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Posts posted by thelegendthatis

  1. Actually a resonable statement from Green there , SFL should come out now and place them in SFL3 , games over lets get on with the season. f**k the SPL

    Green said that he was "deeply disappointed" by the 'no' vote.

    He added: "If our application were to be accepted, Rangers will play in whichever division the SFL sees fit and we will move forward from there."

    The first hint from anyone at Sevco or Rangers that is anything less than arrogant, usually with some veiled threat included.

    I suspect Green is beginning to understand the reality of where they are and how little support exists for them, outside their own inbreds.

    It would be nice of the usual apologists such as Jabba, the Rangers 'ambassador', Ally and ex players learn what a slice of humble pie tastes like. biggrin.gif

  2. PFA Scotland Solicitor Margaret Gribbon of Bridge Litigation has today written to all English Premier League and Championship Clubs responding to Charles Green's letter to them dated 29th June 2012.

    "Furthermore it should also be noted that the SFA has confirmed that in the event of there being a dispute over registration the matter will be referred to FIFA. We can confirm that the SFA has today rejected to issue the registration for one of our clients to an English Premier League Club. The Club in question disputes the rejection and will now write to FIFA seeking their intervention. We expect a speedy response from FIFA."

    The SFA are complicit in this, up to their fucking eyeballs, I see. I hope FIFA tear them a new one. Or two.

    Oh Campbell, you are a one. wink.gif

  3. The way ahead.

    We have to take on board the words of Turnbull.

    Hutton said: "There is going to be a bit of pain. But in essence the SPL is like a dead parrot. It's financially unsustainable. So it's hardly up to the First Division to sustain that.

    "There could maybe be a recognition from the top that accepts the SPL is dead, so let's wind it up. It hasn't worked for 14 years, it has been a failure.

    "It's all gone belly-up. Let's start again and I'm sure the SFL would welcome applications from some of the teams who are currently in the SPL to join an organisation based on sporting integrity.

    Get rid of the self serving organisation that is the SPL which has no interest or consideration for anyone or anything that does not allow them to feed off and exploit others. And their charitable trust MUST go with it.

    The SPL was created at a time when money was available to them, they could run themselves badly and still get support from BoS, until 2008 happened. Of course 5 went bust during this time as well. Governance was woeful, with D Murray just the most high profile example.

    Time for Alex Salmond to make the call. Tell the SPL you are not getting any money from us directly or indirectly. We MUST see clubs in Scotland being properly run and it starts with the most outrageous examples, you lot in the SPL.

    Also a call to the SFA to say that Campbell must go NOW, get your articles and regulations sorted between you and the SFL, show leadership and develop teeth where wrongdoing exists or suspected.

    Only if you do that can we include you in any initiatives or funding.

    Just as Bob Diamond got the call and had to jump, now is the time for the Scottish Government to address the fallout of Scotland's shame and tell the guilty to jump.

  4. EU Anti-competitive agreements (Chapter I / Article 101)

    Both UK and EU competition law prohibit agreements, arrangements and concerted business practices which appreciably prevent, restrict or distort competition (or have the intention of so doing) and which affect trade in the UK or the EU respectively.

    Consequences of breach

    Contravention of Chapter I or Article 101 can have serious consequences for a company:

    - firms engaged in activities which breach these provisions can face fines of up to 10% of group global turnover;

    - provisions in agreements which breach Chapter I or Article 101 are void and unenforceable (which may lead to the entire agreement being unenforceable);

    - firms in breach of Article 101 or Chapter I also leave themselves exposed to actions for damages from customers and competitors who can show they have been harmed by the anti-competitive behaviour; and

    - breach of Chapter I can result in individuals being disqualified from being a company director and lead to criminal sanctions.

    I would think the SFA and SPL in particular should be looking closely at this legislation, and in particular the board members need to consider their personal roles.

    (A word of advice guys, get the house in the wife's name asap.)


  5. OK Guys, today and tomorrow are potentially two days which can change Scotlands' football future for the better.

    Don't just sit back and hope your chairmen will do the "right" thing, keep the pressure on them.

    I have emailed my club stating if Newco are anywhere near the SPL or Division 1 next year then I will be asking for a full refund.

