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Francesc Fabregas

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Everything posted by Francesc Fabregas

  1. Have you seen that episode of Curb Your Enthusiasm from the first series where Larry and Richard Curtis (his mullet-haired mate, I think) help a blind guy shift furniture around his new flat? "Are you questioning my sense of space, Larry?"
  2. Bonesucking Ladyboy (Brian McNulty Show original version) - Beef and the Bear
  3. He was excellent last night! I would never have normally have gone to a gig unless either I was a fan of the band or it was one of my mate's bands that was playing, but I had a listen to him on MySpace beforehand and he's superb. Penny on the Train, On My Way and Falling come hghligy recommended.
  4. I'm going to see Ben Kweller tonight at the QMU. I'd never heard any of his stuff until just now - he's pretty good.
  5. Borat - 10/10 Easily the funniest film I've ever seen. My face was sore from laughing at it. There's so many funny moments, but the undoubtable highlight is when Borat and his producer get into the naked fight. Genius, genius, genius.
  6. I only read the first two chapters, so I'm not sure if that counts, but I would recommend "Manhattan Transfer" by John Dos Passos. Set in the bustling metropolis of NYC it follws the lives or some very different characters. If you liked "Ulysses", you'll love this.
  7. Chin up, son! Two days until the football! I'm quite looking forward to it now. First time I've felt like this is ages.
  8. Fear(re) - Lambchop One of the greatest bands that no one's ever heard of.
  9. Pictures of You - The Cure Possibly the best pop band of all time?
  10. Casino (Live) - Marlow B) The live recording isn't too great - NYC sounds awful. Gone Too Far and Casino came out the best.
  11. I don't have one, I thought I could feel that old tingle in my face, but it's a false alarm. I am as germ-free and as handsome as ever.
  12. Bloc Party, 20th of Febuary at Edinburgh's Corn Exchange
  13. If you "laughed a lot" at the film, why would it merit a lowly 0/10 score?
  14. Remember, Marlow are playing there on Friday!
  15. November - Marlow Goodness, my band is good, eh?
  16. I don't believe you one bit. Come on Fudge, don't pretend to be Hazel here, and tell us what actually happened with the ball!
  17. Hey, we've all done that! (Or worse, fired the thing of the bloody table )
  18. Can't go to Blitzhoney (lack of interest/funds from other people), but I had a walk down Kelvinbridge today and the place looks class. We've been offered a gig there, and it turns out we can make it, so fingers crossed they'll let us play there a month from now........
  19. The guy from Eskimo said he's post us 20 tickets for the gig - we haven't recieved them. I said we wont shift that many, as we're from Falkirk. He said you get more money that way. To be honest, I don't care about the money, just as long as you're there
  20. Yeah, no problem, it just means we get less money from it
  21. Yeah man, and don't you worry, I've got Stan on my "people to talk to list". He is indeed a "legend" in these parts
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