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Posts posted by thelegendthatis

  1. Why don't the SFL get Turnbull Hutton and the Clyde guy to do the negotiating with the SPL ? We'd soon see a proper and fair resolution.

    If the clubs don't take the initiative, Doncaster and Regan will be there with loads of MBA type talk, hurling numbers and figures (which don't add up), doom and conflagration. Unless the clubs do it their way.

    Hopefully the clubs will say 'right, give us your proposals on paper'. 'Now you can get out'. 'We are adult enough to make up our own minds, when we have decided we will let you know'.

    Can't see Longmuir having the guts to do this. So I do think the Fife contingent alongside Clyde need to put them in their place right at the start, before they do any more damage.

    In fact the best terminology to use for Regan and Doncaster might be 'Youse 2, on yer bikes'.

  2. Seems there's talk of a pyramid structure, as well as a more 'fair' distribution of wealth also included in these proposals. I doubt the teams in division 3 will support the pyramid...

    HibeeJibee is the walking legend for supporting the pyramid structure, through thick and thin.

    But even he says this is no time to rush it through just because Rangers/Sevco have shit in their own nest.

    Separate it out of what is happening to Sevco, and get it right.

  3. After Frank McAvennie in yesterday's Evening Times blabbering about how Scottish Football needs Rangers oh so bad in the 1st division or the game will die. John Lambie, Alex Neil and George Peat all sing from the same hymn sheet in today's paper. :rolleyes:

    Don't take it too seriously. Buy McAvennie a drink in a club wi burdz around him and you can write what you want.

    If Alex Neil is the MSP I don't believe he would say anything other than bland 'we want strong teams doing well'

    I honestly thought John Lambie had gone to the Big Firhill in the sky. sad.gif

    And as for Peat. How many ways can you spell shifty, untrustworthy, devious? ohmy.gif

  4. Just checked visitor stats on http://honestyinsport.weebly.com/

    3,800 unique visitors the first day, 4,500 plus on day 2.

    With the big day (NO, not the 12th) looming on Friday 13th. I will be suggesting on the site what we can do to get our views across to all the key players.

    Will post something up here and also on http://honestyinsport.weebly.com/ tomorrow afternoon. I am aiming for 3.30pm

    Keep your Thursday evening and Friday morning free! We need you biggrin.gif

    Linked in Twitter account https://twitter.com/ManOnABike2 so will update that also.

  5. Ibrox etc. are only worth what someone will pay for them. If Green was indeed the highest bidder (and no-one seems to be disputing that) then the administrators can't be faulted.

    Yes they can.

    There are many cases where administrators couldn't get a decent price for assets in the company at a particular time, so they hold onto them, get a management team in to run the thing while markets improve etc.

    The Bank of Scotland when a major creditor in a company that went under was well known for taking this approach. The Balmoral Hotel in Edinburgh was one, which was run on their behalf for a good few years and then sold to Forte I think.

    Duff & Duffer were under pressure to sell, all of their own making, with little cutting of costs they artificially created a deadline.

    Hopefully on their heads be it. biggrin.gif.

  6. Whether the settlement is contractual or not will become irrelevant if the clubs don't have the money to pay.

    Other than the fact that the SPL is a company. OK a company with only 12 shares at £1 each.

    They obviously have money put into it by the member clubs and sponsors to pay office rent and pay staff (see where I am going)biggrin.gif)

    So the SFL take them to court for the £2million. I am sure there will something in their articles which says what clubs have to do if there is a shortfall but who cares, it is their problem. So the main thing is If not paid then get them wound up.

    Great if the SFL clubs get the £2million from the ashes, but best of all the staff get made redundant including your friend and mine, Mr Doncaster.laugh.gif Then they create SFL Premier.

    Looks like a treble whammy to me. ,smile.gif

  7. Thomson has been excellent at kicking the cow-tow element of the Scots media up the ar*e, it's something I for one have said before and welcomed. His C4 coverage has also given a UK perspective which was also positive.

    However... he's completely failed to live-up to the reputation he himself fostered, that of "big-gun" who'd break exclusives and uncover conspiracies, which is where digs are fair-game.

    He's covered plenty of angles but he's almost invariably picked-up existing stories, and he's made a few mistakes. Even then I appreciate mistakes will be made sometimes: he should just apologise and retract when it happens like today's happened.

    But Thomson will be essential to have onside as we move beyond Friday's vote.

    There is the SFA to get cleaned out.

    The SPL to be wound up leaving one League body.

    And out of that he will play in apart in creating honest bodies with some transparency.

    We will always have the 'blazers' but there is serious work to be done in shifting a lot of them out the door.

  8. From SFL articles.....DUAL INTERESTS IN CLUBS

    21.1 Except with the prior written consent of the Board, no Member, Associate Member or Official, may at one time either directly or indirectly:-

    21.1.1 hold or seek to acquire beneficial ownership of or deal in the shares or securities of another club; or

    21.1.2 be a member or shareholder of, or lender in any capacity to, more than one club; or

    21.2 Except with the prior written consent of the Board, no person, whether absolutely or as a trustee or nominee for another person and whether alone or with one or more associates may at one time either directly or indirectly:

    21.2.1 hold, seek to acquire or deal in the shares or securities of another club; or

    21.2.2 be a member or shareholder of, or lender in any capacity to, more than one club; or

    21.3 For the purposes of this Rule 21 (Dual Interests in Clubs):-

    "person" includes, without limitation, an individual, partnership, consortium, unincorporated body or association, and any other organisation having legal capacity.

    "club" means a football club in membership or associate membership of the League and any football club in membership of the F.A. Premier League, The Football League, The Scottish Premier League or the Irish Premier League.