    The lies, mis-information, and downright corruption throughout the Scottish game is staggering. And, after this whole sorry saga is over I hope the attention is then turned on our so called guardians of our game at the SFA, SPL etc. Not to mention the disgraceful so called jornalism from the likes of the Daily Record.

    Don't believe the scare tactics, get phoning and emailing today and tell your mates to do the same.

    Lets make it happen.

    Should be interesting meetings of SFL clubs with Doncaster there 'to help'

    This profile is from Bristol Uni web site. No doubt all text (and photograph) provided by Mr Doncaster.

    Neil Doncaster (LLB 1992)Chief Executive, Scottish Premier League


    After graduating from Bristol's School of Law in 1992, Neil passed his LPC examinations at the University of the West of England before joining a large commercial law firm in the region and qualifying as a solicitor. After working on deals involving Bristol City and Bolton Wanderers Football Clubs, he went on to become Company Secretary and in-house solicitor at Norwich City Football Club plc in 1997, before being rapidly promoted, first to Head of Operations and then, in 2001, to Chief Executive. Under his leadership, the club achieved promotion to the Premier League for the 2004–5 season, and in 2007 it was named Championship Family Club of the Year.

    Neil has also been active in football's governing bodies. He was elected onto the board of the Football League in 2006 and became a member of the Football Association Council the same year. In 2008, Neil was appointed to the FA's main board.

    In 2009 Neil stepped down from his roles at Norwich City, the Football League and the FA and became Chief Executive of the Scottish Premier League. In his new role, Neil is focused on improving the league for the benefit of Scotland's premier 12 clubs, increasing attendances across the league and creating commercial partnerships that will drive more money into Scottish football.

    So he is focused on

    1. improving the league for the benefit of Scotland's premier 12 clubs,

    2. increasing attendances across the league and

    3. creating commercial partnerships that will drive more money into Scottish football (well not Scottish Football, what he means is the SPL).

    He will have bonus incentives if he achieves targets in these areas. Who needs bankers when we have the SPL? Looking at these targets and where the SPL will be over the next couple of years, his job must be on a shoogly peg.

    Going to today's meeting his objective will be the above first and foremost. That is after all what he is paid to do. He won't go today to help SFL clubs, only insofar as they can help him personally and the SPL.

    They say don't shit on people on the way up, you might meet them on the way down. http://www.telegraph...FLs-demise.html

    He seems to have 2 main options.

    1. He gets Sevco into the SPL or SFL1. Supporters will revolt which will include non attendance, they will campaign with public bodies and challenge all sponsors about their role and engagement. The supporters will be able to take the moral high ground against a body that is showing few ethics or any honesty. Through public blogs and social media there will be no place for the guilty to hide, and transparency demanded. Also the brand of the SPL he is there to promote becomes tainted if not toxic.

    2. If Sevco go to the bottom, then income will reduce and it will be tougher for him to achieve his targets and his personal bonuses may disappear. (hence the SPL2 nonsense)

    Option 1 is better for him personally but kills the SPL as the campaign to close the SPL, an organisation created for selective greed, will come from all directions.

    Option 2 preserves the SPL but kills his pay packet.

    If any SFL clubs were to collude with option 1, there is no doubt they would be putting their clubs at increased risk. Worse than any shortfall in income and despite any bribes (which will probably be increased today!)

    If Doncaster can't convince the SFL to take the option 1, I can see the SPL board taking a view that it is better to dump Doncaster in the hope he takes the blame with him, as they try to protect themselves.

  6. If that's the best a supposedly fiscally prudent club can manage the baw's burst.

    So 99% of the SPL sponsors have get-out clauses - and may use them, unless the newco club which is as yet unable to take its place in any league, never mind the SPL is allowed straight back in to the SPL. From St Mirren meeting note

    It would be courageous sponsors who held such a gun to the head of the SPL, SFL etc. If true I would be absolutely amazed.

    To end up with the responsibility for taking a proactive role in contaminating Scottish football and the subsequent fall out would have real impact on their own brands. This doesn't appear to be an attractive proposition to any serious business.


    And to think that only last November the negative things Doncaster had to worry about was "illicit chanting" and late payment of player wages have created negative headlines."

