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Posts posted by thelegendthatis

  1. I was just pointing out you were talking utter nonsense. No need to make it so personal :P

    Be reasonable No8. We have tolerated your nonsense for more weeks than we care to think about, and give you an easy ride. We tolerate you most of the time, excepting the periods when your consumption of White Lightning kicks in. ohmy.gif

    You do however demonstrate the normal Rangers bullying characteristics. Being aggressive to those you think will rise to your bait and get annoyed, ignoring those who might bite back.

    Good thing is, we have met your type before. mad.gif

  2. I only live in manchester and I have to ask the local papershop to order me a Daily Record otherwise I'd be none the wiser. There is next to nothing on Scottish Football down here. Graham Speirs used to have the odd wee bit in the Times but since he left it's zilch.

    Can see the Daily Record using this phrase in their advertising.

    "Reading the Daily Record makes you wiser".

    Hang on. They would be done by the Advertising Standard people. sad.gif

  3. What have the RFFF done?

    As far as im aware, they manage to raise £500,000 but I thought this was to help keep the club running?

    They paid Dunfermline money owed, but refused to do the same with Dundee Hibernian (united)

    Paid for the lawyers at the COS

    That's all I can think of

    They have used the limited amount they raised stupidly and wisely.

    Stupidly as they screwed up any possible support they had with the football world by paying the lawyers at the CoS. (who within the RFFF made the decision to fund this? P45 guys)

    Wisely as their stupidity improves the chances of a complete wipeout which will allow a club to be reformed based on the original principles of Rangers.

    Without wipeout it will always be dodgy, attracting more dodgy people. .

  4. In answer to the posts about supporters inaction and lack of fund raising. The RFFF is run by people you wouldn't trust to wash your car. I have contributed a nominal amount but stopped as soon as i heard about the proposed Lilly Garden and the money wasted on the pitch. Not what we were led to believe the money would have been used for.

    In truth Rangers possible debt is at such a level that it was beyond anything the fans could raise. There was talk of a fans buyout of the club and it was going to be led by Mark Dingwall and the Rangers Supporters Trust. This plan was forgotten with as soon as Paul Murray and his consortium offered Fat Chap a place on the board if he threw his considerable weight behind The Blue Knights bid

    The leaders of the Rangers Supporters Associations are an embarrassment at times. We have John McMillan who says what he thinks the media want him to say and TBH is so out of touch it is unbelievable. Mark Dingwall...I am not even going to start on this fat self serving wind bag. We then have Sandy Jardine put forward by the club as our spokesman. He is not going to make a new career for himself as a diplomat anyway and has probably caused more damage than he has good.

    There was the 10,000 who went to the protest march and i have to say i was surprised they managed to get that number to attend. I think that is an indication there is a support there who will rally round for the club when they are needed but at the moment there is no leadership at the club and certainly nothing that i am going to get excited about.

    Charles Green? I am afraid i have heard all this before and it will take some positive action by him before i am convinced and nonsense media stories about £20,000 pw Martin Petrov is a turn off for me...Signings like this have taken the club to the brink. What we need are a few seasons of hard work and getting the clubs finances back to somewhere in the real world. If we lose a few thousand Bigots/Glory Hunters well that will be 1 positive to come out of this whole mess

    Let us assume Rangers are liquidised (sorry, but just love the term biggrin.gif).

    Why can't a consortium of sensible Rangers supporters not outbid Green to buy Ibrox? OK you still need a football club. But Ibrox is iconic in 'being' Rangers. Can't be out of the question to raise 5-10 million. Make it as difficult as possible (legally) for Duff & Duffer to give it away to Green.

    That way the supporters have a real say on what club and what owner goes ahead with a football club to play there. Not just today but for all time.

    Only problem is you need sensible people, not the usual suspects involved with Fighting Funds supported by idiots like Sandy Jardine.

    Over to you No8, start hitting the phone. smile.gif Here's a starter for you http://www.albertbartlett.com/contact_us

  5. I've got a great idea for a TV reality show. A bit like The Apprentice but in reverse, instead the directors get chosen. We get together 100 Rangers fans, then we get 16 prospective "non-conditional" bidders. They have to fight it out week after week, putting proposal and counter-proposals for imaginative methods of funding The BIg Hoose. Gradually they get whittled, being voted off by the fans' panel, down to the last one, who then decides it's not really for him. We could call it Strictly Boardroom.

    Edit: Didn't read above properlyohmy.gif I am now on Dragons Den!!! smile.gif

    We could give it a twist. Each contestant needs to have a completely new plan each week. Questions about details like 'how much' or 'where is the money coming from' if answered with 'that is confidential but will tell you if we win' will gain additional points. If a plan survives for more than one programme the contestant is immediately disqualified. (This will be called a schoolboy error.) Fist fight between members of a 'consortium' will take you automatically into the next round.

