduce a pyramid system at the bottom end involving Highland, Lowland and Junior clubs while effectively cutting off the pyramid at the top end that would allow SFL clubs into SPL2 then SPL1?

    The only people I have ever heard talking about Lowland Scotland or Lowland Scots are Historians or English people.

    Makes me wonder where the term came from in the suggested reorganisation plans? :rolleyes:

  12. Bomber Brown being a dribbling madman again,

    He's like some drunk battering on about inconsequential things such as owning the title deeds.

    I GENUINELY dont think he has any investors now whatsoever as he keeps going on about fan investment now since his two other investors were linked to Celtic.

    the daily rager going on about season ticket money "going to Sevco"

    well new rangers dont have a name yet, who else is the season ticket cash going to go to?

    the mind boggles

    Yes he does. He has Tom Hobbs (82) from East Kilbride http://www.thescottishsun.co.uk/scotsol/homepage/sport/spl/4400806/Tom-first-to-stump-up-money.html

    So where does Tom's money go? Is there a Bomber account somewhere? Another fighting fund?

    Has Bomber been Disclosure Checked yet so he go into the homes of vulnerable adults asking for money?

  13. It's actually got nothing to do with sporting integrity, nothing to do with what the fans want, at the end of the day it's simply about what they reckon they can get away with. Now we're back to the bully boy tactics, threats and intimidation...much like Rangers in fact.

    They f*cked up Scottish football big time when they created the SPL and tried to keep all the money to themselves but rather than learn from past mistakes they're trying do it all over again with a divide and conquer strategy. Surely the SFA need to flex some muscle here and tell the SPL board to f*ck right off.

    Yes the SPL business model is a dud. Who wants Dud 2?

    Someone asked who is on the SPL board.

    From the SPL site:

    Here is a brief guide to how the SPL operates: Company

    The SPL Company has 12 shareholders who are made up of representatives from member clubs. The company meets every quarter to vote on various issues affecting the SPL. The Company ultimately determines the policy direction of the SPL.

    Important issues such as, commercial contracts and broadcasting deals have to be approved by the company as do any major changes to the league format and approving or amending the rules and articles of the league.

    SPL Board

    Board members are elected annually by representatives of the 12 SPL clubs and meet monthly to discuss strategic issues. The Board's main responsibility is for corporate governance, strategic development, the delivery of the SPL objectives and the application of the SPL Rules.

    The current SPL Board is made up of Ralph Topping (SPL Chairman), Neil Doncaster (SPL Chief Executive), Eric Riley (Celtic FC), Stephen Thompson (Dundee United FC), Derek Weir (Motherwell FC) and Steven Brown (St Johnstone FC).

    Committees and Working Groups

    Various Committees and Working Groups have been set up to look in detail at specific issues and report back to the Board with their recommendations. The Committees and Working Groups are made up by club representatives who provide guidance and support within their specific area of expertise. Specific working groups have been set up to cover areas such as fixturing, youth development and marketing.


    The SPL's small team is based at Hampden Park and their role is to organise the league competition in the best interests of the member clubs. They work across a variety of disciplines to ensure that strategies passed down from the board are implemented throughout the league.

    And the SPL Trust - a registered charity. :rolleyes:

    Staff & Trustees

    Billy Singh – General Manager (Dedicated Rangers supporter!)

    • Strategic direction

    • Fundraising

    • Member club engagement

    • Media & Press

    Euan Miller – Administrator

    • Managing Future Jobs Funds project

    • Administration

    • Communication


    Position Pending – SPL Trust Chairperson

    Iain Blair - Operations Director & Company Secretary, Scottish Premier League.

    Anthony Higgins - Former Chairman of the Scottish Professional Footballers' Association. Currently the Scottish representative of FIFPro, the international footballers' union.

    Rory Mair - Chief Executive, Convention of Scottish Local Authorities (COSLA).

  14. There's nothing more hopeful about it mate. We need to cut straight through any bullshit and keep on at the heart of the matter:

    The suits in charge of our national game are only entertaining the prospect of change to make life easier for any Sevco 5088 or Sevco Scotland Ltd 'newco' club to have an easier path - simply because they rose from the ruins of what was Rangers FC.

    It is wrong. It stinks. It is no basis on which to suddenly re-jig our national sport. It's a carve-up....

    Have just caught up on this. Awful having other distractions during the working day. :(

    They trailed this on and off over the last couple of weeks.

    They are trying a confuse the plebs by combining reorganisation with Rangers getting preferential treatment.

