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Posts posted by thelegendthatis

  1. There was a suggestion in one of today's papers, can't remember what one, that to placate other First Division sides who may lose out promotion if newco are parachuted in, there may be a play-off to the SPL in addition to the automatic promotion/relegation. That would obviously need SPL approval. I would think the SPL teams would be crazy to agree to this if the sole purpose was as an appeasement, but if this proves to be the case then it would stink of collusion and behind-closed-door deals.

    I may be reading too much into ST's comments, but after the stance the club took last night I see no reason for him to comment on where newco could or should end up.

    I hope I'm just a grumpy paranoid old bugger. :lol:

    Before anyone buys a season ticket from any SPL or SFL club, hand over a bit of paper to say (or write on the back of the cheque) that you are buying the season ticket on the basis that Rangers will not play in the SPL, Div 1 or Div 2. (You can add Div 3 if you really want). Failing which the club is agreeing to provide a full refund with 7 days of you requesting it. By accepting your payment they are accepting these terms and conditions.

    Write it, date it, and ask for it to be signed and returned to you by the person in the ticket office. Take a witness along.

    This should be for ALL clubs.

    (If anyone wants to use this, can have a legally vailidated form of words prepared).

  2. Rangers (IA, PL) will soon no longer exist. You mean a new club HAS to apply for the vacancy into the third division. There is no 'going down' as the old football team don't exist any more.

    Starting to grind my gears that people are continuing to talk about them in terms of "Rangers", "relegation", and "going down". That'll only give their already arrogant fans the excuse to treat this new club as a continuation of the old one.

    Grind away. :D

    I dribble with excitement every time I read your grinding gears. :o

  3. Although these two chairmen can be regarded as the mavericks of the SPL.

    Vlad isn't an insider, he issues crazy statements, briefs against other clubs, his former players and delves into conspiracy. Stephen Thompson while not the only chairman against the 10 team SPL proposal was by far the most vocal which might mean his voice isn't listened to by the other chairmen and I don't think they were too pleased with his constant bleating to the press on the issue.

    Vlad isn't an insider, he issues statements, briefs against other clubs, and delves into conspiracy.

    And we now understand how justified these statements from Vlad have been.

    Stephen Thompson being 'the most vocal' means he is prepared to stand up for his club against the old firm and their apologists in the media.

    You can spin it all you want, but it is Rangers and Kilmarnock who are both in the naughty corner. :lol:

  4. Surely it's a fair assumption, after everything that has went on up until now, that 1st division entry for a rangers newco isn't outwith the realms of possibility.

    The Thistle and the Morton chairmen obviously do not represent the views of the vast majority of their fans, and like most chairmen just see £ signs in front of their eyes - and yes, THEY WILL BE TELT

    If you look at the SFA decision still to come following Rangers appeal, I think you will find that Rangers will be chucked out. So no SPL not even the SFL.

    Craig Graham from Spartans is on the panel.

    Spartans have already stated they will not be applying for any place that pops up to join Div 3. Think they said they would not consider an application directly but look to get in via the new pyramid structure. Now this is an ambitious club with excellent facilities, who applied at the time Annan got in. So the question is, why not apply this time?

    From Spartans

    "I think 12 months down the line is optimistic [to see the introduction of a fully-functioning pyramid structure] but in the next 12 months we should be looking to get into a position where the season after next we can go forward.

    "There is a will there for it to happen and it would help teams find their true level.

    If they were seen to benefit from a panel decision to chuck Rangers out, then Craig Graham could be accused of having a conflict of interest. By the club making a public statement they will not be applying is eliminating that accusation.

    The way has already been prepared to show Rangers the door.

  5. Bin the succulent lamb its humble pie for Rangers

    Friday 22 June 2012 11:16 am

    Alex Thomson

    So – 4 July. US Independence Day. Ten in the morning. Hampden Park. The Scottish Premier League gathers for easily the most momentous decision in that League's brief history (unless there is a change of plan).

    Which means they'll postpone, evade, sidestep or otherwise duck out of lancing the carbuncle once known as Rangers Football Club.

    Or not.

    Be good to see Alex back and on the case.

    Important that decisions from all clubs, all supporters and the SPL are taken in the full glare of publicity.

    The days of Scottish football being run behind closed doors for the benefit of a few is getting harder to do. The Rangers campaign has been a great starting point, but just a starting point.