    How things have moved on. biggrin.gif

  7. On the deeds thing? I doubt it, on the registrars of Scotland website, there is a pending transfer application for the deeds to all Rangers property (the training ground, ibrox and related buildings) from Rangers Football Club LTD to Sevco Scotland. It's not unusual for actual deeds not to be updated online for a couple of weeks (it's a quasi-government department)

    The Ibrox transfer of deed application is number 12GLA16376 in case you're curious.

    I have emailed stuart.ogg@sportscotland.org.uk Stuart Ogg (Head of Corporate Services) asking what SportScotland is doing to safeguard the public investment already made in Murray Park to ensure the facility cannot be exploited for the financial benefit of any individual or any commercial business.

  8. Maybe has been mentioned before. If so apologies.


    « backall articles »Monday 2nd July 2012

    The Scottish Football League would like to acknowledge and thank all fans who have taken the time to contact us in relation to the current critical issues affecting our game. Many fans have shared with us their concerns and their views on opportunities for the broader game which may arise out of the current issue.

    I can confirm that every piece of communication has been read objectively and sincerely, and that many contributions have been insightful and thought-provoking. We will, however, be unable to respond to each individual piece of correspondence.

    I thank you for your understanding.

    Yours in Sport

    David Longmuir

    SFL Chief Executive

  9. Well that all depends on Sky and whoever wants to replace Clydesdale Bank. We can have a rough stab at SPL's balance sheet:

    SPL income we know:

    * £13M UK TV (was to be £16M next season)

    * £2M naming rights

    + overseas TV, subsidiary sponsor deals, pools (disappearing), SFA/UEFA/FIFA cash (declining)

    SPL expenditure we know

    * "over £17M" to clubs last season (unclear if includes next 2 figures)

    * £1.8M to SFL

    * £375k parachutes

    * ~£500k refs

    + wages, operating costs, etc.

    I tried to calculate the impact but it's a nightmare. If you consult SFL rules then after their running costs (wages, event costs, refs, etc.), some money is split evenly; then some more is graded; then any additional amount is graded more heavily. Threshold for this last amount is based on how much a figure from some years ago has risen on the RPI. Makes it prettymuch incalculable !!

    That depends on the Settlement Agreement's conditions.

    whoever wants to replace Clydesdale Bank

    With an increasingly contaminated brand as the SPL is becoming we might end up with 'Billy's Car Breakers' as the league sponsor.

    Better add to the calculations the income generated by SPL for running community projects. These make profit for the clubs. One SPL club cleared £500k from a youth training programme, which they got other people to deliver. How many got into jobs?

    Government money by the way. Government money = money from us. mad.gif

  10. The cost of having Rangers/Sevco operating as a football club

    We have getting the scare stories of what Scottish football will lose if Rangers/Sevco are either not in the SPL or having to play in Division 3. Never mind them having to take the route that Annan Athletic had imposed on them.

    What has not been included in these calculations is the cost of having Rangers at all. (I will call them Rangers to the annoyance of some).

    The costs are the obvious ones such as the cost of policing described below from Wikipedia.

    The Old Firm rivalry fuels many assaults on Old Firm Derby days, and some deaths in the past have been directly related to the aftermath. An activist group that monitors sectarian activity in Glasgow has reported that on Old Firm weekends, violent attacks increase ninefold over normal level. An increase in domestic abuse can also be attributed to Old Firm fixtures. A freedom of information request found that Strathclyde Police incurred costs of £2.4 million for the seven derbies played during the 2010–11 season, with the clubs only contributing £0.3 million towards that. Other high profile games involving Rangers and Celtic incurred much lower costs.The reason for the disparity in costs and the contribution made is that Strathclyde Police has to increase its activity elsewhere in Glasgow and beyond, while the clubs are only responsible for costs incurred in the vicinity of their stadium.

    There is an established method of calculating for example the cost of a person being unemployed, being in prison, through to robberies and fraud. These are used by Governments in targeting their money and activity.

    We can add other costs.

    1. Travel. Rangers supporters will travel greater distances than other clubs. Just go to any town in Scotland on a Saturday morning and the Rangers buses will be there, as well as individual drivers. Ferries from Northern Ireland etc..And that is just for home games. Can also look at the travelling support to away games.