    SFL chief executive David Longmuir confirmed: "The SFL is trying to address the question of whether we are in a position to accommodate a solution to the Rangers FC scenario. "

    When he says "Rangers FC scenario" what does he mean? Rangers being liquidated. Being investigated by the police and just about everyone else. Sevco ducking and diving, being a smart ass with players contracts and TUPE obligations, moving assets to be out of reach to any claims.

    THIS is what they are trying to "accommodate".

    We can let those who want to discuss the detail of any reorganisation. But the subject at hand here is creating a preferential approach to rangers/Sevco which other clubs have not received in the past when their crimes were much less. This is the topic.

    If they are serious about this, and I am not totally convinced yet that they are, then we have a project!:D

    1. Who are the people behind this sneak them into Div 1 idea?

    Can't be sure yet, but we sure as hell will find out. Then those people should be forced out of Scottish football. Not Rangers intimidation style but by legal methods.

    Suspect some are driven by performance related pay that would benefit from the Sevco fanbase. But that is no excuse for imposing a standard of behaviour that totally lacks any honesty or integrity. More to do with seeing what you can get away with.

    We cannot afford to have such people in positions of influence in Scottish football.

    2. How will clubs vote?

    Yes we can all work on that.

    3. How will major sponsors react to the complete lack of integrity, the endorsement of such a corrupt bunch of tax dodgers, fiddlers and what is generally an evil mess that is Rangers and the Newco.

    Irn Bru put their name to the SFL leagues, including SFL 1. The outcry may well discourage them from remaining involved.


    Treat rangers/sevco like any other Scottish club. No more, no less. Do what is right. No amount of bribery and dodgy backhanders get away from this fundamental issue.

    And as for Rangers/Sevco. No to SPL, No to SFL 1, no to SFL 2. Let them apply like anyone else, using the same set of rules.

  15. Clyde are a fans owned club, a CIC, so there is no chance at all of us selling to any one man or consortium, let alone one who has the intention of renaming the club and moving them to Ibrox.

    Excellent. This is what all clubs should be like. And one of the big advantages of a CIC is the lock on the assets. So you just can hive them off, asset strip, sell them. If Rangers had been a CIC then people like Whyte and Green would never have appeared as they wouldn't have been able to take Ibrox and Murray Park so they could personally profit.

    It is the cashing in on the assets that has really screwed Rangers.

  16. just to quantify,

    if he isnt actually the owner then why was brown wanting to give him £8.5m - and if he isnt actually the owner who does brown think is?

    From a post I made last night when I should have been in bed, but the adrenalin was still pumping.

    "Bomber's consortium will make lots of noise about buying the club. By the weekend they still won't have worked out what it is they should be buying, whether anything worthwhile exists or not, or who they should be trying to buy it from. This clueless approach will still be reported as something with serious potential by the BBC, Sun and Record."


    I'm confused.

    Youve all been saying its not the teams fault and not the fans fault that Rangers are in this position, because its Whytes and Murrays fault and the media and other fans, but now your saying that the FANS run Rangers.


    I cant believe that because he speaks the way a passionate fan does, and says ridiculous statements that come across like a drunk in a pub debate that this idiot with no business nous is who the Rangers fans are throwing their weight behind?

    If Browns "consortium" get the club, why can he not say who will run it day to day, who will be in charge of the corporate finances, who is going to actively source and maintain PR and publicity deals for the team?



    I tried to watch the 'Address from the steps' by Bomber. Unfortunately I couldn't face it, wimp that I am. So a few sample seconds here and there gave me the flavour.

    Noticed a guy in a fluorescent jacket staying close to Bomber in the doorway. I am convinced that is an 'attendant' from Carstairs.

    If Bomber gets sectioned, what hope is there for Loggoland, Sandy Jardine, Andy Goram, Billy Dodds :lol:.

    Jabba and Chic too?

    They will already have recording studios in Carstairs for the inmates to play with. So they can interview each other, broadcast it on Radio Carstairs, have 'phone ins' to Jabba and Chic where they all congratulate each other on killing Scottish football, and have their own Rangers newspapers. All reinforcing their delusions and hatred.

    Meanwhile we can get on with our lives. In safety. As Scottish football flourishes. :D

    (I started writing this as a joke. Now I am not so sure. It has a certain appeal to it.)

  18. :D

    SANDY JARDINE has reiterated that there is no break Rangers' long and illustrious history.

    Fans have been angered by jibes from some quarters and completely ill-informed reporting that there is a 'new' Rangers and the 'old' one has ceased to exist.

    Jardine said: "It's a lot of nonsense that our history does not carry on. There are a lot of other fans out there saying that we are a new club but that's not the case.