  6. Alasdair Lamont @BBCAlLamont

    Lord Hodge orders inquiry into Duff and Phelps appointment as Rangers administrators

    Alasdair Lamont @BBCAlLamont

    Lord Hodge : "I do not want the administration to come to an end without having received that report."

    Alasdair Lamont @BBCAlLamont

    The report demanded by Lord Hodge is expected to be ready in three weeks and a further court hearing is likely to be arranged after that.

    More excellent news. Duff & Duffer will have conformed to all the rules and regulations but are they 'at it'? Lord Hodge thinks so, which makes him one of us. Wonder if he has a P&B id?

    Everyone who has been involved with Rangers since Murray came in has been up to some dodgy deal, and all the saviours who have appeared since are even worse.

    Where do they get them from?:o

  7. Serious point. There has been speculation in the papers today that the if the players turn up for training next week or accept wages (assuming Green can pay them) it may weaken their case for leaving under TUPE. If another couple of club chairmen make their positions clear by early next week I reckon that would start a stampede of players from Ibrox.

    I would hope Fraser Wishart will be there with a lawyer on there own to get written copies of what the Greenco is offering in terms of employment contracts to each player.

    Then take it away and decide. That should take 10 minutes.

    I think next week could be another fun week.

    Can't wait for the 12th July as I assume there will be a purdah on all activity coming from the Rangers family on that day. ;)

  8. Certain SPL chairmen been bullied by their baying fans and try to portray it as "sporting integrity". We'll see what happens. 8)

    Just read what Dundee United said.

    "....therefore, cannot vote the newco into the SPL. General sporting integrity and, more importantly, the integrity of Scottish football must also play a significant part in the decision making process. It is our belief that any form of sporting punishment must be unambiguous in the message it displays."

    Get the idea? It is not about Rangers or the support they can bring, it is about creating a more honest game in Scotland. And we can only do that without a Rangers club run the way it has been in the past, and based on the crooks and shysters who are volunteering to take it 'forward' we say no thanks to them too.

    Away and clean yourselves out and start all over again. And even if Walter appears on a white charger chase him as well. He comes under the damaged goods category.

  9. It's funny to watch the ups and downs of this thread. It usually swings from hilarity, to despair, to resignation, to indignation, to hopelessness, to joy...

    At the moment, I smell anger.

    This is the end game. We are coming close to the vote.

    I am increasing pissed of by the actions and rhetoric of all those associated and involved with any aspect of Rangers, be they old or new co. It's as simple as that. This shit is fucking annoying and needs to stop. These b*****ds need to be ENDED.

    I am sure many feel like this. They are ruining the game for everyone else. Just step aside and accept the inevitable.

    I actually offended. These bigoted, glory hunting, self privelaged orcs are ripping the utter pish out of Scottish football.

    I'm fed up now.


    It was only yesterday we thought we had a slow news day. Talk of sofas, Aberdeen and Aberdeen great sides, even fantasy stuff about Raith v Bayern.

    Then in came the threat of a bid (£11 million, or was it £11 billion?) from McKenna and his equally dodgy mate, the bury Rangers in Bury rubbish, then Mad Vlad said what needed saying, the Arabs have got together as a club (board, supporters and sponsors) and made the right decision. Is the 21st June 2012 going to go down as one of the most significant day in Scottish football. Even Loggoland will be dizzy from all this excitement. :o

    Just like the emporer's new clothes, it took Mad Vlad from the 'football people' to say it out loud first. :lol: What a man. What a legend. :D

  10. Since this saga started, the one constant that has been on show, has been the obvious reluctance of anyone wanting to make a decision that could hurt "The Rangers".

    The SPL have been shown to be the most spineless organisation that has ever been created. One of their members have been shown to have broken several laws, in both football and civil matters, over a long period of time. And yet, up until now, the only thing they-The SPL- have done, is to release a statement saying that they-Rangers-have a case to answer with regards to the EBT's.

    The SFA can also be accused of dragging their feet. Given the fact that they will have been privy to the same information the SPL received, they have done their level best to avoid making any worthwhile decisions.

    Now it looks like they are both trying to get the SFL involved, by mooting this farcical SPL2 plan. The outcome they are hoping for, is one where the Orcs believe that the SFL, and not the SPL and SFA, are to blame for sending the "Newco" down to the bottom of division 3.

    If one thing is to come out of this whole fucking episode, then we must ensure that the people that are left in charge of our football, have the balls to make the tough decisions.

    Good post, agree totally.

    The other ones who have dragged their feet, unable to make any worthwhile decisions have been the Rangers fans themselves. Loads of noise and bluster but nothing relevant to the real world or the situation they are in, and have been for some time.