    Let's work out the costs, and the carbon footprint. (Government likes carbon footprints)

    2. Policing at games as above. Both home AND away.

    3. Policing in local streets as crowds disperse to pubs, travel home and continue their anti social behaviour in their home town.

    Includes murders and this is just one http://www.heraldscotland.com/two-more-arrests-after-old-firm-sectarian-murder-1.911043

    Some good does result but at a price a civilised society should not have to tolerate. http://nilbymouth.org/about/

    The cost of a murder is £1.8 million based on 2009 report.

    4. Policing of public transport, vandalism and anti social behaviour. Note new plans for dealing with drunk/drinking passengers on trains. How often have we read of fighting on the ferry back to NI.

    5. Domestic abuse. Figures were publicising a few months back. The police were making statements to warn potential abusers.

    Also the domestic abuse that is not reported.


    6. The people deterred from going to games because Rangers 'fans' are present.

    7. Hospital costs, picking up the pieces after games. many outpatients depts now have security guards (extra cost).

    I am not saying the issues are exclusive to Rangers. But they are a major contributor. One we now have a chance to deal with in a mature manner that gives us a better Scotland.

    What else should be added to the above list?

    (Now this the boring bit, but really important! Never thought I would be posting details of this on P&B!)

    The Scottish Government has agreed objectives for all bodies it funds. This includes Councils, NHS, Police, Sports bodies (Sportscotland and the SFA) and many more. They each have commited to deliver the 15 targets below.

    For Glasgow Council this is what they are saying they will deliver as part of this agreement. Read just the first few pages and you can see how Rangers in its pomp made these things more difficult to achieve. Therefore more costly.


    Single Outcome Agreement

    1 - We live in a Scotland that is the most attractive place for doing business in Europe

    2 - We realise our full economic potential with more and better employment opportunities for our people

    3 - We are better educated, more skilled and more successful, renowned for our research and innovation

    4 - Our young people are successful learners, confident individuals, effective contributors and responsible citizens

    5 - Our children have the best start in life and are ready to succeed

    6 - We live longer, healthier lives

    7 - We have tackled the significant inequalities in Scottish society

    8 - We have improved the life chances for children, young people and families at risk

    9 - We live our lives safe from crime, disorder and danger

    10 - We live in well-designed,sustainable places where we are able to access the amenities and services we need

    11 - We have strong, resilient and supportive communities where people take responsibility for their own actions and how they affect others

    12 - We value and enjoy our built and natural environment and protect it and enhance it for future generations

    13 - We take pride in a strong, fair and inclusive national identity

    14 - We reduce the local and global impact of our consumption and production

    15 - Our public services are high quality, continually improving, efficient and responsive to local people’s needs

    Rangers disappearing would help the country work towards most of the target outcomes, and reduce public spending.

    What we need is a document which quantifies all the additional costs their existence creates for all of us. This does not even include the taxes they don't pay.

    Then present this to the Scottish Government to encourage them to put conditions on any funding going to football authorities either directly from the Government or through any of the other bodies they fund.

  11. Thought it would be quite interesting to list the terms / phrases that we now know but didn't know before this saga began. I'll start it off:


    Don't do walking away

    In early course

    Rangers in Crisis. (Headline in the Daily Record, AFTER they have gone into administration and being liquidised)

    We need to draw a line under that

    Going forward

    xxxx reveals (Headline of article that reveals nothing other than someone has a point to push)

    Consortium (name for a mythical group whose members have names but they are either secret or don't exist)

    Bomber (generic term for a person who has lost their marbles, slavers incoherently in public)

    We want names

    (When this is all over, does anyone fancy a P&B Bomber party. Dress must be a cheap pinstripe suit from Slaters, white shirt, top 3 buttons undone. Shaven head. We can all shout at each other over a pint.)

  12. One of the old Rangers 'team'.


    Gillespie was once one of Scotland’s richest businessmen and a major Rangers shareholder.

    His friends include Sir Sean Connery, snooker champion Stephen Hendry, football legend Graeme Souness and former Rangers owner Sir David Murray.

    Gillespie owns an equestrian centre and Gillespie Investment Company in Bath Street, Glasgow, where he employs his son Scott and Fraser Souness, son of Graeme Souness.

    He also part-owns Lomond & Trossachs Fuels, who he set up with Sir David Murray’s son Andrew in March.