    "associate" means:

    21.3.1 if the person is an individual:- a close relative of that individual, including his spouse, civil partner, parents, step or adoptive parents, child, step or adopted children, uncle, aunt,

    nephew or niece, or a child, step or adopted child of such parent, spouse or civil partner or anyone else of close relationship to the individual who, in

    the opinion of the Board, is or is likely to be acting in conjunction with the individual or influenced by him;

    From this, 3 questions.

    1. Does the Airdrie guy get hauled over the coals for holding Rangers shares? (even if they are now worthless and consigned to being used for wallpaper or a 'buy now' entry on ebay)

    2. Does the Berwick guy get the same?

    3. It says here that an "individual" can be a consortium.ohmy.gif Does this mean that Charles Green can talk about his consortium when it is really just him on his own?

  9. Presumably there's a moral conflict of interest, if not a legal one. People don't buy shares in football clubs to make money - I have shares in Falkirk (I admit there is a difference as they're not publicly traded) but it's for sentimentality and a way of giving some more cash to the club. It's therefore not unreasonable to assume that there is quite the likelihood that this director bought shares in Rangers because he's a fan.

    If you have to ask if there is a conflict of interest, then there is one. Should be the basis of any decisions in this area.

    As you say people don't buy shares in a football club to make money. So why did this Berwick director buy them? Not to do with how much or how many, but why?

  10. This is from the Clyde minutes of Doncaster's presentation last week :-

    The consequential impact on the SFL from the presentation was that the SFL would lose its entitlement to circa £2m per annum from the Settlement Agreement put together to compensate the SFL for the SPL breakaway, this was made very clear by Neil Doncaster. He told the clubs that if the SPL didn't have the money then they could not pay the SFL. The reality however, which was clear from the detailed figures, is that the SPL, whilst losing an enormous amount of funding, would have the cash to make payment; it is just that the SPL would not meet the legal obligation to the SFL as the cash would be used to finance the SPL teams.

    OK, so the next question has to be if this is true or was Doncaster basically issuing empty threats to try to get Spivco into Div 1 ?

    If they can't afford it or prefer to spend it elsewhere then sue the bas***ds.

  11. According to the Telegraph article (saying it's source was Eric Drysdale - of Raith) it's outlined in the Annual Settlement that if SPL has less than £6M to hand-out then the Settlement could be reduced.

    SPL obviously want it all ways. Give us the majority of the money and within than the majority to Old but dead Firm. We have an agreement but if we mismanage ourselves so badly we can't pay it, then we don't.

    Market forces usually dictate. When a company can't run itself properly, losing money or is selling crap then the market decides against them and they go down the swanny. Unless you are the SPL.

    The Ratners of Scottish football.

    Gerald Ratner wiped £500 million from the value of Ratners jewellers with one speech in 1991.

    He said: "We also do cut-glass sherry decanters complete with six glasses on a silver-plated tray that your butler can serve you drinks on, all for £4.95. People say, 'How can you sell this for such a low price?' I say, because it's total crap."

    He added that his stores' earrings were "cheaper than an M&S prawn sandwich but probably wouldn't last as long".

    I am sure Doncaster can give us an SPL version. Yes it is total crap and won't last long.mad.gif

  12. Great idea for a site, and very well executed.

    I'm not sure if the picture and quote from Jock Stein is a great idea though - it could give the impression that the site has leanings towards Celtic. I know that sounds pathetic, but it's the world we live in.

    Thanks for comments. Yes I did think about whether Jock Stein was suitable, but hell sometimes you just want to annoy Campbell Ogilvie so he might put his head above the parapet. rolleyes.gif

  13. I am sure you all appreciate how difficult it is to keep up, find out who is threatening to do what (to whom), and cut through the fluff and nonsense we get chucked at us via the mainstream (well Jabba and Chic anyway) media.

    Also one place where I could get an e mail address, and copies of emails that had been sent. Paged back sometime on P&B Big Hoose thread and finally gave up.

    Here is a site created to try to help anyone who want to campaign against the dodgy dealers running Scottish football, and do our best to prevent them having a free run in imposing on Scottish football what we the supporters do NOT want.

    This site is different to P&B which is all about sharing opinions, facts and hopes. This site is to support ACTION.


    Here you can get

    Email addresses, phone numbers

    Copies of emails and letters sent which can be copied or extracted from.

    Links to the helpful sites that keep us informed.

    Reminders of who is suing who, who the police are chasing and other formal actions.

    Details of key dates ahead of us all.

    Friday 13th will come and go, but that will not be the last stage in our campaign to clean up Scottish football. And hopefully we can help flush out the guilty who are more concerned with their own personal agenda than the wishes of the majority.

    This site will be kept up to date as things change and progress is made. It would be helpful if you were to use the 'Give us your suggestions' option to correct any mistakes, and add more relevant information.

    It is all about making it as easy as possible for everyone to state their case to the right people and ask them to do what you want.

    All comments are welcome.

  14. Disagree about the second point, The pyramid structure ensures that clubs finishing at the bottom of the 4 league structure are replaced by new clubs from other leagues.It's not expansion. Ross is advocating protectionism.

    In the longer term the pyramid would be what we need.

    At this stage, all the hot air about pyramids, playoffs, bribes are all deliberate distractions. Attempting to drag us away from the core issues.

    We have a toothless pathetic governing body driven by personal club loyalties. The only decisions they are capable of making is when a cup draw will take place, anything beyond that is beyond their skill set.

    A failed business model in the form of the SPL.

    A national game led by the nose by 2 major clubs, one of which doesn't exist anymore.

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