    It is their childish attitude of 'come and save us' that is so totally pathetic.I know they don't do walking away, but do they do adults?

  11. Just to put the inertia and complete ineffectiveness of the Rangers loyal supporters, who since mid February have managed to achieve the square root of sod all, here is something about FC United.

    FC United fans celebrate after hitting £1.6M Community Shares target

    Supporters of fan-owned, co-operative football club FC United of Manchester are celebrating today after raising over £1.6m from a community share issue to help fund a new football ground and community sports facility in Moston, north Manchester. Reaching the £1.6m target will help the club unlock the grant funding they need to meet the costs of the £4.6m project and enable building to start on the Moston site in the spring.


    The Glazers created this reaction, which is moving continually in positive directions. Why on earth have Rangers been incapable of doing something similar as a reaction to Murray, Whyte and Green?

  12. Well done to the board. This is what co-operation between the fans and custodians of the club looks like.

    Probably going to vote No to Newco although I will have a good read through the material provided by the board before coming to a definite conclusion.

    Wind up merchant!

    'Probably' :huh: ????

    What 'material' do you believe your board can provide you don't already know about from here, the Rangers Tax Case or Paul McConville?

    Or perhaps you depend on Leggoland for your factual insights?

  13. I don't think United fans are being cowards. I think they are being irrational. If they all seem content to walk away and happy to martyr their club or at least risk it's future prosperity then fair enough. I wouldn't want to put Motherwell at more risk because of the sins of Rangers.

    It also lacks a bit of decency. This argument has been framed by those who want Rangers out as having nothing to with money " you can't put a price on Sporting Integrity" so why is withholding money now suddenly relevant? I believe some United fans won't go back but I believe others are holding out to try and strong arm their board. I think the fans arguments would hold more weight and be more convincing if they showed a strong backing for the club.

    Someone else posted that since season ticket sales are up clubs will find it easier to boot out Rangers. I think that argument has a certain amount of truth. If finances are going to get bad clubs need to know they have a strong core support who will stand by the club through thick and thin. If anything united fans are pushing them towards the money men at Sky/ESPN.

    In any negotiation if you have the money in your control, you hold onto it until you get things EXACTLY as you want them to be. Verbal promises and even legal agreements are meaningless. Control of the money is understood by all.

    So good on all season ticket potential buyers. Sit on your hands. Let you club deliver what YOU want. Jim McLean (an Undercover Bear) and his fellow Rangers supporters have been strong armed by Murray and Green. Now complains when the fans try a bit back.

    Loyalty to your club is helping create a club you are proud of, not jumping to short term expedient decisions.

  14. Not sure if this has been referred to already on here. http://www.scotsman.com/sport/football/spl/tom-english-walter-s-agony-what-about-agony-of-the-fans-1-2366077

    English (and Jim Spence) are coming out of this well. Thankfully we have them in the mainstream media as otherwise the non worshiping groups like ourselves would be branded as the nutters.

    If clubs like Brechin or Montrose got into trouble would they attract similar dodgy characters offering to 'save the club'? So is it the money they could make at Rangers, the fame, the ego that enjoys paying for the succulent lamb while the members of the fourth estate salivate on your every word.

    There would be many down sides, but the worst must be to have to mix with the rabid supporters. Who treat you as some sort of God, while knowing their place. They will of course call you Mister McKenna, or Mister Green showing their deference and respect. And then there are the sleaze balls like Dingwall and Sandy Jardine you have to be nice to. And the Rangers equivalents of Willie Miller. :o

    So it has its rewards but there is an enormous cost, not just in the money.

    But based on the calibre, background and previous of those coming forward it is clear taking over Rangers is not for people you would put into the honest or normal category.8)

    So far, none should be touched with a barge pole. Over to you SPL and SFA. :lol:

  15. Few obvious names missing. Maybe once they realised how HMRC were voting they didn't bother showing up.

    Interesting what the HMRC amount is they had to take into account, despite chairman's objection.

    Those who voted to support the CVA.

    Cut out the little ones at £1300 a shot. Why all the same?

    Arsenal Football Club 438982.63

    Brabners Chaffe Street LLP 36,046.00

    Cairn Financial Advisers LLP 4,127.60

    Football Promotions (Scotland) Limited 22300.00 AGENT ALERT. Bill McMurdo

    Kube Networks 8,124.52

    Kickstarl 200 119,600.00 AGENT ALERT. Gary Mackay!! Couldn't happen to a better person :D

    Petroplus Refinery Teesside Limited (In Ad 2,600,00

    Strathclyde Joint Police Board 51,882.00 Board made up of Glasgow Councillors!