  13. Why do we need the SPL?

    Maybe this should have a thread all of its own, but what we have seen over the last few months especially is Scottish football abdicating responsibility and shuffling responsibility around from the SPL, SFA, SFL. We are now at the stage where it is unclear who can make a decision on anything.

    I can understand why the SFA exists. But the SPL?

    A body created to maximize income for the member clubs. So those clubs can get a greater share of income than is available to those in lower leagues. And even between themselves 2 clubs had a greater share than the others. With little payback to the development of the sport. A league that has seen 5 (at least) of its members go bust.

    The behaviour of their chief executive and some of the member clubs convinces everyone they want to run to an agenda at odds with what the fans of their teams want, and with what the majority of Scottish football wants, at odds with honesty, transparency and honesty. To the extent they have to offer bribes to others to achieve what they want.

    The SPL grew out of the ashes of a poor SFA with people like Jim Farry at the helm, great administrator perhaps but no commercial nous.

    Is it not time to say that the SPL was a good idea at the time, but it has failed? At a business level, at a football level, and at an honesty level. After all Rangers was a leading member.

    Have one body the SFL that has responsibility for ALL divisions.

    I am sure that can be incorporated into the reorganisation plan being forced upon us.

  14. Where can I find the Turnball Hutton BBC stuff, on the BBC site I clicked Sportsound for yesterday and got the bloody Beechgrove potting shed!

    Go through to the question in the Beechgrove potting shed about weeds which have taken over everybody's gardens, weeds which been killing off their plants over a number of years. These weeds are dangerous and although they may look ok on the surface, they contaminate your soil. Make it toxic.

    The advice is that there is no point in just pulling off their heads or being gentle with them. You need to pull them up by the roots, treat with loads of chemicals so they don't come back again. It will take some time but eventually you will have a garden to be proud of where all types of plants will grow strongly.

    Just pulling up a few is no good as they will quickly take over again. mad.gif

    So you might have to forget about your blooms this season, but it will be worth it when your garden flourishing next year. biggrin.gif

    Hope this helps. Back to football now. wink.gif

  15. Neither does it mean we will vote Yes .. pretty basic stuff and clubs can publicly state what they want to the cows come home (appeasing their fans). What matters is the vote on the day so all the slavering about what Celtic should, would or could do is utter shite giving your own club's silence in February.

    Why the f**k should Celtic have to speak out now?

    Save your slevering pish until the vote is cast eh!!

    Unless your club came out in February and took a stance .. your only a hypocrite when you demand Celtic make a statement now!!

    The standard of behaviour and language on this thread generally respects the views of others, even if you don't agree with them.

    I would suggest that if you could do the same we would all end up with more productive discussions rather than arguments.

    Over to you. biggrin.gif

  16. Irrelevant since the statement they replied to was whether or not they needed them and the answer was clear .. Celtic do not need them

    Again I'll ask the point you all seem to body swerve, since Alex Salmond stated "the whole of Scottish football needed them to survive" where were the other clubs then?

    I am not taking any sides on Celtic or anyone else.

    My point is to not to read into carefully crafted statements anything more than what is stated.

    All Celtic said was they did not need Rangers. Which is merely a statement of fact from a plc basis. Anything other than that could prejudice their share price etc.

    Whether Celtic want them is a totally different question.

  17. The statement is still valid and holds sway; oh yes the game has moved on, forcing the other clubs to reveal their hands .. my point exactly.

    (3 months plus later before the others clubs start deciding what public statements they would like to release because their fans DEMAND it)

    1. Celtic made their position clear in February that they do not need Rangers

    2. Other SPL clubs wait until their fans are ranting about returning their season tickets before issuing a statement.

    Speaks volumes.

    1. Celtic made their position clear in February that they do not need Rangers

    Might not need them, but do they want them? wink.gif

  18. He told us to "trust me on that one." That's a bit like putting FACT at the end of a sentence.

    I believe in Craig Burley.

    Also, I don't think for a second Craig Burley wrote that. He might have said it, but he didn't write it.

    From "Craig's" article

    "Kyle Lafferty has signed for FC Sion in Switzerland. That is a good league and there's every chance he will get found out "

    there is more to the sentence but it just detracts from the main message.

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