    The object is to end with a winner with the worst thought out, dodgy dealing plan that rips off the most people for the least investment.

    We could call it "How to make £10million from a £2 investment and a brass neck". Programme sponsor Poundland?

    Oh yes, and every contestant must have a colour in their name.

  6. The real question should be..Why do certain diddies play down the story as if nobody cares when we have a thread now with more than 2 million views and will probably reach 2,000 pages.

    Why are people so set on denying the blatantly obvious. If you want to go back you will find posters in the first few pages shocked this story reached the National news..not just sport section..as far away as Australia. Now they are claiming it is not talked about.

    Try these for size. Searching for Glasgow Rangers on each site.




    Obviously not to the depth and quality you would except from Chic or Traynor, but it does exist.

    Apologies No8 for agreeing with you. biggrin.gif

  7. Tom English puts his boot right through the Gattuso 'signing'


    Sad our two biggest circulation papers don't have anyone of that quality

    Just the usual Rangers attempt to distract from the reality, and avoid the real issues they might be asked about. Normal spin/smoke & mirrors nonsense. When the Gattuso deal falls though there will another big name offering his blood/heart/soul to the club he loves. Gazza comeback anyone? ohmy.gif

    Murray used this same trick every summer for years usually with succulent lamb.

  8. in todays Hearald

    My link

    "CAMPBELL Ogilvie last night offered to stand down from the SFA presidency if the football association's board or member clubs felt it was in the best interests of the organisation."

    Jumping before he is pushed/ pulled up by HMRC/plod

    or finaly he gets that the ETB's the club gave out when he was at orcville are going to kill Ranjers

    Ogilvie "I appreciate I was there at that time and people will associate me with some of the issues," he said. "If I signed off the accounts it has been in good faith."

    As a director of Rangers I am afraid more is expected from you. I assume by good faith you mean you just accepted what was presented to you without query or question. Not good at all Campbell. sad.gif

    Ogilvie "You would have to ask the clubs [what they feel about the situation], but to me they have been very supportive and the board have been very supportive. I emphasise the fact that in the board meetings relating to Rangers, naturally as any official at Hampden would do if it was related to their club, I have left the room. From day one, I have said I cannot be part of any discussion on Rangers."

    A good first step, but your complicity in the EBT tax fraud means it is not just the clubs and your board you need to convince, it is the Scottish public. They want to see that someone who is the head of such a significant sporting body is honest and has personal integrity, and if he has made a mistake or been conned 'in good faith' he will deal with it.

    Simple answer Campbell.

    1. Phone your accountant/financial advisor/lawyer (you have one after all!)
    2. Tell him about your EBT which you believed was legal (in good faith) and acceptable to HMRC
    3. Ask your advisor to contact HMRC offering to normalise the tax on the £95,000 by paying what they believe you are due
    4. Ask your advisor to contact Duff & Duffer/MIH/David Murray offering to repay the £95k loan you received
    5. Whichever option from 3 or 4 you can do immediately, do it. And then stay on as President of the SFA if you wish to.

    So think not about having the SFA member clubs supporting you, worry more about the public believing in you.

  9. As i said...If you sell Davis and Bring in Gattuso you are saving yourself £20,000 per week!

    Whittaker away and keep Broadfoot would save £15,000ish per week.

    Sign Aluko and get rid of Lafferty and you will be saving £10,000 per week.

    Sell Goian and promote Ross Perry will save...well i have no idea what Goian is on but would reckon it must be in the region of £15,000+pw and Perry will be on about £2,000pw. Another £10,000 pw week saved.

    I can see Edu moving on and that will be a saving of around £15,000 pw and we have adequate cover coming through

    There is £70,000 pw week saved without weakening the team greatly

    The sale of these players will bring in close to £5 million.

    It is possible to drastically cut the wage bill and stay competitive and it should have been done years ago.

    You should have beaten down Duff & Duffer's doors in February to get them to do this.

    £5mill in the hand, £70k a week for 15 weeks or so since then.

    Made sense then.Could have made the whole administration sensible, and not the dodgy double dealing sham it became.

  10. I thought the politicians weren't allowed to get involved as per FIFA and uefa rules?

    Mind you, neither was CoS and we see how that went

    They don't have to get involved directly to have an influence. Many public bodies benefit from money from the Scottish (and UK) Governments. Every game that is played has to be authorised by the police from a public safety viewpoint. The laws of the land (which after all have been voted through by politicians in whatever parliament) is the basis on which every football club has to run itself. From Policing, Health an Safety through to payment of taxes accurately, honestly and on time.

    So without having ever having to get involved with the football side, Governments can make life easier or much more difficult for governing bodies, their associated charities or individual clubs.