    Saffery Champneas 31,254.93

    AS St Etienne 228,230.00

    The Scottish Sports Council t/a Sportscotland 650,000.00

    Footuro AG 82,471.86

    Ticketus LLP 10319722.00 IGNORE

    Ticketus 2 LLP 16,891,949.63 IGNORE

    Newsquest (Herald & Times) Limited 1,500.00

    G4S Secure Solutions (UK) Limited 295,036.24

    Hay McKerron Associates Ltd 5400.00

    Scotrae Production Ltd 12000.00

    Simple Waste Solutions 23,279.06

    Citrus Office Supplies 5,004.00

    Mark Galley 23,000.00

    Big Think Agency 17,445.60

    Ones in bold are publicly funded (from taxpayers) organisations, yet voted to support a company that had cheated taxpayers.:(

    Answers and explanations please.

    The other commercial companies you can make your own mind up about them and their viewpoint.

    Green are part of the "football family."

    Who or what is Mark Galley?

    Surprising the number of organisations on the list which are difficult to find via Google. :o

  16. Stay strong bears, don't give the tarriers the satisfaction of seeing us fight amongst ourselves. crabflute.gif

    I know it is embarrassing to see how dysfunctional the Rangers 'family' is. :o

    Better all the infighting is kept in private.

    Murray No 1 when in charge managed to keep some sort of lid on it. Usually by promising whatever it took to keep the various factions onside.

    Reminds me a bit of Saddam Hussein. Bent the rules I know but he had tribal groups nearly as nasty as the groups in the Rangers family. Especially the Ulster cousins. But by a bit of suppression and bribing his loyal followers with Iraqi EBTs and palaces he managed to keep a lid on things.

    Just like when Murray went, so all hell was let loose when Saddam Hussein was moved out, and again just like Rangers, plenty more still to come.

    Looking forward to years more fun on here. :lol:

  17. I must admit i am not that keen on Dundee replacing Rangers in the SPL

    if they are to be admitted how clean are the Dundee board at present?

    How many directors of that club would pass a fit and proper person test?

    Has that clown McLean been removed from the board room at Dens or is he hanging around like a bad smell?

    Are the Marr brothers still using DFC as a way of shifting cash from their various "business dealings" in Dundee?

    Is Dens Park still a dump?

    Will the fans group be able to finance an SPL team at such short notice?

    It may be easier to adopt the English system where the relegated team stays up when someone higher up the league ladder goes bust than let this corrupt team in the back door of the SPL.

    The Marr Bros acting as shadow directors is the big elephant in the Dundee FC room.

    I wish the profile of Rab Douglas on the Dundee FC website included details of his personal life, his work outside football as a property developer and investor, and details of his professional advisors.:huh:

  18. To be fair, after 1900+ pages we could maybes do with a little light relief. As you say, we'll be back to the meaty stuff before you know it. If we could just get sight of TangoMan's EBT details, and a couple of Sevco investors' names, that would tide us nicely over the weekend.

    I think we may be getting spoilt now - we can see all the brightly-wrapped parcels under the tree, we have a fair idea what's in most of them, but we're not allowed to open them just yet. Oh, and don't forget - every Xmas you get a couple of cracking presents that you REALLY didn't expect.....

    Seems the posters most opposed to the "anniversary" thing follow teams who haven't actually won anything of note. Just sayin', likesay.... I certainly don't mind being reminded of Aberdeen's ECWC win or the Arabs' classic '80s "huge open collar" kit. I was surprised, actually, that 1967 passed (almost) without comment, both European and International.

    What has light relief got to do with it? <_< For once I am with Green here.

    Chris McLaughlin@BBCchrismclaug Charles Green says he wants #SPL clubs to make a business decision when voting on Newco next month. #Rangers

    So forget the sofas, the wonder goals from Raith/Dundee Utd/Eberdeen.

    This is business which means that no quarter should be given to Green and his shenanigans. Anything that gives him a glimmer of hope must be stamped on immediately.

    Anyone that gives them hope whether SFA, SPL, SFL or anyone else, with the possibility of sweeping their disgusting past under the carpet, must be challenged honestly, transparently and openly.

    No quarter asked for, and none given.

    I am sure Green would expect nothing less. ;)

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