    "We never worried about what other supporters said in the past and we shouldn't worry about what other supporters say now.

    "What matters is what Rangers supporters think.

    "We are a club with 140 years of history and next year we will be a club with 141 years of history.

    "If and when we win another Championship flag we will add it to the 54 we already have."

    Speaking on RangersTV, Jardine said: "Whatever league we will be playing in we will still be playing in the same stadium, we will still be playing in a blue shirt.

    "We will have the same supporters and the same staff. Nothing has changed and people have to realise that.

    "We have a Hall of Fame board recognising our greatest players and I have no doubt that in the future other players will be added to it and they will be delighted to be among greats like Davie Meiklejohn, George Young and John Greig.

    "This fallacy that our history has ended is just banter from other supporters and some of our fans have taken the bait. They should just ignore it.

    "We have a rich history - Barcelona, Nine in a Row, 54 league titles - are we going to forget that? I don't think so."


    Sandy doesn't quite get it. How many times do you need to tell him before he understands. He is obviously in denial that Rangers as he knew the club is no more. DEAD Sandy. A stiff with a sheet draped over it. Awaiting the autopsy.

    But he is right about not worrying what the fans of other clubs say.

    "We never worried about what other supporters said in the past and we shouldn't worry about what other supporters say now."

    My view is if you can do something about things then get on and do it. No point in worrying about it.

    If you can't do anything about it, then move on. Again pointless in worrying.

    In this case, you can't do anything about it Sandy or those whom you ambassador for. We have made up our minds and we are telling people what that is. Move on and concentrate on the past and the history. There is nothing good to look forward to. :(

    And like your nutter supporters Sandy, we don't do banter. :angry: At least not where you are concerned.

  19. Will anyone that's actually got any money come forward and try buy them? Seems to me all the people who have came forward never have anything haha. Anyone can turn up at Ibrox say they have investors talk shit and get a few days in the press, I wander who's turn it is next.

    Me, me, me.:D

    I am going to win the Euro Lottery on Friday night.

    £8million will be chicken feed from my winnings. Rangers Media will love me dearly and treat me as if I walk on water. I will mix with legends like Sandy Jardine and he will suck up to me bigtime. The lovely Leah will come pleading for me to resign the lovely Alan. First reaction is to say no, but every man has his price :o

    By Monday morning I will be scunnered by their stupidity and the crawling. I will then turn into Green 2 and take the lot of them for every penny I can squeeze out of the ashes of their corrupt empire.

    But I do think that being a corrupt fantasist makes me the ideal person to be the Big Man ay the Big Hoose. :lol:

  20. Monday morning I was wondering what delights would be presented to us this week. Things are looking good and it is still just Wednesday. :D

    Let's have a guess at what is still to come - this week.

    Players and old Rangers staff will continue to walk away.

    Players who are the most stupid and with the most stupid agents will turn up at Murray Park for training on Thursday and to collect their pay. Neither of which will happen.

    Fraser Wishart will be advising his members to stay away from Green, while they support players to take legal action against him and Duff & Duffer

    More detail of the asset stripping/transfer to theNewerNewco will emerge.

    SFA will not receive any detail as requested from Green about his 'football club' before 5pm on Friday

    Green will be working furiously over the weekend so they are ready when the Court offices open on Monday.

    Green will prepare Sevco to be wound up, the dirty deed to be done next week.

    Bomber's consortium will make lots of noise about buying the club. By the weekend they still won't have worked out what it is they should be buying, whether anything worthwhile exists or not, or who they should be trying to buy it from. This clueless approach will still be reported as something with serious potential by the BBC, Sun and Record.

    The SFA will prepare their panel decision which will equate to a bolt stunner on the back of the neck. Detail to be announced next week.

    SFL Club NO votes will be volunteered to the mainstream media on the hour, every hour.

    HMRC will be 'having chats' with BDO and the Fraud Squad.

    Whyte will be mentioned in despatches by various experts, but will keep his head down for the present.

    SportScotland will make a statement about Murray Park and their controlling charge. With clarity about what they will NOT accept happening. And if they haven't already done so they will get their legal people prepared for rapid defensive action.

    By 5pm Friday will be accepted there will be no Rangers/Newco/Newerco team next season.

    Ally will whisper some statement confirming he has no idea what to do, as he has no team worth talking about, no hot showers and no one to play against. But he won't walk away as long as he thinks he will get paid.

    Sandy Jardine will berate players who walk as he benefits from Green's generosity. When that stops, he walks too.

    Just a load of guesses, but suspect we are getting closer to some nuclear style incidents which will demand the authorities moving in. ;)

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