    Without upsetting UEFA or FIFA. biggrin.gif

  11. Arsenal made over £150m from the development of Highbury into flats. The listed main stand at Ibrox does not prevent conversion of use.

    A property developer would surely be able to turn a profit of at least £50m (even in Govan) from such a project.

    The training facilities of Murray Park could remain as such for the SFA as a Scottish centre of excellence with a cut-price of £5m say.

    Liquidating all the assets must add up to towards £100m, compared to the pitiful CVA offer on the table - its a no brainer to me!

    Yep, quite right. As you say a no brainer. But you aren't trying to play at being an 'entrepeneur'.

  12. I'm sure there's plenty of things in and around Ibrox that could be dismantled, stripped and sold.

    There's also all those offices, what about the rental portfolio, what about renting the ground out, there's also a gym I believe etc.

    They've undervalued it totally, I'd give them £1 million for it, bet I could make that back from it in a couple of days.

    Of course Ibrox could be developed. Keep the playing surface as a multi purpose 'leisure facility' for the residents.

    Look at the money going into other parts of Govan. http://www.johnflanagan-govan.org.uk/campaigns/regeneration-in-govan/

    Give me Ibrox for £1, and I will keep the facade, build yuppie flats, work with the Council, the Regeneration people and Housing Associations to make that whole area an attractive area to live.

    Just now that whole area is blighted, mainly by the presence of Rangers FC. Who would let their weans out when Rangers had a home game sad.gif

    Buy at £1, sell for £20million in a couple of years just with the plan and permissions. biggrin.gif

  13. Auchenhowie isn't worth much on the market either especially since there are planning restrictions.

    Yes the restrictions, which will include the security held by SportScotland.

    Any sports fields applying to be used for any other purpose, even if the council wants to go ahead with property development for example, then SportScotland will ALWAYS appeal the decision which then goes to the Scottish Government. They invariably win.

    The particulars from Wikipedia (best not to believe it all especially the bit about tactical lessons ohmy.gif.) Original total cost was claimed to be £14million.

    The site covers a size of thirty-eight acres (over fifteen hectares). It is divided into three areas: the administration wing, the professional wing for the first team and the youth development wing. The professional and youth wings have their own separate receptions, dining areas, changing rooms, kit stores and lecture rooms. Both share facilities including the gym, medical suite and the indoor synthetic pitch.

    Outside there are six full size pitches along with two half sized ones and a practice area. Two of the full-sized and one half-sized pitch are used just by the first team, these have undersoil heating, the others are used by the youth sides.

    The state-of-the-art gym equipment, costing £150,000, are all linked to a computer system which can activate a personalised fitness programme for individual players. The gym also houses an isokinetic machine, which allows players to work out despite being injured by testing muscle strength and reactions. There is a hydrotherapy pool that has an angled, moveable floor and a series of massage jets and currents that allows a range of rehabilitation exercises to take place.

    There is also a media editing suite costing £50,000 which is where a video analyst will video each training session. The footage will be used to conduct tactical lessons in the lecture room afterwards.

    Best bet is for Rangers/Newco/Duff & Duffer to help SportScotland create a sports hub at Moses Park. It is one of a very few options.


  14. legally they are only dealing with one aspect at the moment. challenging the punishment chosen is still open to them.

    glennie gave no opinion on whether suspension or expulsion could be challenged legally. quoting the appellate tribunal was to tell the sfa qc that he was contradicting his own evidence. glennie says 'does not neccesarily' which means they might not get a more lenient punishment but also that they might.

    i think that people who are hoping to see a 12 month temporary punishment replaced with a terminal punishment are going to be disapointed.

    Will be neither disappointed, nor disapointed smile.gif Will you?

  15. i don' think this is correct. they only went to court about the panel setting their own punishment. challenging other aspects is still open.

    if they have a document from the panel saying expulsion/suspension is too harsh (you making this up as you go along?) and they get that as punishment regardless then they would be able to go back to court to argue that the panel's findings have been contradicted.

    again i think the fact that the sfa's own qc made this argument is telling.

    Again logical fallacies all over the shop.

    Read this . Please huh.gif

  16. The original panel said something along the lines that Rangers crimes were second only to match fixing in severity. I don't personally agree with that but no major club has ever been thrown out the game for match fixing and the panel consider this a more serious crime.

    No. Wrong. "only match fixingin its various forms might be a more serious breach"

    Totally different from "the panel consider this a more serious crime".

    So the panel can whack them with whatever they want as long as it is on the list.

  17. They can obviously give Rangers ANY punishment within the rules. I think it would be straight back to the CoS if they hand out a penalty they have already said themself is too severe. That is why i see the Scottish Cup Ban as the best available punishment. We will all find out soon enough.

    From the panel report

    "On any view thematters involved in this case are as serious offences against theordinarystandards of corporate governance as one could imagine. The Tribunal attemptedin its exercise of fixing these matters on the scale of offences to identify amoreserious offence than those on the complaints, and concluded that only match fixingin its various forms might be a more serious breach. It had no hesitation in concludingthat the breaches struck at the heart of good corporate governance and socialand financial probity and responsibility. They brought the game into serious disrepute.As such, they required to be regarded as at the top of the scale of seriousness."

    The word might says to me they are explaining the punishment they chose with what could have been much tougher. The offences were at the top end of seriousness. That in no way says that expulsion is not appropriate for what Rangers did (or at least the parts the panel looked at).

    The main aspect is that it was Rangers 'in the dock', not Whyte. That was established and not challenged but also endorsed by the subsequent Court appeal. The panel had the authority, the facts of the wrong doing were agreed by all, the only issue is the choice of punishment.

    From a common law view were Rangers culpable, Yes! Were there victims? Yes!

    Scottish Cup ban? Like fielding an ineligible player?

    Bigger decision inevitable. biggrin.gif

  18. Don't know about you but I lose track of who is doing what to whom. Here is an attempt at detailing what a dysfunctional family does when there is money to be made.


    Whyte is being taken to court by Ticketus

    Duff & Duffer taking BBC to court for the scurrilous lies about them on Mark Daly's programme.

    Duff & Duffer taking Collyer Bristow to court

    Duff & Duffer being investigated by the Insolvency Practitioner Association over a conflict of interest

    SFA panel reconvening to find an acceptable penalty greater than a one year ban on signing big boys

    Dave King claiming £20million from Rangers as he bought shares on the basis of misrepresentation by David Murray the majority shareholder at the time.

    Whyte taking the BBC to court for telling everyone he is a shifty, untrustworthy wee oink

    Whyte suing the SFA for defamation for saying he is a shifty, untrustworthy wee oink.

    Rangers being investigated by the SPL for alleged undisclosed payments

    Duff & Duffer issuing an erroneous document to the creditors as part of the CVA. I assume this must be reissued and the clock will start again from that date.

    Craig Whyte and Gary Withey being investigated by Strathclyde Police.

    Rangers being investigated by the SPL for alleged undisclosed payments

    HMRC imposing themselves on the administration with BDO lined up to handle the liquidation

    HMRC taking a lead role in challenging Duff & Duffer's fees and activity during the administration

    SFA under threat from FIFA that if they don't hit Rangers very hard, Scottish football will be formally ostracised

    CVA to be knocked back on 14th June

    The Big Tax Case lurks in the background, waiting


    Rangers players getting their back pay (this/next week?)

    Rangers players jumping ship to a better payday elsewhere, anywhere. (Next week?)

    Rangers players who move on, having had loans put into their EBTs will receive demands from Duff & Duffer for repayment

    The next batch of disclosures by the BBC (within the next fortnight?)

    Green letting us know who is (really) involved in his consortium

    Green confirming he is a moneylender not an investor

    Whyte and John Grieg resign from the Rangers Charitable Foundation (but not yet)

    OSCR to step in to close down the Rangers Charitable Foundation (if not, why not?)

    NOT HAPPENINGS (but need to happen before we reach any conclusion)

    Glasgow finest lifting David Murray, Martin Bain, John Greig and McLelland for questioning.

    The Rangers Fighting Fund telling us how much, where is it, how they have spent it and will publish the audited accounts?

    Ticketus removed from the creditors list as they was bumped by Green. Somebody needs to tell Duff & Duffer (to be confirmed)

    Details of the real connections between Whyte, Ticketus, Green, Whitehead, etc still not being made public and when exactly did this "consortium" start?

    Campbell Ogilvie will pay the tax on his EBT as if it was earned income as an example to others, showing leadership and integrity

    Rangers creditors being taking seriously by Duff & Duffer


    Billy Dodds winning a nomination for a Darwin Award for shooting himself in the foot.

    Billy Dodds having been spoken to by friends of famous people goes into hiding using the name Andres Escobar

    Explanation from Graham Souness on why he received £30k into his EBT from Rangers while working for Blackburn Rovers

    One of the usual Rangers spokemen (Hateley, Goram, McCoist, Jardine, Escobar) will blink first, break their silence agreement, and spout some more silly rubbish about being special and above the law

    Green renames Ibrox to The Big Hoose, and Murray Park to Moses Park.

    Green gives a verbal assurance he will not be mortgaging or selling Ibrox or Murray Park (remember them?)

    Could turn this into a project plan with target dates and who is responsible to make things happen. But that would just be too geeky sad.gif

    I have it stored on a Word doc so can update as things happen. The good news is that the items on this list will not go away. biggrin.gif

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